A Rivalry of love

By CoveJL

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Brendan is moving to Littleroot in the Hoenn region from the Johto region his goals to become the champion th... More

Chapter 1 Unfriendly Welcome
Chapter 2 Britney And Liam
Chapter 3 Wally
Chapter 4 A Brawl With Brawly
Chapter 5 Contest Spectacular
Chapter 6 Meteor Falls
Chapter 7 Mt Chimney
Chapter 8 Sick
Chapter 10 Mega Evolution
Chapter 11 Winona
Chapter 12 Disguise
Chapter 13 Tate And Liza
Chapter 14 Drowned
Chapter 15 End Of The World
Chapter 16 Hypnosis
Chapter 17 Memories
Chapter 18 Finally Finished
Chapter 19 The End!?
Chapter 20 Deoxys
Chapter 21 The Brendan Quest
Chapter 22 Who... Am I?

Chapter 9 Weather Institute

88 2 0
By CoveJL

"People dressed in outfits that makes them look like they're pirates have invaded the weather institute if anyone can please save it" I let out a sigh of relief "team Aqua we have to go" May says "yeah Lisia you wanna come?" I ask "I don't know I feel like I'd just be a nuisance" she says "hey your Altaria is pretty strong so I'm sure you can help" I try to convince her "I know nothing about battles"

"I know nothing about contest but I still did one so come on"

"okay I will" she follows me and May to the weather institute there's a team aqua grunt guarding the front door "I got this HEY I SAW A SUICUNE AT FORTREE CITY" I shout "there's no way that a legendary Pokémon from Johto would be here" I snap my finger "dang it that worked last time you got any ideas?" I ask "no can't think of anything" May says "how do we get him out of the doorway?" I ask "watch this it works every time" Lisia says I look through the grass "hey get out of here girl" the grunt says "what's a strong trainer like you doing at a place like this"

"well I don't like to toot my own horn but I'm the one-hundred fifty-seventh strongest grunt out of one-hundred sixty-eight"

"wow that's really cool how about we go and grab something at Mauville?"

"Well I'm supposed to be on duty but how could I not" as they walk into the first patch of grass I can't see what happens but all I can hear is the aqua grunt grunting in pain I assume "you guys can come here now" we walk over "if there's one thing it that guys love to gloat about anything they can" May looks at me "oh really you don't say"

"I'm kinda uncomfortable"

"oh sorry Brendan I meant if there's one thing I know it's that people who act like they're better then people love to gloat about anything anyways look what I found" she pulls out two team aqua outfits "sorry but I must be going I have to make an appearance at Lilycove city goodbye"

"hey no problem thanks for well you know"

"eh you're good friends consider that me returning the favour for taking part in a contest spectacular"

"well goodbye"

"bye" she flies off I pick up one of the outfits and hand one of them to May "Brendan could you like walk out cause I have to you know?" She asks "oh yeah sorry" I walk out take of my jacket and hat then put the rest of it on over my clothes I walk into the grass "hey you done?" I ask with my hands covering my eyes "ah Brendan" she pushes me away I fall to the ground and my hand uncovers my eyes I won't talk about what happened but I went full red "I uh I I don't" I can't even speak correctly "STOP LOOKING!" she shouts at me "right" I run out and wait for her she walks out "sorry May I wasn't thinking" I'm not looking at her "yeah it's fine I get it you just wanted to stop them and get out before that guy wakes up"

"okay do you think I look convincing?"

"Yeah you look like a grunt what about me"

"I'm sure you l-" I turn around to see her in the same outfit as me but with a really short and tight top exposing her stomach I blush wildly "I I uh wow you look wow that outfit it really wow" my brain is currently malfunctioning "I think it'll convince them but I don't look good the top's to tight it shows off this and it doesn't look good" I still can't speak well when the gift of english comes back to me "hey don't say that you look great" I then realize what I say and go back to blushing "aww thanks Brendan you look great to" my entire brain is just out the window at this point "hey Bren you okay?" She asks I fall on my back "eehhhh" I say blushing "hehe come on snap out of it" she says giving me a little shake I return to reality "ah I'm back" I say shaking my head "let's get in there" I say jumping up "okay" we walk in when something else happens "hey I'm back where's Jared?" I recognize that voice "May that's Liam try to look like you're busy" I whisper we pretend to be busy when I feel something "hey you what happened to Jared?" He asks me "n-n-no idea" I say looking away "HEY! Face your elite members when talking to them grunt" he says to me I still don't turn around "eep" I hear May say "wait a minute I feel like I've heard that voice what's your name?" He asks me and May I have to think of a name I don't turn around "Bre- uh I mean Nate" I say "and she's M- uh Faith" I wink at May she winks back when I'm pulled up to standing "I'm sorry sir could you let us get back to work we're using that computer" I say "both of you?"


