I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 122a

11K 906 240
By asminc007


Aayan walked towards the direction of the ICU ward, lost in deep thoughts, that's when Ved saw him and ran towards him

'Aayan, where were you and where is Annie...?' he asks looking around

'She's at the cafeteria... Why what happened...?' he looks at him, he seemed to be excited to say something

'Maa's operation was successful, they'll keep her under 48 hours observation to see if the new pacemaker works...' Ved says teary eyed

'That's amazing bro... See, I told you, nothing will happen to her...' Aayan says hugging him

'I know, but I was so scared... I cannot do anything without her... I am not ready to let her go...' Ved cries on Aayan's shoulder

'None of us are...' Aayan sighs

'Why didn't Annie come with you...?'

'She... Uh... It's better that we leave her alone for a while...' Aayan gets uncomfortable

'Why what happened...? Did you guys fight ?'

'No... It's... It's just she needs time to think about something...' Aayan says taking a seat near where Ved was standing

'About what...?'

'Whether she wants to be in this marriage or get a divorce...?' Aayan sighs

Ved was shocked to hear this, he was about to say when they hear Vansh's voice

'What ?!' he exclaims and Aayan - Ved look at his direction


'Why would Annie do that...?' Ved asks sitting besides Aayan

'Because Mom has asked her to do so...' Aayan replies

'Nonsense... Maa will never say that...'  Vansh huffs

'It's true, and I think it's right...' Aayan says in a low voice and the twins look at him shocked

'What are you saying...' Ved holds Aayan's arms

'Ved, Ananya has suffered a lot, and I am the sole reason for it... How long do you think we can hold on to a relationship like this, which started with hate and ended with pain...'

'It has not ended yet...' Vansh says

'It's as good as dead Vansh, we are married for namesake, there's no love and I doubt there will ever be...'

'I disagree with this... Even if you prove in the Supreme Court that you are the most incompetent man in this planet, Annie will still choose to be with you...' Vansh says and Ved glares at him

'Wow what an example...' Ved hits him

'What ! it makes sense...' Vansh hits him back

'I don't want her to leave me...' Aayan whispers

'Then say this to her...' Ved says

'Why do things always have to go my way Ved, right from the start, you people have always behaved the way I like, why doesn't anyone thinks about Ananya... What she wants... She deserves a life Ved, a peaceful one, just like she had before marrying me...' Aayan exclaims

'What about you then...?'

'I don't know...'

'You can't live without her bro...' Ved pats his shoulders

'Then I won't...' Aayan mutters

'Why are you sacrificing...? This is not you...' Vansh gets suspicious

'Shut up Vansh, enough with your taunts' Ved scolds him and Aayan too keeps quiet

Vansh did not counter anything at this, just looked at Aayan and then at Ved

'You know what is the problem with you two, Initially, Annie listened to her heart and you didn't, now You listen to your heart and Annie doesn't...' Vansh says leaning against the pillar

'True...' Aayan smiles

'Exactly it's like you guys have a part of each other inside you... You have a bit of Annie and Annie has a bit of you...' Ved says and Vansh chuckles

'What does that mean...?' Aayan asks

'He means, there is no way Annie is leaving you...' Vansh says

'I want her to take a decision on what she wants and I will readily accept it...' Aayan declares standing up

'Considering her impulsive nature, thanks to you, you think she can be trusted with the responsibility of deciding your and her fate...?' Vansh raises his bro

'Was I worthy enough to play with our lives Bro ? Ananya is way better than me...' Aayan smiles

'I am sure whatever she decides will be the best for you two and all of us...' Ved says

'But when will she do that ?' Vansh asks

'You'll know my decision after Sameer's marriage...' they hear Ananya's voice and turn to look at her

She was staring intently at Aayan, who went speechless listening to this

'Annie are you sure about this...?' Vansh asks

'How long do you think this thing is going to last Bhai ? We have to reach a final conclusion right ?' Ananya looks at her brother and Aayan's heart fell hearing this

Something inside him said, This will be over soon and surprisingly this time there was no voice to counter that which disheartened him to the core

He took a deep breath and walked towards Naina's room, giving a brief glance to her, who looked away

Ved and Vansh looked at each other and secretly crossed fingers behind their backs hoping for something good

Arjun who silently witnessed all these from behind too crossed his fingers praying for his daughter..

1 week later...
Thapar's residence
7:30 p.m.

