burned ➷ stiles stilinski [1]

By lolstilinski

1M 27.2K 29.1K

❝stiles, I stopped playing by the rules a long time ago.❞ in which a girl laughs in the face of death ::: #pf... More

/ extended summary /
00. prologue ✓
01. fire a-blaise ✓
03. loose ends ✓
04. dandelion
05. winged
06. sunrise
07. twinning
08. the ripper
09. anachronism
10. black lungs
11. mortem
12. interstate 6
13. crescendo
14. lunacy
15. bardo
16. aftermath
17. ultraviolence
18. returning evils
19. panic cord
20. i am become death
21. forgotten souls
22. empty expressions
23. wandering stars
24. till death do us part
25. haunted history
26. the angel of death

02. black crow ✓

63.8K 1.5K 2.7K
By lolstilinski

listen to: hiiijack - SZA

↣ ↣ ↣


I groaned as someone shook me awake. "What?" I mumbled into my pillow.

"Get up! We have school today," the voice said. I opened my sleep-filled eyes to see Allison standing over me, her hands on her hips.

"I don't think I'm even enrolled," I admitted, sitting up. School? Why would I go to school? I've gone to school over a dozen times and, every time, it's boring as hell.

"Sure you are," Allison said. She smiled, but her eyes were sad as she remembered something. "I talked to my dad this morning and he called the school. Now get up, we have to pick you out something to wear."

She pulled me up but I just fell on her bed, closing my eyes again. The dream I had last night didn't really help me get any real sleep. Especially with the fact that the dream was true, and that I actually died. I mean, I had died before, but it didn't happen often.

And the fact that the Greek snake-monster Typhon was the one who killed me didn't really ease my nerves. I must have really pissed off Athens if they sent him after me.

"How about sweatpants?" I suggested.

"It's the first day, Blaise," Allison said, going through her closet. "Lydia called me this morning and said that if I brought you to school looking like garbage, she was going to kill me."

I sighed and stood up, running a tired hand through my hair. "Fine. But I'll only wear fancy clothes if they're comfortable."

↣ ↣ ↣

I walked into school with Lydia and Allison, liking the fact that all eyes were on us as we entered. I had ended up wearing a comfy flannel shirt, jeggings, and converse. Lydia even told me that I didn't look like complete trash for the first day. I hoped it was a compliment.

I gave a small wave to a few freshmen boys who stared at us with open mouths as we passed.

We stopped at Allison's locker and I could see Lydia was staring at the same thing I was. "Freshmen," she murmured, cocking her head to the side. "Tons and tons of fresh... men."

"You mean fresh boys," Allison corrected, stuffing her folders into her locker. "Lydia, they're fourteen."

"I don't know," I piped up. "They are fun to play with."

Lydia smiled at me. "Surprisingly, I agree with Blaise."

"You know it's okay to be single," the brunette murmured. "Focus on yourself for a while..."

Lydia and I snorted at the same time. "Bullshit," I scoffed. "Men are no good. They're fun to play with for a while, then they want to get serious and..." I scrunched up my nose. "Ehk. Be a player, Allison. It's more fun."

"Exactly," Lydia agreed. "I don't want a boyfriend." She put a hand on the locker and leaned closer to the brunette. "I want a distraction." Then she turned and stared at the school entrance for a moment too long to be normal. I followed her gaze to see what she was looking at.

Two boys, who were identical to each other, strolled in. They held their motorcycle helmets in their hands and wore leather jackets. They were extremely attractive, but to me it screamed douchebag. I could see Lydia thought otherwise.

"Brothers?" Allison asked. Lydia shook her head, smiling with pure joy.

"No. Twins."

Twins. As I looked closer, they started to look familiar. Had I met them before?

I shook the thought off. I had met so many people during my lifetime that sometimes I forgot who was who. "C'mon, guys," I said, ushering Lydia and Allison away from the twins. "Let's get to class."

↣ ↣ ↣

The three of us made our way into our first class, scanning the desks for empty seats. I found an empty one right behind Stiles. "Hey. Is this seat taken?" I asked, giving him a wink.

