My fiance is my teacher /Jaey...

بواسطة AnakinLuke123456789

108K 4.4K 943

His family is weird. They are avoiding to have much contact with him. Fairley speaking when he was little he... المزيد

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Clan Leaders And The Members
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not An Chapter Unfortunately
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Special Chapter 1:Markhyuck
Special Chapter 2:Yuwin.

Chapter 23

3.1K 151 3
بواسطة AnakinLuke123456789

"Come on. Go back to sleep. You need rest" Jaehyun said as he pulled back and he was about to stood up from the bed when Taeyong grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I will be just on the couch. Don't worry. I will not leave you" Jaehyun said with a smile to calm the newly made vampire down.

"Can't you stay.... I mean this is your room and bed. And it's impolite and...."

"Taeyong" Jaehyun said stopping Taeyong babbling. "Calm down. I will stay if only you are not uncomfortable."

In normal occasions he would be pretty much uncomfortable. Especially since Jaehyun he's still his teacher no matter what. But he didn't know if it's because of the short time he had spend there or because he was turned in a vampire. But he wasn't uncomfortable anymore.

"No. I'm not uncomfortable."

Jaehyun was actually glad to hear that. Especially since he knew that his hope to be togheter with Jaehyun would not be ruined.

The pureblood stood up from the bed edge and he walked on the other side of the bed before he laid down. Then he wrapped an arm around Taeyong waist and he pulled him closer to him.

Taeyong blushed a little at the action but he didn't pulled back. He just snuggled close to the man and he closed his eyes. Soon enough in a matter of a few minutes he was out like a light.

He didn't know what time its was. But considering that the room was pretty much dark, he knew that it's was night. In the beginning Jaehyun didn't knew what had woke him up.

That until he heard a noise from the bathroom and he saw the light coming from the adjusted bathroom from his room.

The pureblood got up from the bed and he rushed in the bathroom to see his beloved mate on the ground beside the toilet. His face was flushed and sweaty.

"Taeyong. What's wrong?" he asked as he kneeled beside him and he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know. I woke up feeling sick and my body hurts like hell. I can barely move." the boy whimpered. "Whats wrong with me?"

"Shhh. It's alright. It's just a side effect from your transition. You just need to feed. Tomorrow you are going to be alright."

Taeyong made a face when he heard the word feed knowing exactly that it's means blood.

"You made this face now. But you would see that you are going to like the blood." Jaehyun said as he brought his own wrist to his mouth and bit down.

"Wait. Jaehyun" Taeyong shouted immediately he saw what the pureblood was doing. "You said that you vampire are drinking from blood bags."

"Yes. But when a vampire turn a human in a vampire as well he or she needs to feed that person with their own blood for the first time. Here" he said as he brought his bloody wrist to Taeyong.

Taeyong was very hesitant about it. Even though he could feel the blood on his lips. With one look at Jaehyun who nodded encouraging he grabbed the man wrist and drank his blood. Jaehyun arm twitched at the sensation but he didn't dragged his arm back. It's was a strange sensation. But he couldn't care less.


"Ow" Taeyong groaned once he hit the wall making his friends and mate laugh at him.
"Haha. Very funny guys", he said as he rubbed his nose.

Two days had passed since he had been turned in the vampire and in the first day even though he had feed from Jaehyun that night he was still feeling sick and week. He didn't even wanted to get up from the bed. Then the next one he was feeling much better. Even more his powers were even starting to kick in. Meaning that he had to train. Especially his dominant one. That was speed. And now the next day after that he was trying to use.

Unfortunately the only thing he had managed till now was to send himself face first in a wall.

"Alright. Let's try something else. Why don't you try to run in circle around us",Yuta said as he motioned for everyone to stay in the middle of the living room. "Remember. Don't think about the super speed. Just imagine that you are running normal around us."

"I know for sure that I will get dizzy because of it. But I will try" Taeyong took a deep breath and he closed his eyes before he started to run around his friends and mate. In the beginning he was running like a normal person before he started to get even more speed as the second passed.

"Good thinking Yuta" Jaehyun said when he saw that his beloved one wasn't hitting anything as he was running in circles around them. "Alright Taeyong stop."

The boy stopped running and he manged to hold his equilibrium to not fall because of dizziness and because it's was hard to stop as well.

"Here", Haechan said and he used his own speed. He returned from the kitchen and he brought Taeyong a bottle of water. "Drink. I know that it's hard in the beginning. It's was hard for me and Yuta in the beginning as well. Especially since speed is our dominant ability as well. But you are going to get used to it. You have the eternity at disposal."

Taeyong smiled and he patted the younger vampire." Thank you Haechan ", he said as he started to drank from the water.

When he heard his phone ringing he excused himself and he walked in the kitchen. Taking him out he saw an unknown number. He was hesitant at the beginning but he answered. In that moment his heart stopped when he heard what the person from the other side said.

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