Lethal Passion (Jeff The Kill...

By GuardianDemon

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Everything seemed perfect at first, but what happens when the person you once loved turns into a cold-blooded... More

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)
Chapter 1. An Affair
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. New Family
Chapter 4. Fun Time
Chapter 5. The Park
Chapter 6. First Day On School
Chapter 7. New Town
Chapter 8. Crushes?
Chapter 9. Annoying People
Chapter 10. Confessions
Chapter 11. A Fight!
Chapter 12. A School Play
Chapter 13. Rehearsal
Chapter 14. First Kiss
Chapter 15. Goodbye Home
Chapter 16. Car Trips
Chapter 17. Grandeur Neighborhood
Chapter 18. A Weird Feeling
Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors
Chapter 20. Liu's Departure
Chapter 21. Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22. In The Hospital
Chapter 23. Sickness
Chapter 24. A Week Away
Chapter 25. Snowy Forest
Chapter 26. Good News
Chapter 27. Blizzard
Chapter 28. Jeff The Killer is Born
Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News
Chapter 30. Foster Care?
Chapter 31. Painful Memories
Chapter 32. Timeskip
Chapter 33. The Man
Chapter 34. All Over Again
Chapter 35. First Encounter
Chapter 36. The Deal
Chapter 37. The New Guy
Chapter 38. Masked Feelings
Chapter 39. T-Thanks
Chapter 40. The Funeral
Chapter 41. Christmas
Chapter 42. Who am I?
Chapter 43. Worried
Chapter 44. Familiar
Chapter 45. Family?
Chapter 46. Photos
Chapter 47. Guilt
Chapter 48. Changing
Chapter 49. The Knife
Chapter 50. Concern
Chapter 51. Unexpected Visit
Chapter 52. Monster
Chapter 53. I'm Sorry
Chapter 54. I Never Wanted This
Chapter 55. It Ends Tonight
Chapter 56. Complication
Chapter 57. It's Over
Chapter 58. New Lives
【SEQUEL】Chapter 59. Who?
Chapter 60. Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 61. Questions Unanswered
Chapter 62. A Theory
Chapter 63. Discussion
Chapter 64. Knives and Guns
Chapter 65. Insanity
Chapter 66. His Yesterdays
Chapter 67. Attempt
Chapter 68. Madness
Chapter 69. A Lost Cause
Chapter 70. Reclusion
Chapter 71. A Conflict
Chapter 72. The Plan
Chapter 73. Truthful Lies
Chapter 74. Hope
Author's Last Note


7.7K 258 256
By GuardianDemon

TIME SKIP 5 years later

Marika's POV

"Go To Sleep - Jeff The Killer"

The Night Glasgow Grin Carver, also known as "The Carver", "The Smile Ripper" or simply "The Killer". This homicidal maniac comes with many names, but people definitely knows who he is and what he does. A former victim and witness discovered that the killer goes by the name, "Jeff".

This murderer is known for leaving the message "Go To Sleep" in his victims' house, specifically written in blood on the walls. But that's not all, he carves a big and gruesome smile on every person he has killed, gaining the names. He is known to use a knife but the way he kills each person varies. He could kill an approximate of 3-15 people a night and has taken the lives of countless people. Jeff the killer barely shows up during the day and is most active at night, though there were a few events where he had killed in broad daylight, mostly happening at isolated and hidden areas in the city.

He is above all murderers. He is the worst criminal this world has encountered. For fourteen years, he's been terrorizing the US but not once has he been caught. Not much information is known because this heartless killer never leaves a soul unharmed, and if he ever does, he'll come back.

Though saying that was a bit inaccurate because Marika Evans, President of ____ industries, has been allegedly forced to hide said killer against her own will. After an interview with Evans, it was found out that the killer has been blackmailing her and used her house and power to hide from the police. She described the murderer with black hair, paper-white skin, burnt eyelids and of course, the infamous carved smile. She also mentioned that the killer was 'barely' over at her property but has no idea where the killer goes. Evans had helped the authorities gain information about the killer and is also the person to discover the killer's name.