Ananya stood at her former favorite spot at the terrace, looking at the street where she used to stare at Aayan passing from there, as a kid

She sighed remembering those days where she was not sure about his feelings, but wanted him to be with her

But today, when he is with her, she knows about his feelings, yet she doesn't know what to do with him

Ananya closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath

Why do we complicate things ?

Why do we create issues in our heads, when we don't really have them and get sad ?

Why can't I just let go of the insecurity I have for Aayan ?

Is it so easy for people to just walk away ?

Is everyone expecting me to forget what he did and accept him readily ?

Am I the only one expected to do the sacrifices ?

I mean I lost my baby, my husband ran away, I was judged, tried to be taken advantage of by other men, do they expect me to forget all that ?

Why do I care what do they expect me to do...?

It's my life, Damn it !

Then there was another voice who countered the arguments inside her head

Annie you cannot deny the fact, what you are you today is because he came into your life !

You were this timid princess, who lived in her father's secured castle, waiting for her prince charming...

When Aayan came along you had to get out of your comfort zone and become a strong, independent woman, who doesn't need anyone...

Had he not been there, you would've been married to some another man, who would give you a similar life like your father did, but where was the scope of your individual growth ?

Aayan wasn't incompetent, but he didn't let you be a princess forever, whatever his methods were, he brought out the Ananya who has her own identity today

But he eventually left one voice inside her said

He also came back for you another voice countered

He sighed and opened her eyes, to see Aayan standing on that street waving at her

For once she thought, she is dreaming and blinked her eyes and looked carefully...

It wasn't a dream, he was really there waving at her

Ananya couldn't help but smile at this, because as a teenager, this is what she wanted, him to notice her

She waved back and Aayan blew a kiss towards her, Ananya rolled her eyes at this, which he couldn't see because of the distance, so he did it once again

Ananya raised her hand, pretending to catch something and then throwing it away

Aayan dramatically put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt

She couldn't help but laugh at this, and Aayan too was happy to see her smiling after so long

He took out the phone from his pocket and texted something to her
Ananya too takes out her phone as a message notification popped up

Had I looked up back then, things would've been much less complicated between us ❤

Ananya looks at him shocked and typed a reply

How do you know !!!

Aayan chuckles reading the text

Deepika is my friend too 😎

Ananya huffed at this and replied with a 😒 smiley

I am so sorry for unintentionally breaking your heart back then, but I swear I had no idea

Ananya looks at the text and then at him

You did nothing different when you were aware about my feelings, you've been breaking my heart since eternities Aayan, I am immune to it now

Aayan was filled with guilt after reading this

I know, and there's nothing I can do to compensate the loss, If you want to punish me, you can

Ananya sighed reading the text and took a deep breath

I cannot see you in pain she types, and while typing this tears filled her eyes

Aayan's eyes filled with tears too after reading this

I love you ❤ he replies

Ananya wipes her tears and types

I know...

Aayan sighs looking at the text and saw her going inside

I love you more than anything Ananya, and if I have to let you go, for your happiness... I will...

1 week later...
Jai's House, 9:00 a.m.

Ananya was in her room, getting ready for Sameer's haldi function, she was wearing a pink saree, paired with a white sleeveless blouse, her hair was tied into a neat bun, she was applying the eye liner before leaving for the function organised downstairs

Aayan walks out of the bathroom, dressed in his tracks and vest, drying his hair, he looks at Ananya and sighs dreamily

She's getting beautiful by age he thought

Ananya who noticed Aayan staring didn't say anything, though her heart fluttered being admired by his gaze, but she was not going to show

Aayan searches his closet and finds nothing that can fit his size, he searches again and then takes a step back, scratching his head

'What are you going to wear ?' Ananya asks

'Maybe some of my old clothes...'

'You think you can fit into them anymore ?'

'I haven't gained weight'

'I meant the kurta will look like it's hung on a skeleton, you've lost that much weight...'  she taunts

'Oh...' he sighs and turns to look at his reflection on the mirror

'All my charm has been lost...' he mutters

Ananya feels bad for him, he certainly lost weight, but he was still the handsome guy who can make her heart skip a beat, by just looking at her

She took a deep breath to let the thoughts go and continued her work

Aayan stood there, embarassed because he had nothing to wear for his brother's wedding this evening and there wasn't much time for him to go out and buy something now, so he just sits on the chair, massaging his temples

Why didn't I shop, I had plenty of time, those investors could've waited, Sameer isn't getting married everyday

'What happened ?' he hears Ananya's voice and looks up

'Nothing' he says, getting up and starts searching in the closet

Ananya holds his arm and pulls him back, and her mere touch made goosebumps rise in his body, he rubbed his skin to get rid of it, as he didn't wish to embarrass himself 

'I knew you wouldn't have time, so I did some shopping for you...' Ananya says searching something in his closet

Aayan couldn't help but smile at this, he didn't even have to say and she already knows what he needs

How am I going to live without her
And with this thought, fear gripped inside him, today is the day she decides not only the fate of their marriage, also their lives

'Are you okay with this colour ?' she asks, Aayan who again got side tracked, did not reply...

