Falling Apart, Barely Breathi...

By Bobbiejelly

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In Which Addison meets Meredith in a bar. Things spiral from there. More

Chapter 1: Bring The Pain
Chapter 2: Into You Like A Train
Chapter 3: Something To Talk About
Chapter 4: Let It Be
Chapter 5: Thanks For The Memories
Chapter 6: Much Too Much
Chapter 7: Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Chapter 8: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
Chapter 9: Begin The Begin
Chapter 10: Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Chapter 11: Break On Through, Part One
Chapter 12: Break On Through, Part Two
Chapter 13: Break On Through Part Three
Chapter 14: Break On Through, Part Four
Chapter 15: Break On Through, Part Five
Chapter 16: Break On Through, Part Six
Chapter 17: Break On Through, Part Seven
Chapter 18: Break On Through Part Eight
Chapter 19: Break On Through Part Nine
Chapter 20: Break On Through Part Ten
Chapter 21: Break On Through, Part Eleven
Chapter 22: Break On Through, Part Twelve
Chapter 23: What A Difference A Day Makes
Chapter 24: Break On Through, Part UNLUCKY 13
Chapter 25: Keepsake
Chapter 26: Meanwhile
Chapter 27: Break On Through, Part 14: Unfunny Valentine
Chapter 28: Secret Admirer
Chapter 29: Sees, Looks, Imagines...
Chapter 30: It's The End Of The World, Part One
Chapter 31: It's The End Of The World, Part Two
Chapter 32: It's The End Of The World, Part Three
Chapter 33: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Chapter 34: Dream A Little Dream of Me
Chapter 35: I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked
Chapter 36: With A Wonderful & Wild Wardrobe Malfunction
Chapter 38: As We Know It
Chapter 39: Yesterday.
THE VERY VERY REAL Chapter 40: What Have I Done To Deserve This?
Chapter 41: In The Morning, When I Wake Up, I Wanna Sing A Song...
Chapter 42: Forty-Two
Chapter 43: Sixty-Days, Part One
Chapter 44: Dynamite, Triple Threat
Chapter 45: In Which George and Alex Receive An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 46: Survival of the Fabulous!
Chapter 47: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Chapter 48: Collide
Chapter 49: Glitter
Chapter 50: Popcorn
Chapter 51: Milestone
Chapter 52: Cereal
Chapter 53: Thriving
Chapter 54: Surprises
Chapter 55: Plans
56: Empire State of Mind

Chapter 37: Student, Teacher

1.6K 49 20
By Bobbiejelly

Author's Note:

Shoutout to the people who commented on this work today, you know who you are, GO YOU!

Thanks for that, bobbiejelly.


"Why thank you, Doctor Montgomery," Meredith says in a low and seductive tone and it's making Addison's insides heat up again and wow her raging libido is making an appearance at the most inappropriate of moments.

"Mm, now do you want to watch? Because I believe that I owe you one of these from this morning..." Meredith purrs.

And Addison has decided she's totally ready to forgive Derek for sleeping with this woman on the first day he met her because she is literally the definition of sexy now, as she allows her towel to drop right to the floor before even waiting for Addison to finish answering her damn question.


Falling Apart, Barely Breathing

In Which Addison meets Meredith in a bar. Things spiral from there. This is the story about what might have happened after Meredith asks Derek to "Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me" but before he decides to do anything about it, and after SHE decides to do something about it. MerAdd. Meddison. Set during "Bring the Pain" GA. An Addison Montgomery/Meredith Grey - Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction. Written by bobbiejelly

Chapter 37: Student, Teacher

Meredith makes good on her promises for Addison Montgomery, and Addison does the very same for Meredith Grey, back.

Meredith's towel drops to the floor as she smirks widely at Addison, now.

And the result is extremely effective because Addison's jaw physically drops to the floor and her eyebrows physically rise to the ceiling and in between her jaw and her eyebrows her eyes are popping out of their sockets and she's so freaking shocked that she squeals.

"Holy shit" Addison swears loudly, and Meredith giggles smugly at Addison's reactions.

