Beautiful Silent Boy [L.S]

By CaptainBraveryEM

32.7K 1.3K 334

-"Why don't you believe me when I say you're beautiful Louis?" -"Because when you spend your whole life being... More

Intro / Message to Readers
My Beautiful Silent Boy
Journal 1: Dear Harry?
Between Boops and Giggles
Making My Way Into Your Heart
Crash With Me
Absorb Me Into Your World
Out of My Element, Out of My Mind
Journal 2: Tears Turn into Laughter
I Don't Mean to Be a Bother, But Have You Seen This Boy?
Forever and Always
The Rain's Going to Wash Away What I Believe In
Endlessly (Short Chapter)
Journal 3: Linger Longer
Truly Madly Deeply
Share A Moment With Me
Birthday Confessions Pt. 1
Birthday Confessions Pt. 2
Journal Four: Wake Me Up
Lost In You
Can't Shake It
Wont Count the Hours
I'll Look After You
I Don't Know
A Break In the Clouds
Underneath Every Single Smile
The Art of Breathing (Short Chapter)
Journal 5: ASDFGHJKL
All I Heard Was Nothing
Tough Love
The Pursuit of Perfection
Update for Readers
Vanilla Caress
Perfectly Obstinate
Chances Are...
Through Their Eyes
Authors Note (Update)
The Mighty Fall
Learning Curve
Flower Child

It's the End of Prom Night

718 22 19
By CaptainBraveryEM

I'm crying. I really am. I can't believe I'm typing the last chapter for this story. *flicks tears from eyes and rolls up sleeves* So, we have the long awaited prom night! Yay. Also, some questions will be answered by the end of this chapter as well. Like what happened to Charles *gasps* and if Harry will ever top *double gasp* OH LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL OKAY? GOOD. READ ON MY MINIONS (or onions, if you're dyslexic like me :D) WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE LONG. Like, really long because it has a smut scene in it too.


My hands shook as I buttoned my shirt. I felt my heart pounding wildly in my chest and a blush graced my features.

It was prom night.

I grunted as I looked in the mirror, and gave my hair a quick toss. I had on a pair of black skinny jeans accompanied by a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. I fastened my black and white striped suspenders to my pants and pulled them over my shoulders. I adjusted them several times in an attempt to distract myself. I had never been to a prom. I didn't even know they existed outside of cheesy American films honestly, but of course, leave it to this God forsaken school to have one.

I pulled on my white vans and looked for a black beanie. My hair was a disaster and there was no way that I was leaving the house without it contained. I ran down the stairs and peaked my head around the corner. Grandmum was sitting on the couch watching one of her night programs.

"Um, grandmum," I asked.

She looked up and her face softened.

"Aw, Louis dear, let me have a look at you," she cooed, beckoning me closer.

I stepped forward and put my hands behind my back, balancing on my heels.

"Oh, you're quite dashing," she exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

"You've grown so much. You were just a shy little boy who never came out from underneath of his flannels and beanies. But look at you! Look at how much you've changed over these years," she pursed her lips together.

"I haven't changed at all," I mumbled quietly.

"I beg to differ! Come now, can't you see it?"

I looked into the side mirror and looked at my face again.

"I've got some facial hair," I shrugged.

"No, no, not just your face love. Your soul! I've never seen you so light on your feet. Your skin is glowing, your eyes are brighter, and your smile has never been so charming," she spoke fondly.

"That boy is the best thing that has ever happened to you."

I looked away from the mirror.

"I made him promise me that he'd take care of you, and he did. I knew that you'd be able to forgive yourself one day. I knew that you'd finally realize that you're worth more than the tears that you've cried and the blood that you've shed. But never once did I doubt that he would be the one to show you that. That's the only reason why I let him stay. Because I knew that he could make you believe in love again," she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"How could you know any of this so soon?" I asked.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

"How could you be so sure?" I took her hands in my own.

"Because I knew that you could do the same for him," she answered simply.

I sat back in shock.

"Louis, I've been around for a while now. I know shy boy with a few scrapes good intentions when I see one. I raised a young boy just like that you know," she ruffled my hair.

"Thank you," I whispered, enveloping her in a hug.

"Thank you for everything," I shut my eyes and held her close.

"Thank you Louis, for trying. That's all I could ever ask of you."

The door bell rang and she pulled away from the hug, patting my lap.

"I think that's for you," she smiled.

I got up and answered the door.

Harry leaned against the frame with flowers in his hand. He had on red fitted slacks, a white button down and a black blazer. His bow tie was red and he had on his traditional custom white converse. He looked brilliant.

