Sealed With a Kiss

By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

2M 64.5K 6.1K

Poppy White is nothing more than a simple Brooklyn girl...until the day she inherited 1.15 billion dollars. T... More

Eleven Part I
Eleven Part II
Eighteen Part I
Fall Favorites
Eighteen Part II
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Winter Favorites So Far
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five Part I
Twenty Five Pt. II
Twenty Five Pt. III
Twenty Five Pt. IV
Twenty Six Pt. I
Maid of Dishonor Preview
Twenty Six Pt. II
Twenty Six Pt. III
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One Pt. I
Thirty One Pt. II
A rant on Wattpad Titles & More
Thirty Two Pt. I
Thirty Two Pt. II
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Note From Me About Ch.33


38.1K 1.2K 51
By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

XX: #FormerRichGirlProblems

I HAD NEVER FELT SO IN PEACE BEFORE. Waking up next to Cole--still in my (now wrinkled) dress and his wine satin tux--out on the deck spread out on patio chairs was surreal. As soon as my eyelids fluttered open to take in the clear blue sky high above me, I turned and saw Cole's sleeping figure. When he woke up he gave me the most blinding smile and then teased me about my frizzy hair.

We sailed back to the dock and drove in groggy silence back to the Hastings' lands. I blushed scarlet red when we walked in hand-in-hand and everyone eyed us with undisguised interest. Hannah even let out an impressive wolf whistle.

After changing into another Hannah hand picked outfit and packing my things back up, I went into Cole's room to wait for him to get ready.

Our entire group received a teary goodbye. Hugged, squeezed, and kissed to an inch of our lives by Isobel, we were guilt tripped into promising to visit again soon. Scott gave me a big hug and told me he'd come out to see me when he was doing business in the city. I even got a smile from Dahlia.

As we drove out of the vineyard, I realized how much I would miss these lands. The fresh air, the sunrise rides--all of it. I would miss Scott and everyone. But this trip meant a lot to me because I was finally with Cole.

Just as he'd said. I guess there is such a thing as a sacred pinky-promise.

BY THE TIME WE HAD MADE IT BACK TO THE CITY, it was nearing midnight. Cole's arm was lazily draped around me and my eyelids were struggling to stay open.

The car slowed and Cole helped me out. Then he scooped me up from the back of my knees and took me all the way up to my room.

I smiled a little when he laid me down on my feathered comforter. He made to pull away but my fingers tugged his.


Cole's deep chuckle made me smile, my eyes opening just a crack to see him take off his shirt one button at a time. His eyes met my own sleepy ones as he took off my heels.

Cole walked around the bed to my side and stared down at me with a curious look in his eye. Maybe I was dreaming it, but it looked like awe or hope, and as fast as it came it was gone.

His hands reached down to unbutton my shirt, and when he got to the last one he threw the flaps open. Cole coerced me up with a gently kiss to my collarbone followed by one on my lips. I followed his lips up, lifting just enough for him to free my arms of the material so I could wrap them around his neck.

I tugged, guiding him onto the bed. He gently lay over me, his lips soft and sweet against my own. He pulled back and turned onto his back beside me, his chest rising up and down.

I followed, my hands and lips making a trail up to his ear. I heard him groan a little and bit down on his ear lobe, "Goodnight."

I laughed a little at his heavy sigh and reached for a night shirt on the floor where I left it last. My shorts were kicked off and the soft cotton thrown over me before I settled in beside Cole.

Sleep soon found me, as did dreams of this man lying next to me.

I WOKE TO THE SCRATCH OF SCRUFF AGAINST MY NECK. I smiled when I felt soft lips press against my skin, my hands coming up to tangle in his hair.

"Morning," he said, the rumble of his voice tickling me a little.

"Hi," I said as Cole pulled back to look at me.

He lied down, his head resting against his arm looking at me with a smile. Absentmindedly stroking my hair, he asked. "So what's on the agenda today?"

"Hmm," I said inching closer, "Breakfast for sure. Unpacking and lunch with Felicity. You?"

"Breakfast for sure," he echoed playfully. "Then work. So exciting, I know."

"What do you need to do?"

Cole frowned, "A couple meetings. Some check signing, administering, that sort of thing. I also have to write report of the hotel in Napa for the board. There's a few other issues that need to be righted."

"Sorry," I said closing my eyes, "I just fell asleep listening to that."

Cole chuckled, "The real story behind corporate life."

"Should we get up now?" I said leaning my arms and chin against his naked chest.

"How about breakfast in bed?" Cole said. "Just shout for the maid."