Now, there has been a lot of versions of the event floating around, but this is what really happened; Evans was being suspected and debriefed at a police station by the detective who has aided her into solving the case, Detective Andrews. Evans nearly got slammed behind bars. But that was until the killer himself voluntarily barged inside the station, took Evans and ran out with her, and of course, he was threatening to kill her which is a great contradiction to what he was doing, this brought up a lot of confusion.

During their escape, they neared the city bridge and that's where Evans and the killer had a struggle. The killer ended up falling off the cliff and died. His clothing was found afterwards, confirming his death, supposedly of drowning. We honor Marika Evans, Detective William Andrews and former leader of the case, Detective Ace Myers-it is still unknown who had assaulted Myers.

People were a bit unsure at first but it has been five years since the incident and peace has been restored greatly.

Jeff the killer is gone.

I stood up from my chair and turned my laptop off. At least there's finally an article that is actually saying the truth. You wouldn't believe how many false articles I've read, some were too ridiculous and you'd wonder if the author had mental issues. One of them said that Jeff was a fucking vampire for only showing up at night, and the writer was serious too. One claimed that he is actually Jeff but he just isn't conscious during the whole ordeal and he explains it like sleep walking and my damn old neighbor said Jeff is his long lost son. Where the hell do these people even get the idea?

I just laugh it off everytime.

I carried my laptop and took my luggage from the bed. Smiling, I walk out of the room and gave it one last look, it will be a while since I come back here again.

"Marika, where are you?" I heard a familiar voice from downstairs, "Let's go!"

"Coming!" I answered back as I carefully ran down and there he was.

After all these years, Jeff changed for good. We had abandoned the horrible past we had and we surprisingly were able to make it through without raising any suspicions from people.

Of course, Jeff's appearance did change, after all. He looked normal, I guess that's the best way to put it. His skin is still pale but it definitely looked better than it was before and his eyes, it fully healed. He was better than ever.

He approached me and grabbed my bags, "Hurry up, they're waiting." He mumbled while carrying my luggage into the car. I hurriedly stepped out and made sure to lock the door, the place was basically empty but I figured I still should. I hopped into the car, not wanting to let them wait.

I decided to let Jeff drive the car this time, I never really liked it when he drives since he doesn't have much practice and he really likes to speed it up. Since it was a long trip, we had to take turns.


4 days later . . .

"We're here at last . . ." I groaned, exhausted from the trip.

"Really, mom!?" I heard a cheery voice from behind.

"This is our new home!?" Another voice shouted, which woke Jeff who's fast asleep beside me while I'm sitting on the driver's seat.

"Yes, are you two alright?" I asked, making sure they were fine during the four days of a car trip.

"Yes!" They answered in unison.

"I miss this town . . ." Jeff mumbled as he stared out the window.

"Me too." I nodded before turning the engine off, "Let's go, we have a lot of unpacking to do." I opened the car door and got down, soon, everyone followed. Jeff and I took our luggage from the back and examined the area. It sure is a big change for us, but still, we'll learn to live here.

With two little people following us, we walked on the sand and headed for a small inn by the beach. It was still early, too early, it was probably around five in the morning right now. We're not really going to stay over at this inn for long, we just need a week.

I bought our old house back, this is the second neighborhood I lived in, this is the place where I met Kathleen and Kevin, it's the place where Jeff and I first understood what our feelings were for each other, this place . . . it's where the good memories happened. It's special. It was a time where our family was happy.

I was actually trying to buy our old house way before, and I'm not talking about the past five years, I'm talking way before that. I always wanted to go back here but it wasn't available before. Now, I finally have the deed to the house and the people currently living there needs a week to pack up and move. This town always seemed like the best place to raise children, it's pretty quiet and safe.

"Mom, mom!" I felt someone pulling on my shirt, "Can we play in the water?" He pointed at the sea.

"Aw, Pete, dad and I are carrying heavy things, we can do that later." I explained my strained muscles as we walked.

