Chapter 11

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Hello guys hope you enjoy the next chapter and this chapter is for Emilie_1D shes got a book out called One Wild Holiday (Unione J Fanfic), I read some of it because my cousin loves union j and I thought it was funny and brillant so please check that out. Please vote comment and enjoy...


Chapter 11 the Christmas Ball

Everyone was so excited for the Christmas ball and for this acception Professor McGonagall let us go to Hogs Mead Village to get Christmas presents and clothes and jewellery and stuff. So off we went to the Village on a train we all was so excited.

"So what do want to wear?" Rose asked.

"I don't know really I'll after see when we get there!" I replied.

"Can you do my hair?" Rose asked.

"Yeah sure and can you do my make up?" I said.

"Yeah!" She said before she was rudely interrupted by two stupid kids.

"Oh can you do my hair?" Ethan Mocked.

"Oh and can you do my nails?" Albus said joining in.

"Nails that's an idea!" Rose said pointing her finger at me excitedly.

"Oi, you two stop behaving like kids things like this are important to girls you know." I replied grinning.

"We know and have to put up with!" Ethan replied.

"We are kids!" Albus Confirmed.

"Fine you know what I mean babies!" I said.

"You do know that babies can't talk!" Ethan teased.

"Ok enough you veil children!" Rose said slapping her arms from above her head to down on the seat closing her eyes we all were giving her a head actually I think we all were giving each other a headache.

When we got there we went round lots of shops buying our friends secret presents, of sweats and more before the boys went to buy a suit and me and Rose went to buy a dress for tonight. You know how it is when you want to find the right dress and you can't well this is one of those times me, Rose, Mistie and Molly tried on so many dresses we lost count. Molly got a ruby coloured dress and a flower for her hair. Rose got a lilac coloured dress with a bow. Mistie had a light Sapphire blue dress with a fancy headband. And finally I got a lovely dark glittery pink dress with a little tiara. So now I'm really excited I can't wait.

Later that day we went back to Hogwarts for dinner.

"Someone has spotted her not far from here!" Rose shouted.

"Oh no this isn't happening we're doomed I'm going!" Ethan Panicked as Rose dragged him back in his seat. Everyone looked at us as if we were crazy we looked like we had seen a ghost.

"So what if someone has spotted her and that it was near here that doesn't mean she will come after us!" I said trying to calm us all down no one knew who we were on about.

"Someone spotted her why didn't they catch her and flung her back into Azkaban where she belongs!" Albus shouted.

"Calm down you lot everyone thinks we're mad!" I said.

"That's the least of our problems with a killer on the loose!" Ethan said.

"She hasn't killed anyone!" Rose said.

"Well she will have after she has killed us!" Ethan said.

"It won't come to that!" I said.

"I wish I was as sure!" Albus said.

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