"No! She's a good Catholic woman! She'll probably drag me to confession if she saw you half naked here."

"Dare me to go downstairs like this?" He asked with a mischievous look.

"Cole!" I yelled as he got up. I jumped out of bed and chased after him with his shirt. But it was too late. By the time I got downstairs he had a very appalled Ingrid in a tight hug.

I MET FELICITY FOR LUNCH. I was seated by a mitre'd, with a rather dour face that gave me a disapproving look, in a table out in their patio. I self-consciously look down at my outfit and shrugged. I was dressed in jeans and sandals with a cream blouse. All of it designer and all of it chosen by my little tyrant stylist.

Felicity joined me soon after I arrived, as always dressed like something out of Vogue. In a cream blazer and trousers with a tapered cut, ending just above her ankles to showcase her cherry-red stilettos, she strutted in like a model on the runway.

"Hey Poppy," she said sitting down across from me. I smiled and looked her up and down.

"That's how you dress for work?" Felicity looked down at her exposed skin and shrugged.

"I'm wearing a bra, don't worry." I laughed because I have never seen anyone in real life only wear a blazer and nothing underneath. It seemed like something much too sexy and scandalous to wear outside of a film.

"Okay, so are you ready to tell me what's going on?"

Felicity groaned, "Wait let me get a Cosmo. If I'm going to get through this story, I need my fix."

She waved over a waiter while I checked my messages. Only one from Cole sent a couple hours ago.

Free for dinner?

"Poppy! Did you hear me?" Felicity said with an amused smile.

"Sorry no!" I dropped my phone into my bag and gave her my full attention. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted a drink." I nodded and she continued talking to the waiter, ordering our drinks and food.

As soon as Felicity's signature cocktail was placed on the table before her, she downed it. "Alright, ready for my dreadful tale?"

I gave her an unimpressed look and she held her hand up in surrender. "Fine. I'll be serious.

"I've been cut off."

I waited for her to continue but when she didn't I offered her a a confused look. "Cut off of what?"

"Money, Poppy! My inheritance, my trust fund, everything! My dad cut me off clean."

"Wha--why would he do that?"

Felicity rolled her eyes, "Because her bitch of a wife convinced him, that's why!"

"Olivia?" I said with wide eyes. That woman really was a leech, always looking for her next victim. "What did she do?"

"She told my dad I was still doing coke," she sighed and crossed her arms. "And he believed her."

"Well, are you?"

Felicity scoffed, "Does it matter? The point is he took her side and left me penniless!"

"Is that why you're working now?"

"Yes! You wouldn't believe how impossible the labor force is. I mean, you have to show up on time, work ridiculous hours, and I only get an hour for lunch! One hour, Poppy! That's not the way to treat a human being, eight to five in these heels? It's almost inhumane."

I laughed a little, "Felicity Prescott working as a personal assistant. This is priceless."

She shot me a glare, "It's not funny. The only reason Dante Russo agreed to give me the job was because my dad is the family shrink."

"You're dad is Dante's psychologist?"

"No, Russo's brother's. Nic I think it is." The server brought out our order and Felicity waited until he was gone to continue. "So anyway my dad called in a favor and now I'm stuck working in a corporate office job where I have to reply to emails and make coffee runs for a stock broker. What a nightmare! At least I get to wear all the blazers and pencil skirts I have in my wardrobe."

I sighed at her attempt at a joke. "Fel, if there's anything I can do to help--"

"Don't worry I'm not homeless. I'm staying at Cole's place until I get settled into my job." My heart fluttered at Cole's name, especially because he was helping his step-sister.

"Either way, my house is always open. I'll always be here for you."

"What you can do is pay for lunch. Pay day's next week." I gave her a worried smile. As much as she's trying to stay optimistic, I can see through her facade. My friend is hurt.

Until she's ready to talk, I'll let her made jokes and deflect her pain. When the tears come I'll be waiting. In the meantime I'll just let her try to be strong.

As if confirming my thoughts, Felicity sighed and rested her chin on her palm, "Talk about former rich girl problems."

A/N: MERRY XMAS (If you celebrate it)!!!!! I've been gone for two weeks (I think?) but I'm back! I'm on break from school so guess what my friends I'll be updating at odd days instead of on the weekends! Enjoy your holidays, I know I will!

P.S: this is kind of slow because as always, I like to balance the excitement with tranquil/happy chapters. And if you know me and my writing, you know this is the calm before the storm...and if you REALLY know my stories, you know there's more than one storm coming! If you liked this, let me know with a comment below :)

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