"so you're trying to tell me that you two who are obviously teenagers are a part of team aqua and you're both using that computer that's not even logged in"

"no and yes we're not teenagers we're just really young looking eighteen year old's"

"do you take me for an idiot"

"so who are we then?"

"You're the two brats who keep messing up me and Britney's plans so... TAKE OFF THOSE DISGUISES" I turn around he grabs May's top I pull his arm down "look man yes we're wearing disguises but I don't think she's wearing anything under that unlike me" I defend her "May" I reach into my bag "yeah" I put my hat on her head "pull it over your face" I instruct her she does it "I might not be able to help you here after this but it's necessary" I say as all the grunts approach me "Brendan what are you doing?" May asks "I have the spores from the move spore in this bottle and I'm going to throw it"

"why protect me?"

"I have my reasons now if you have to grab my Pokémon"

"Brendan" I throw the bottle and try to cover but I fall down into a deep sleep

May's POV
"Brendan" I hear glass break I walk towards the stairs and pull the hat up "Brendan I'll stop them for you" I say running up the stairs "well grunt what have you come here for?" A woman with long black hair with some blue in it blue eyes dressed in a very slim outfit with goggles on her forehead but I can tell that she didn't dye her hair they're extensions I pull the bandanna off and put my bow back in my hair and strap my fanny pack around my waist "I ain't a grunt I'm May Birch me being a grunt is as real as the dye you used in your hair" she seems mad "so you're May Birch you and your little boyfriend keep messing up our plans and now we'll mess up you Sharpedo" she sends out a large shark Pokémon "now you idiots send stuff out" about ten grunts send out Pokémon "eleven Pokémon! You gotta be kidding me okay uh what would Brendan do he would uh Pidgeotto" all my Pokémon go down and all of them still have their Pokémon out "now" them and all their Mightyena surround me "Marshtomp" I curl up in a ball knowing that Marshtomp won't win on it's own when "SWAMPERT" I hear a Pokémon cry out "huh wait Marshtomp you evolved" all of the grunts and there Pokémon have backed off "yeah now Swampert surf" all the Mightyena faint "good job hold them off I'll be one sec" I run down and grab one of Brendan's Pokémon "Blaziken" I send it out "so what now Swampert bulldoze Blaziken low sweep" I take out the Sharpedo "grr retreat everyone get out" they all run off there's some people there "thank you for saving us but we must get going here a Pokémon for your efforts the Weather Pokémon Castform" they hand me the Pokéball "thanks" they run off to who knows where I go down stairs "huh Brendan's still asleep wait what's that?" I ask seeing something in his pocket I put some of it on my finger and sit down next to him I check it when I sneeze "ah ah ah CHOO" all the powder scatters everywhere "*yawn* so tired that must've been the spore Brendan was talking abou-" I fall asleep on his lap

Brendan's POV
"*yawn* must've inhaled the sp-" I notice May asleep on my lap and blush wildly "she must've inhaled some after beating team Aqua" I lay my bag on the floor and gently nudge May's head onto the bag I take my jacket off and lay down on it I grab my hat out of her hand and put it back on I hear a yawn "good morning sleepy head" I say playfully "I had to use your Blaziken sorry here" she hands me a Pokéball "nah it's fine so anything of interest happen?" I ask "actually yes" she sends out a large blue Pokémon "my Marshtomp evolved into a Swampert" she says "yeah!" I say excited when we get out May gets back into her normal clothes we walk to Fortree when some guy with golden hair green eyes wearing a green button up shirt and blue sweat pants walks up to us "hello miss" he says "hi"

"how about ya drop this loser and come with me?"

"I uh-"

"loser who you calling a loser?"

"Look at you I mean come on white hair"

"it's a hat genius" I take it off "it's still ugly"

"look you're talking to the future champion and the son of Norman"

"yeah whatever"

"this hat was a gift and I'm not taking it off" he walks to May and is about to grab her in an... Area May trips him up "atta girl!" I cheer excitedly she says we walk towards the gym "come on May" I say "ow!" I say bumping into something "what the heck May check this out" she comes down "weird there's some sort of invisible wall" we climb back up the ladder "how about we check out route 120?" I suggest "okay" we walk there when we see something

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