The Mitchell Boys

By FightingAndSurviving

446K 16.6K 4.6K

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Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 42

6K 273 31
By FightingAndSurviving

I walked into detention to spot Cameron already there. He was on his phone as usual but once he saw me he smiled and waved. "Why are you here so early?" I inquired as I sat down next to him.

"I was kicked out of class last period so I was sent here. You know the saying, 'early bird catches the worm'. Looks like I caught the worm." He held up a gummy worm and smiled a cheeky smile.

"You're so dumb. I'm not going to applaud you for getting into detention earlier than the rest of us." He just shrugged his shoulders, "an accomplishment is an accomplishment. Never said if it was good or bad."

"Wise wise words yoda." He winked at me and went back to his phone. I proceeded to pull out my homework for my classes and do them.

I was done with my first assignment when I remembered the sport thing. I tapped on Cameron's shoulder, "Yo, what's that sports thing coming up?" I asked him, trying to seem uninterested.

"Oh, it's kinda like a late night sport festival party thing. Not that big of a deal, i don't even want to go most of the time. But it's mandatory for me and the guys. Technically we're not even allowed to bring alcohol. Not like it stops us but it's a bitch when you get caught." He said far off while playing whatever on his phone.

I nodded my head, "Why do you want to know?" He asked. "No real reason." I replied a little too quickly. He looked up from the game and gave me a look. I gave him one back, which he rolled his eyes too.

"Someone just invited me to it, nothing too big of a deal. Plus I'm here to still know the bare minimum." He just shrugged his shoulders. "I would think you'd be going because you're on the dance team. You're basically a cheerleader at the event. When all the teams go against each other at the chosen sports most of the time the dance girls are prepped out on the side lines."

I sighed, oh god that sounded awful. "Number one im not a sideline cheerleader. Second, what time would it be? Because the Cafe, I can't afford to miss a day when I literally just started."

He paused his game and turned in his desk. He kicked his legs over the bar so he could look at me. "You seem overly interested about a stupid sports festival." He stated suspiciously. I just rolled my eyes and huffed, "Can you just tell me please."

He sighed but gave in, "It usually starts after school. Most sports teams don't have practice that day because the teachers are forced to work at the event. It could go from 2:30 to 10 to be honest." I raised my eyebrows in shock. My old school had spirit but not that much.

I can't even fathom having an actual prep rally at school. We had everyone go into the courtyard and the sports teams went in the middle then the dance team twerked.

"The cheer team and dance teams usually have the most pep. Like body and face paint, glitter, and the school colors. The glitter is fucking annoying as shit. I'll sit and eat lunch with a few and find glitter all over my body after. It's insane." He said earnestly, seeming really confused like he was trying to really figure out how it worked.

I laughed quietly and agreed. "That i guess. Addy should fill me in more later. Thank you for the information." I gave him an awkward pat on his shoulder and cringed. He just looked at his shoulder and me with the same expression.

"Yeah, yeah i know. That was insanely cringy and awkward, I admit it." I whispered. He nodded his agreement, "So, why do you want to know about this festival so badly. And don't give me some vague bullshit you've been trying." He leaned on his elbow which made some of his hair fall into his left eye.

It irritated me immensely, so without much thought I leaned over to move it for him. He flinched back at first surprised, "sorry, this is just annoying me.'' I muttered my apology under my breath as I started to move his hair.

Even though his hair was dyed it still felt soft and healthy. I slowly shifted my gaze to meet his like we were in some cliche netflix show. His breath tickled my baby hairs popping out of my braid, smelling like polar ice gum. Being this close I realized he had some piercing holes on his face in the same places as Jordan. His green eyes sparkled and had a black rim surrounding it that was almost hypnotizing and a few freckles were sprinkled across his cheeks.

His gaze moved to meet mine and we just stayed there. It felt like minutes but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. Me leaning over his desk with my hand on his face and being close enough where if i bent a little further our noses would touch.

I cleared my voice and finished pushing his hair back. Quickly I sat back down in my seat and attempted to cool down my face. I looked away to see the few girls in detention that were sitting close to us and saw glaring daggers into me.

I turned back towards Cameron expecting that he looked away or something but he just kept staring at me. He ran a hand through the hair that I just fixed, pushing all of it back. Making the whole exchange completely unnecessary. Having experience with the opposite gender I played it off.