"Uh- uh, no," he stuttered, sitting up in his desk now. "It's totally for you. Empty. Vacant. Available."

I smirked at his reaction, sliding into my seat. Stiles was fun to mess with.

My eyes then landed on Allison, who took a seat in front of Scott. I wondered what relationship the two had - both of them seemed to tense up around each other. I shook myself out of my thoughts and watched as Stiles gave his friend a thumbs-up after Scott completely and utterly embarrassed himself.

My smirk faded as the sound of vibrating rang through my ears. Everyone pulled out their ringing cellphones while I sat in my desk, completely phone-less. I leaned forward and looked at Stiles' text. "What does it say?" I asked impatiently.

He gave me a glare. "I'm looking right now."

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil water-way leading to the uttermost ends of the Earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."

I looked up from Stiles' phone to see our teacher, who was wearing heels way too high for her, stroll in. "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in my class. Phones off, everyone. You can call me Ms. Blake."

Everyone clicked their phones shut while I just stared at the teacher, immediately taking a disliking to her. There was an aura around her that screamed trouble, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something about her face...

Without warning, the wrenching pain returned in my stomach, an image flashing through my mind. Alpha claws.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to see more of what the source of danger was but the image faded as soon as it had surfaced. I silently cursed to myself, hating the fact that I couldn't quite see the entire vision.

I put a hand over my mouth and bit my tongue to keep from screaming out in pain. Alpha claws? What danger could Alpha claws mean?

"Hey." I opened my eyes to see that Stiles was looking at me, confused. "You okay?"

I just nodded, sighing with relief when the pain finally stopped. "Something is here, Stiles," I whispered. "Something dangerous."

"How do you -"

"Don't ask me how, okay?"

"Mr. McCall?" The sound of Ms. Blake's voice made Stiles turn back around. She motioned for Scott to follow her, and he quickly made his way out of class.

I leaned closer to Stiles again, my curiosity getting the best of me. "Why is Scott leaving?"

He completely ignored me, infatuated with Lydia's bandaged ankle. "Hey, Lydia. Is that from the accident last night?" he whispered, pointing at her leg.

She turned to him, her lips curling into a frown. "No. Prada bit me."

"Your handbag?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Yes, my designer handbag. No, Blaise. My dog."

"Has it ever bitten you before?" Stiles asked. I leaned my head on my hand, pondering over his question. He had a good point. The Alpha claws could be tied to all of this in someway... but my mind couldn't see how the dots would connect. Maybe the deer had something to do with Lydia's dog's actions too. 

When Lydia shook her head, excitement grew on Stiles' face. "Okay. Well maybe it was like the deer. You know, like how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake?"

"Are we in an earthquake, Stiles?" I asked. When he gave me a look saying shut up, I just laughed at him.

"No. What I'm saying is maybe it means something is coming," he explained, glancing in my direction. "Something bad."

Something bad. Like the Alpha claws? It killed me not knowing what the actual danger was when I felt it.

"What's that thing you say about threes?" Lydia mused, tapping her pencil on the desk. "Once, twice..."

A loud bang made me jump in my seat. Turning my head to the source of the noise, I watched as a black bird slid down the window, smearing blood on the glass as it fell dead. "What the hell?" I muttered.

Then I saw it.

Crows were flying towards the building in a big, black mass. It was a glorious sight, seeing the beautiful birds. I loved flying creatures, in the sense that they were basically my non-supernatural offspring and all.

But something was different about these crows. They weren't going to stop anytime soon. They just kept coming.

They ran into the windows, killing themselves in the process. It saddened my heart to see my brethren die.

The crows kept coming, crashing through the windows now, making it inside our classroom. Kids started to duck under the desks and Ms. Blake was shouting at us to get down, but I did no such thing.

I stood, the birds flying past me. They wouldn't hurt me, and they didn't want to hurt the class. No, they wanted to hurt themselves.

