"Unexpected" // Jeff The Kill...

By JJlbvo

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Chapter 1: The new kids.
Chapter 2: Making friends..
Chapter 3: Bloody converse..
Chapter 4: Odd.
Chapter 5: The party
Chapter 6: The new Jeff...
Chapter 7: Questioning.
Part 8: It cant be..
Chapter 9: Toby Rogers
Chapter 10: It happened again..
Chapter 11: The masked man.
Chapter 12: Recruitment.
Chapter 13: We meet again..
Chapter 14: Ben drowned.
Chapter 15: Meeting everyone.
Chapter 16: This bitch..
Chapter 17: Nolans abilities
Chapter 18: The rake
Chapter 19: "Not really."
Chapter 20: Is this part of training?
Chapter 21: Red eyes
Chapter 23: Natalia
Chapter 24: I hate you.
Chapter 25: He'll be gone soon.
Chapter 26: Is he really angry?
Chapter 27: Mission gone wrong
Chapter 28: The Chase
Chapter 29: A tragic backstory.
Chapter 30: Another episode
Chapter 31: Sally
Chapter 32: Extra company
Chapter 33: "Man down!"
Chapter 34: Involuntary cliff diving
Chapter 34.5
Chapter 35: Lizzy
Chapter 36: jane
Chapter 37: Weed
Chapter 38: virgin
Chapter 39: we don't talk about it
chapter 40: no more y/n
Chapter 41: failed plans
Chapter 42: i luv u
Chapter 43: party city

Chapter 22: Thats a suprise..

46 0 0
By JJlbvo

(Third person)

Y/n took out her knife and swung it at Jeff's throat. He caught her hand in mid air. He gave her a bored expression. Her eyes widened. He let go of her hand and started walking deeper into the forest. Y/n followed him, as she didn't know which way lead back to the mansion.

Soon, Jeff turned to y/n. "Do you even know where I'm going?" He asked. "No, but I'm coming with you!" Y/n said, smiling. Jeff scoffed and kept walking. Y/n kept walking behind him, and soon, they exited the forest. "Wait, where are you going?" Y/n asked. "A mission?" Jeff said. "Oh." Y/n said. Since she was even further from the mansion. Jeff walked down the sidewalk of a familiar neighborhood. Y/n then remembered this was the toby's old neighborhood. Jeff walked to a little pastel yellow house. "Who lives here?" Y/n asked. "Someone." Jeff said. He's acting oddly cold. Y/n stayed quiet, as Jeff opened the screen door to the porch.

Jeff was about to reach for the doorknob, when y/n grabbed his hand. "Don't you need gloves?" She asked. "I burnt my fingerprints off." Jeff said. Y/n's eyes widened. "O-oh. Ok." She said. Jeff opened the door. The house was very creepy looking. Jeff and y/n walked inside the house to see a woman, about 40 sleeping on the couch. She had newspapers and old cigarettes around her. Y/n picked up some of the news papers. 'They go by Creepypasta?' Was one of the headlines. Was she investigating this stuff? Jeff took a knife, raised it up, "go to sleep." He said. Y/n heard the knife plunge into something, and assumed the woman was dead. She kept reading the newspaper, until she heard someone speak. It wasn't Jeff. Y/n quickly turned around to see Jeff on the floor, with a knife in his chest. He was bleeding and the woman was wide eyed and smiling, with blood on her nightgown. Y/n didn't know how to react, the woman was obviously skilled. Instead, she stayed hidden, hoping that Jeff wouldn't bleed out. "They killed her son." Nolan said. Y/n couldn't speak. She just stood there, looking at Jeff on the floor. Not moving. With a knife in his chest.

The woman looked straight at Y/n, who was looking behind a corner. "Are you h-his accomplice?" The woman said. Y/n didn't respond, but now that the woman had seen her, She could attack. She decided to take a tame approach, by running at the woman with a knife. The woman dodged the knife quickly. "Y/n your not going to kill her. Let me." Nolan said. Y/n did feel bad for the woman. "Make it painless." Y/n said. The woman looked confused. Y/n closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes were completely red. The woman charged at her, Nolan grabbed her knife with ease. He took the knife and stabbed her in between the eyes. The woman fell backwards. Nolan then closed his eyes. Y/n took over again. She didn't even bother to look at the woman, she went straight to Jeff, who was breathing very slowly. "Jeff!" She yelled. "God dammit!" She added. She put him on her back and began running towards the forest, she knew she was running in the direction of the mansion, but not exactly where it was.

Just then, she noticed a presence beside her, she turned her head to see Ben. "I would have come sooner, but we had a new recruit." Ben said. "What the hell happened?!" Ben asked. "He got stabbed! Are you blind?!" Y/n asked. "Now is not the time for sarcasm!" Ben exclaimed. "Come on. Follow me!" He said, running faster. Y/n was struggling a bit to keep up. They eventually arrived at the mansion. Ben pushes open the door and started running to slenders room. Y/n followed. Ben didn't bother to knock, and opened slender door. "Ben what-" slender said, before seeing Jeff on y/n's back. "Sit him down." Slender said. Y/n sat Jeff down on slenders desk. Slender motioned for Ben and y/n to leave the room.

As y/n and Ben left the room, y/n turned her head to Ben. "I thought he was like.. invincible.. or something" y/n said. "Just because he's good doesn't mean he doesn't get caught off guard." Ben said. "Oh! And you mentioned something earlier about a new recruit?" Y/n asked. "Yeah. I was planning to kill her because I was bored, but slender said she could be of use, so I just took her. Took a little while because I had to travel back and forth. She's not from here." Ben said. "She's actually from Russia." Ben said. "Does she speak Russian?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, and that's all she knows how to speak." Ben said. "Can I meet her?" Y/n asked. "Well everyone is kinda trying to calm her down." Ben said. "I mean if I got brought in this random house of people who looked scary and spoke a different language, I'd wanna leave to." Y/n said. "Why did he wanna recruit her anyways?" Y/n asked. "Apparently she's really good with electronics." Ben said. "So she's like you?" Y/n asked. "A little.." Ben said.

They reached the stairs and went in the living room. Y/n looked around the room, and finally saw a girl with long brown hair, pale skin, a nose ring and a green hoodie on. She looked calm enough. "Is that her?" Y/n asked. "Yep." Ben said.

Word count: 1013


So that "girl" is an OC of mine! She doesn't have a book but I might have one soon!

(I in fact never wrote a book for this oc.)

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