The Mitchell Boys

By FightingAndSurviving

446K 16.6K 4.6K

๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐. ๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ ... More

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

chapter 43

6.2K 257 55
By FightingAndSurviving

I was reading my body paragraphs describing the book while looking up at him at times. He kept staring at me and never looking away. I was getting somewhat annoyed but ignored it, taking it as a challenge actually.

So I tilted my head to the right and started to state the rest of my paragraph without looking at the computer. I memorized some of it and bullshit what I didn't. I'm not going to let him think that he's the alpha, I refuse to let him think he's superior even if he is.

"Do you want me to keep going? I can if you need more time to finish your assignment." I leaned forward and whispered, "Can't ruin your reputation because you can't finish a paper. Don't worry I got you, I can read slower." I leaned back sticking my tongue out from the corner of my mouth and winked at him.

He rolled his eyes at me, "I actually did finish my assignment thank you very much. Didn't expect a street rat to have even gotten past the beginning." He snapped back. I smiled and glared at his comment.

"Hohoho, so the rich white boy wants to play huh?" crossing my arms I leaned forward on the desk pulling the screen down so I could look at him better. "What happened to playing nice?" I said with a pout.

"You're acting like I'm the one that started this." He exasperated resting his chin in his hand. "Technically you started this, I'm just resurpicating." I explained with a signature smirk on my lips.

He glared at me while looking at my lips, "I'm talking about right now and I'm trying hard not to be an ass so can you just finish the damn paragraph?" he grunted. He proceeded to sigh and lay his head on his arms resting on the desk.

I squinted at him confused, it's weird when he's trying to be nice. I don't like it. It seems way too artificial and forced. I wanted to poke his buttons, i wonder how long i can do it until he finally cracks? I'd prefer a Brian calling me slut and gold digger then forced kindness. Honestly is better than a bunch of stupid lies and an act.

"So that was Mr. Big Brain acting nice? I fear what your cordial looks like frat boy." He popped his head from where I could see it over the computer. "Morning sleeping beauty, did our assignment bore you? I apologize I couldn't support your needs, your royal highness." I drawled out sarcastically.

I heard him growl and mutter something under his breath that faintly sounded like, "This fucking bitch, i swear to god." I smirked in amusement. The asshole deserves to get his feathers ruffled.

"Well you got the jist of my essay. What does yours say?" I pried, but he just kept glaring at me. "What? Are you illiterate now? I'm not getting any younger. By the time you read the damn essay I'm going to have wrinkles." I sassed.

I pulled at and scrunched my face trying to show my wrinkles. "See! They're already appearing!" I exclaimed over dramatically. He closed his eyes and took a deep long breath. I kept pulling and making faces until he looked at me.

He stared at me trying to look unimpressed while I kept acting foolish. We just stared at each other for a bit until he cracked. The corner of his lip tilted upwards, but other than that he kept a straight face.

Rolling his eyes, his lips tilted back down, "Stop making those faces, they're hideous." He told me lazily, fawning uninterestedly.

"These faces." I started in a monotone voice and gave myself a double chin. He shook his head and rubbed a hand through his hair. "No, your normal face." I snapped back sarcastically.

I gasped and faked shock, "I thought you were going to be nice to me?" I placed a hand over my heart and pretended to be offended. He rubbed his hands up and down his face and sighed, "For the first chapter my question was..."

He continued to read, seemingly unbothered by my provocation. Damn. Knowing when to pick my battles I stopped and listened. His academic paragraphs weren't bad at all. Which pissed me off a little, he's good looking and smart. Too bad he's an ass hat.

He kept on going and I progressively became more distracted and tired. I leaned onto my hand, resting my cheek in my palm and just watched him. The way his eyelashes fluttered and touched his cheeks as he blinked. How when he leaned down his hair would fall onto his forehead so his head pushed it away.

The way his dimple on his right cheek would appear when he said certain words. Or how he would crack his knuckles while reading, seeming to do it unconsciously. And depending one the angle he tilted his head the sun from the blinds would shine on his left eye showing a burning amber color.

"Am i boring you princess?" He sneered. Keeping eye contact I answered, "Actually you are. Thank god you noticed." I breathed out, keeping my non threatening smile on my face.

He frowned at me and closed his computer, "Got any better ideas then princess." He said in a condescending tone, leaning forward like I was before. I tilted my chin up in challenge, meeting him in the middle of the desk.

We were both hovering over the crack that connects our desks together. "So princess, what's your idea?" He breathed out. His breath tickled my cheeks and blew my baby hairs. He was taller than me so even leaning over a desk he was still a little above me.

"Well your highness," I whispered leaning even closer in and raising my shoulders so we were eye to eye. Our noses were a hair away from touching each other, but we never broke eye contact. Both of us refused to admit defeat.

I tilted my chin up high in a quiet way of showing superiority which he noticed. "I was thinking we-"

"Brian, Christian, stop kissing and do your work." The teacher demanded. Both our eyes went wide as we stared at each other. My body grew tense but i refused to lose, "We're not making, we're having a staring contest. Which I'm winning by the way." I called out to the teacher while not breaking eye contact.