"Blaise! Get down!" I heard Stiles shout at me, but I stayed standing. Seeing my brothers kill themselves was a brutal sight, and I just stood there, not being able to do anything about it.

I cradled a dead crow in my hands, stroking its mangled feathers. What was causing this odd behavior?

"Blaise, are you crazy!?" A hand pulled my shirt down, causing me to fall. I turned to Stiles, who was looking at me with a confused expression.

"These are my brothers," I whispered harshly, my anger surfacing. When I saw his shocked face, I knew he was looking at my glowing Phoenix eyes. His surprise led to confusion and I knew exactly why. Being a Phoenix, my supernatural eyes glowed purple, unlike a werewolf's.

I said nothing as I sat there, cradling my dead offspring. I suppressed my anger and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the chaos to end.

↣ ↣ ↣

"Blaise. You can get up now."

I still held the dead crow in my hands as I stood, opening my eyes to see the destruction that had occurred.

The thing that got to me most was that every crow that had flown into the classroom was dead.

I started to tremble, a tear running down my cheek for my fallen brothers. "Blaise?" I looked at Stiles, who was trying to comfort Lydia at the moment. "You okay?"

I just shook my head, letting the crow in my hands to fall to the floor with a thud.

↣ ↣ ↣

I took a seat next to Allison as the paramedics and police studied the horrific scene. Mr. Argent stood next to us, squeezing his daughter's hand. "Next time you want to stay home, it's okay," he told her.

She just shook her head. "I'm fine," she said. Such a strong woman. "But dad. The deer, and now this? It can't be a coincidence."

"I know, I know," Mr. Argent muttered. It isn't a coincidence.

I wished I knew what my vision meant earlier. Maybe the Alpha claws were connected to the strange behavior of the crows, which in turn had to be linked to the deer's suicide last night. But why were animals becoming so terrified?

"Mr. Argent?" The Sheriff approached us. "You wouldn't have any insight to this, would you?"

Mr. Argent stiffened. "Me?"

"Well, yeah... I mean, all this bizarre animal behavior... you must've seen something like this before, right?"

I looked down at the floor and smiled. The Sheriff didn't know what Mr. Argent really was. What kind of town had this many supernatural creatures living in it and the police knew nothing about it?

"Why would I?" Argent asked.

"I could've sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter." The Sheriff jerked his thumb behind him, and I looked over his shoulder to see his son was none other than Stiles.

"Oh, right," Argent said, glancing at his daughter. "Well, I'm not one anymore."

Ah, that makes sense. That must be why Allison didn't have as many weapons as I thought she would've had in her room. They gave up their Hunter status.

The Sheriff took one last look at Allison and me. "You two all right?"

We simply nodded, and the Sheriff finally walked away. I stood and stretched my arms out. I needed to get out of here, out of this place full of death.

I walked over to Stiles, who just got off the phone with someone. "Stiles. I need to get out of here," I said quietly, looking down at the dead animals.

He shut his phone and stood, nodding. "Me too. Wanna come with?"

"Where are we going?" I asked, thankful that someone could get me out of here.

"Derek Hale's house."

↣ ↣ ↣

"This is a house?" I asked, trying not to fall through the squeaky floorboards. Remnants of torn up furniture lined the walls and there was an unmistakable stench of burned flesh hanging in the air. 

When Stiles didn't answer me, I hit him on the shoulder. "You listening?"

"Hey!" he said. "Watch it! And I'm pretty sure this is his house."

"Stiles?" I heard Scott's voice come from the other room. When he saw me, he gave Stiles a weird look. "You brought Blaise?"

"Well, yeah," Stiles said, shrugging his shoulders.

Scott sighed, then motioned us to follow him.

He sat in a chair next to another man, Stiles standing behind the two of them. The new guy looked up at me. "Who is she?" he asked.

I would have replied with my usual attitude if I hadn't sensed his power. "Alpha," I murmured. Then I stepped closer, pointing a finger at him. "You must be the Alpha I saw."

He raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I've ever seen you."

