Samurai |BNHA|

By akatsukislut

249K 13K 5.7K

Book II of Heroes Don't Exist "It's as they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself b... More

Bonus Chapter
I'm Fine! [1]
Cant We All Just Get Along [2]
I promise [3]
In due Time [4]
A date [5]
Story Time [7]
Heroes Come Home [8]
Past-tense [10]
Apocalypse [11]
Ronin [12]
Dread [13]
Meeting [14]
Hero you Deserve [15]
Yakuza Raid [16]
First Step into Darkness [17]
Fucked up big time [18]
Soul Snare [19]
Gomen, Izanami [20]
Revelation [21]
Bring her Back... [22]
Shoto & Bakugou Vs Izanami [23]
Stage 4: HeartBreak [24]
Madness [25]
Villain [26]
Welcome to the Darkside [27]
Aftermath [28]
School Festival [29]
A Promise [30]
What I deserve [31]
Cutting Ties [32]
Endeavor [33]
Flaming trash [34]
A mission [35]
Suicide Forest [36]
Kirishima? [37]
Ronin vs She-Devil [38]
What the fuck is going on?! [39]
Crossover [40]
Parallel Worlds [41]
Farewell [42]
Mission: JailBreak [43]
Yep thats me [44]
All for One [45]
Confrontation [46]
Return [47]
Murderer! [48]
Seppuku [49]
Tell me [50]
Trial [51]
You... [52]
Civil War [53]
Purgatory [54]
Todoroki brothers [55]
A mothers love...[56]
You've come far...[57]
Susanoo Smash [58]
Not Ok [59]
The End [60]
Time Skip
Time Skip II

Susanoo Storage

5.4K 161 5
By akatsukislut

I know some of you might be confused on what Susanoo actually is so I cleaned up the info sheet and changed some things so it's less complicated. Ask any questions down below if you don't get anything.

QUIRK: Susanoo Storage
is a gigantic, humanoid avatar formed from the users life force and fights outside of the body on the users behalf. Susanoo's also each have their own individual special ability which can be used for any stage. Human beings need 100% of their soul to live so since Susanoo requires certain percentages of life force to activate, it is difficult for the user to stay sane and remain in control as seen in past chapters where Izanami struggles against her own mentality into keeping Susanoo under control. Once the user loses control, the process of possession begins. Have you seen those horror movies like pet cemetery where someone is brought back from the dead but they have no soul? You see how sinister and destructive those people act. That's what happens to Izanami. Susanoo is NOT like dark shadow but it is aware and conscious because Susanoo is the embodiment of her life force. When Izanami loses control, Susanoo is just acting out what she's feeling in that moment. The longer Izanami  stays possessed the faster Izanamis body with shut down due to 100% of her soul/life force not being In her body. Izanami knows when her body is beginning to shut down when her eyes start to bleed and other painful effects such as migraine, loss of bodily functions. You all know what happens when someone dies, their body starts to decompose, fast! So that's why it's vital for Izanami to not use Susanoo for to long without break. Stage five is the equivalent of suicide for Izanami since 100% of her soul is outside of her body fighting, it won't take long for her body to sense the absence of her life force and start to shut down. Susanoo can not be repaired if damaged, User must reactivate Susanoo from the first stage again or advance to the next stage.

Accompanying her quirk is a storage quirk accumulation quirk that allows her to mark something and store it in a void alternate dimension in her psyche. She can summon that object at will. If I remember correctly if the marked inanimate object leaves her hand for longer than a minute, it goes back to the storage dimension and she can't summon it for an hour. Izanami can now transport her self to the storage dimension and back but she needs to leave a mark on someone to come back. (I.E Bakugou during the license exam) Since Susanoo and her storage are linked she can transfer a weapon to Susanoo or maybe use Susanoo to transfer something else to storage. (Hellas shower) If Izanami transfers a weapon to Susanoo she loses the ability to use that object and must relearn how to use it again. She doesn't lose the memory but she loses the experience with the weapon when Susanoo isn't activated. For ex: say you're building a pyramid of cards but then once you reach the top you accidentally breath to hard and knock it over. You have the memory of how hard you worked on your little pyramid but you have to start over. Luckily you have the memory of how you built the pyramid  otherwise you wouldn't be able to build the it by you're self again.

Stage 1 ( 1/5 of lifeforce to maintain)

Susanoo cloak

Attack :6 physical strength and speed boosted as well as a

•skeletal arm- used for mid-ranged attacks.
Defense: 5 (can take 2-3 regular attacks)

-prone to attacks from left, above and below attacks
-visual, verbal  attacks

Stage 2 (2/5 of lifeforce to maintain)

Skeletal Susano
Defense- 6 ( if the enemies attack is strong and accurate enough it could break especially if it's taking the full brunt of the attack)
Attack- 5 (no weapons but immense strength, not All Might strength) can deliver punches, defend and even grab opponents.

-prone to atacks from below.
-visual powers
-verbal powers

Stage 3 (3/5 of life force to maintain)

Armored susanoo
Defense- 7
•Susanoo's shield-can take a state smash from Izuku but another more could break it definitely

Attack- 8

•Susanoo's bow and arrow, if hit by this; it will damage the target resulting in moderate to severe burns depending on person)

-prone to attacks from below.
-visual powers
-verbal powers

Stage 4 (4/5 of life force to maintain)

Humanoid Susano
Defence-8 can take 2 Detroit smashes
Attack- 7 (more mobile and small, and arrow)
Height - 15 ft

-visual powers
-verbal powers

Stage 5 ( 5/5 of life force to maintain)

Complete Susanoo
Defense: 9 (can take a United States smash.)

•ultimate defense and attack

Attack: 10(more mobile, twin katana blades, can wipe out half a city)
Height: about as big as a zero pointer robot from bnha

-visual powers
-verbal powers

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