"Flowers for the lovely lady," he offered them to my grandmum.

"Oh, how charming," she laughed.

She got up and gave Harry a warm hug and kissed his cheek.

"They're beautiful thank you."

"And for you," he pulled out a black box and gave it to me.

I opened it and black and red stripped bow sat inside.

"I didn't want to give you a flower, so I figured this would look more appropriate on your wrist. We both match this way too."

His eyes crinkled as he smiled and I poked his dimples.

"Thank you it's perfect."

"Pictures!" My grandmum called loudly, entering the living room again with a camera.

"Why don't you two stand over by the stairs?" She suggested.

We both moved over to the stairs and Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and settled his chin on my shoulder.

My grandmum snapped a few pictures and smiled.

"Alright, one more. Louis, I want you to step on Harry's shoes and stand on your toes. Harry, I want you to put both your arms around his waist and Louis, hook yours around his neck."

I stepped on Harry's sneakers and felt him draw me close to him.

"Noses together, stare into each other's eyes, and smile," she instructed.

I giggled when our noses touched and he started laughing too. I could see the flash out the corner of my eyes.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he smiled lazily.

"Go on now before it gets too late!" Grandmum said.

We interlaced our fingers and walked to the door. I pecked grandmum on the cheek.

"I'll stay over Harry's tonight. I don't want to wake you up if I come home late," I added, grabbing my keys from the table.

"Alright. Behave. Have a good time."

"I will. Night grandmum!"

"Night boys."

I closed the door behind me and locked it. I looked around for Harry's car and didn't see it.

"Walking?" I asked.

"Nope," he smiled and whistled loudly.

A limo pulled out from around the corner and Niall came out from the top laughing madly.

"How bad ass is this?" Niall called.

"This is sweet!" I ran up to the limo and pulled the door open. Niall came back down and sat on Liam's lap. Liam waved hello and Perrie and Zayn sat at the other end.

"Have a seat lad," Zayn said, tapping the leather cushion beside him.

I squealed and jumped in, pulling roughly on Harry's arm and pressing multiple kisses into his cheek.

"This is so awesome! I can't believe this!"

"Well get used to it. It's senior year. Gotta go out in style," Liam lounged back and pulled Niall further onto his lap.

"How 'bout a quick cheer yeah?" Zayn offered.

"To the past year, cause' it's been amazing," he continued, looking over at Perrie fondly.

"I can celebrate to that," Harry agreed.

We all shouted loudly as the limo pulled out of my drive way and drove to the school.

"So, Louis, we've all pooled our money together and reserved some hotel rooms," Harry purred, tracing his finger down my jaw.

"I told my mum I'd be at your house," Harry started.

"And our folks think we're having a big sleep over at Harry's," Niall added.

"We could get in a lot of trouble for this," I said, unsure.

"Come on!" Liam punched my shoulder lightly.

"You're only young once. Gotta live it to the best extent, even if it is a little dangerous," Zayn said.

"Plus, you've gotta get rid of that V-card Harry," Niall joked.

"Already took care of that," I smirked, snaking my hand around his waist.

"Yeooooow," Zayn and Liam called in unison, giving Harry a playful shove.

"Good work Lou," Liam winked, shaking hands with me.

"It's going to be my turn tonight," Harry whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

The playful conversation continued until we got to the high school. We all entered together and I looked around. There were bright lights hanging from the gym rafters and balloons and confetti coated the floor. The music was loud, but not disturbing, and everyone was engaged in some form of conversation.

Harry and I instantly made our way to the center of the floor to dance. Liam and Zayn sneaked over to the punch bowl and spiked it with vodka. Poor Niall got intoxicated very quickly and was a fool on the dance floor. He even crowd surfed.


Harry and I danced the entire time, stopping once or twice to use the bathroom and freshen up a bit. The gym got packed very quickly and bodies were dancing against each other in an instant. The teachers soon gave up on mandating the dance, and retreated to the halls.

I felt Harry move behind me and he pulled my waist against his hips. I began to grind against him awkwardly. But I soon became more comfortable when I realized that everyone was doing this and no one cared about what we were doing.

He moaned quietly into my ear and I turned to face him, grabbing him by his butt and pulling him into me. He dragged his hips against my own and I could feel myself becoming excited. I moved my hips in a circular motion against him and tucked my head into his neck. His breath was hot and moist against the back of my neck, making me shiver.

The music blared in my ears and I all I could feel was his hot body against my own, fitting into every space and filling it. The rest of the room seemed distant and I became dizzy with lust.

