Peter Pan Imagines OUAT

By SimpNation640

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Imagines and one-shots of Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time!! Here is an epic array of fiction tales involving... More

My Lost girl
Love I Hate (Part 1)
Love I hate (Part 2)
Love I Hate (Part 3)
The Infamous Peter Pan
Fix You
The Acorn
Cheaters Never Win
Peter Pan Never Fails
Lets Play
Far Away
Welcome to Neverland
Unraveled Feelings
I Don't Need Your Help
The Boy From My Dreams
Authors Note (Updates)
Quick Update
Neverland (Part 2)
The Return (Part 1)
The Return (Part 2)
The Return (Part 3)
Help A/N
Kitten In The Glade
Forget You
His Smile
Henry's Heart
He's Just Broken
Spencer Reid
The Things You Do For Love

The Infamous Peter Pan (Part 2)

2.5K 43 30
By SimpNation640

It has been weeks since you have seen Peter. Your father, since the little "incident" with him, would not let you off the ship for any reason. You are about to leave Neverland, but you still wish to see Peter again.

The last time you saw Peter, he told you that you would see each other again. You'd been counting on that for a while, but now you are leaving, and it seems he isn't gonna show. disappointment is evident on your face as your father tells you that you are leaving tomorrow.

"What's wrong, lass?" Hook asks you upon seeing your disappointed look.

"Oh, its nothing... I just... I really like Neverland. it's gonna be sad to leave it behind." you tell him, trying to cover up that the real reason you want to stay, is to see Peter again.

"Oh, well, I can't say I feel the same way. I can't wait to get off this horrid island," he says. "And rid of that horrid boy," he says, clearly speaking of Peter Pan. After your last encounter with him, Peter wanted to know what Hook was doing on the Island. He and Pan had a not so good history. You don't know the full story, just that Peter Pan was the reason his brother died before you were born.

You know that Peter Pan is supposed to be a monster, but you can't help but feel like that's not entirely true. There's something about him that you just can't help but fall for. It's like you saw a good side of him (after he was done pushing you against a tree and all). 

If you want to see Peter again, you realize that you have to take matters into your own hands. Soon, before your father leaves tomorrow, you are going to sneak off the ship and find him. Sooner or later, you know your dad will find out your missing and come looks for you. You will be in trouble, but that is something that you will worry about when that time comes. For now, you just want to see Peter again.

After a bit, the deck is clear. You realize that the boat isn't really near the shore enough that you can just jump onto the island. You were gonna have to swim.


This was a bad idea and you know it. The water is going to be cold and... ugh. Maybe you shouldn't.


You are going to see Peter. If this is the way it has to be done, then so be it. 

You prepare yourself as you lean over the edge. You drop a few feet into the waters. You are hit instantly with cold and your body seizes. You swim up to the top quickly, taking a deep shaky breath and trying to swim to the beach.

This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. this was a bad idea. You repeat this to yourself until you reach the beach warm up a bit from the sun. Jeez, that water was freezing. 

Still dripping wet, but much warmer now that you were no longer in the water, you head into the forest hoping you would stumble across Peter.

Your mind races with doubts and reprimanding yourself with how incredibly stupid this idea was. You seriously didn't think about this very well at all. First of all, you could get sick from the cold water if you don't dry soon, plus, you are wearing very thin clothes. Second, It is going to be dark soon and you have nothing to defend yourself against anything besides your dagger. Third, you have absolutely no idea where Peter is. You know the island is fairly large and he could be anywhere.

"Ugh," you grunt kicking a bush, resulting in blood trickling down your ankle due to a dumb thorn. Great, another thing to criticize yourself about your stupid plan. You continue walking, grunting as you lecture yourself on coming up with ridiculous ideas on the whims of emotion.

You start to dry up a bit, but your clothes are still clinging to you and the cold breeze is making you shiver. The sun is lowering and you know it's gonna be dark soon. You continue to walk around aimlessly, knowing you are getting nowhere. You start to panic at the realization that you are lost and have absolutely no clue where you are. You don't know these woods and don't know if you will find your way back or if somebody will even find you.

