chapter 4

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Hi Guys sorry if the last chapter was a bit too long but I had to get everything sorted with who's in what house and who's sharing a dormitory with who but now they have started lesson's and it's not going to be playing sailing when the teacher's get loud and angry but enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think. This chapter is dedicated to Pixieblue because I have just started reading her book Hogwart Tales Kissed by a Rose it's good book so far and if anyone likes hp fanfics they will like this one. Thanks and enjoy...


Chapter 4 the Crabby Teacher

When I woke up it was quite early in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep even though I was very tired from reading until the early hours of the morning. So I went downstairs to the common room with my dressing grown on and whiskers in my arms. I curled up on the sofa and stroked my cat silently and thinking what my first day with lessons at Hogwarts will be like, until Albus came down in his dress robes.

“I think you should get changed into your robes soon before breakfast.” Albus said sitting down.

“I will I just came here because I couldn’t get back to sleep.” I replied poor little Whiskers had nearly fell asleep curled up on my knee bless her.

“Did you sleep ok?” Albus asked.

“I did thank you did you?” I replied yawning.

“Ok a part from having another nightmare but this time it was about Thorn the death eater. I kept on thinking but what if she comes to get us.” He replied looking worried.

“Listen Albus if you ever can’t sleep and don’t know what to do, or if you have another nightmare just send me a letter and I’ll meet you here and the dementors are trying to find her and without a doubt will do soon.” I said trying to comfort him and make sure he knew I cared about him and wanted to help him in any way I could when he had a nightmare.

“Thanks Rebecca but you don’t have to!” He replied thankfully.

“I feel like I need to help you in your hour of need. That’s just a saying it means I will try and help you in any way at any time about them nightmares. Also your problems are my problems now we’re friends and somehow we will conquer them eventually, together!” I replied trying to smile.

“Anyway, I better got dressed into my robes before breakfast; I’ll be back down in a minute.” I said getting ready to get up and leave.

“Ok see you in a minute.” He replied.

“Say goodbye to Albus whiskers!” I said getting whiskers’ paw and waving it in the air gently Albus laughed and with that I went to get dressed.

When I came back down he was talking to Rose, Molly and his roommate Ethan.

“Good morning!" I said sitting down next to Rose they all said hi back and started talking about school.

“I think I’ll go and wake up the others before breakfast!” Molly said getting up and getting ready to leave.

“Ok see you soon!” We all called back.

“Try not to wake my cousin Mistie up she is much quieter asleep, apart from the snoring,” I joked smiling. Molly smiled back.

“I wish I could but then she would moan at me later!” Molly replied smiling.

“I could live with that,” Replied Rose smiling.

And with that Molly left the room and me, Rose, Albus, and Ethan went to have breakfast in the great hall. All Albus’ roommates were already in the great hall and Scorpious came over to greet us.

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