Peter Pan Imagines OUAT

By SimpNation640

110K 1.3K 533

Imagines and one-shots of Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time!! Here is an epic array of fiction tales involving... More

My Lost girl
Love I Hate (Part 1)
Love I hate (Part 2)
The Infamous Peter Pan
The Infamous Peter Pan (Part 2)
Fix You
The Acorn
Cheaters Never Win
Peter Pan Never Fails
Lets Play
Far Away
Welcome to Neverland
Unraveled Feelings
I Don't Need Your Help
The Boy From My Dreams
Authors Note (Updates)
Quick Update
Neverland (Part 2)
The Return (Part 1)
The Return (Part 2)
The Return (Part 3)
Help A/N
Kitten In The Glade
Forget You
His Smile
Henry's Heart
He's Just Broken
Spencer Reid
The Things You Do For Love

Love I Hate (Part 3)

3.1K 55 43
By SimpNation640

3rd Person POV

Y/N sat tied up on the ship wishing she had a way to escape. She couldn't jump off the ship. She was tied up and it would have been much too far to swim to make it back to the island.

She regretted yelling at Peter. Things would have gone much differently if she'd just taken the blame for the water and apologized for it. Now that she was thinking about it, she wasn't sure why she had gotten so worked up about the whole situation. It was stupid and she definitely overreacted. She wished she could just start over with Peter.

Meanwhile, Peter Pan flew above the island looking for the dear old Jolly Rodger that belonged to Captain Hook. Once he spotted it, he immediately flew towards it so save Y/N. Who knows what he could have done to her by now.

Y/N tried to stand up but Hook pushed her back down.

"What are you trying to do young Y/N?" he asked. Y/N thrashed in desperation and he grabbed her arm, standing her up, her arms still tied behind her back. 

Hook was getting ready to leave the island. Whatever happened these next few minutes, he would probably end up victorious. If Pan didn't show up, they would escape off the island peacefully with the young girl. If Pan did end up showing up before they had the chance to leave Neverland, he had a plan. A sneak attack would result in the Pan being immobilized with Dreamshade. They could then rid of the boy and finish their escape off Neverland. 

If the sneak attack were to not work, He knew he could dispose of the girl easily. Hook certainly wouldn't like to do that, but he knew he would if it came to it. His escape was the top priority.

Pan, upon arriving at the ship, immediately spotted Y/N. To his relief, she was unharmed.

"Peter Pan!" Hook called, seeing Pan land on the ship. Y/N's eyes widened. He had come after all.


Peter had come for me. Relief flooded over me but soon disappeared when I saw what was happening behind him. A few of Hooks pirates were coming behind him, but Peter was too busy to notice.

"Peter!" I called out. He looked over at me, concern barely visible on his face. "Behind you!"

He turned and dodged whatever the pirates were trying to hit him with. He used his magic and pushed them all away.

In a few swift movements, Hook walked over behind me and held a dagger to my throat. I couldn't move an inch or it would be fatal. My heart was racing and Peter looked visibly worried. 

"Hook, don't hurt her," Peter pleaded. I could feel Hook's laughter against me. 

"And what makes you think I wouldn't?" He said, entertainment in his voice. I knew Hook wouldn't hesitate to do something to me, even killing, to hurt Peter. 

"Hook, please. I'll give you what you want. Just let her go."

"Trying to barter with me? For her?" he laughed. "You must really be in love with this girl."

Peter's face started to turn red with anger. "let. her. go." He commanded.

"Alright then," hook said before swiftly moving the dagger from my neck into my side. Pain shot through my whole body.

"No!" I could hear Peter yell before my vision got hazy and things around me seemingly started to slow down.

I could feel Hook's grip on me fade away before I felt a rush of cold. He had thrown me in the ocean. I tried to move, to do something, but I couldn't, and soon, my consciousness faded away.

Peters POV

Hook had stabbed her with the dagger and thrown her in the ocean. I ran after her, but I was stopped by a few of Hook's crew members. I used my magic to push them back, but then Hook was in front of me.