"Well, wouldn't you like to know the rules of my dirty little secret strip-tease just for you?" Meredith growls to Addison sensually.

"What?" Addison furrows her brow in confusion, and Meredith sighs a bit frustratedly but not really in surprise, either, that apparently, Addison has literally no experience with anything in the bedroom outside of 'vanilla'.

"Okay, so the way that this works is you can look but not touch. That means you can't touch me, and I can't touch you. And you can't touch yourself, either" Meredith adds with emphasis.

"What?" Addison says in confusion again, obviously about that last part, about the 'no touching herself'.

"Addison, I mean you can't finger yourself while you watch, if it was really that hard to understand," Meredith says in a hurry.

"Oh," Addison just shrugs as if it isn't a concern, because it still kind of isn't, because of course, Addison just doesn't do that and doesn't even know how to, even if she'd wanted to, anyway.

"So is that a yes or a no? Because I could just put my clothes on and not let you watch me do this at all..." Meredith gives her a choice, so she feels a bit less of a slut for all this.

"Oh, God, yes, yes please Meredith I didn't mean to sound like I didn't want you to... I was just sort of confused about all the instructions, that's all," Addison says to her quickly.

"Okay, wow, we really need to start with square one with you, because apparently being with only one, well, I guess two boys for at least the past decade has left you without certain... Excitements in the bedroom department," Meredith deadpans, but teasingly.

"Hey, I've had sex before! It's not like we were celibate!" Addison says a bit defensively, to not seem like such a newborn at all of this.

"Mm, don't you worry your pretty little head about a thing now, Doctor Montgomery. Out there you might be the star teacher but in here... You can just be my special student..." Meredith says in a nice double-entendre.

('You realize if Meredith says to you 'teach me' at work that you're going to flashback to this moment and probably jump her')

('Can you please give me a break?! I have a really naked hot girl in front of me I'm trying to concentrate on how super sexy she is!')

('Oh, do go on then, I think the reverse-strip-tease show is just about to start...')

"Watch and learn, Montgomery," Meredith says to her smoothly.

And holy hell on high water, Meredith Grey is taking out Addison's cream with a twist of her hand.

Meredith is laying the bottle open and ready for her on the nightstand.

Then, she's crawling up on the bunk-beds small step-ladder to where she had been sleeping there earlier.

Luckily for the two of them, the window to the room had already been covered.

This was a show for one guest, and that guest just happened to be Addison.

Meredith starts by dipping her hand into the cream and rubbing it all over her fingers.

Then, she starts with her feet as she runs her hands over them and lets out a moan.

"Umm, I don't have a foot fetish if that's what you're wondering," Addison shrugs at her.

"Good to know, I don't really either, I just have sore feet," Meredith giggles to loosen the tension.

Meredith runs her palms over her calves, and she makes sure to make pleasing noises for Addison, who seems to really get off on her moaning.

"Mmm," Meredith is only exaggerating a little bit, because Addison's cream really IS magical and she wants to ask her where she got it from, except it's probably imported or something ridiculously high-class like that, and Meredith wants to keep torturing her now, without talking retail.

Meredith continues to tease up her legs. She's moving her hands higher up on her thighs now and Addison finally understands why Meredith might have asked her directly 'not to touch herself back' because Addison feels the sudden urge to repeat all these motions atop her own body.

"Ah, ah, ah, I see you. No touching yourself, not even there," Meredith admonishes Addison, who has started rubbing her hands over her thighs.

"Here, just hold this," Meredith offers her pager for Addison to hold in her hand and spin around like a fidget toy.

"It serves a dual purpose. If you move your hands off it I'll stop. And if it beeps you'll just let me know," Meredith says to her casually, as if this were not instructions on how to stop fucking herself while watching her intern stark naked at work.

"Ah, thanks," Addison stutters and it makes Meredith smirk more.

So Meredith keeps up her journey along her bare thighs. And then she runs her hands along her inner thighs and that's extremely intense.

And it makes Addison grip like iron atop Meredith's pager because her body is going into overdrive sending her mixed-signals telling her to try to fuck herself or to try to fuck Meredith or to do who knows what that would be breaking Meredith Grey's explicit instructions to not touch herself and to not touch Meredith back, either.

