Bartra's Sister and Neymar's...

By bartradasilva

330K 7.9K 837

The Bartra Siblings... Marc being the oldest one, he's basically taking care of his little sister and even if... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Another Author's Note.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note. {SORRY!}
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Marc is a father! *Not an update*

Chapter Thirty

5.9K 159 27
By bartradasilva

Marc's POV-

I feel light shining on my face and I turn around. It was the stupid sun. Time to get up, I thought.

I grab my phone off the charger and check the time. 10:45 am. I set it back down and look up at the ceiling. Nothing specifically goes through my mind. I just lie down and process my thoughts. Lately I haven't had any time to just sit and chill. Anything from practice to hanging out with Emelyn has gotten in the way of "me time". It actually felt good to lay and chill out for a while. But of course, I spoke to soon.

*buzz* buzz*buzz*

Phone Call with Emelyn:

Good morning!

*yawn* Morning Em.

Hey, I have an ultrasound today at 12.

Alright, I'll meet you at your house then we'll head there together.

Okay babe. Bye.


Now that I am forced to get up, I sit down at the edge of the bed. I run my hands through my hair and let out a loud sigh. I grab my towel and hop in the shower real quick.

Once I'm out I throw on my clothes and head downstairs for food. I open the fridge and find leftover pancakes so I heat them up and eat them. I took a long shower and I also ate really slow so by the time I had finished it was already 11:30 so I headed to Emelyn's house.

*At Emelyn's House*

"Hola Marc." Em said, opening the door.

"Hey baby." I say, kissing her.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's just go." She says.

We walk out of her apartment and we hop in the elevator. Before the doors close, a hand sticks in between them and a man walks in. It's the guy who Gianna and I met a couple of days ago.

"Hola Marc!" the man says.

"Hola senor. How are the girls?" I ask.

"They're great. I am officially the best grandfather after what you did." He gushed.

"And what did you do?" Emelyn asked.

"Oh I surprised his granddaughters. They're big fans so why not right?" I responded to her.

When the elevator stopped, we all got out and parted ways. Emelyn and I went to my car and the man left who knows where.

At the doctor's, we sat down for a couple minutes as we waited for them to call us in. I looked around and noticed an older woman, I would say in her mid-30's holding a baby. I kindly smiled at her as the baby cooed at me. I did a couple of funny faces at the baby, causing him to giggle.

"Como se llama? (What's his name?)" I asked.

"Eric." She smiled.

Before I could respond, a nurse called Emelyn's name so we got up.

"Adios." I told the mystery lady before Em dragged me through the door.

When we got into the room, the ultrasound lady told Emelyn to lay down. While she laid down, I stood back as the ultrasound technician began setting up all the machines.

"Alright this is going to be cold." She warned Em before squeezing jelly all over her stomach.

Emelyn squealed, making me slightly roll my eyes. I mean I'm obviously happy to be here but I also want to just hang out and forget the fact that I'm going to be a dad in a couple of months.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the machine start making a weird noice.

"Now it's time to find this child. They always hide or cover their face." The lady laughed.

I was now watching the little monitor, showcasing a bunch of darkness. I couldn't really see anything unless I imagined it was really there.

"Oh looks like I found something." She pointed out.

I looked and there he/she/it was. My baby. It was super tiny and it seemed to be in a fetal position. "Aw's" filled the room and Emelyn even started crying. I looked down at her and held her hand. I was actually pretty overwhelmed with emotion but I didn't really feel like I was going to cry.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

We both nodded and she moved the ultrasound wand thing up a bit. We faintly heard a heartbeat and soon it got louder and stronger. Hearing it made me feel all tingly and weird inside. There is a living human being in there, a human being that I helped create. It's like a little part of me is going to pop out in a couple of months and I'm not even ready yet. I know I said I wasn't going to cry but damn this got me good.

When I looked at the screen again and I heard the heartbeat, I shed a few tears.

"Aw it's normal for dad's to cry." The lady said, bringing the attention to me.

"Aw Marc." Em murmured, pulling me down to kiss her.

When it was finished, Em got cleaned up and we got the ultrasound pictures.

"So what do we do now?" I asked as we walked out the clinic.

"I'm kind of tired. Let's go back to my place." She suggested.

When we get to her house, we go inside and my stomach immediately starts growling. So before I even sit, I put my jacket back on and head to the door.

"I'm gonna bring us food, I'll be back in a bit." I yell.

"Chinese please and I love you!" She yelled back.

"Alright. Love you too..."

I walked out the building and into the streets where the cold Barcelona air hit me like bricks. I speed walked to my car and sped off down the street.

I got to the Chinese food place and ordered our meals, Chow-Mein with sweet and sour chicken and egg rolls. While I waited, I sat on one of the bar stools, facing towards the street and I looked out the window. I watched as cars drove by and people walked around in the cool air. I started looking in through the windows of the stores across the street and I noticed this pretty brunette. I squinted, hoping to get a better glimpse of her face and I succeeded. The pretty brunette was Madison.

"Marc, your take out is ready!" The nice man shouted throughout the shop.

I picked up my bags of food and got out of the street.

"Should I go over?" I thought to myself.

I got closer to the street and checked for oncoming cars.

"Fuck it." I said as I ran across the street.

I opened the café door and the sweet aroma of coffee filed my nose. I squeezed in between people and I searched for Madison. I looked left and right until I saw the familiar brunette locks sitting near the back, alone in a booth. I breathed into my hands and checked my breath before I walked towards her. Without saying a word I sat down in front of her.

"Well Hello there Marc." She laughed ,completely surprised.

"What's a pretty girl doing all by herself in a coffee shop?" I asked.

