Samurai |BNHA|

By akatsukislut

249K 13K 5.7K

Book II of Heroes Don't Exist "It's as they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself b... More

Susanoo Storage
Bonus Chapter
I'm Fine! [1]
Cant We All Just Get Along [2]
I promise [3]
In due Time [4]
A date [5]
Story Time [7]
Heroes Come Home [8]
Past-tense [10]
Apocalypse [11]
Ronin [12]
Dread [13]
Meeting [14]
Hero you Deserve [15]
Yakuza Raid [16]
First Step into Darkness [17]
Fucked up big time [18]
Soul Snare [19]
Gomen, Izanami [20]
Revelation [21]
Bring her Back... [22]
Shoto & Bakugou Vs Izanami [23]
Stage 4: HeartBreak [24]
Madness [25]
Villain [26]
Welcome to the Darkside [27]
Aftermath [28]
A Promise [30]
What I deserve [31]
Cutting Ties [32]
Endeavor [33]
Flaming trash [34]
A mission [35]
Suicide Forest [36]
Kirishima? [37]
Ronin vs She-Devil [38]
What the fuck is going on?! [39]
Crossover [40]
Parallel Worlds [41]
Farewell [42]
Mission: JailBreak [43]
Yep thats me [44]
All for One [45]
Confrontation [46]
Return [47]
Murderer! [48]
Seppuku [49]
Tell me [50]
Trial [51]
You... [52]
Civil War [53]
Purgatory [54]
Todoroki brothers [55]
A mothers love...[56]
You've come far...[57]
Susanoo Smash [58]
Not Ok [59]
The End [60]
Time Skip
Time Skip II

School Festival [29]

3.3K 177 46
By akatsukislut


I weighed one of my new katanas in my right hand, slashing it delicately at the air with a novice like apprehension. The handle of the blade was black leather, the hilt adorned with black diamonds stacked on top of each other as a design. Since I had unconsciously transferred my katanas to Susanoo stage four, I no longer knew how to use a katana when Susanoo wasn't activated. A price I had to pay for unconsciously transferring my blades when I was trying to kill Bakugou.

"Fuck, I'm screwed." I muttered.

Twin katanas was by far my favorite weapon after the bow and arrow and I was pissed that I was reckless enough to transfer it to Susanoo. "First my bow and arrow, now my katanas, I'm not putting these in storage this time." I grumbled.

Using weapons with Susanoo was a signal for destruction which would lead to attention. The weapons afflicted to much damage to use and knowing how strict Shigaraki had been about us drawing attention, I wouldn't be caught dead using anything above stage one right now.


I sighed at the gut wrenching memories of my time with my father. Seems like all that was for nothing... Though my father was a horrible mentor, he put a lot of effort into teaching me to use his weapon and now it was gone along with my ability to use it. I would have to relearn it all and it took me nearly two years to get remotely decent with the katana. The only thing I had going for me was hand to hand combat and Susanoo itself but given my situation, Susanoo was the last thing I needed to get spotted. Using my storage quirk to summon my blades was always my alternative to Susanoo and now that my fathers katanas were gone, I was a sitting duck without Susanoo.

I need to learn how to use the katana again, the mean time all I can do is my mission which is give the administration the necessary intel...

"Your father is still alive—"

My personal agenda will have to wait for now...

I shealth my blade and set it on my bed with other and look around my new small apartment with a sigh. It was one medium sized room with an a-joined bathroom, with two small tinted windows. My twin size was situated right across from the kitchen area with a small table and some chairs. It wasn't much compared to the luxury of the U.A dorms and gourmet cooking but I couldn't complain.  I like some others here didn't have anywhere else to go; Shigaraki let me stay in the league's apartments. It seemed only a few people actually stayed in the small apartments like Toga and Twice. I had no clue where Dabi or Mr Compress stayed but it wasn't as if they were required to stay at the hideout. We were allowed to do as we please. The only rule was to not get caught. Still after the prison break, I had been reluctant to leave the base.


I stiffened as the door to my apartment had been kicked open. There in all her annoying glory was a bubble blonde, her face flushed with excitement and anticipation.

"There's a thing called knocking." I grumbled in annoyance, shifting my attention back to the window.

"Word has it that your old school is hosting a school festival!" Toga stated, shifting her weight on her feet eagerly.

"Get out."

Toga pursed her lips and took a step further into the room and crossed her arms. "Come on it will be fun! It's your first official day as a villain let's crash the party!"

"Are you an idiot or have you forgotten I'm Musutafu's most wanted right now." My eyes flickered to the blonde in annoyance as to why she was bothering me.

"All the more challenge." Toga grinned making my face scrunch up in irritation. "Last time I checked, I thought we made it clear we didn't like eachother."

Her face drops once more into a pout, "Oh please, leave the past in the past."

It was yesterday...

"Besides, I would bring twice but a 30 year old man in spandex would probably tip off some alarms." Toga whined. As if on cue, Twice skidded to a halt at the door way in a U.A uniform over his spandex. "I'm ready Wifey!" My jaw dropped as he hit a few poses and Toga rolled her eyes, slamming the door shut in his face.

"And you think I won't..."

"You know your way around U.A's campus better then me plus we'll be able to blend in with the crowd easier. You can sneak us onto the campus easier because I'm sure your information is still in the system so we won't trip the alarms! It's a full proof plan!"