Meredith moves her hands to her waist as she spreads the white body cream all along her pale skin.

Addison bites her lip now because at least that doesn't break any of Meredith's rules. And this makes Meredith smirk even wider and bite her own lip back just to make Addie moan.

Meredith moves on to her stomach. And sure, she might not have runner's abs just like Addison, but she does jog occasionally when Cristina makes her, and she's always running up and around this damn hospital, so she does have some definition there and Addison notices.

Addison tries not to holler or whistle as Meredith does sort of a sit-up to show all of her abs now.

And then Meredith moves on to her shoulders now and that gets Addison thinking about all the ways Meredith could push and pull her around in the bedroom.

Addison liked a bit of a strong hand on her in bed, and she guesses that's why she had once liked that Mark was so strong.

But apparently Meredith was at least as willing to use all her strength in their sex because now Meredith is dropping to the bunk bed and doing push-ups until a think line of sweat forms.

And Addison can see all of Meredith's arm muscles ripple from her forearms to her triceps to her biceps and all together.

And Addison watches as Meredith moisturizes these muscles as they tense and they flex and they pop out from the push-ups.

And then Meredith checks in with Addison, to see how she's doing.

"How are you Addie, are you enjoying the show so far?" Meredith says with a lilt.

"Yes..." Addison forgets herself, answering breathlessly and submitting to Meredith's antics completely.

"Mm, then I shall take this as a sign to continue..." Meredith says with a grin.

"Oh, please do go on," Addison practically begs her.

Meredith loves being begged in the bedroom so she does go on, she goes on to rubbing her neck with her hands and Addison remembers touching Meredith there and she's sort of annoyed she can't even do this for her, then.

"Oh, you'll get your turn soon enough, just not now," Meredith promises her reading her mind.

Meredith rubs the cream to her face and her ears, being sure to pinch her earlobes to show Addison just how much she likes that.

And Addison closes her eyes for a second and smiles because she feels smug she was right that Meredith liked her ears to be handled during sex as she did.

And Meredith finally starts to make this a whole other level.

She starts to run her hands around her bare breasts, cupping them with her hands and allowing herself to pinch them.

Meredith pinches just around the edges at first, but eventually, she pinches herself right on the nipple.

And it makes Addison wet all over again, making her all hot and bothered and wanting more... Something to happen.

And Meredith smirks even wider as she can see Addison squirm in her seat. She's sat down now.

That happened somewhere that Addison couldn't stand up any longer so she's sat on the bed she once slept in while looking up at Meredith on the top bunk and the whole thing is just really convenient.

Because Meredith is literally on a pedestal on display all for Addison.

And now Addison is watching as Meredith is swirling her hands around her full breasts before letting them bounce a little and hang perky and tight to her chest.

Addison, being 'formerly straight' has had no sexual experience prior to this time with breasts other than her own breasts.

And she seriously had no idea of all she was missing because Meredith's breasts seem so tantalizing to her now she's not sure how she didn't spend her entire fall staring at them.

(Well, she sort of did, but only consciously for like the past little while.)

And now Meredith ran her hands all over her body, even showing off her flexibility to reach the spots on her back one normally can't even reach on one's own.

And she sits right on the edge of the bunk bed next for Addison, and she lets her legs part so Addison can look in between them.

And Meredith shows off all her girl parts for display.

And Addison stares open-mouthed at them because sure, she's seen literally thousands of vaginas in her life, given her specific career in them.

But this is the first time she's seeing one not in a clinical way, and it's totally a different thing.

When Addison is performing an examination, she's checking for cervical cancer or something like that.

But now, Addison is examining just how wet Meredith already is. And she's staring at the smaller girl's pooling arousal. And she's feeling her own pooling arousal.

And holy fuck does she want her and want her to want her.

And god she really does need to get laid because she's desperate here.

She's actually so freaking desperate she wants to screw Meredith Grey and even more so have her screw her senseless.

And she can feel the predatory glare that Meredith is giving her now.

And it should probably be scary, seeing as they haven't even had a first date yet.