"So for our science class and the big project and all. I might have told my history teacher it was about a bunch of random animals mating, like a big ass orgy. So, is there any possible way we can do that?" He looked at me and blinked for a second like that one meme.

Seeming out of whatever trance he was in he said, "Wait, what?" I rubbed the back of my head and smiled, "Yeah, it was the first excuse I could think of. Don't ask me why it was that but it was." He just stared at me for a second before bursting into laughter.

"You told your teacher our project was going to be about animal orgies?" He said in between his outburst of laughter. If we already didn't have classes attention from me moving his hair already, we definitely had it now.

"Cameron." The monitor called out. Not in a demanding or scolding way but more in exasperation. "Definitely, let's do it. Who cares that our science class isn't remotely about animals or bodies or anything in that category. It'll be fucking hilarious to present the statistics of a rhino fucking a shark to the class."

I snickered at how excited he sounded. "I don't think it works like that." I said lightly. He just shrugged, "It's science, it doesn't matter if it works or not. Like Einstein said when he made the light bulb or whatever, you can fail 99 times but on the 100th and you succeed it's worth it. Or something like that." He stated in utmost confidence.

I did laugh this time, "You're fucking stupid. That's not even close to what was said." He just smiled and looked at me, "Yeah? Then what did he say to the smart guy?" He challenged me. "How the fuck am i suppose to know, you have the phone. Google it." I sassed, trying to goad him.

"Bet." He retorted and spun in his desk to get his phone. He fiercely typed on his phone. Most likely making a dozen spelling errors he ignored. "Ha!" he exclaimed, making some of the surrounding classmates flinch at the surprising noise. "Right here." He pointed at said quote on his phone that I couldn't see.

"Let me see." I whined, reaching over to see his phone. "Uh uh." He waved a finger back and forth at me. I stared at him with my mouth agape and my eyes squinted. Does he think i'm a child?

In a British accent he announced, ""I have tried 99 times and have failed, but on the 100th time came success." He smiled, seeming very proud of himself. My expression didn't change the whole time he read. "You're fucking dumb." Is all I said in response.

He looked taken aback that I wasn't in absolute amazement at his findings. "What? Not only was I close to the quote, I found it." I couldn't help but snort. "You're fucking stupid. You weren't close at all." I accused.

He tried his best to look offended but I could tell he found some amusement of me shitting on him. "Excuse me, I basically said the same thing. I just happened to make it more complex."

I started laughing, unable to hold it in. "You're an actual idiot if you think that. And the look of accomplishment on your face when you found the stupid quote!" I started to laugh harder.

"You dare mock me?" He exclaimed in a weird accent. "I'm really not sorry you took that way too seriously." I said in between my bouts of laughter. "It wasn't even that funny, you just made the face of a toddler that was given a new toy." I cried out,throwing myself into another fit.

For some reason he started to laugh which got us glares, more so me, glares from the students. And another warning from the monitor about volume. "Now whose dumb?" Cameron retorted. "It's still you, just some laughter doesn't take that title from you kind sir."

Then the lunch bell rang saying it was the end of detention and lunch. I barely got any work done because of my own curiosity and somewhat of our mutual stupidity.

Time to head to language arts class, which i wasn't super excited for but i have to suck it up. I took my time walking through the hallways trying to prolong the inevitable. A class full of ass hats and harpies. Not much different from my other ones but this one is on another level.

This time no one was blocking the entrance so I entered easily. First obstacle down, a hundred more to go. I sat at my desk and grabbed my warm up and started writing whatever was on the board.

"Yo, Christian." A familiar voice called out to me. I was silently praying I was just imagining it and had finally gone off the rails. That honestly would have been better than Brian calling out to me. My reasoning is because the girls in this school are fucking psycho. They're honestly a whole other breed and I don't know what happened in the womb to birth these psychos. "Christian are you ignoring me?" Brian came up to my fucking desk and leaned on it.

This is either going to go two ways, he's here to bully me. Make the new girl and example and what not. Or he's here because he's still in a weird mood like this morning. The ghost of the present, future, and past came to show him the error of his ways.

I know for a fact it wasn't the latter. So I was coating my tongue with venom to spit on him when he started talking. And for once it didn't seem like he was pulling the words from his ass. "So how's your day been?" he asked me as if we were acquaintances trying to have a normal conversation.

