Hilarious Texts And Tales Of...

By Braidzella

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Funny-no, hilarious text and tales if the Clone Wars characters had phones, and a crazy life outside of the w... More

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Darth Vacation The Wise
vacation order 66
Lord Hideous
don't dew it Anakin!
Lemmon head over dose
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the van
the Christmas Tree
Christmas (Couple) Party
new years eve
the washing machine
New Clone Wars Trailer!
I need some Advice
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Operation Valentines Day
Fives Confirms ships
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Boys Sleepover
Girls Sleepover
Ultimate Truth or Dare
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501st chat-HACKED
Savage's Questions That Need To Be Answered
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The True Tragedy of the Ruber Chicken
Missing Blowdryer
The Official Bald chat
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Easter Egg Insanity
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The Bet
How I Write The Clone Wars Text
Anakin's Job
Weird Ships
Echo's new bffs
The Attic
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My Rexsoka Heart
Late Cinco de Mayo
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The Trampoline
Anakin's Man Cave
The More Accurate Bald Chat
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Revenge on Fives Part 1
Revenge On Fives Part 2
Revenge on Fives Part 3
Robbing Count Dooku
Father's Day/ Party For Plo Koon
Clones Do The Lyric Prank
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The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
The Party Part 3
Pool Party
I've Been Tagged
Porg Hunting
Fall is in the air
Jedi Fall Party
The Haunted Halloween Maze
Toliet Papering Maul's House
The Pumpkin Patch
Another Tag
The Leaf Pile
Halloween Shopping + Nobody Steals Anakin's Van
Q And A
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Pie on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Get Together
Black Friday (The Boys Sneak Into Stores)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Clone Edition)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Jedi Edition)
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How The Sith Stole Christmas
Secret Santa
New Year's Eve Party
The Mall
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The Great Easter Feast
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May the 4th Part 1
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3
Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4
The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5
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Revenge on Anakin Part 2
Accidental Space Dads Chat
The Slippin Slide
The Sithin' Slide
The Incident At The Mancave
Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes
The Bounce House
Grevious's New Collection
Maul's glasses
The Picnic
Clone movie night
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The Rexsoka Blog
Two Truths And A Lie
Pumpkin Carving
The Grilled Rubber chicken Massacre
Anakin's Skeleton
Trick, Or Treat?
Halloween: Sith Edition
If We All Had Nicknames
Interviews For TCW Texts with Braidzella and Fives
Pre-Clone-Wars Era Chat
Thanksgiving Chaos
If The Clone Wars Was A Drama With Interviews
Christmas Preparations
Yoda Goes Fishing
Jedi Temple Tour
Anakin Breaks His Elbow
Personality Swap
Shaak Ti's She Shed
The Embarrassing Rex Chat
Yoda's Pizza Hut
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The Haunted Pinapple
A Day Of Obi Wan's Life
Vos's Hangout On Kashyyyk
The Cheeto Thief
Hardcase's Injury
Dating Disaster
Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)
The Bacon Chat
Reasons To Hate Fox Chat 101
The Rexsoka Blog 2.0
Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends
The 200

The Babe Cave

984 31 57
By Braidzella

Padme: introducing, the babe cave!

Ahsoka: wow, this place is pretty lit

Barriss: oh I get it, because there's lights all over the place, so it's lit


Barriss: that's not what you meant, is it?

Satine: still, this place is very nice.

Luminara: how did you afford all of this stuff?

Padme: oh, you know...work...

Satine: did you steal money?

Adi Galada: did you?

Shak Ti: I stole toliet paper

Aayla: that was random, creepy, and gross

Padme: no, I just told Chancellor Palpatine that I was borrowing some money for something very important! The babe cave!

Satine: girl that title is so cringy

Padme: no more cringy than Man Cave!

Ahsoka: well, I'll admit this place is better than Anakin's man cave...that place is litterly a dumpster

Satine: speaking of Anakin, did you seriously just make a "babe cave" because Anakin had a man cave?