"Just doing some stuff on my blog and you know, drinking coffee."

"Um a blog..Well what kind of blog? Is it a FC Barcelona fan blog because I've seen those and they're quiet...vivid." I laughed.

"A blog about you and your team? I'll pass haha. My blog is about fashion." She said, showing me her computer screen.

"Ah interesting. Do you need me to be one of your fancy models so you can put me on there?" I joked, "Striking a pose".

"No but I do want to know what's in those bags because it smells phenomenal."

"Do you want some? It's Chinese from across the street." I offered, opening the boxes.

"Yes please!" She bursted out.

We began eating and talking more about her blog and interests.

Emelyn's POV- (plot twist lol)

Once Marc left, I ran to the room and decided to call Giovani (Dos Santos). Nobody knows we've been in contact for a couple of months and I plan to keep it that way.

Phone Call with Gio:

Hola preciosa. (Hey Beautiful)

Hola guapo. (Hey Handsome) What are you doing?

I am currently lying in bed, thinking of a certain someone.

And who may that be?

A gorgeous woman named Emelyn.

Ahi miralo muy coqueto. (Look at you being all flirty) I can't believe it's been almost a month since we've last seen each other..

I know darlin'. I wish I could be with you..


But you're with Marc, I know.

I'm sorry Gio. I'll talk to you later alright. Muah!

Okay, bye guapa.

Do I regret this? No.

Will I regret it? I doubt it.

Marc hasn't really been with me lately and he's been even less close to me now that I'm knocked up. I needed a little excitement in my life and Gio was the person who gave it to me. He was the one who made me feel that sudden rush of adrenaline again.

Marc's POV-

"Wait so you actually walked in on them having sex? In the bathroom?" I laughed at Madison's crazy story.

"Yes! It was the worst thing ever!" She said, sounding horrified.

We continued to laugh at the story from work she was telling before I checked the clock. It was 5. It's been an hour. Shit. I drink my last sip of coffee and began sliding out the booth.

"This was really fun. I had a good time but I've got to get going." I told her.

"Keep in touch." She smiled as I reached down to hug her.

Her amazing scent filled my nose as I tightly wrapped my arms around her.

"Bye." I waved, walking out the shop.

She waved back and went back to her computer screen.

As I got into my car and drove off I realized that we had already ate all the food. Can anything else go wrong?

When I got to Em's apartment, I walked right in to find her asleep on the couch. Thank god! I snooped around and noticed that she had made herself food already.

"At least she won't starve..." I said to myself as I walked back out the apartment.

I once again, hopped in my car and headed back home. Once I drove into the driveway, I noticed that Gianna's car was finally there so I hurriedly parked and ran inside. There she was, watching tv, spread across the big sofa.

"Look who's finally home!" I shouted.

"Look who's still a loser!" She shouted back.

"I miss you ugly." I said, sitting next to her and playfully getting her in a headlock.

"I need some...advice." I begin telling her.

"Here we go again...Talk to Dr. Bartra." She laughs.

"Alright, well today I had an impromptu date with Madison.."

"Madison? MY Madison? What? Why? HOW! Marc you have a pregnant girlfriend!" She shouted.

"Ahh, now that's the thing. I don't want a pregnant girlfriend." I shrugged.

"Okay back up, Are you really that unhappy? Like honestly." She asked.

"I wouldn't say I'm totally unhappy but I just don't feel anything anymore. Not because she's pregnant but I've felt it way before."

"Wait so you're bored of her?"

"Don't say it like that G.."

"That's what it sounds like Marc but whatever, you have to break up with her if you truly feel that way.." She admits.

"Really? You think so?"

"Well yeah. You can't be in a relationship with someone you have no feelings for. But I will tell you this, you better, by any means necessary be in your child's life. I will not let you be one of those dads. Oh and when news of the break up comes out, be prepared for a crapstorm of media attention and hate."

"Of course I'm going to be in my kids life you idiot. Shit I'll even take full custody." I say, putting my hands behind my head and reclining back.

"Whatever. You also need to cut that 'macho man', slick attitude. It's getting really annoying and you come off as a total douche." She says before getting up and walking up to her room.

I'm not going to lie, she's right. I have been a little more douchey the past few days. Maybe it's the pregnancy? Don't the dad's supposedly get the symptoms the mother gets?

Anyways, the talk was pretty successful. It helped me think about stuff and helped me decide on what would be best for both Emelyn and I. It isn't fair that I don't love her as much as she loves me.

So I'm forusre going to break it off with her..

I just don't know when....

Ultra shitty chapter! It was kind of a long filler type of chapter lol

So sorry but I have finally updated for you guys! I've been so busy and I hope you understand! I will try to update more right now that I am on break!


Ultra shitty! It was kind of a long filler type of chapter lol

So sorry for the month long hiatus but I finally updated for you guys! I've been so busy and I hope you understand! I will try to update more right now that I am on break!

I can't believe i'm on Chapter Thirty already! Super crazy! Thank you all for reading and I still got a lot more to come!


Check out my other book! : Football / Soccer Imagines (Just go on my profile and find it!)

I will probably be starting a rant book in the near future just to vent out and what not so look out for it!

And, don't forget to continue PRAYING FOR MEXICO.

"Si no hay justicia para el pueblo, no haya justicia para el gobierno!" -Emiliano Zapata


And one more thing, if you guys don't like it or you think the plot is way to basic (i know it is, it seemed like a good idea 5 months ago lmao) y'all can simply stop reading it. Just sayingggg. 😙😉


P.S - No chapters have been edited / have had major edits made! Sorry for the errors!

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