"Please, mom?" He asked.

"No, Pete, we have to get this inside the house first." I smiled apologetically. I gasped when I suddenly realized what I said and turned to Jeff. I saw him grinning mischievously at me, "No, Jeff, I swear-"

"For Pete's sake, let him do what he wants." He started laughing to his own pun.

"That is not funny!" I tried to trip him but he evaded me so easily, "Stop using that!" I whined.

"It never gets old." He grinned.

Suddenly, Margo starts poking Pete, "Look, look!" She exclaimed with curious eyes, "That house looks nice!" She pointed at the inn, we could see what's inside since there's a lot of windows and glass panes around the building. "Mom, can we go ahead?" She asked.

"Uh . . ."

"Go ahead, don't break anything." Jeff answered for me. They grinned and ran away screaming towards the inn, "Lighten up, they're pretty intelligent for their age." Jeff seeing my worried face, assured me.

I sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I worry too much."

I really do, but I guess that's just my instinct. As for our kids, we had twins, a girl and a boy. We decided to name them after mom and dad instead of making up a meaningless name, therefore, we named them Pete and Margo. I'll admit it was hard taking care of them and working at the same time, but now, things will be simpler, I decided to quit my job and start something new here. I don't know what it will be but I can slack-off for a few days, maybe a year too.

Jeff suddenly stopped walking so I gave him a glance, "You go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"Is something wrong?" I asked, confused.

"No, I'm good." He shrugged it off.

Well, he doesn't look like he's lying, after a while, I've become pretty good at reading him, "Okay, don't take too long." I mumbled before walking towards the inn.


Jeff's POV

"I won't." I answered back and watched as she walked farther from me.

I dropped the bags and stared at the sun rising from the horizon. I slowly stepped closer to the waves and took something out from my jacket. I took the cloth wrapped around it to reveal the knife I had used long ago. I stared at it's rusting edges and stained blade, I grabbed the handle and felt it, it really does match up to my hands as if it was made for me.

As I held the handle, I used my other hand to grab the blade. With it's brittle and dull blade, I broke it in half and had never felt more satisfied. I placed the two pieces in my right hand and saw that even though the blade was really blunt, it managed to cut my hand and make it bleed.

I swung my arm back and threw the knife into the ocean, I watched as it made an arch before submerging into the water, never to be found again. I felt like a load has been lifted off my shoulders. Marika had already forgotten about the knife, she hasn't seen it since as long as I can remember. Like she said long ago, it's hard to dispose something like that because it can lead people to us, it was an evidence. But it's been forgotten long enough and soon, Jeff the killer will be forgotten as well, just like what we wanted.

"Well, that was an interesting thing to see." I heard a voice and immediately turned around. Shit.

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first but my mouth hang open as I realize who it was, "Liu . . ." I breathed out.

"Don't act so surprised." He rolled his eyes and stood beside me. He sighed as he stared ahead at the orange sky, "I suppose Marika is also here?"

"Y-Yeah . . ." I quietly answered, still shaken up, "Why are you here?" I asked.

"I don't really have any special places to go to. This town is probably the best choice to lay low. It's kinda peaceful here." He mumbled.

"Hmm . . ." I nodded, "And you stay at?"

"That." He gestured at the inn.

This is a little too weird for my liking, "We're staying over that inn for several days."

From the look on Liu's face, he really wasn't expecting that, "They didn't tell me someone was staying over." He shook his head as he glanced at the inn.


"The inn-owners. They were kind enough to let me live there so I help them run the inn. Sometimes, I do odd jobs around the neighborhood to get by." He shrugged, "What about you two? What made you come here?" He changed the subject.

"Well . . . probably the same reason as you, this place is pretty quiet and she thinks it's a good place to raise-" I cut my words. I don't feel too comfortable telling Liu all these.

"Raise what?" He urged on and gave me a look.


Before I could continue, I heard a voice from afar, "Jeff, what are you doing?" I slowly turned around and went pale-er when Marika came with Pete and Margo. As soon as Liu turned to look at her, she stopped in her tracks and gawked at us, "You . . . Liu?" She said incredulously.

