
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 45

41 4 0
By AntheiaW

((Hello there, it's been so long, for the ones that are still reading I wanna apologize for taking so long to update. Things have been crazy. I hope everyone is OK, have a good night everyone.))

If there is any writing mistakes please tell me I'll fix it, I believe I have a lot in this chapter.

Now let's start chapter 45..


Christian's Pov**

*We receive a call, I pick it up and it's Enzo, he tells me that he wants to talk to both me and Natasha, I tell him to wait and I call one of the maids, when the maid comes I tell her to go get Natasha. When she's here the maid leave and I put Enzo on speaker.

-Christian: she's here, you're on speaker.

-Enzo: Hey Nats how is the pregnancy going?

*Natasha gets closer to the phone and say.

-Natasha: Hi, well what can I say, the morning sickness have me going crazy but besides that we are good thanks. How is everything over there?

-Enzo: I'm glad to hear that, over here well, there has been some things going on.. Listen, I have to tell you something about Nati, she isn't acting as her normal self. She has been creeping around people and she gets very aggressive towards anyone for stupid things, so much that she almost stabbed someone today, if I didn't stop her in time, she would have kill this person. She wanted to kill her and I know this for sure because she was aiming for the girls heart.

*Natasha stand there looking at the phone in shock. She shake her head and say.

-Natasha: No, that's not possible, that doesn't sound like Nati at all. Are you sure about what you're saying? Maybe you got things mixed up or maybe this girl did something to her?

-Enzo: I'm completely sure, this has been going on for a few days already, at first she was just creeping around but then came the mood changes and then she became very aggressive and now, well you know, I just told you.
I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to believe that something was wrong with her, you know I love her and that I'll go to hell and back for her, but now... what happened today was to much.
And on top of that, I can't stop thinking about what you told me of the goddess of death.

-Natasha: You think this is her and the reapers doing?

-Enzo: Maybe.

*I make a fhm sound and say.

-Christian: I don't doubt it for a second.

*I say sure and feeling distaste towards those bastards, I'm sure that this is what she meant.
Natasha tell Enzo that we will call Zafre and she'll ask her about this and that we will be going over there.

*I called Zafre after that and asked her about it, she said that she'll have to look at her personally. I went to pick her up and we went to Enzo's pack.

*Natasha wanted to come but I refused to let her leave the house in her state. She got mad at me but she stayed home. Later I'll try to make it up to her, I'll make her happy, I rather have her mad at me and safe than have her come out and be at risk.

*Once we are at Enzo's pack, zafre takes a look at Nati.

*She was passed out, Enzo had injected her with some tranquilizer earlier, Nati looked somber, Zafre couldn't understand what was happening to her, she asked Enzo if she can call a fae friend of hers and let her come here.
To that he answers.

-Enzo: if she can help Nati, she is welcome here.

-Zafre: Ok.

*She say nodding and taking her phone. We waited after her call and After a few the fae came, zafre told us that she is an aura fairie, we tell her what is going on, this fairie didn't even have to get closer to nati, she just took a look at her from afar and she said that around her aura she sees dark things.

-Enzo: What? Why is this happening? how can we help her?

*He ask with fear clearly in his eyes. To this Zafre looks at Enzo and on her face you could see an 'I told you so' look. He didn't see it but I surely did. Zafre then talk to her friend and then the friend say.

-Fairie: the darkness didn't consume her whole aura yet, it didn't merge with her soul.

-Zafre: Then we can still help her.

*She say, Enzo looks at them with hope and say.

-Enzo: anything, whatever the price, just do it.

-Fairie: Yes, we will help her, I know just the necessary ritual for this, because she haven't comit any atrocities yet there is still time to help her.
Luckily for her, her mate stopped her before she killed someone, if that had happened, then there wouldn't be a returning back from that, it's diferend to kill someone because you have to, to defend yourself than to do it just for the fun of it that's a psycho thing right there, you're lucky there is a way to help her.
We can do a cleanser to clean her soul and take the darkness out.

Christian: so if she had comit something bad then the darkness would have merged with her soul?

-Zafre: Yes, Some people can become dark and evil just by doing some bad deeds, their soul will be consumed by darkness and after that there is no returning back. I'm sure they were planning to make her do this so they could have consume her and then have their own puppet here. Things will be going side ways for them now.

-Christian: Man and I thought that she was back to normal.

-Zafre: She is far from back to normal, this is a little scary and creepy, she is out of control, she's aggressive for no reason, she attack people for no reason, like today.

-Enzo: well yeah.

*He say with a pained expression.

-Enzo: This Girl was just talking to me, and Nati just snapped.
The poor girl was just asking me a question when for no reason at all Nati jumped on her and start beating her up, I took a moment to comprehend what was happening before my eyes, I've never seen her act like that for no reason, during a fight I understand I can even justify it but like that out of the blue, the girl tried to defend herself and that's when Nati tried to stab her, man, it was just plain craziness.