"Peter!" you call as if that was going to help. Of course, he wouldn't hear you from out here. Nobody wou-

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd call for me, love." you hear that familiar British accent from behind you, interrupting you from your thoughts.

You quickly turn around to meet his green eyes looking thoughtfully at you. "Peter!" you say excitedly.

He smiles at you with a small smile that soon fades once he realizes that you are soaking wet and shivering. "What happened, why are you soaked?" he asks worriedly.

"I uh... I swam... from th-the ship," you stutter. He walks closer to you and puts his hands on your shoulders, sending a sensation down your body. He had touched you before, but not like this. It gives you butterflies in your stomach.

"You swam? In the frigid waters... to see me?" you nod and he just smiles warmly. "Here, let me help," he says, tightening his grip a bit on your shoulders. Immediately, warmth surrounds you as you and your clothes start to dry. 

"Better?" he asks, dropping his hands. You nod, looking into his eyes. 

The sun is now setting, bringing back those beautiful colors in the sky. You and Peter both look at each other with looks of fascination. His gaze almost causes you to melt, but definitely sends butterflies through your whole body. He takes a small step closer to you, reconnecting his hands with your shoulders, causing your heart rate to speed up.

Your pulse quickens even more once you realize that his gaze is alternating between your eyes and your lips. He leans in very slowly, as if hesitant to kiss you. You feel as though you can't move like your body is frozen. His lips move closer to yours. You are now only centimeters away from each other with locked eyes. 

Just before your lips connect, you both hear footsteps and quickly pull away. You turn to where you heard the footsteps and see your father, and he looks furious.

"Dad, I-"

"Y/N!" he cuts you off. "You snuck off the ship! Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to find out your daughter is missing on Neverland? And what was it all for? To see Peter?"

You don't know what to say. Yes, you did, but your father would kill you if he knew that you had fallen for the bloody boy.

"You," he said pointing an angry finger at Peter. "You did something to her. You did a spell or curse som-"

"Dad! He didn't do anything to me," you cut him off. This was my choice. I left by myself to see him," you blurt. So much for hiding the fact that you like him.

He doesn't respond to this. A few seconds go by in silence, your father's face in complete shock as you start to feel sick. You start to feel sweaty and nauseous like you could pass out any second. You lose your balance for a second, almost falling before you catch yourself.

Peter grabs your arm with a worried look.

"Y/N?" Hook says. "What's wrong?"

"I-I-I don't... I don't k-know," you manage to stutter before losing your balance completely and falling. You can feel Peters's arms catch you and slowly let you down, but you are out before you can even touch the ground.

Peter's POV

Y/N stumbles a bit and I reach out to stabilize her. She starts getting really pale and looks like she's about to pass out so I keep my arm out to hold her up. A frantic moment passes, I have no clue what's wrong, then she's out cold.

I catch her as she falls and lay her on the ground carefully. Hook rushes to her side and shakes her to wake her up, but she doesn't stir.

I wonder what could have made her pass out. It doesn't seem likely for her to drop for no reason. I search her body trying to find the source of this mishap when I see blood on her leg. I quickly take a look, hoping it's now what I think it is. I see black in her veins running up her ankle.

Dreamshade. Crap. The notorious poison plant on the island. She will be dead the minute the poison reaches her heart.

I start to tremble slightly at the thought of her dying. Whatever it was that drew me into her so deeply was making me actually feel scared that her life would be lost. I never cared if a life was lost, as long as it wasn't mine. Now thinking about it, I can be somewhat selfish... But her, she can't die.

"What's wrong with her?" Hook cries pleadingly while still trying to wake Y/N up. Who knows how long she has been infected. We would have to heal her now. "Can we save her?"

"There is one way Hook, but you're not going to like it. She has been infected with Dreamshade." His face goes pale with horror. After all, Dreamshade was the reason his brother died.  "You can still save her, but you know the consequences."

"No, I won't let her stay," he says picking her up in his arms. The poison can only be cured by the spring waters of the island, but the effects of the water don't work off the island. She would have to stay on the island. 

