Attached || Mattia Polibio

By tikt0kfanfic

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i got the cover from @/mattiasdemons on instagram 🖤 - y/n price is use to people leaving her life when it al... More

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my thoughts on BLM

6.7K 212 145
By tikt0kfanfic

before i start i want to apologize for my absence and not posting, i just haven't been in the mood to write but lately with all this bad stuff happening i need to "escape" and writing here was always my safe place. 

i understand some of you will disagree with me; i will respect your opinion. if you want to unfollow me, that's fine because that isn't what i care about. 

I am not black. but i will ALWAYS support black people or any race. i will never understand how one can hate others based on skin color or looks because it will never make sense to me. black lives have always mattered, not just right now, not just because it's a trending hashtag. we would not be here without black people; their sports, culture, rap music etc. we would not be here without all of us. 

black people have been oppressed for centuries and still today it's no better. if you are not black, you do not get to tell black people how they should protest or mourn. if you are not black, you will never understand black struggles, ever. there are children who are scared to lose their own life because of their skin color. that's sickening and it's horrible. even children understand that they're not in a safe place. and i don't blame them. I will never ever be murdered because of my skin color. I will never have the thought "am i going to be next" go through my head. I have privilege and i recognize that. 

i stand behind the ACAB acronym. yes it stands for "all cops are bad" but it does not mean individually every cop has bad intentions-- i know that. but i also know that those cops also watch their coworkers abuse the power they have, and keep quiet about it; they refuse to speak up about the corrupted system. i don't blame every single cop but i blame the system. every system is flawed, but these are the people that swore an oath to protect us yet they're the ones getting violent first. there are cops who want to do good and i am thankful for those cops. (you don't even need a college degree to become a cop like what)

If you are getting upset about the violent riots and that's all you speak about, then you are prioritizing the wrong thing. if a target getting looted upsets you more than the innocent lives that have been taken, you are prioritizing the wrong thing. if you can't handle a few days of rioting then god you'd really hate the 400 years of discrimination that took place between 1619-1863 wouldn't you? (i'm referring to slavery). I don't support looting small businesses; please leave them out of this, but looters and protestors are not the same thing. people hate looting, but act like those artifacts in the museum weren't stolen themselves.  yes it's terrible merchandise, buildings, cars, are getting destroyed but they can be replaced, human lives can't. no justice, no peace. they should let everyone know what they will do for their freedom.

 "a riot is the language of the unheard" -martin luther king. 

"you get freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get your freedom; then you'll get it. it's the only way you'll get it." -malcolm x. 

america did not get where we are today without violence; we are here right now because of many years of war and bloodshed. we did not rock, paper, scissors our way here. slaves did not get freed because they asked politely, it was because they revolted. women and gay people acquired rights by rioting. obviously no one wants violence to be the answer, but all the retaliation is unavoidable, it was bound to happen. if you live in the united states, you are living on stolen land itself. "it's suppose to be a protest, not a riot or robbery" to george floyd it was suppose to be an arrest not a murder. Protests are peaceful until cops arrive because they start shooting and tear gassing everyone who are trying to protest peacefully (again i know not all cops are like this). 

The people of america need to be heard. the government or cops can claim they hear us but they aren't listening. violence isn't the answer but yet the authorities use it so much. when training to be a cop, you are taught to use violence as a last resort yet that hasn't been the case lately. i saw a video of cops pretending to kneel and once the protestors got close enough, they started shooting; and they expect us to trust them. please don't complain about violent protests when you didn't listen to the peaceful ones. because 6 years ago eric garner died after saying the same words "i can't breathe" and people protested peacefully. and here we are again. we have tried being peaceful. though i cannot say history is repeating itself because this has always been a problem. vocal about looting, but silent about the murders. it says a lot about you. 

a while ago, white people protested with rifles because they couldn't get a haircut. people are now protesting, unarmed, for justice and the police suddenly have a problem with it? "not all cops are bad" yes. and not all black people are criminals, not all mexicans are illegal, and not all asians have the corona virus. i get a few people telling me "cops get violent because people don't listen"... why do you think people get violent... cops don't listen either. you cannot tell me you will walk up to a cop and say "violence isn't the answer" and they'll drop everything and take you to go get ice cream. 

black people are tired of being pushed around. they are tired of losing, fathers, mothers, siblings, family, friends-- they are tired of living in fear. we are all tired. tell me, if someone pushed you around repeatedly (like 10 times) you wouldn't want to push back? now imagine being pushed around for centuries. can you imagine it? cause me, as a non black person can't, therefore i do not get to tell black people what they should and shouldn't do. these protests aren't only about george floyd anymore, he was just the last straw. it's now about every innocent life that was taken for absolutely no reason. 

if you support donald trump, i'm sorry but my next words are gonna be a little harsh and idrc if you don't read my stories anymore. moving on to the "president". suck my dick :) be attracted to me, the way you're attracted to your own daughters like wow. the same man who said he is sexually attracted to his daughter more than his own wife runs our country. and look how we're thriving :/. "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." sir do you realize if you kill your own citizens, you won't have a country to run anymore? you'd be nothing without us. your country needs a leader so badly right now and you hiding in a bunker thinking we playing hide n go seek. doesn't matter, daddy Anonymous will take care of you. speaking of Anonymous, they leaked evidence of trump raping children and human trafficking !! He also suggested martial law, meaning the military would be able to control us. our civil rights would be suspended. i cannot support a man who called mexicans and black people "thugs" and the corona virus a "chinese virus". 

also i am so relieved mattia doesn't support trump either

i contemplated speaking about the "all lives matter" thing because it's just common sense. just because people are saying "black lives matter" doesn't mean your life doesn't matter. no one said your life didn't matter. obviously people in general matter but we are focusing on the ones who have been oppressed for longer than we can think of. if you need an example... imagine yourself in a neighborhood and you see one house on fire. are you going to help the house on fire, or the houses that are perfectly fine? unless you are a maniac, you will help the house on fire first. if bob has a cut on his finger, and timmy and jimmy don't, who are you going to give the band-aid to? bob. because his dumbass cut his finger and timmy and jimmy are fine. it's like going to a cancer fundraiser and saying "there's other diseases you know". all lives can't matter until black lives do. just my opinion. if you don't agree then whatever. 

no one is ever born racist, they're taught to be. people forget we are all one race and that's the human race. mother nature wouldn't be able to take us out if we take out each other first. 

do your part to help. sign petitions, donate, spread awareness, don't be silent about this. (my mommy said i can't go protest like this is a really bad time to care about me mom. i guess i'll protest in my room) don't let the fear of losing your friends stop you from doing what's right. i've gotten into plenty of disagreements with my friends but we all respected each other's point of views. when your kids learn about this in the future, they'll ask you what you did to help support the BLM movement. don't let your answer be "nothing". if you don't see the problem, you are the problem. 

My heart goes out to george floyd and the many others who received the same fate as him. i don't know when, but we will get justice for all of you someday. this generation will do better than the next, we are the future. the day innocent people stop dying will be one of the happiest days america will ever witness. our would will never be perfect but we can try to get as close to it as possible. 

thank you for reading. i'll upload a chapter as soon as i can, probably tomorrow. stay safe, do the right thing. 

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