'I asked something...' She turns back and looks at him

'Uh.. What...? Sorry I was zoned out...' he says

'I asked are you okay with this color, we can change it before the ceremony if you want' she shows him a pink kurta, similar to her saree

'And for evening, this..' she shows him a Royal blue kurta, Aayan stares at both the kurtas and smiles

'I am okay with anything you choose...' he says, staring at her

Now even Ananya couldn't take her eyes off his face, though he looked weak, his eyes held the sparkle she saw, when they were madly in love with each other

Aayan too stared at her admiringly, and tears filled his eyes, those were happy tears, her very presence made him happy, it was like he was capturing her in his memories, for the rest of his life, if she decides to leave him after Sameer's wedding.

He was mentally preparing himself for that, when Ananya declared that she will decide on their fate post Sameer's wedding, something inside him said

This is it.. This is the end of their story...

He wanted her to live in peace, even if it's without him...

A lone tear fell from his eyes, and Ananya instinctively wiped it

'Why are you crying...?' She asks tears filling her eyes too

'Sorry, I just realised, this could be the last time you are helping me to get ready for... Uh.... Anything...' he says wiping his tears away

'Are you so confident that whatever we have is going to end...?' she looks at him teary eyed

'I don't want it to end... But I have no control over it...' 

'It seems you've been wanting this...' she says trying to control her tears

'Believe me, I've been praying since the day I left for US, that this situation doesn't arise, although I totally deserve the punishment...' he says wiping her tears and caressing her face

'I won't leave if you don't want me to...' Ananya says looking into his eyes

Aayan smiled 'You've always did what I wanted, this time I want you to do, what you want...'

'This is harder than I expected...' Ananya cries

'To let go of something you love the most, is the toughest decision you can take...' he says, tears fill his eyes too

'But you did it anyway...' Ananya looks at him

'Because you were better off without me...' He says

'Liar...' she huffs, pulling away from him

He holds her arms tightly and forcefully makes her look at him

'Look at me, look into my eyes and say, I've been lying about this all along...' he says angrily

Ananya gets speechless at this, his intense gaze was affecting her, her throat went dry, she gulped and freed herself from his grip, unable to look at him anymore

'Are you seriously not going to fight for this ?' she says unable to hold her irritation

'I don't want to force you into anything, I've done that before, see where we are today.....'

'What if I leave...?' she asks

Aayan's hands went cold and he had goosebumps hearing this...

'I will always love you... No matter what happens in future...' He says getting closer

'That doesn't make any sense...' she whispers

'You must have the courage to love a person so much, that you let them go, if they are in pain because of you... I've been a coward my whole life, but this time for once, I am doing something what my father's son must do... Being sensible...' he says wiping his tears

'How will you live if you love me so much....?'

'I don't know, but if you are better without me, I'll let you go...'

'This is so not the Aayan I met 4 years ago...' she argues

'That Aayan messed things up a lot, he had to go...'

'That Aayan was a fighter...'

'This is your Aayan, he is a fighter too, just because he doesn't show, doesn't mean he can't...'

My Aayan... Her heart fluttered at this

Ananya was speechless at this yet again, she stared at him teary eyed, he cupped her face and wiped her tears, kissing her forehead...

They stared at each other, their faces were inches apart, Ananya closed her eyes, preparing herself  for what followed next, He too moved closer to kiss her, but stopped when he was just about to touch her lips

Ananya was disappointed by this, because she had goosebumps all over her body with his proximity, post 3 years, she was going to get what she was entitled to, but couldn't...

She opens her eyes and looked at him confused

'I don't have the right....' he says, leaving her face and taking a step back

Ananya closed her eyes in disappointment, and tears rolled down..

'Leave me alone for a while please...' She says in a low voice

Aayan doesn't say anything, just took the kurta from her hand and left the room

God please help me !