I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him. "Funny Christian but if I recall you've already blinked 54 times." He smirked at me. "You just made up that number. And if not you're a fucking creep." I poked while looking into his left and right eye.

"What are you guys doing?" Some girl asked nervously from beside Brian but neither of us looked away. "Asserting dominance." I told her far off.

She forced a laugh, "Come on Brian this is stupid." From my peripheral vision I saw her hand on his shoulder. Because we were so close I saw the slight widening in his eyes and his body tense.

A sense of familiarity called to me and I wanted to help. "You're distracting the competition. Please get your hand off of him, I want to win because I'm superior in all forms. Your hand might mess that up."

He seemed to zone back in a look even deeper into my eyes than before. As if he was searching for something or was trying to tell me something. I'm not some kind of anime character that can communicate with lightning bolts so i have no idea.

"You don't have to be fucking rude." She snapped, "I was just talking to him." Thankfully she took her hand off and I saw his body relax a bit. I could tell he was asking me something but I feigned innocence.

"You guys are fucking weird." A guy said lightly while I heard distant female chatter. "You like the view there Christian? Seems you can't take your eyes away." Brian voiced with overwhelming cockiness.

"This whole time i've been keeping myself from throwing up by looking at you. You should be thanking me for having that much self control." I quipped back. "Oh so the new girl has some attitude." someone different dude joked behind me.

"That's nothing to be applauded for. My body has been trying to shut itself down since I sat here. Trying to protect itself from viewing your atrocious face any longer." he gibed.

I was trying to keep the frown on my face but it was hard. Things were finally starting to get interesting. "I wish i could do that but the horrendous odor wafting off of your body is physically keeping my body from turning off. It's spending all it's time trying to block it out." I retorted.

It was a big fat lie but they didn't need to know that. His scent was hard to place but it wasn't bad. It had a fruity undertone to it but stayed more on the masculine side.

"What i smell like can't possibly compare to-" He started before getting cut off by the teachers hand. His hand went in between our faces cutting off our contest. "Break it up everyone. The raging hormones and testosterone are so thick I can barely breath from halfway across the room. Find a room, preferably not mine." He grumbled while walking away.

"Pack up. I want all the computers put away in order. And you two better not make purple, leave room for jesus." He said loudly, making some of the class laugh. "What if you don't believe in jesus?" I couldn't help myself from talking back and acting like a smartass.

He just looked at me, "Then leave enough room 2 people to walk through you two. I don't need any more premarital eye contact in this class then there already is." He joked. I smiled at his answer. I think i'll actually like this teacher.

"Now pack up and leave. You guys are annoying me." He waved his hand towards the door to shew us. It didn't take me long to pack up because I didn't really take anything out. I hiked my bag over my shoulder when I got shouldered. "Slut." Was hissed while they bumped me.

I looked at the little posse from earlier plus an extra girl. I just rolled my eyes at the originality and walked past them. If you're going to insult someone add a little flavor to it. The same insults over time get old and lose their shine.

I saw Brian staying behind with some of our other classmates facing away from me. Today was...Interesting to say the least. Me and Brian's relationship just got 3 times more confusing than it was before. And I'm not sure if it's mine or his fault for that.

But damn that guy is really good looking. No wonder girls act like he's the first bottle of water they've seen after walking through a desert for a month.

To be honest all the guys seem to be above average when it comes to looks. That's not normal, maybe they were super fugly kids. Because no one can just be hot and stay hot. That's not fair in the slightest.

Time for chemistry, I wonder what the hell is going to happen there.

I walked in and headed to the table that the guys sat in last time. I didn't realize how bogie the stools were until now. They were padded and covered in black leather. They also had the handle to adjust the height and a back to lean on to. On top of that the damn thing spun.

These chairs wouldn't have lasted a day at my old school. There was a lot of chair throwing. I remember the time some dude threw a chair out the damn window so he could hop out and catch a ride with some friends.

We found out later they were arrested. Not because of that but because they tried to steal an ATM at 4 am and were drunk and high off their asses. I know this information is true because I was friends with them. I wonder how Nick is doing? He should be getting probation soon.

"You up?" A hand waved in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts. I smiled and rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out." I looked up at Austin who just sat down at the corner of the table.

"I get it." He said before we both just sat there awkwardly. Later the twins walked in together. "Sup Red!" Cameron called out as he wrapped an arm around my neck.

"Hello." I replied not hiding my annoyance at his actions.Then I saw something on the back of his head. "Hey!" he exclaimed, "Sit down you weirdo." Jordan stated from above me. Letting me know he was the one who hit Cameron.

Cameron sat on my left and Jordan sat on my right, closest to Austin. "The board just says to work with your group when you get to class." Austin informed the group once everyone was settled.

"So what are we doing?" Jordan asked while typing on his phone. "How about animal sex." Cameron just blurted out from nowhere. Jordan snorted and Austin made a noise of shock. "What?" he asked, sounding confused.