"Hook, you know she'll die if you take her," I tell him, failing to keep the urgency out of my voice.

"I'll find an antidote. I-I'll find something. I won't let her stay h-here with y-you," he stammers back.

"Hook, you know you don't have that kind of time. The poison could reach her heart in any minute. If you don't heal her now... she'll die."

He sits there in thought for a minute. Tears are brimming his eyes. He knows I'm right. She will die if she doesn't drink the spring water. As much as he doesn't want to believe it, it's the only way.

"Okay," he says quietly, nearly at a whisper. 

I quickly teleport to the springs to retrieve some of the water and return within seconds. Hook takes the water and puts it to his daughter's lips, carefully pouring it. I watch intently, waiting for her to awake. She stirs but does not wake up.

"Why are you helping me?" Hook asks me as we wait. Her breathing is now prominent, but still, she doesn't awake.

I look him in the eyes and glare. "I don't have to tell you anything, Captain." A few moments go by, us just staring daggers at each other, and his look softens.

"You fancy her... don't you?" Hook breaks the eye contact, looking down at Y/N.

My face heats up only slightly. I was never caught this vulnerable. I don't understand the feelings washing over me, so I ignore them and look at the ground.

After I don't respond, he laughs amusingly. "Wow," he says.

I give him a confused look before he continues. "I saw you guys... before... I just didn't want to believe that my daughter could have fallen for you."

"Ouch," I say sarcastically.

Your POV

You regain consciousness after having passed out. You kept your eyes closed for a moment and overheard the conversation going on around you. You can tell that it has already gotten dark.

You hear Peter say something sarcastically in retort to your father's statement.

The truth revealed, Peter likes you apparently. As much as you try to deny it yourself, you know you are falling for him too.

You hear your father speak up after your train of thoughts. "I-I can't leave her here. The ship is sailing off tomorrow. What am I going to do..."

"I know this isn't your ideal plan, but she will have to stay here if she is to live." You felt your father shaking his head as he holds you close to him.

"No... I-I can't. She won't be safe here."

"I assure you, she will be safer here than anywhere else. As long as I can help it, nobody will ever lay a finger on her," Peter's ever-so-charming British accent spoke surely.

The assured tone in Peter's voice gives Hook some clarity. He feels confident that Pan will take care of you at all costs. Plus, he knows you'd have more fun here than on the ship. He's ready to let go.

You finally open your eyes. Both Hook's and Peter's faces light up at the sight of you waking up. Hook smiles at you and you smile back. 

"Y/N, You're okay!" he says. You sit up and hug him.

"Y/N," he says, his voice softer. "You were poisoned by Dreamshade, and the only way for you to... to..."

"I have to stay. I know," you tell him. He nods sadly. "It's okay dad. I will be fine."

He smiles sadly, reaching his hand to your face. "I know you will... and I also know you will be happier here than you ever will on the ship. I should have listened when you said the pirate life wasn't for you."

"Thank you, dad. I'm sorry I-"

"You don't need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing. I kept you from your passions because I couldn't bear the thought of you drifting from me. Not after I lost your mother."

"Dad," you say, putting your hand on his shoulder. "You will never lose me."

He kisses your forehead and pulls you in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you Y/N."

"I'm gonna miss you too dad. I know you gotta go, but, come visit sometime?"

"Of course," he says, then turns his attention towards Peter. "Take care of her."

"Will do," Peter responds.

You and hook stand up. He gives you one last hug before he says his final goodbye, heading back to the ship. You turn to look at Peter who is now smiling at you.

"So, you live here alone then?" you ask him. It would seem very lonely all by yourself on this island.

"Oh, no.  There are others," he says, snapping you both to another location on the island. You're at a campsite. There are a few boys walking around the camp, some laughing and having a great time. A few turned to look at you and Peter's arrival. "Y/N, I think it's time you meet the Lost Boys."


Yay! Here's a requested part two. I hope you enjoyed this. Feel free to leave suggestions or requests. :) I hope this can get more recognized. 

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