But Addison doesn't feel afraid at all, she feels sort of, loved.

She's never had someone get all possessive over her, but in a tender way and not a threatening way. There's a difference, Addison notes to herself.

Derek only got jealous when he thought she would leave him or tell him off or something like that.

Meredith looks possessive because she wants her and only her, and wants her and only her to want her back.

It is a love-versus-fear debate, and Addison can see plain as day now more than ever how much she wanted Meredith to make her, hers.

Meredith is feeling needy too, but what she needs more than anything is to make Addison feel good.

She wants to take care of her and love her and kiss her and run her a bath and read her stories at night.

Meredith is having all these warm and fuzzy feelings as she's putting back on her scrub pants and fastening her bra on and pulling her shirt over her head.

One might have expected them both to feel sad that the reverse-sort of strip-tease is now pretty much over.

But they don't, and they both don't feel sad at all for any reason at all.

They actually enjoy simply just being in the company of one another.

And now that Meredith is fully dressed in fresh clothes, she goes to sit next to Addison, hopping off the top bunk and laying her head onto Addison's shoulder.

"You did really good, ya know. You didn't take your hands away from my pager at all," Meredith says to her, looking up into Addison's eyes.

"Wow, I didn't even know that I could do that," Addison says in surprise to herself.

"You are really strong, you know, you can do anything if you try hard enough," Meredith says with a smile.

And it's just the words Addison needed to say what she needed to say to Grey then.

She says the words she's been wanting to say for all hours now.

"Meredith, can I ask you something personal?" Addison says.

"Sure Addie, what's up?" Meredith looks up at Addison's smile at the use of her nickname.

"Will you go out to Vietnamese with me tonight?" Addison says without stuttering and surprises even herself.

"Of course, I know the best one!" Meredith says with a grin.

"How about Eight O'Clock?" Addison says with a smile.

"Sounds good to me, as long as I drive your car again!" Meredith asks cheerfully.

"Sure you can, why not?" Addison says, not knowing that Meredith is doing this just to keep Addison's office keys for a little while longer.

"It's a date!" Meredith says gleefully.

"Well, no, it's an almost-maybe date," Addison says to her seriously.

"Ok, now I am confused," Meredith says a bit sadly.

"Look, we still need to talk about some serious stuff, and so after I say to you what I wanna say to you, then we can decide together if it's a date or just dinner," Addison explains to her seriously.

"You can still drive my car there, though, if that's what you want of course!" Addison says to her kindly.

"Okayyyyy," Meredith says to her shyly.

It's like she's a whole different person, now, no longer the sexy take-charge persona she just was while naked in front of Addison.

Meredith is now just a shy little girl who wants to go on a dinner date with Addison.

And soon she'll be the keen student on Addison's surgical team.

Addison wants to know every single version of Meredith.

She wants to memorize the facts and figures and keep Meredith safe.

She wants everything and anything to do with this Grey girl.

And now that she's started 'something-something' with her, she can't seem to let go for the life of her.

"Can we stay, just a little longer here? Just with the two of us, before we go back to work?" Meredith asks Addison sweetly.

And Addison runs her hands over Meredith's head, and pats it softly and gently, as she reassures her, "just a little bit longer..."

And both of them are wishing and hoping that the moments like these, just the two of them, would be more and more frequent, very soon in the future.







Author's Note 2:

Well, this one is short, also. But it's short and sweet and they're going out to dinner so it can't be THAT bad, right?

Let me know what you think, I live for the comments and I wanna find out everything about your thoughts on this work.

Enjoy the next approximately 48 hours before the next installment. I do update almost daily now, like clockwork. But if I have enough written and I get enough reviews I MAY POST EARLY!

Also, as an aside, I'm SUPER into writing a new story, Soothe right now about MerAdd during the GA Season 5 crossover event "Before and After / An Honest Mistake" and "Acceptance / Ex-Life" in PP. Hoping you might check that out, the short description is "Meredith teachers Addison how to Self-Soothe,". Let me know what you think of it, as I work on both of these simultaneously.

Have a good one, and here is that other story:

Or copy-paste the link here:


Yours, truly, bobbiejelly

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