Padme: well, maybe...okay, yeah! But this place could be so important! Oh, and remember, this is the babe cave, only for us girls! Never ever let a guy in no matter what

Barriss: what if he's being hunted?

Padme: I don't care if he's about to lose a hand. No guys aloud! And don't even think about inviting your boyfriends here!

Ahsoka: why is everyone looking at me?

Aayla: because you're dating Rex!

Satine: and you're dating Kit Fisto!

Aayla: and you're dating Obi Wan!

Barriss: I'm dating Lux.

Shak Ti: that's so weirdddd

Adi Galada: right???

Luminara: why is there nothing but granola bars in these cabinets?

Barriss: I was going to ask the same thing

Padme: it's all the food I have at the moment

Shak Ti: you live off of granola bars?

Padme: no. I also eat macaroni

Ahsoka: that's not exactly healthy

Luminara: I'm going down the street to that ramen noodle restaurant. I'm starved.

Adi Galada: oh, yeah, that place. Isn't all the serve there noodles?

Aayla: yeah. It's kinda weird

Shak Ti: so what exactly do we do at this "Babe Cave"?

Padme: hang out, chill. Talk about stuff

Barriss: yesterday, I bought a microwave

Satine: that's not what she meant

Padme: I mean cool stuff!

Adi Galada: oh, we should play truth or dare...

Ahsoka: really? That game never ends well...

Satine: true, brings back memories of the good old times...

Aayla: just reminds me of the time I had to throw a sandwich at Master Yoda...the worst part was I wasn't aloud to say why

Adi Galada: that was one of my best dares. I'll got first. Shak Ti, truth or dare?

Shak Ti: the one that won't get me in jail

Aayla: that's a truth then

Barriss: well either could get you in jail
I mean, what if you committed a murder, and then you were playing truth or dare and then you would have to tell the truth if they asked you if you murdered someone


Ahsoka: I have some serious doubts about you

Padme: huh, I'll try that next time I go to court

Adi Galada: um, okay...so Shak Ti, is it true that you hid a stash of oreos under the bean bag at the jedi temple?

Shak Ti: ...yes...how did you know?

Adi Galada: because I smooshed them when I say down

Aayla: 🙈🙈🙈

Satine: sounds like a mess

Adi Galada: yeah, and the worst part was, Anakin took the vaccum for his man cave

Ahsoka: lol. A broom isn't nearly as fast

Shak Ti: now it is my turn. Barriss, is is true that you threw a cantaloupe at an ugknot?

Aayla: whatttt

Barriss: well...yes.

Satine: why?

Barriss: there's a very logical explanation to it all. You see, I was at my fruit stand selling fruit, and then this whole band of Ugknots come along, and they start eating all the fruits like pigs!

Adi Galada: well in a way they are pigs.

Barriss: well in a way, you're a fish!

Adi Galada: -facepalm- not what I meant

Barriss: so I tried shewing them away, and then I ended up throwing cantaloupes on them. It worked though

Satine: wow

Shak Ti: huh, I wondered if those rumors were true...

Ahsoka: probably only partly.

Padme: yeah, rumors are sometimes crazy. I heard a rumor that Palpatine was actually a sith lord. Can you believe that?

Barriss: I'm a sith lord

Ahsoka: wait what?

Barriss: nothing. My turn now! Padme, truth or dare?

Padme: uh, let's spice things up! Dare!

Barriss: I dare you to text Anakin that his Man Cave is better than your Babe Cave

Padme: 😐😐😐

Satine: she's not going to like this

Padme: !!!! Fine!

On another chat...

Padme: Anakin, the truth is, your man cave is just better than my babe cave ever will be

Anakin: oh, I'm so glad you agree. I mean, it really is, isn't it?

Padme: No, you idiot. This was a dare. My Babe Cave is 100000000 times better than your garbage garage

Anakin: !!! But it's a house not a garage

Padme: I did it! Now my turn, Satine, truth or dare?