"Mommy, who's that?" Margo pointed at Liu.

I watched as Liu's eyes went wide as he looked back and forth Marika and I, "You-Jeff!" He suddenly slapped the back of my head.

"What the hell!?" I shouted and heard Margo and Pete gasp while Marika started glaring at me just like how Liu was in the middle of glaring and being confused.

Seeming exasperated, Liu rubbed his face with both hands, "I knew you two were-but I didn't-I didn't think you were-" He began saying words we couldn't understand. Marika and I just looked at each other, not knowing how to explain things.

"Mom, who is that man?" Pete was the one to ask this time.

Liu stared at him while Marika nervously spoke, "Uh, well, he is your . . . uncle."

Pete slowly walked up to Liu and craned his neck to look at him, "Are you my uncle?"

Liu still looked a little bothered but managed to hide it, "Y-Yes, I guess."

"You're tall." Pete tried jumping to match Liu's height.

"Well, being tall runs in our family," Liu seemed to ease up and crouched down to meet his eye level, "Someday, you'll be as tall as me too."

A grin formed on Pete's face as he glanced at Marika and I, "Will I really?"

We each gave a nod, "Now," Marika began, "Margo, Pete, I want you both to go back to the house and we'll be there soon, okay?"

The kids groaned but nodded and went running back into the inn. The three of us were left in silence, thinking of a way to start a conversation.

"Liu-" I started.

"I can't comprehend this right now, give me a few days, I'll get used to it." Liu waved a hand at us, "Anyway-"

Liu also didn't get to finish what he's saying when Marika gave him a hug, "I really thought we'll never see you again, ever."

Liu, a little surprised, calmed down and gave her a pat on the head, "Me too." He muttered, "How long will you stay here?"

"We're gonna live here from now on." I answered, "Besides, it's the best neighborhood among the places we moved to even though we only stayed here for two years, I think."

"Yeah . . . we were the happiest here." Marika added.

"I guess we'll see each other more often." Liu said, glancing at us.

"I didn't expect seeing you here at all, things just got so much more better." Marika smiled, "Our family is complete once again."

"Yeah . . . I won't say I'm not happy about it." Liu nodded. "You two . . . had kids." Liu awkwardly mentioned.

"Y-Yeah." I quietly answered, I guess he never really liked the idea of Marika and I being a couple, "What about you? Anyone new?" I lightened up the conversation with a laugh.

"Yeah, Liu, I'm curious." Marika added.

"Oh, God, shut up, no, I don't." Liu quickly said, dismissing the matter, "There will never be anyone, alright? So don't ever ask."

"You still hung up on Jane . . ." Marika sighed heavily as if feeling Liu's loneliness which he hid.

"What the-we were never-!" Liu stopped himself, "Geez, fine, I miss her and all but we were never in that kind of relationship." Liu had a hard time explaining how he felt but he looked happy. Marika and I just smiled at each other.

The three of us stood and watched as the sun rise and light spreads across the sky like a new beginning for all of us.

I've made a lot of mistakes, they were the worst things a man could do. I would probably have lost myself in it if it wasn't for Marika, she changed me with her unwavering strength and will, and Liu's forgiveness, it helped me move on from my past crimes. It's unbelievable how much they endured to save me from myself.

There are things I can't bring back and things I can't replace. I've hurt so many people, I disturbed this world long enough. I know I'll have to pay the price some day and that would be my death, but it still would never be enough to compensate for what I'd done. I'd left a horrible legacy behind and it will continue to live on even if I don't.

But I want to live the days left of my life with the people important to me. It's selfish, given how I took peoples' happiness by taking their friends and families' lives away. But I don't want to bear being alone again. It's one of the things that sent me spiraling deeper into madness.

Least to say, I'll keep on living and I'll stay in this bliss even if I deserve it or not. I changed for the better, and I'll never go back. Jeff The Killer, is gone.

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