Rebecca Lupin and The Escape...

By RachieK97

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Rebecca Lupin is quite an outgoing girl who is about to attend a magical school most muggles have heard of. S... More

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

54 1 0
By RachieK97

Hi again guys this chapter is dedicated to NoxCastle because I just read her poem called Proud To Be a Potterhead, which I thought was great so have a look when you can and enjoy the chapter and please vote if you like it!


Chapter 19Truth or Dare

"Right so what lesson have we got next?" Ethan asked. we all worried about thorn, the event haunted us so much we never seemed to have much sleep at all even though Dumbledore told us that we shoudln't worry ourselves but we hopelessly couldn't help it.

"We have quidditch!" Rose said excitedly because that was her favourite lesson since her Albus got in the gryffindor quidditch team. Ethan sighed he couldn't play quidditch that well but enjoyed comintating but midtown and him always argued about who was saying what and when. I thought quidditch was ok but I wasn't that good either but I am determined to get better. It is fun and cool to do but also scary, terrifing and violent."Did you know I scored 2 hoops today in quidditch!" Rose boasted later that day over lunch.

" I know," Ethan moaned eating his lunch slitely misable the thought of a girl beating him at a game that was oridgnally for boys.

"Do you think I'm getting any better, at quidditch?" Surname asked swallowing his food and looking quizical at Rose with hopeful eyes staring.

"Well ermm..." Rose started trying to think as positive as possible on that point.

"Actually don't answer that." Ethan interrupted returning to his lunch looking a bit insulted.

We all giggled at him buy he just looked form and tried not to smirk.

"Right so I think I have a idea!" Rose Said.

"Ok go on then spill the beans." Ethan replied.

"So you know we can't sleep well I thought we could play some games or go somewhere when everyones asleep!" Rose suggested.

"You rebel!" Ethan said.

"Oh I don't know with thorn on the loose, its not even safe in walking round school anymore" Albus said wisely.

"True but I'm bored your bored so why not we Xmas stay in the common room if it makes you safe." Rose said.

"Fine whatever!" I said sighing.

"Grumps!" Albus tuttered.

"Shut up!" I replied.

"Well that's settled then!" Rose said.

I do admit to you I wasn't exactly looking forward to whatever Rose had planned for us but I decided to go with it for no reason.

But when it came the time we planned to meet Rose had to drag me to the common room.

"So what we're going to do!" Albus asked clueless.

"Well we could play 21truth or dares!" Rose suggested shrugging then grinning she thought it was a great idea but I on the other had thought the complete opposite.

"Oh ok2" Albus agreed.

"Yeah count me in, sounds good!" Ethan said I just frowned at the lot of them.

"Oh no, no I don't trust you!" I said shaking my head as I thought of Tue dares and truths I knew Rose would say.

"Oh come on Becky it will be fun!" Rose wined trying to persuade me but I am stubborn and ussually stand my ground.

"No I'm not playing and please don't call me Becky!" I confirmed crossing my arms and leaning back.

"I'm but sorts like a 'cool' way of making us do things we don't want to do!" I explained.

"I don't know what you're on about!" Rose said.

"Oh no don't play innocent with le sweety." I said.

"Anyway its not just all about you!" Rose said.

"So." I said.

"Spoil sport!" Ethan grunted.

I just mimicked him.

"Fine I"ll have your go for you but I'm telling you your playing!" Rose said, I just rolled my eyes there was no way out of this one she just couldn't take no for an answer. I moaned as she grinned raising her eye brows as I frowned and screwed up my face.

Rebecca- 1,2,3








I then frowned and stuck my tongue childishly end frustated.

"How dare you!" I yelled.

"Quiet down you will wake everyone else up!" Ethan said. I hit Albus on the arm has he smirked.

"I just did!" He replied.

"Damn it, right ok dare!" I said hitting my lip.

"Right then miss Lupin we need to think of a dare for you!" Rose said rubbing her hands together with a devilish grin plastered on her face. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why did I agree to play this game oh wait a minute I didn't agree to play this game.

"Arrhh I have one you'll hate!!" Rose said.

"Go on then!" Ethan egged on while I held my breathe.