Jordan slowly set his phone way, seeming to be done texting whoever it was he was. "Yes, please inform me how that has anything to do with chemistry?" He asked while resting his hand in his palm.

"I don't know. Ask Chris, it was her idea." Cameron outed me. I pushed his shoulder, "Snitch, and no it wasn't my idea. Kind of. Indirectly." I tried to justify myself.

Austin groaned and placed his hands on his face. Knowing full well where it came from, "And how you described it made it a lot worse then when i said it." I whined to Cameron. "Really Chris? From earlier, you were being serious?" Austin asked in a tone that was confusion mixed with exasperation.

"I mean i'm down." Jordan told the group, " I just want to know how this came up." He waved his hand at all of us. "No, no we are not doing our presentation about cross breeding." Austin said, sounding already exhausted.

"I thought Cam and Jor were bad enough. Now Chris is the one making the ideas." I shrugged innocently. "You can't blame me. I saved our asses with that idea." I defended myself. "You're the reason we needed our asses saving." He argued.

"Tomato tomato, as long as the ending product is fine you can ignore everything else." I said chipperly. He shook his head but didn't say anything. Jordan leaned back into his seat and eyed us, "So, can I get an explanation?"

I sighed and told the events of the day. By the end he was laughing, "That's fucking golden. I wasn't opposed to it anyways. Showing a massive ions penis on the screen to the class out of context would be hilarious." He joked.

Cameron joined in instantly. Him and Jordan started talking about how they can twist this to be even worse than it already is.

"See what you did, now they're going to be little demons for the rest of the day." Austin said lightly. He was clearly the dad of the group. While they were talking about what kind of bestiality porn they could find Austin cut in.

"We are not doing that." Cameron and Jordan started to protest but he shut it down. "If you want to watch and study animal porn do it on your own time. We're going to be performing a normal experiment that we can do quickly and get an A on." By the tone of his voice you could tell the decision was final.

"What if we make a drug-" I started, "I'm going to cut you off right there. We are not going to be making drugs in our science class. Next." Austin took full control of the group. I wasn't super mad about it because I had no idea what we're doing. But it was also kind of hot.

So for the first thirty minutes we were debating on what lab we should do that would meet all the necessary requirements and we can write a paper about. A lot of crazy ideas came out of the three of us. Sound wave frequency breaking different types of glasses. Making any type of food out of chemicals was Cameron's. I wanted to make lava or plasma but that was apparently "dangerous". Pussies.

Instead we were going to make 4 different types of smoke bombs or flare things. We want to see how long the smoke will fly out, how long until it dissipates from the air, and minimize the smell. Ultimately we will be trying to make our own if we have enough time.

That one was my idea because I recalled throwing blue smoke bombs off a roof into some girls party below with some friends. There were a bunch of different kinds so it was a hot ass mess, but it was fun.

It wasn't as fun running down a shit down of fire escape stairs to get away when the police were called. Then into a park that had a little forest area in pitch darkness and almost breaking my damn ankle. But it all ended well so it's fine.

"Come back to earth red." Cameron snapped in front of my face. "Huh?" I asked. "You zoned out again." Jordan answered while texting someone else. His phone has been vibrating the whole class time. "Crap sorry, just tried. I'm not a big science buff. But it's whatever."

"Well let's write down our project and turn it in before it's too late." Austin announced to the group. "1...2...3...not it." Cameron exclaimed and touched his nose. "Not it!" I copied quickly once realizing. Austin rolled his eyes but did it. Jordan had his finger on his nose but didn't say no.

"Your turn Jordan." Cameron jested. Jordan looked up confused, "What? I did it." He defended. "You didn't say not it." I informed him. He looked confused, "I totally said not it." Cameron snorted.

"You're fucking delusional. Maybe in your head but definitely not out loud." he teased. "Fucking idiots." He cursed while snatching our papers. "That phone is frying your already small brain brother." Cameron called out to him.

Jordan turned around and smirked, "At least I have my looks to fall back on, what do you have brother?" he snapped back cockily. Cameron rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

"You guys know you're twins right?" I stated allowed, clearly confused. "Don't worry, it's a stupif thing they do." Austin reassured. I nodded my head like I understood but really didn't. They literally look the exact same. I can only tell the difference because Jordan wears his piercings.

Jordan came back and held some new papers. "We were approved of the experiment. But we aren't allowed to set them off in class or on school grounds without permission." He told us while typing away again.

"Let's start the research papers." Austin took charge again. "We all should do a different bomb. We would all have our own section and combine it into one, then while demonstrating we all will have our own sections." No one opposed his idea so he continued.

"Have at least the first two things on the paper done by the end of the week. Now everyone choose a bomb." I couldn't even fathom that we were allowed to make bombs here. Just by saying the word bomb you could get searched at my old place.

"I don't care. Pick for me." I told Austin. He gave me the first one and I wrote it down on my paper. "Class is about to end." Jordan told the group.

We all started to pack our bags and clean up. Right when I finished the bell rang signalling the end of class. Now all I have is gym and dance. Wonderful.

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