I just stared at him blinking, "I'll take that as not so good. So I heard this wasn't the only class you were transferred to. That your science class was switched too. That sucks ass." I looked around the room to see if anyone else was seeing this.

What confirmed they were was when Toby and the Harpies from yesterday came up to talk. Now I'm surrounded by vultures with no way to escape. "Hi Brian, why are you over here." Harpie one questioned, trying her best to hide her bile.

"Well Sophie you know how Christian is still new and all. It must be difficult, I just want to make her time here easier." He gave me a uncharacteristic smile that sent shivers down my spine. I would prefer literally anything but the Brian in front of me.

It felt super fake and plastic which sent off red flags but it also seemed forced. Like a persona he's putting on. But I'm not sure if he's putting it up for me or for the others. And if he's doing it to put me on edge or actually acts like that. I highly doubt that based on his behavior yesterday though.

All of them continued their pointless conversations above me as if I wasn't there. Or like we weren't in class at all and that the teacher literally is on their desk. But the more they talked the more I thought I realized Brian's plan.

Everytime he would look at me or give that fake creepy smile in the whole conversation the harpies would get mad. It was as if they really were vultures that prey seems to be getting juicier and juicier. The one that's making me lower on the food chain was Brian.

The cunning little asshat. If it wasn't directed towards me I would be impressed. "So Christian, are you going to sports night?" Brian asked me. One of the Harpies tried to jump in but was ignored. "You made the dance team right?"

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and answered, "Umm, yeah. I made the team and someone invited me to show me around the thing. So, maybe." He opened his mouth to say something when one of the girls cut in. That's when I saw a crack in his poorly made facade. Annoyance was clear and evident on his face in that moment.

"Okay class, chit chats over. Sit down and we're going to start. As you know yesterday we started a writing assignment. Find someone that's already done and talk about the theme and any writing techniques used in it." Mr. Lux told the class. Then went back to his desk to do whatever bored english teachers do.

I already saw and heard almost all of the class ask Brian to be their partners. "Sorry, i was planning on partnering with someone else." He turned them all down and stood up.

My plan was to wait for whoever didn't have a partner or pretend I didn't spend all of my night doing the assignment. Which would mean I would have to work by myself to accomplish said assignment.

Then the devil himself was in front of my desk again. "So partner, where do you want to work." He asked me. I couldn't help but let a nervous laugh come out. "Excuse me?" I said flabbergasted.

"You heard me, but i guess we can sit over here. Do you want to read first or do you want me to?" I just stared at him while others stared at us. What the actual fuck is happening.

Not giving two fucks anymore i grabbed his arm and pulled him down close enough so i could whisper. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I hissed. "What happened to don't associate yourself with us at school?"

He raised an eyebrow at me and shrugged out of my grip. Leisurely he flipped the desk in front of me to face me and sat down. "Don't you think that plan went down the gutter when you had us in all of your classes?" He sneered.

His usual self seemed to be coming back a little bit. "And what the fuck was with that show earlier. You're a fucking creep." I snapped back in a whisper. Not wanting people to hear our conversation.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me in pure annoyance. "I was trying to be nice." sneered. "Well stop, please. It's fucking weird. I'd prefer you yelling at me and calling me a gold digging whore than whatever that atrocity was.'' I rambled.

"Like never becoming an actor, seriously. You might be hot but that's all you've got going for you. That was atrocious." I fake shuddered just to get my point across. He gave me the look that i usually give which was, 'you're fucking stuoid'.

"Whatever." he grumbled under his breath. "But you think i'm hot?" He asked cockily. I rolled my eyes and stood up, "I need to grab a computer, if you want compliments look in a mirror. I'm sure your own ego is enough for you." I snapped back which got me a glare in return.

I returned to our now shared desks and signed in. "Just so you know i don't trust you." I whispered to him while signing into docs. He looked up at me with a sparkle in his eyes that reminded me of a hunter going after prey. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

I rolled my eyes and pretended to throw up. What he doesn't realize is that he's not the only hunter. And I refuse to be taken down by this man. We both just stared at each other over our computers showing how serious we were based on our gazes.

He's totally going down, but in my own way. I'm going to make it to where he doesn't want to get rid of me. Where he's begging for our friendship, taking down an enemy doesn't always mean literally. He views me as a threat, which I am. But the only threat I am is to him and all the secrets he hides behind his assholeness.

"My thesis..." 

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