Living room

Jai's living room was full of guests and relatives, who were there to attend Sameer's Haldi ceremony

Everyone was busy with some or the other work, Ananya's cousins and Nitaara, were attending the guests and were busy in preparation of the ceremony

Sameer was playing with Vansh's son who was around 2 month old now, Sameer was making faces and  Shaurya was laughing...

'Vansh I swear to god, this is one of the cutest baby I have ever played with...' Sameer says caressing Shaurya's face

Vansh who was fixing Vedika's dress, looks at him and smiles

'Ofcourse, afterall I made him...' he says proudly and others shot look at him

'How did you make him Maamu...?' Amayraa asks from behind, she and Ved just entered the room

Vansh bit his tongue and closed his eyes, Sameer pursed his lips, preventing himself from laughing 

Ved massaged his temples and asks Amayraa to go inside

'Vedu, go with Amy di, your Mummy will get you ready...' Ved says to Vedika

'Okay Paa...' she grins and runs towards Amayraa

Ved smacks Vansh's head and takes a seat beside Sameer

'Filter your words when you are inside the house, we have kids here...' he scolds Vansh, who nods

'Vansh baba is proud of his creation...' Sameer teases and Vansh chuckles

Ved takes Shaurya from Sameer's arms, who smiles at him

'He's going to be like Khushi...' He kisses Shaurya's cheeks

'No way, he's going to be like me...' Vansh protests

'I hardly doubt that...' Ved smirks at him

The twins continued their banter, when Sameer noticed Aayan walking down the stairs, looking lost

'Bro...?' Sameer called, but Aayan was lost in his thoughts

The twins too stopped arguing and looked at his direction, he looked like he was not in his senses

'Jeejaji...' Vansh called, but Aayan didn't reply

He was slowly getting down the stairs and didn't look at the next stair, which made him lose his balance, he was about to fall, but was caught by Arjun who happened to be walking upstairs at the same time

'Careful there son...' Arjun says helping him stand properly

'Sorry Dad, I didn't see the stair...' Aayan said adjusting his Kurta

'You are worried...' Arjun states looking at him

'No dad, I was just thinking about the arrangements for tonight, I'll just go and check if the car and orchestra people arrived or not...' Aayan lies, avoiding Arjun's gaze

'I have faith on my daughter son, she won't disappoint us...' Arjun holds his shoulder and Aayan sighs

'For once in her life, I want her not to disappoint herself Dad...' Aayan smiles

Arjun went speechless at this, realisation dawned upon him that his daughter was not his little princess anymore, but was a strong, independent, headstrong and caring and also a selfless woman, just like her mom was before and after their marriage

'You've amazingly raised her Dad, I wish Amayraa could be like her...' Aayan says and Arjun chain of thoughts was broken

'It's all her mom, son... All the traits she carries today is from her mother, I just realised that I didn't raise her to survive in this world, all I wanted for her was to be safe and happy, I didn't teach her to find her own path of happiness...' Arjun sighs and his sons who stood behind him, look at each other

'She's one of a kind Pa...' Vansh says

'The best daughter, sister, wife and a mother anyone can have' Ved says and Arjun smiles at this, so does Aayan

'Nevertheless Dad, whatever happens today, I'll be glad that I got to be a part of her life, maybe I was just a bitter experience for her, but for me she was the ray of light in dark times, those happy memories are enough for me to live my whole life...' Aayan says and now he was unable to control his tears, he excused himself and walked out of the house

Arjun gestures Ved to follow him, and takes Vansh's support to get down as he had pain in his knees

'You are an irreplaceable part of her life Son, you just don't realise that...' Arjun says and Vansh nods, both looking at Aayan's direction

Ananya's Room

Ananya wipes her tears and gets up from the bed, her eyes and nose were red and cheeks tear stained

Khushi knocks her door and enters her room, seeing her Ananya quickly wipes her tears and takes a deep breath

'Hey Khushi, I was just coming downstairs...' Ananya says not looking at her and started picking up things from her bed

Khushi walks towards her and stops Ananya from doing the task and makes her look at her

'You don't have to hide your tears Ananya, you've been doing that since a very long time, give yourself a break...' Khushi says wiping the tears from her cheeks

Ananya couldn't hold her tears any longer and sits on the bed covering her face, sobbing..
Khushi did nothing, just held her shoulders and let her cry..