I ignored him and looked at Scott. "Is he your Alpha?" When he shook his head I immediately frowned, confusion settling in my mind. Who the hell was the Alpha that I saw in my vision if it wasn't this guy?

"...In Samoan, it means open wound," Scott said, breaking me from my thoughts. "I just decided to get a tattoo now, as a reward."

"For what?" the Alpha asked.

"For not calling or texting Allison all summer, even when I really wanted to," he said.

"Seriously, Scott?" I groaned, turning away from the group. It was so annoying when boys were emotional.

"I think its pretty romantic," Stiles said.

I snickered. None of these guys knew anything about love. They didn't know how it could destroy everything good in life...

I put my hand to my head, not wanting to remember the grief love had caused me.

"The pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt," the Derek explained. Once I heard the sound of a flame torch, I whirled around.

"Fire?" I asked, a smile growing on my face. "Can I help?"

"Who are you again?" the Alpha asked.

"Blaise. I like fire." My smile grew wider as he continued to stare at me. Yeah, I really was insane.

"Well, Blaise, I'm Derek. You and Stiles are going to help hold Scott down." he said.

"Gladly," I replied, putting my hands on both of Scott's shoulders.

Derek put the torch onto Scott's skin and I relished in the sound of the flame, the smell of smoke. The scent brought a smile to my lips as I held down the thrashing werewolf.

Hell, I just really loved fire.

↣ ↣ ↣

"Well, looks pretty damn permanent now." Stiles and Scott wandered towards the front door as I trailed right behind them.

"Yeah," Scott agreed. "I really need something permanent in my life right now." He rubbed his new tattoo. "Everything just moves so fast now. It's so... ephemeral."

Stiles looked up, giving his friend a crooked grin. "Studying for the PSATs?"

"Yeah, yeah," Scott said, and I snickered. The two looked back at me with weird expressions.

"What?" I asked innocently. "I've taken the PSAT thousands of times over the years. Pretty sure after the fifth time I got 100% on one."

"Five times?" Stiles scoffed. "How many times have you been held back?"

"No, Stiles, I don't think it's that." Scott took a step closer to me, narrowing his eyes. "You're older than you look, aren't you?" When I was silent he crossed his arms. "Whatever. We'll talk about this later."

Stiles looked at me again curiously. "What the hell are you?" he muttered.

I gave him a smirk. It wasn't that I was keeping my abilities a secret, I just liked to play with the minds of weaker people. It was a sick and twisted way of living, but it sure was fun.

"I can't tell you, Stiles," I said, shaking a finger at him. "It's all part of the game."

"That's not fair. Doesn't this game have any rules?"

"Stiles, I stopped playing by the rules a long time ago." I brushed past him and the teen wolf, who was starting to claw at Derek's door for some reason.

After I passed the door, I felt strange. Looking back, Scott had clawed through the paint on the door, revealing a symbol. A symbol I've seen before. 

The Alpha pack's symbol.

"How many are there?" Scott asked Derek, voice accusing. Somehow I knew what the he meant. How many Alphas are there?

Derek sighed, defeated. "A pack of them."

Just then, the pain in my stomach returned. I doubled over, trying to hold in a scream as the agony surged through me. Sadly, I didn't get a vision this time. I only felt the pain.

"What do you mean?" Stiles pressed, stepping towards Derek. But I was the one to respond, knowing exactly what was going on.

Taking a deep breath to refocus myself, my gaze locked with Scott's. "It's an Alpha pack."

"All of them?" Stiles pressed. "How does that even work?"

Derek looked past him, lost in thought. "I don't know. I heard there was some kind of a leader."

I stood up again, the sense of danger finally gone. Remembering the claws I saw earlier, I finally realized whose they were. Derek wasn't the Alpha I saw. No, the Alpha pack's leader was much more wicked in his ways.

Dread weighted my voice when I broke the news to the boys. "He goes by the name of Deucalion."

↣ ↣ ↣

hi people!

okay you guys rock so much I love your comments they literally make my day and they really let me know that you guys like my story and that's awesomeeeeee

okay carry on :)


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