What if?

By thevelvetrose

193K 1.8K 668

*Currently Editing* (Read my stories Horrifying New Start, Rise Against, then It Ends here.. first) *This i... More

Chapter One: Samantha Peters
What if? (2)
What if? (3)
What if? (4)
What If? (5)
What if? (6)
What if? (7)
What if? (8)
What if? (9)
What if? (10)
What if? (11)
What if? (12)
(part 2) What if? (1)
What if? (2)
What if? (4)
What if? (5)
What If? (6)
What If? (7)
What If? (8)
What If? (9)
(Part 3) What If? (1)
What If? (2)
What If? (3)
What If? (4) Final Chapter

What if? (3)

5.4K 62 19
By thevelvetrose

Author's Note: 

I did it! I have been writing all day and hopefully its good. I've also been writing on The Program (which will be posted after this) 

Tell me what you think. I love reading comments :)

-the velvet rose-



“Ha-ha-ha. I am just dying laughing.. I’ll see you tomorrow. Just think about yesterday if you start to miss me.” 

I threw a pillow at him, but of course I have horrible throwing and it smacked into the wall. 

He flashed a smile then closed the door behind him and I just sat there.

Oh gosh. What have I done?  I mean, yesterday, did I seriously go that far? 

I’m confusing myself.

I do love Jack though. And he loves me. 

I took a deep breath of relief when I decided that I didn’t do anything wrong. But then my breath got ragged when I thought of Jack fighting.

No, I wont go to the building because he told me, repeatedly, that I shouldn’t go and once he may have threatened to lock me in the basement of this house. 

I’ll just stay here and wait for him to come back, because he IS coming back..


Its been over twenty-four hours since Jack has left, and so here I am with fingernail polish and curlers in my hair because I’ve been bored out of mind. 

I’ve also been looking at my eyes a lot, and calling for Noel. I know she’s there somewhere. 

She must have answers… but she wont show up. 

Its been over a day and a half. I started doing some exercises Jack had showed me on earth. 

I guess half a day isn’t that bad.. Right? 

Two and a half days later, I decided not to wait. I’m going to find him. I don’t care what he said.

I grabbed a large pocket knife and put it in my pocket, then I walked out of the house and started banging on each door till someone answered. 

The man who answered was surprised to see me.

“I’m not used to seeing females wandering around,” He told me. 

“Well I’m looking for Jack..” I explained. 

“Jack? didn’t he go to the main building? He should be back by now..” 

Does everyone know each other here? Are there not two Jacks? But Jack does have a way of making an impression. It might not be a good one, but he makes an impression none the less. 

“Have you had contact with anyone?” I demanded. 

“No, they don’t contact unless there is a problem,” 

“Can you take me there?” 

“Jack told me you would do this..” 


“No I cant. Jack gave me strict orders. He said if I even pointed you in the right direction, that he would personally hunt me down and take a limb off..” He winced at the memory. 

“Crap,” I muttered under my breath. “Do you know anyone who can help me?” 

“I’m pretty sure Jack’s threats didn’t stop here.” 

I thanked him for his time and stormed off back into the house. I cant believe he did that! I’m here freaking out, and he basically locked me in.

Going into the woods would be a disaster. My luck, I would get lost and Jack would get here and freak out and then find me and I would be humiliated. So I will stay here until they allow me to go there. Or until he comes home. 

I just cant believe he spread a threat around that if anyone so much as points me somewhere, he’ll pretty much rip them limb from limb. 

The rain poured down outside, just as I was getting shoes on to find Jack. My mind was made up. Its been four days since I have seen him and frankly I’m about to explode with panic. 

I sat on the couch with shoes on my feet and my jacket on. Then I heard a sound. A low thud. 

Instantly I got up and opened the door. It was tough to see through the heavy rain, but when I saw a dark figure, I ran outside. 

The rain soaked my clothes and my hair, but when I saw who the dark figure was. I didn’t care. 

“Jack!” I yelled. 

“Honey, I’m home.” He smirked, even through the rain I can tell he was smiling. 