It was after 3 years, anyone has seen her crying like this, she was finally ready to open up today

Afterall, strong people have their limits too

After a while, when she calms down, Khushi hands her a glass of water and sits beside her

'Do you wish to say something ?' Khushi asks softly

'A lot of things...' Ananya cries

'I am here to listen...' Khushi smiles wiping her tears

'You don't have to, it's just nonsense...'

'Please I want to... I badly want you to vent out your frustrations Annie, shun this strong woman image for once, you are a human afterall...' Khushi holds her arms

Ananya takes a deep breath and looks at Khushi, who smiles in encouragement

'I am supposed to decide today, whether I want to stay in this marriage or not...' Ananya begins

'I know that, but I don't think that's the reason for this breakdown...' Khushi says

'It's not, this is all my pain, anger, frustration, insecurity coming out...' Ananya wipes her tears

'I understand....'

'No ! You don't understand, no one can... It's not easy to live like this Khushi, I mean it was not supposed to get complicated like this... My life... It was supposed to be simple ! I didn't ask for this !' Ananya exclaims getting up and Khushi gets up too

'All I wanted was a loving husband and a happy life ! Was that too much to ask for...? Why did I end up with Aayan, Khushi...! I mean why did god made him for me ?! It could've been anyone, like literally any man in this world Khushi ! But I get Aayan ! Whyyyyyyy ?' Ananya cries and Khushi feels helpless as she can't do anything to console her

'He hated me for no reason, It broke my heart like anything, but I tolerated that, I stayed strong...
He married me out of hatred, and made my life no less than a hell in Bangalore, I didn't utter a word, I stayed strong...
Then I get pregnant, although I wasn't ready to be a mom, I prepare myself to be one... But then...? Then I lose the baby...! No issues, I stayed strong....
And then he runs away, being a coward, he runs away, leaving me miserable with a 3 year old kid, I suffered alone, but I stayed Strong...
Now he comes back, completely transforming himself into this caring, doting, non impulsive, perfect husband, and everybody expects me to take him back ? You think that's so easy ?! It's not, it's a torture, it's a torture Khushi....! But yet, I am staying strong...!' Ananya says angrily and Khushi gets worried because she was hyperventilating

'And you know what the worst part is...?'

'You cannot hate him...' Khushi states

'Exactly !'

'You think he doesn't love you...?'

'He loves me more than anything in this world...' Ananya states firmly

'Then how can you you didn't find true love...' Khushi wipes her tears

'The thing is Khushi, I don't want to be strong anymore, for once... For once I wish to become that carefree Ananya, who didn't worry about anything, who didn't have to take tougher decisions, who would just run to Paa and her problems were over.... Can I be that Ananya for once.... Please...!' Ananya starts sobbing

Khushi hugs her from behind, holding her shoulders, she didn't say anything because Ananya didn't need consoling right now, she just needed someone to hold her

Ananya relaxed after a bit and held Khushi's arms, taking a deep breath

'You are very brave Ananya, I know you didn't want to be one, but I doubt I will ever meet such a strong girl with a selfless heart and perseverance, look at yourself, your transformation... Everyone admires you, and trust me you deserve the praise...' Khushi says and Ananya sighs

'I didn't want to be role model to anyone Khushi, all I wanted was to be loved unconditionally by my dream man' Ananya says

'And you think you didn't get that...?' Khushi asks leaving her

Ananya had no answer to this, though after much pain, Aayan did became the dream man she always wanted, but alas, she was not the naive dreamy girl anymore

'I don't like the way I got it...' Ananya frowns

'What's the point of life, if you get everything so easily without facing any hardships... There's a possibility that you wouldn't have valued his love if he was such a loving person right from start...' Khushi says

'That doesn't mean he was entitled to change me, no one has right to mess with anyone's core nature....' Ananya argues

'Let's consider what you said just now is correct, no one should try to change anyone, then what about the fact that you changed him too, was that right ?' Khushi says looking straight to her eyes

Ananya again had no answer to this
'But... He changed... For... Good...'

'Didn't you...?'  Khushi smiles and stands up


'I am not here to influence your decision in anyway, but just think what will happen if you decide to opt out of this marriage... And what will happen if you don't...' Khushi wipes her tears

Ananya sighs and rests her head against Khushi, wrapping her arms around her waist, Khushi too caressed her hair 

'No matter what you decide, we are always there for you, you know that right...?' Khushi says softly

'I know...' Ananya says and was lost into deep thoughts

Can you live without him Annie ?


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