"Snog Albus!" Rose said grinning Rose looked proud has punch but I couldn't shut my mouth she had shocked me this time we were history she had crossed the line and I was fuming of course I was how dare her choose that stupid dare.

"Rose Jane Weasley what planet are you on!" Albus said frustrated.

"whats your problem!" She said still grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You better be joking because I'm not doing your dare!" I said and I was planning to stick to that statement if it was a dare or not.

"It's a dare you have to do it!" Rose said.

"Oh no she doesn't!" Albus said.

"Calm down people how about the dare is just for you love birds just to kiss!" Ethan suggested.

"We're not love birds!" I corrected him.

"Whatever still take it or leave it!" Ethan said.

"Fine!" I said biting my lip. I went over to him and quickly pecked a kiss on his lips, his eyes fluttered close. It happened so quick but in my head it had gone so slow I can't believe it why was I so bothered I liked him he liked me we had kissed before but it was the pressure in front of my friends, sad back in my seat thinking and feeling myself turning Scarlett why do I always go red when I'm embarrassed. Don't worry though I got my revenge she kissed Ethan and I measured I laughed to make up for what she had planned for me. Also Albus had a truth that he had to tell something about each of us that annoyed him Rose' was that she thinks she knows everything the look on her face was priceless, he said Ethan said and thinks everything is funny and he said that I'm should be more confident and I agreed about that I should be more positive about myself too but I can't help it. Rose had to tell us what her most embarrassing moment which was when I blabbed about her liking Ethan oopps thats my doing lol. And funny enough Ethan had to kiss Rose yes we didn't let it go.

we spend all night talking and playing truth or dare unitl we ran out of ideas. But in the morning we highly regretted it because we felt hammered, worn out and a zombie.

That night led to a bad tiring day. In quidditch Rose didn't score any goals and Albus didn't catch the snitch. Ethan fell asleep in History of Magic making Professor  Binns shout. And I couldn't do anything in Defence against the dark arts because I couldn't concentrate mainly because I had a Banging headache.

"I'll tell you what Rebbecca I'll sleep tonight!" Rose said later that day actually it was just after tea.

"Yeah I guess!" I said back I didn't really agree especially with my track record of not being able to go to sleep.

So when It came to going to sleep I tossed and turned on my back on my front left and right but I wasn't comfy. I was slightly scared oh forget that I was petrified. After a couple of hours I did go to sleep. I happy for just a couple of minutes. But then I woke up and for some reason I went to a dark scary forest it was raining heavily I was drenched. I was confused and was very paranoid and looking around. My heart beat fast. It wouldn't stop but | was anxious it was going to for some reason then I realised someone was following me. I knew who of course I did it was my worst nightmare. I legged it away from her but she got faster too. I couldn't stop I made myself keep going I could run from her but in the end I knew she was going ti catch up with me, i was a little child and she was a evil villain a death eater it was thorn. Eventually I reached a river and my first instinct was to swim so I did I was drenched as it was but I couldn't stop now. The water was freezing. I was frozen to the bone I started crying I couldn't stop. My vision blurred but I still swam I swam for my life. I still lived but barely just. It was dark and a cloudy night but I just about saw a moon it was still there right up in the sky silent and glowing it was watching over me like it was praying for me to be alright. It was a full moon then I heard a howl iit startled me. My heart nearly stopped looked behind me she was still there and surprisingly swimming too it was thorn she had a long black dress on she looked hungry and eager she was going to catch me this was it. I started to sweat. The howl went again and I stopped swimming I think I have a more scary villain. Then a werewolf appeared  in front of me heading towards me. It came up to me and stopped beside me. What was I to loose? What was it doing. I leaped on it's back, why did I do this? Well I don't know but the wolf swam faster and faster like a jet ski taking me away from thorn I was going to be alright. But then the wolf started to drown he stopped swimming and I was going down with him. And if that wasn't bad enough Thorn had just court up. She put her hands firmly round my neck.

"You see little girl you can't run away from me!" She snarled. She had pulled me out the water but she was straggling me to death. I could hardly breathe.

I had nothing else to do anymore I was exhausted so I just stood there hanging by her hand staring into her evil eyes.


Cliffhanger but the question now is what will happen? read on and find out and I will post  A.S.A.P.

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