-Zafre: did I or did I not warn you about this?

*Enzo looks at Zafre with a serious face.

-Enzo: I wanted my mate back.

-Zafre: Yes, but with what costs. Thank God we can still help her, imagine if this would have been another situation or if she had kill that girl.
Then there wouldn't be any chance to help her. Everything has consequences you kids need to learn this and always have this present in your minds.
Some things are not to be messed with. Dark magic and messing with the death with the balance in life is no joke.
We should be grateful that they aren't looking for a new soul to take her place in the world of the death.
Enzo give Zafre a deathly stare.

-Fairie: Ok people, please, I see auras going scarlet in here, let's all take a chill pill. Let's talk about what we must do to help her. The sooner we do it the better.

*Everyone nods and listen.

-Fairie: We must do a Cleansing ritual it must be done outside in a river Or inside in a tub but in a quiet atmosphere.

-Enzo: Inside is safer. We will do it inside.

*He say right away, He picks Nati up bridal style and walk towards their room, we follow him.

-Fairie: Ok, now we must smudge Nati.

*Zafre does that and I go to the hospital to do something they asked me to, Enzo was still carrying Nati when I left, he didn't want to let go of her for any reason.

*When I came back they already had fill the tub with water, the fae who's name is Anemone puts herbs in the tub. When Zafre was smudging Nati, Anemone went outside to the woods to take what she needs. The things she didn't find she went to a store on Enzo's theritory to buy them, Enzo called and told them to give her whatever she needs that he'll pay later.

*As she puts the herbs in she say.

-Anemone: Sage for purification,
Sweet grass for cleansing,
Cedar for positive energie,
Palo Santo for clarity and grounding,
Lilac for grounding,
Lavender for safeguard against darkness,
Calendula for purification,
chamomile for happiness and comfort,
Amaranth to vanish the darkness.

*Then Zafre comes and takes Aspen essential oil, she smear this all over Nati's body, then they bath a new born in the water, this because for the simple reason that their soul is pure, innocent and good it hasn't been damaged, changed or even used for good or evil.

*She told us this when she went out for the ingredients, I went to the hospital and asked one of the mothers if we could use their baby for something, at first no one wanted to, but after we explained and said that nothing bad would happen one of them said it's ok, she said that she'll do it to help her Alpha female.

*Now they insert drops of holy water in the tub. Enzo proceed to put an unconscious Nati in the tub.

*Zafre and Anemone chants in unison.

-Both: Cleanse her soul I call to thee,
Cleanse her soul of corruption please,
Cleanse it now leave only purity to give to her divinity.

*After that they push her head down and let her submerge into the tub, when her head came back up Enzo take her out of the tub and put her on the ground, her body start to shake and from her mouth you could see something like a dark smoke coming out.

*Anemone and Zafre chant something and a light came out of their hands, they struck the dark thing and it slowly dissapeard.

*I look at Enzo and get closer to him, then I whispersomething to him.

-Christian: Man it's good to have fairies as allies or friends, they come in handy.

*He just nods his head agreeing with me while he looks at his mate.

*Some things, only fairies can do them.. and for obvious reasons no one even dares to speak to a fairy but us, we have Zafre always helping us, this is because of the girls.. and now... like this today, without them, we would have been screwed. On various occasions she has helped us already.

*After that eventful day we all went home, Day's go by and Nati appears to be truly ok now, Anemone went to see her and she said that there was no dark things left in her.

*Jake came today and he had to do the same ritual again with the woman. The baby is suctioning all her life force.



*After 4 more weeks the baby is born and the woman die.
When everyone see the baby, they stay in Ahw, Tina's pregnancy got some complications and their baby was born the same day as the witch/angel/demon baby, but everything is OK with them, she was doing to much during her pregnancy, training, working, helping people around.. even tho the doctor and pat told her to take some rest. PREGNANCY is delicate and dangerous, even for werewolfs it is dangerous if they don't take good care.

*Pat didn't leave tina or their baby side, after a few days they both came to see the other baby they left their daughter at Tina's family place while they came.

*The maids were taking care of him since he was born, I didn't want Natasha nor the kids close to him unless some of us are present, we don't know if the spells or the other things they did to him are working for sure.

*Pat and Tina fell in love with him, Pat look at him and say.

-Pat: How come someone so beautiful and innocent can be so dangerous? He looks like an angel.

-Tina: He is half angel and angels are known to be divine creatures, he is so little and so beautiful.

-Pat: No, he is gorgeous.

-Tina: I think that this is no coincidence that our baby girl was born the same day as him, they are just minutes apart. This is a sign.

-Pat: What are you talking about my Godess?