I hugged him tightly, burying my face into his shoulder. He was drenched as I was, so it was like two sponges hugging. 

Then he winced. 

“Are you hurt?” I demanded.

“Lets go inside.” He said into my ear. 

When we found the door, we went inside and stood there, creating a pool of water under us from the wet clothes. 

He smiled down at me and grabbed a piece of my dripping wet hair. Just looking at it. 

“Where are you hurt?” I asked, taking his jacket off before he could protest. 

“You read my mind..” He murmured.

“I’m looking for the wound.” I defended. 

I could tell it was his shoulder, by the way his posture was. So without asking, I pulled his heavy wet shirt off, dropped it onto the ground, and examined the wound. 

My hands touched the large bruise and little cuts on his right shoulder. 

“What happened?” I asked. 

“I was caught by surprised.” He said, sounding like he didn’t really care. 

“You should-” I began. 

He grabbed the back of my neck and crushed his lips to mine before I could answer. 

I was freezing, but distracted. 

“I’m freezing,” I said after I could speak. 

“I’ll start a fire.” 

I went to the bedroom to grab a few blankets, a few towels, and then went back into the living room. 

I threw Jack a blanket and then stood behind the couch as I stripped to the bare and wrapped the thick blanket around myself and sat on the couch next to the fire. 

I was shivering from the cold, and I still felt awkward around Jack, even though I have a blanket to cover me. 

He copied my move and then sat on the couch with a blanket around his waist. 

I used a towel to dry my hair and the handed Jack an unused towel for his. 

After he dried his hair, it looked so messy, it was distracting. In a good way. 

“Some coffee would be incredible now..” I hinted. 

“Yes it would,” He shot back. 

“I’ll make some..” I sighed in defeat. 

I got up with my blanket held firmly around me and got a pot of water and sat it on the stove, then went to sit back down next to Jack. 

“Come here.” Jack told me.

I leaned on him and he wrapped his arms around me.

We were quiet for a while, warming up, then he brushed the hair from my neck. 

He kissed my jaw which was sweet and made my face turn red, but curiosity got the better of me. As much as I wanted to lay in his arms kissing, I need to know what happened. 

“So..” I began in a shaky voice. “What happened?” 

“Hmm?” He murmured against my neck. 

“The fight, the being three days late?” 

“Ah. Well it went well,” He told me, leaning back to look at the fire. 

“Well? So the main building is clear? Safe?” 


“Why were you late?” 

His face went blank, emotionless. It scared me. What happened?

“They managed to get in all of our ships. Like us, many were attacked during flight. They had hacked into our system and heard us coming. All of us. So many didn’t make it. Their ships were taken down and the humans that had attacked the ships were also dead. Suicide mission..” Jack spoke. 

“Wow,” Was all I could say. I looked down at the blanket. 

“No one has been able to find Zack. They lost communication with him weeks ago and I just learned about this the other day.” 

I was frozen in shock. Zack? 

“I spent those days searching. I couldn’t find him..” He went on. 

“He didn’t die. If his ship crashed within those two weeks I was dead. He didn’t die. I would have seen him,” I told him quickly. 

“But you didn’t?” 

“No. I just saw Eddie, and Eddie would have told me if he saw Zack.” 

Jack just sat there, staring at the fire. 

“Tomorrow, you and I will search. Okay? Zack cant be dead. Aubrey wouldn’t allow that.” I told him. 

He nodded. 

“You had me scared. I was worried you were dead those four days,” I admitted sheepishly. 

“I know. I heard you wanted to fly out to the main building. Bad move.” He flashed a smile. 

Embarrassed, I buried myself in my blanket. 

He pushed the blanket back to see my face. 

“I like it when you worry,” He told me. 

“Why?” I mumbled, trying to smack his arms away to pull the blanket back up over my head, but he ignored my useless attempt. 

“It shows you care.” 

I stopped shoving at his arms and then looked at him. 

“Well I do care, and you did the jerk thing and shut me in this stupid house,” I told him. 

“That’s because you’d get yourself hurt, and there is no way I’m letting that happen.”