Satine: I have this terrible feeling that the truth or dare is going to have something to do with Obi Wan

Aayla: I was thinking that too

Ahsoka: you and Obi Wan is the best topic around

Adi Galada: what about you and Rex? 😏😏

Ahsoka: ...that's private

Padme: now choose Satine. 😈😈😈

Satine: -sighs- Dare. I hate admitting things about me and Obi Wan in the past

Padme: I dare you to text Obi Wan and tell him that you no longer love him because you've fallen for someone else. A potato.

Ahsoka: lol

Adi Galada: bahaha! This is hysterical

Satine: here goes nothing...

Satine: Obi Wan, I'm sorry, but we just can't be together. I've fallen for someone else

Obi Wan: what??? Who!? It better not be Grevious!.

Satine: no...its, it's a potato

Obi Wan: ??? What?

Satine: I'm sorry

Obi Wan: wait, is this a dare?

Satine: yes. that was sooo weird

Obi Wan: yeah. So your still going to be with me?

Satine: always. 💖💖💖

Obi Wan: 😍💖😍

Satine: okay, weird, but it's done

Aayla: aww, just look how much he cares for you!

Shak Ti: that was so weird.

Ahsoka: oh my, lol. I have no idea what I would do if Rex told me he was in love with a potato.

Barriss: Lux would probably come over to my house, peel all the potatoes, then mash them up and eat them, and finally say that he's my only love

Padme: Anakin would just throw every potato he saw out a window

Adi Galada: rip everyone's head. That would hurt

Satine: agrees. Now, Aayla, truth or dare?

Aayla: ooh, after that crazy dare, I'm going with truth

Satine: hmm, is it true that you once snuck into a store to steal some donuts?

Aayla: ...who told you that?

Satine: just rumors.

Adi Galada: you gotta tell them the truth girl

Aayla: yes...though if you tell the police I'm killing you!

Barriss: not a bad idea. I mean, you'd already be going to jail, so you could commit two crimes for one. What a deal

Ahsoka: creepy thoughts Barriss...and lol! I had no idea! What if Bly finds out?

Aayla: he's been sworn to secrecy

Adi Galada: as have I. Don't mess with Aayla Secura she has information on anyone and everyone that you don't want to get out

Padme: noted.

Aayla: now my turn, truth or dare Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: dare. After hearing that you know everyone's darkest secrets, I'm playing it safe

Adi Galada: a dare isn't really safe though

Aayla: okay, I dare you to text Rex, and tell him that you want to get married and have 3 cats right now

Ahsoka: 😳  how did you even come up with that?

Aayla: idk. Just do it!

Ahsoka: fine! Quit peeking!

Adi Galada: come on, we have to know what he says

Ahsoka: Rex, I want to marry you right now and then adopt three kittens

Rex: what? Marry? Now??? I didn't think this far...

Ahsoka: so?

Rex: you really want to get married, right now?

Ahsoka: yeah, why not?

Rex: your like, 17!

Ahsoka: eh, I'm fine with it. You do love me, right?

Rex: of course I do! Its just...where would we even get married at?

Ahsoka: what about the beach?

Rex: I just..what's really going on?

Ahsoka: I just want to marry you and adopt three kittens, that's all

Rex: okay, the three kittens, I can do. Marriage? Ahsoka, we're too young! And were also right in the middle of a war!

Ahsoka: oh my Rexster...your perfect. That was just a dare!

Rex: a dare? Phew, I was getting nervous there

Ahsoka: lol! Love you too. Maybe one day, we will get married and have three kittens

Rex: if that's what you want Cinnamon Roll

Ahsoka: 💖😍💖

Ahsoka: did it! That was funny. Poor Rex didn't know what to think!

Padme: I should send this to Fives. He would freak!

Ahsoka: don't you dare!

Satine: lol! I've gotta try it on Obi Wan

Aayla: I tried it on Kit...lets just say I now own close to 50 cats

Meme of the week:

Just lol. Also:

Guess who bribed their library into getting this book for them? This girl did! Well I mean, I just requested it and they got it...but I'm so excited to read it! The blue pages are killer! Anyone else a fan of Thrawn? He's one of the best Star Wars characters yet

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