"You're so hot," he whispered into my ear huskily.

"I can already see you in bed later. Your skin red and flushed against the sheets," he continued.

"Your breathing shallow and your aching c-ck against your abdomen, just waiting to be touched," he licked my earlobe.

"Harry," I whined, bucking my hips against his.

"You'll be a mess of moans and no one will be able to see how sexy you are but me," he rasped, firmly grasping my forearm.

"And I'll be all yours," he finished.

I put my hands against his chest and pulled loosely on his blazer.

"When?" I asked desperately.

"Soon," he smirked.

The music cut and someone walked to the front of the room.

"Hello! How are we tonight?" She asked, taking a seat on the table.

We screamed and clapped loudly.

"Good, good. Lot's of energy in here. We all know what time it is right?"

"Crowning time!"

"That's right!" She cried enthusiastically, "It's time to crown the Prom King and Queen!"

A couple students ran into the room with two chairs and a set of crowns. One gave two envelopes to the girl and ran off.

She presented the two envelopes to the crowd of students.

"Let's start with our king," she cheered, tearing one open.

"And our Prom Kind this year is...." she trailed off, "HARRY STYLES!" She yelled happily.

People began to cheer and Harry laughed loudly. He grabbed my hand and led us both to the front of the room. A fluffy red crown was placed on his head and he sat on one of the chairs.

"And, who better to be his Queen than...." she looked at me and smiled warmly," Louis Tomlinson," she clapped and set a crown on my head.

I gave Harry and bewildered look and sat down in the other chair next to him.

"Which of our royal guests would like to speak tonight?" She held out the microphone and I took it from her tentitively.

"Um, hello all. How are we tonight? Give me a good cheer yeah?"

The room roared loudly.

"Good, good. Um, I came to this school this year and I was a ghost. I kinda got pushed around a lot, but that was my fault you know? I didn't know how to respect myself. But, I stumbled, and face planted," I laughed, and the room buzzed quietly with laughter.

"But I had friends picking me up left and right. And I gained a wonderful companion along the way," I smiled fondly at Harry and everyone cooed quietly.

"And I learned that no one was going to like me or treat me like I was worth anything if I couldn't even show that consideration to myself. I know my life hasn't been rainbows and glitter despite the lovely picture that the gay stereotype paints. If anything, it's been dark and confusing. But I know now that I don't have to live that way. I don't have to dwell on things that I can't change. We're all going to graduate this year, and I think it's important for everyone to take a look at themselves and realize they've changed."

"We're not the scared kids that we once were when we started high school. Some of us are just as immature," Niall screamed loudly in agreement, making people laugh.

"-And some us are just innocent, but that doesn't matter. Because we're not naive. We know what the real world is like out there, and we know how to take it head on now. We've had four long years to figure out who we are, and now it's time to embrace that. Who are we?"

"The knights!"

"And what do we do?"


"That's right. So defend what's rightfully yours and never forget how important you are. Each day starts with you, and ends with you. Make sure you're taking care of yourself, and each other," I finished, handing the mic back over.

The gym grew loud with cheers and howls and I smiled. Honestly, prom wasn't as over-rated as I thought it was.

The rest of the dance went on like that. It was full of energy and a feeling of togetherness. Liam and Niall had settled onto the bleachers for a heated make-out session and Zayn and Perrie were slow dancing, completely lost in each other.

We gathered after the last song and we practically had to pull Niall off of Liam.

"Save it for the room boys," I laughed, grabbing a balloon from the floor and playing with it.

"I make no promises," the Irish blonde slurred, hooking his arms around Liam's neck.

And he even if he had, he wouldn't have been able to keep them because they were all over each other in the limo.

And the parking lot.

And the elevator.

They barely got in the door before Liam was able to hoist him up and push him into the room.

Harry and I quickly darted down the hall to our room and locked the door quickly. Clothes were being tossed carelessly around the room between heated kisses.

Harry sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me onto his lap, my ass bare against his erection. He began to suck hard on the skin between my neck and collar bone and bit down gently on the skin.

He smiled and touched the red area.

"I'm going to mark you up love."

"I'm counting on it," I moaned, pushing him back into the mattress. He quickly flipped us and straddled my waist, causing our erections to bump.

We groaned at the contact and Harry wrapped his slender fingers around my semi-hard c-ck, pumping it to full hardness. I dug my head back into the sheets and released a throaty moan, feeling heat course through my body.

