A Genius, Mafia Heiress Reinc...

By YoLoPeep

159K 5.2K 488

The story of a girl who remembered her previous life as a "genius", who died and was reincarnated by the God... More

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CH. 19

3.4K 107 3
By YoLoPeep

A huge explosion was generated from the spell that hit Ravenna and Zaltino. The arena was covered in dark smoke, expanding to the whole place. As the smoke cleared, a shield made up of arcane energy was seen. Awe and surprise can be seen from the two proctors. Ravenna used a simple "Barrier" spell and added a new transmutation spell "Insulated Surface" to fend of Aisha's Lightning Bolt.

"Wow, you blocked a mid tier spell with a basic one. Good job, kid." Marshall said while figuring out how did a young girl blocked Aisha's Spell. "This girl has a mastery of her basic spells. She's good." he thought. Marshall look at Aisha and gave her a signal saying "Let's try to increase the difficulty, Aisha." He wants to know the capabilities of these two.

Aisha nodded in response but then she suddenly noticed something. "Where's the other guy?" Aisha said in panic, quickly scanning the area for Zaltino. Marshall felt it, he knows where he is.

"Above us!" He shouted

"Quicksand." Ravenna activated her transmutation spell in the area of the two proctors, turning the place they are standing into a quicksand. This hindered the two movement of protectors.  

"Side step!"


"Ooooh..." Ravenna said with interest. These special skills and abilities are new to the game.

The two proctors managed to get out of Ravenna's quicksand by using their special skills that makes it easier for them to move. These special skills vary from one person to another. It is said that special skills reflect the mastery of the user's potential. It is somewhat related to the abilities of Ravenna, and the abilities of Demon Lords Felicia's [Seductress Bastet] and Ashtir [Chaos Apophis]. The main difference is that the special abilities are made up of system of skills.

Zaltino landed on the ground with his sword plunged into the ground. "Flame Wall!" Zaltino clasped her hands on to the ground and wall of flames came circling around him and the two proctors. The circular of flame became smaller and smaller, burning the ground where it is standing. "Oooh! I have a counterspell for that."

"Frost Wind!" As Aisha shouted, the flames  suddenly diminished. The atmosphere became chilly and cold winds xame rushing down.

Marshall, with his sword ready, sprinted to Zaltino. They are planning to distract Zaltino so Aisha can focus on breaking down Ravennna's defense. Aisha's sword glowed as she charged her rapier with energy.

"Boost Speed. Sylvian Wind Boost." In a second, Aisha came running towards Ravenna. "Pierce!" She activated her skill and penetrated her Barrier Spell, leaving her rapier pointed to Ravenna's face.

In the other side, Zaltino and Marshall is exchanging swords. As Zaltino saw Ravenna's position, he let his hand slip and Marshall managed to disarm Zaltino.

"We yield.." Ravenna and Zatino said at the same time. Everyone started sheating their weapons and come together.

"Whooo! That was quite a fight!" Aisha said in delight. "That was amazing. Right, Marshall?" Marshall replied with a blank stare and a light nod.

"Congratulations! I have no doubt that you have pass the test!" Aisha told Ravenna and Zaltino in glee. "You are amazing for a beginner. I would say you would rank as a D-Class Adventurers righr now. I never felt that thrill before against newbie adventurers."

"And those abjuration spells were so refined and mastered. I could really tell thats's your specialty. Your transmutation spells are also... unique." Marshall said eyeing Ravenna. "You will be a talented rearguard adventurer."

"Wow, thats the longest statement you ever said." Aisha began poking Marshall, teasing him while making a mischievous smirk. Marshall just rolled his eyes and stared at her.

"Anyways, just go to Chesca. We will give your results." Aisha said while writing something in her paper. "You can get your ID after the registration is complete."

"Thank you for taking care of us." Ravenna bowed which prompt Zaltino to bowed elegantly. After bowing, the two took of and went downstairs to wait for their Adventurer's ID.

"Something was off." Marshall said while his eyes are trailing the two.


"The abjurer girl deflected my sword. She has quick reflexes for a mage.. And that guy, we exchanged swords for a whole minute, no movements were wasted. He has a good form and he never faltered. But then, at the end, I easily disarmed him. It's like he purposely slip..."

"You're just overthinking it, Marshall. She's too young and she looked innocent and mild-mannered, though that Zaltino guy looks like had his share of battle. Especially with his armor, it costed him a fortune for sure."

"Maybe I am, Aisha. Maybe I am.."

"Congratulation! You passed the Adventurer's Entrance Exam. Here are your ID's." Chesca handed them their Identification Cards with a smile. "You can use it if you want to gain access to cities and other exclusive Adventurer's Guild Buildings. Also, written here are your name and your rank. For now, you are an F-Rank Adventurers. You can raise your level through earning points by completing the quest. There will be also promotion exam for certain ranks like C-Rank and S-Rank."

"What's this job class option, Chesca-san?" Ravenna asked coyly. 

"The job class is optional, you need to apply it according to your magic crystal analysis. It helps adventurers in applying to parties and raid team, especially if they are looking for a specific type of adventurer. It will be also easier for us to contact people with specific job class for a certain type of job or request." Ravenna was intently listening while her eyes are looking at Chesca. She really has a pleasing personality. This maybe the reason why she is knows as the Big Sister of Mephistia Adventurer's Guild. "For now, put your hands in these crystals and you will see the list of job classes available for you. The strongest classes available will be shown in the crystal."