*I look at them not understanding anything.
Everyone was here, even the witches. They come from time to time to check on the baby, when he was born they did what we talked about. They made something that the baby has to wear always, this will help to suppress his magic, not all of it of course, They also put a glamour on him to make it seem as if he is a wolf.

*Tina was looking at pat with loving eyes as he carried the baby, I told him to don't touch him but he say I was being ridiculous.

*After a bit Tina asked if they can adopt him. We all look at her in shock.

*Pat smile at her and say.

-Pat: That's why you're my soulmate, we think alike, I had the same idea.

*Tina kiss him and say that a family should raise him, pat agrees.

*They wanna raise him as theirs they said. The baby has dark hair, light skin and light eyes, traits that both Tina and pat have.
They say that everything is going to be OK they will raise their daughter and this baby as if they were twins. It was Tina's idea. And pat is happy to abide by her. Both babies have black hair and light eyes.

*I refused at first but then all the girls took their side.

-Natasha: No one will question if the baby is theirs.

-Pat: If anything, when he grows and people say that he doesn't look like us, we could tell everyone in the pack that the baby looks like someone in my family like a grandfather or something of mine or just anything.

*The girls nod in agreement and I shake my head. I look at Zafre and she just stand there not saying a word. She is much older than everyone here she is the voice of reason.

-Zafre: Maybe it's not a bad idea, we have take some precautions already, we will always come and check on him too.

*And here I thought that she was going to be against this idea.

-Tina: Yes, only our families will know that the baby is adopted, we will raise them as brothers and no one would tell them otherwise. It doesn't matter that we didn't make him, we will love him either way. And we will threat them the same.
I kept refusing but at the end they managed to do what they wanted that is because Natasha manipulated me.

*After a few more days pass they had officially adopted the baby.
They told their family that the baby mother died in birth and that he is an orphan their family were more than happy to take the baby in as part of their family. They named him Angelus William Patrick Stone He got Tina's father's name as his second name and Patrick's name and last name of course same as their daughter who's name is Angelica Cristine Patricia Stone.

*Cristine for Cristina and Patricia for Patrick obviously. Their first name was a choice of Tina's grandmother who's mother name was Angelica and Angelus sounds almost the same.

*Pat and Tina think that maybe If the kid grow in a loving home he would become good. Just as lucifer was an angel supposedly to be good but he turn evil. Tina said that this baby was made to be bad to encarnate evil itself, but he can turn out to be good. That was her exact words.

*On the other hand, Pat say that we all have our hands full so it will be their pleasure to take care of The baby.

*They are right about something tho, everyone has good and evil inside of them it's our choice to which one we lean. Anyway, I'll have people watching over them.. also Zafre, Jake and Kyle will keep an eye on them. Just in case if something goes side ways. They have permission to come to my pack everyday.

*And this decision of mine caused some kind of problem, I came to know from Darla's father that Darla's mother his mate is trying to put my pack against me saying that I allow witches and fairies to come on the property risking them all.

*Most of my pack members didn't care about what she say, her own mate didn't, they know that I won't do anything to put them in harms way, but some did listen to her and share her opinion. And this started some kind of revolution.

*Her own mate, Darla's father, wasn't very fond of the idea, he told me that it was her that helped Darla escape that day in the hospital, he told me that Darla confessed to them all the atrocities she did and that she isn't done with us yet.

*He also told me everything she did, also that she is responsible for sending the recording and pics to me, she told them that she hate Natasha because not even that made me forget her and keep her away from me.

*I felt a huge relieve when I heard that, Natasha is truly innocent.

*He say that after Darla said all she have done he couldn't believe his ears, he said that he told them both that she needed to be stopped that brought him and his mate into a heavy discussion and that that night his mate helped her escaped.

*She admitted it saying that it's her only daughter. He say that even tho Darla is his daughter he want nothing to do with her because she is evil, nothing like her brother who passed. Just because of his loyalty I promised him I won't kill his mate but I'll banish her for sure. It's his choice if he goes with her or not. I'll have some of my men follow her maybe she could leat us to Darla.

*when i asked him what he was going to do, he decided to stay in the pack for his grandson and granddaughter. He say he wants nothing to do with Darla and his mate even if it kills him inside.

*I'll be letting him spend lots of time with Vi, maybe that will help him to don't feel lonely he can even move into the pack house if he wants. He tell me everything now because he was trying to convince his mate to desist of all this but she didn't listen and she kept doing it. He say it's time to stop her.

*He realize now that there is nothing else to do. He ask me to forgive him for taking this long to tell me but he pleads for me to understand him, because it's his mate.

*I tell him to don't worry I do understand and I thank him and I also tell him that he is a good and honest man. I'm honored to have someone like him in my pack.

*After I said that He smile and leave, even when he smiled I saw the sadness on his face. It must have been hard for him to come here and tell me all this knowing that he can loose his mate over this.

3360 words.

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