He hooked my legs over my shoulders and licked a stripe down my inner thigh. He moved his tongue closer and closer to my member, and let his teeth graze my skin. I squeezed his shoulders and my head began to swim with lust.

"Stop teasing," I breathed, needing more contact.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, rubbing his c-ck against my entrance. I whined at the contact and nodded.

"I want you."

"What do you want me to do? You want me to fill you? To stretch your tight hole with my thick length?" He gave my erection a squeeze, making me cry out.

"I want you to f-ck me damn it," I yelled in frustration, fisting the sheets beside me.

"How bad do you want it?" He continued to tease.

"So bad. I need you Harry," I closed my eyes and breathed.

"I need you now please," I opened my eyes again and dug my heels into his back.

"Of course love," he moved away.

I pulled him back.

"I need a condom," he said, trying to get up again.

"I want it raw. Wanna feel you," I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him close.

"Okay," he breathed, his eyes half hooded.

He stuck three fingers in front of my face.

"Suck," he said.

I took the digits into my mouth and swirled my tongue around them, coating them fully.

He pulled them away and pressed one into my entrance. I arched my back and gave him better leverage. He pressed the second one in and began to thrust them in and out slowly. It burned slightly, but I adjusted to the stretch quickly. He added a third and angled his fingers deeper and increased his speed.

"Sh-t, right there," I released a strangled cry, pressing myself against his fingers.

He found the spot again and prodded it, applying more force.

"Oh f-ck," I cried, "Please more," I pleaded.

He dipped his head and pushed his tongue through my tight heat. He traced my entrance and continued to dart his tongue in and out of me, fondling me with his free hand.

My c-ck ached in his grip and I felt my thighs shaking with excitement.

"Please," I breathed, "Now."

He nodded and pumped himself, spreading his precome along his shaft. He pressed the head in first, and paused.

"Just do it," I moaned, "I don't need to wait."

He gave me a questioning look and I just nodded for him to proceed.

He pushed in the rest of the way, and rocked his hips forward. He pinned my hand beside my head and wrapped his own in it, thrusting faster now.

"So tight," Harry groaned. He captured my lips in a kiss and I moaned into his mouth. He slipped his tongue in and meshed it against my own. He pulled back and peppered my jaw and chest with kisses.

"I'm so close," I said, my head swollen and leaking. My stomach coiled with heat and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"No... keep them open," he said between thrusts.

I opened my eyes as best as I could. My vision was blurred and I was on the verge of coming undone.

"I want to see you and hear you when you release. I want to hear what my name sounds like when you come."

I nodded and grasped his shoulders, digging my finger nails into them.

"Come on Lou baby, so pretty, so sexy, come for me," he pushed, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.

My breathing became shallow and sloppy. I forgot how to breathe, how to think, how to just function in general. All I could focus on were his green eyes staring into mine.

"F-ck Harry!" I yelled, releasing long ribbons of come. He took my sensitive member in his hand and continued to pump it in time with his thrusts, making me cry loudly, almost overwhelmed.

"I'm gunna come. Sh-t, Lou!" He moaned loudly.

I could feel his thick seed coat me thoroughly. He continued to ride out his high, and pulled out soon after, releasing me as well.

"That was perfect," he said, pulling me on top of him and wrapping the sheets around us.

"Yeah," I breathed, still seeing stars behind my vision.

"Thank you Louis," he said, kissing my neck.

"For what Harry?"

"For finding your voice, my beautiful silent boy."



Charles was soon caught by the police after Harry was released from the hospital. He has been sent to a facility in America where he can be assessed and treated properly.

Louis and Harry graduated with honours. They both applied to Uni and are planning to major in theatre. They were accepted to the same university. They will prepare to move into their dorm in the fall.

Louis' grandmother soon passed after he graduated. Louis learned that it didn't mean that she was leaving him, but rather she was ready to move on since her work here was done.

Harry has re-established contact with his father. He isn't sure if he wants to have a relationship with him again, but he needed the chance to show his father that he doing just fine on his own, and that he took care of his mother in his absence.

Louis got a call from his younger sister Lottie, who decided to come out to Louis. He promised to support her and her decisions. The two have become close again.

Harry and Louis still have their ups and downs, but they have learned how to support each other and move on from their past.

(That's it. This is the last chapter. Thank you so much for all your support guys. This is my first fic on wattpad, and I'm grateful for all that I've accomplished. Like I said, I will be going back through this and editing like crazy, but I'm not really doing too much to the end. How did you guys like it? Satisfied? I hope so. Let me know if you want a sequel :) Happy reading!)



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