As we touched the crystal, letters appeared showing the classes we can put in our ID. 

Applicable Job Classes: (Vena)
Abjurer (**)
Alchemist (**)
Transmuter (**)

Applicable Job Classes: (Zaltino)
Pyromancer (***)
Flamesword (***)
Paladin (**)

"Ooh! You guys are amazing! You are just newbies but you have advanced and intermediate classes." Chesca's eyes are wide and in amazement. Ravenna mentally slapped herself by not customizing their skills more.

"The stars show the rarity of the class and mastery of the skill. There are four levels; basic classes (1-star), intermediate classes (2-star), advanced classes (3-star) and unique classes (4-star). Most of newbie adventurers have basic classes. I bet you guys can become the next S-Class Adventurers."

"Oh no.. we are just beginners. Hehe.." Ravenna laughed nervously

"So Vena-sama, what should we take?"Zaltino asked while eyeing the options, though are far from his outrageous classes.

"Are we allowed to take different classes even though they are different schools?" 

In Magic, there are main eight (8) existing schools of magic and each school specializes in a certain type of utilization of magic.

Abjuration Magic specializes in healing, empowering and protecting allies through support spells. Abjurers are sought as healers and anti-mages. Some of its advanced classes include Barrier Master, White Mage, and Banisher.

Evocation Magic specializes in utilizing the elemental energies of magic. Evokers are mostly known as damage dealers of their respective parties. Some of its advanced classes include Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Electromancer.

Conjuration Magic specializes in summoning creatures and objects from other planes of existence. Due to their mastery in spatial magic, they can teleport and open portal to other dimensions. Some of its advanced classes include Spirit Summoner, Devil Summoner, Portal Master.

Enchantment Magic specializes in affecting the emotions and state of mind of opponents, by controlling their behavior. Enchanters are good support mages that weakens foes to help their allies. Some of its advanced classes include Controller, Mind Mage and Thrall-master.

Divination Magic specializes in viewing and seeing things through space and time exploring the world through magic. They mostly work remotely, offering services to anyone. Some of its advanced classes are Prophets, Ball Scryers, Cartomancers.

Illusion Magic specializes in controlling shadows and generating illusions to distract enemies. Illusionists are good for scouting and investigate-and-report quests due to their spells and concealing magic. Some of its advanced classes are Shadow Mage, and Mirage Maker.

Transmutation Magic specializes in changing properties of objects through magic. They are good melee attackers and supports due to their defense-enhancing magic. Some of its advanced classes are Shifters, Terraformers, and Battle Mages.

Necromancy Magic specializes in summoning the undead to their bidding, using necrotic energies to bring chaos to their foes. Due to the nature of magic necromancers practice, they are under prejudice of being bad by the public and the church. Some of its advanced classes are Hallowed, Undead Master, and Soul Mages.

Other types of magic like ritual, rune and scroll magic are a different skill branch. Furthermore, fighters different styles of fighting and weapon mastery. Druids and clerics have different faiths. Bards have different colleges and types of performances. Monks have different ways and styles of martial arts. Also, there are unique classes. This leads to branching out to hundreds of specialization and multi-class, which lead to 3500+ job classes. 

"Yes but sometimes adventurers try to specialize and further their craft. It's really hard to level up skills and leveling up skills will give you greater classes and more job opportunities due to demand. But having different classes will make you flexible and let you join their respective association, like the Mage Guild, Alchemist Guild and others." 

"Then I guess I'll take all of the classes. Zaltino take your pick." Ravenna deemed it good to take all of the classes to have more connections after she establish contact with different guilds.

"I want the Flamesword and Paladin."

"Okay okay!" Chesca gave them a thumbs up took the cards and updated it with their job classes.  Upon returning, she handed them light pin. 

"Just drop your blood and it will confirm your identity, just for security measures." As soon as the drop of blood touches the card, it causes a small magical ripple to the card and it emitted a light faint glow.

"And now you are an official registered member of the guild." She presented them their cards and Ravenna cannot help but smile. "Just like in the game..." she said in a hushed voice, her hands gently holding the cards while her eyes wide; appreciating the little thing in her hand.

"If you want to start today, just go to the quest board and pick the quest you want. Since you are an F-Rank, you can choose quests from a rank higher to you down to the lowest rank. After you get the quest poster, just submit it here and we will register your acceptance. There's also a penalty if you don't complete the quest. So have a nice day!!"

"Thank you for taking care of us, Chesca-san.." Ravenna bowed which is followed by Zaltino. "You two are so cute. Hehe." An adorable smile plastered on the face of Chesca.

The two started walking towards the Quest Board. Many adventurers of different sizes and race are lined on the boards. The boards are arranged according to the Rank. And as the board gets to S-Rank, fewer people are in in front. 

Ravenna tried to eye for easier quests such as hunting and collection quests so she ended up getting the goblin extermination quest and herb collection quests. Ravenna grabbed the two posters and quickly went out of the building to start her first exploration day. 

"Aren't you tired Vena-Sama? Don't you want to eat first? Blackwing will scold me if you don't eat and you got thin."

"I can't eat now. I'm excited. I've been locked up in the palace for the past years and I just got my memories months ago." Ravenna said in a high spirit. 

"As you say so Vena-sama." Zaltino answered with a smile. He really cannot do anything about it if his lady doesn't want to, besides he owe her his life, especially his hell-heaven pandemonium drama before... that's why he took an oath to serve him for his life. "Let's head to the forest shall we?"

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