Jack cares too. 

We just sat there, exhausted and staring at the fire. I felt awkward with just a blanket, but then I dozed off, so it wasn’t too bad. 

Sadly I never got my coffee though. 

I woke up around five in the morning, because we fell asleep so early. Jack was still asleep, probably because he barely slept when he was gone. 

So I slid out of his arms and went into the bathroom to shower and change into some jeans and a long sleeved button down shirt. 

It hit me that Zack is out there somewhere. Hurt and possibly.. No, he’s not dead. He cant be. 

Jack was sitting up on the couch when I walked out of the bedroom. 

“Better get ready,” I told him. 

“Yeah, make me some coffee,” 

“What’s the magic word?” 

“Jack is incredibly handsome?” 


“Please make me some coffee,” 

“Good enough.” 

I re-made coffee, because last night I fell asleep, and Jack must have shut the stove thingy off. 

He got off the couch, not even bothering to grab a blanket. I looked away awkwardly.

He came back in, buttoning his jeans and putting a shirt on. 

I handed him his cup and then sat down at the table with mine. 

All we had to eat was Poptarts that we had brought from earth. So we ate the rest of those and just sat there in silence. 

“Alright, lets roll.” He said and leaped up from the table, grabbing his and my jacket as he walked to the door. 

He slid his on, then helped me with mine. (even though I can definitely put on a jacket myself) and we got in the ship. 

“When was the last time they heard from him?” I asked. 

“About a day or so after you-” 


“He left earth late. And when he called to tell everyone he was on his way, he was perfectly fine. He was halfway between earth and here. We haven’t heard from him since. And his ship hasn’t been found either.” 

Jack was gripping onto the wheel thingy loosely, and avoiding eye contact. I could tell he was hopeless, so I needed to be here for him. 

We flew around for hours, just looking down at the ground to see if we can find the ship. 

“I see something! Fly down here!” I commanded. 

I saw someone. I know I did. 

We landed beside the forest and ran in immediately. 

“Where at?” He asked. 

“Over there!” 

We ran closer to the person and was instantly hit by a horrible smell. I gagged and walked closer to the large man, hoping it wasn’t Zack. 

Jack flipped the man over and I gasped in shock. 

“That man,” I coughed from the smell. 

“Was he..?” Jack asked. 

“He’s the reason I died. He pulled me out of the ship.” I told him. 

The burly man. He was dead obviously and smelled horrible for being out here over two weeks. 

I walked away because it was getting to me. Him, the smell, the atmosphere. Just looking at that man, reminded me that I’m no longer the same person. 

Jack followed me and grabbed my hand. We just kept walking through the woods. 

“I think we might have a better chance at finding Zack if we walk. The ship cant see well past the trees.” I told him. 

He nodded and we walked for a long time. I was exhausted but not saying a word because Jack was being so strong. 

When I heard the sound of water, I got curious and tried to find it. 

“What are you doing?” Jack demanded. 

“Trying to find the water.” I explained. 

When I could see the lake from a distance, I walked slower. I know this place. 

“This is where I fell,” I told him, pointing to the tree that still had a piece of my shirt in it. “And I landed here.” I pointed to the water. 

I couldn’t help but look around. The blood wasn’t there anymore because the rain had washed it away. 

“Lets keep looking for the ship.” Jack said. 

He looked around uncomfortably. I followed him, away from the water and away from the literally painful memories. 

We kept walking and the sun was setting. 

“JACK!” I screamed when I saw it.

The ship. Well what was left of it anyway. 

We ran to it and looked inside. 

“Stay here,” Jack commanded. 


“It smells really bad.” 

I realized what he meant. Bodies. 

I nodded and he managed to get inside the partially crushed ship. The wait was horrible as I heard him going through the ship. When he came out, he had blood on his hands. 

“He wasn’t in there, but it IS his ship, some of his stuff is in there,” He told me.

“He’s alive. He cant be far from here,” 

“We’ll keep searching.” 

I nodded. Zack has to be alive. If he can make it through a crash that bad, then he can survive in this forest. 

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