Attached || Mattia Polibio

By tikt0kfanfic

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i got the cover from @/mattiasdemons on instagram 🖤 - y/n price is use to people leaving her life when it al... More

my thoughts on BLM
-63- section 2
face reveal ❤️


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By tikt0kfanfic

y/n's pov

the next day

knock knock

my door slowly crept open as my dad walked in, taking a seat on my bed. "can we talk about last night?"

i reposition myself on my bed. "ive already said what i wanted to say."

he looks down. "you can't be involved with mattia. he's panther."

"i've already heard that way too many times," i mumble. "i didn't care."

"how do you know he wasn't trying to distract you?"

"cause i could feel it. he cares about me, if he wanted me dead he would've done it by now," i say.

"did you tell him about the wedding with xavier?"

"well— yeah but-"

"then he could have something planned," my dad says.

"dad," i groan. "i know him. i've known him before all this mafia stuff, just believe me when i say that he wouldn't go behind my back like that."

"i trust you," my dad tells me. "it's him i don't trust."

i will never be maybe to convince my dad otherwise. "like i said, it doesn't matter. i'm being forced to marry someone else remember?"

"xavier is a good guy, this will be so good for our family," he replies. "i'm building this legacy for you and your mother."

i lick my lips. "it just sucks that you had the luxury of marrying someone you love, but i don't. and i envy you for that."

mattia's pov

"you were out late again last night," kairi says as i enter the kitchen. i immediately walked over to the alcohol cabinet and started pouting myself a drink. "breaking curfew and now he's day drinking. i should ground you."

"funny," i mumble.

kairi's smile fades when he realized that i was actually upset. "what's wrong?"

"guess there's no point in keeping this a secret anymore," i say.

"keeping what a secret?"

"where's alejandro?" i ask.

"upstairs," kairi points. "ALEJANDRO. come downstairs."

we heard a door open and close then footsteps running down the stairs.

"what's wrong?" he pants.

"mattia has to tell us something," said kairi.

"man i thought it was an emergency."

"ive been sneaking out with y/n for the past 3 weeks every night," i blurt. "we were secretly together."

"i knew something was going on," kairi groans. "but why? she lied to you— to us."

"no she didn't kai," i correct him. "my dad was the one who lied to us about everything. she didn't even know she was a cobra until after xavier took her."

"so why did she hate us so much?" alejandro asks.

"cause king cobra told her that we knew her identity all along so she would lead us to the cobras," i explain. "and that we knew about her mother's death this entire time."

"so she didn't fake anything?" kairi whispers.

i shake my head. "she cares about you a lot. both of you."

i see a small smile form on kairi's face. "so then why do you look so upset?"

"well obviously you guys can't be together," said alejandro. "she's still a cobra and you're still a panther."

"that's not the only reason we can't be together," i say.

kairi nods. "she's getting married. when i found you lurking outside that wedding store-"

"lurking? wedding store? what am i missing?" alejandro asks.

"i caught mattia stalking y/n while she was picking out a wedding dress a couple weeks ago," kairi answered.

"i wasnt stalking her," i mumble.

"who's she marrying?" said alejandro.

"our best friend, Xavier," i smile sarcastically.

"that's just the shittiest thing that can happen," kairi raises his voice. "wait if they marry each other then the cobras and the kingston's are uniting their groups."

"mattia that's big trouble for us, you should've told us sooner," alejandro adds.

"well i'm sorry i didn't exactly care about that in the moment," i reply. "all i cared about was her. and i fucked up last night. i didn't lose her because of the  wedding i lost her because of myself."

"what happened?"

"she told me she loved me," i tell them. "but i didn't say it back because i didn't think there was a point."

"i don't think that's how you win a girl over," alejandro scratches his nose.

"well do you love her?" kairi asks.

i nod. "with everything i have." i stare at the table and think. "fuck it, i can't let her get married, i'm not letting it happen."

alejandro smirks. "then what's the plan?"


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