Overwhelmed with anger, I took my own dagger from my belt and went to use it against him. Him being a bit taller than me had a much larger advantage. He grabbed my arm before I could do anything. I used my magic to push him back against a bunch of crates which got knocked over on his impact.

I could deal with him later, right now, I needed to get Y/N. I dove into the ocean and saw her unconscious with a pool of blood surrounding her. I grabbed her around her waist and pulled her close to me while I swam to the surface.

Her whole body was limp. I tried to shake her to wake her up. "Y/N, please, don't die on me. I need you," I said putting my free hand on her face. "Please," I pleaded. I could feel my stomach filling with dread at the thought that she might be dead.

I quickly swam to the shore, using my magic to get us there quicker. I walked on the sand, dripping wet, carrying Y/N bridal style in my arms. I sat down with her in my lap while I quickly checked her pulse.

I could barely feel it and there wasn't much magic I could do to save her. I pinched her nose and connected my mouth to hers and pushed breath into her, watching her chest rise and fall. I tried that a few more times, but she didn't wake.

I could feel tears rushing down my face. "God I'm such an idiot!" I said to myself. If I just hadn't gotten so angry and hurt her, she would be fine. She would be alive, and its all my fault she's not. 

I sat for a few minutes, uncontrollably crying with Y/N in my lap. I didn't feel ashamed that I was crying. I just wanted her back.

I gave her more breaths to try to resuscitate her, but it still didn't work. Then, she started coughing up water. My eyes widened hopefully seeing her breathing again.


I woke up coughing up water and having a hard time catching my breath. I felt someone's arm around me as I started breathing right again. I looked up and saw Peter looking down at me with a hopeful smile on his face.

I looked around and saw that I was no longer oh Hooks ship, I was on the beach. I was laying in Peters's lap, both of us dripping wet. It was dark and it was hard to see, but once my eyes adjusted, I could see that Peter's face was streaked with tears.

"Peter, were you crying?" I asked him, trying to sit up. Pain shot through my whole body, causing me to fall back down into Peter's arms. Oh, right. I was stabbed.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, concern plastered on his face. I smiled at him. It hurt, but being in Peter's arms made me forget about the pain.

"I'm alright," I told him. I started thinking about earlier. Peter was so mad. I thought he didn't care, but he rescued me and was obviously worried. He was crying about me. "I thought you didn't care about me enough to save me. I thought you were just gonna let them take me," I told him.

A small smile crept on his face, and it wasn't one of his arrogant smirks. This one had emotion and feeling. "Of course I wasn't going to let them take you. I'm sorry it seemed like I hated you. I just never wanted to admit that... that I liked you Y/N," he told me.

Suprise was written all over my face. My eyebrows had risen over my head and my mouth hung open. I had never expected that he would actually have feelings for me, but hearing him say it sent a mix of feelings through my body. "Really?" I asked, a smile creeping up on my face.

He looked down, his face showing the slightest hint of blush. He laughed a bit and looked back into my eyes. His hand moved to the side of my face and he started leaning in slowly.

My heart started racing again as he got closer to my lips. My breath hitched as his almost touched mine. Both of us hesitated, our lips hovering over each other's, neither of us daring to make the first move.

Finally, I wrapped my arm around his neck and connected our lips. All of my hate for him melted away at that moment. Our lips seemed to coordinate perfectly with each other. My hands ran through his hair as I sat up a bit to better position myself. His hand moved to my side to help me up, being careful to avoid my wound.

We finally pulled away, breathless, and smiling at each other. I knew my face had turned red, but I didn't care. "I like you too," I told him.

He laughed, caressing my cheek. "Can we... forget about all the fights and arguments and... start over?" He asked. I wanted nothing me than to start over with Peter. You nod and pull him down into another kiss. This one, more passionate. Our lips moved in perfect harmony with each other. With every touch, a feeling like electricity spread through my body.

We pulled away and looked in each other's eyes, neither of us wanting to let this moment go. 


Okay, here's the end! If anybody is reading this, please leave some suggestions. I feel like I'm gonna start running out of ideas. :) Anyways, Thank you for reading!! 

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