"It's a stupid plan. Your quirk can help you shapeshift into someone else if something goes sideways, what do you expect me to wear, a hoodie?! You won't get caught, I can."

Toga pulls a simple brunette wig from out of no where causing me to deadpan at the cheap disguise. Toga huffed and spun on her feet, "Fine I'll go by my self, who knows how many people I'll kill while I'm there. Not like there's anyone to keep me out of trouble...hmm I wonder how I'll get in...I guess I'll use that  cute brunette that likes Izuku-kun body to get past the sensors. I've been meaning to get her out of the way anywa—" Toga is cut off by the hiss of a blade flying through the air, impaling the top of the doorway right above her head.

"Aw you missed." Toga covered he mouth in amusement and looked over her shoulder at the glaring girl.

"I don't miss." I hissed.

Toga cocked her head with a daring smirk.

The sad thing is, I was aiming for I really do suck now... I internally sweatdropped at my poor aiming, thanking Kami that she couldn't tell that I was actually aiming for her.

"I'll go, but only because I have business to attend to there anyways. Not like I have anything better to do."

"You still have your uniform?" Toga inquired toothily with a victorious smile. I didn't answer her and looked to the side at my trunk under my bed that had my old things causing  hers smile to widen more.

"I wonder why someone who's claimed to have cut ties still has their old things?"

I clicked my tongue at her words but she spoke once more before I could retaliate. "No matter, meet me at the bar downstairs in ten." I caught the ugly brunette wig she had showed earlier and she was gone.

After a few moments, I released an aggravated groan and slipped off the bed and pulled a small black trunk out from underneath. My eyes faltered as I hesitantly opened the trunk and quickly grabbed what I needed and shoved the trunk back underneath.

I raised the wrinkled uniform up with a solemn expression before taking off my clothes and quickly slipping into the attire. I tied my hair back into a small ponytail and pulled the wig over my head. I snatched my tattered black hoodie off of one of my chairs and made my way down to the bar where Toga waited. She had on her normal attire with a black hoodie.

"Let's go."  I snapped, walking past her and out of the door. Pulling my hoodie on, we made our way to the train station and took a seat silently.

"I just can't wait to see Izuku-kun! I heard your old class is doing some big concert, I've never been to a concert before have you?" Toga inquired giddily like a school girl.

"Please don't talk to me like we're friends." I uttered.

Toga pouted at the silver haired teens hostility, "Of course we are, Ronin-chan. I wanna kill you and you wanna kill me, were practically best friends." Toga sung, kicking her legs back in forth like a toddler.

"You have a messed up idea of friendship."

"And you're any better?" Toga cocked her head making my eyes falter slightly at the harsh truth.

She's right...I am no better. I mean look what I did to Nezu...I've hurt them...and Ryuko...she's probably dead because of me...

"Why do you still have it?" Toga brought me back to reality.

I glanced down at my old U.A uniform.
"Sentiment." I mumbled.

Toga hummed in response, " And here I thought you were just a stone cold bitch."

My face tightened as I fought tooth and nail not to activate Susanoo and obliterate the girl next to me but she cast me a mischievous smirk.
"You seriously need to lighten up. We're the same age yet you're so uptight."

"Urusei." I mumbled as the train finally came to a stop and I stood up and walked off hastily.
"W-Wait up!?" Toga whined as I could see U.A's silhouette in the distance.

"We need to go this way, through the forest."
I uttered and dashed into the the forest.
"We need to be quick or Hound dog will catch our scents." I stated.

Activating the first stage of Susanoo, I reached out and grabbed Toga with Susanoo's lone arm and bolted. My speed enhanced, I kept an eye out for the hunting hero and jumped through the trees towards U.A's wall.

My breath hitched as I landed on a branch to catch my breath but my eyes landed on a large canine like hero to the left on the ground before us.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Not only was the hunting hero we hoped to avoid there but a certain broccoli haired boy. He seemed to be mid-conversation with the pro hero and with some old man and a tiny red haired girl.

Whilst the gentle hero surrendered, Izuku stood idly hoping they wouldn't cancel the festival. However, his orbs widened at the
familiar flash of purple Susanoo cloak.

W-Wait was that...

As if on cue, Hound dogs eyes narrowed and he turned his head, going to smell the air.

"P-PLEASEDONTCANCELTHEFESTIVAL!!!" Izuku blurted catching the pro heroes attention. Hound dog glared hardly at the boy and released a warning growl.

"Oi, kid don't yell!" The hero barked making the younger boy shrink back apologetically.
"Sorry sorry..."

"Get out of here. Don't you gotta festival to attend to." Hound Dog dismissed him.

Izuku's eyes widened at the fact and he spun on his heel, activating his quirk and going back for the rope he had dropped during his fight.
A memory of the purple flash he had seen up in the trees behind hound dog resurfaced which made him push harder to return back to U.A

"T-theres no mistaking it...that was her..."

Multiple questions raced through Midoriya's mind.

W-why is she here...

Is the league attacking again?! No...not after the Yakuza raid...the league has been lying low since All Mights fight...the festival is heavily guarded...Shi-Chan wouldn't risk attacking and getting caught again...

Quirk coursing through his veins, Izuku made haste back to the campus, after picking up the rope.

Whatever it is I...I want to speak with her...

After hearing the news of her prison break, Izuku was more motivated than ever to talk to his former friend. Truthfully, he didn't even know what he wanted to say. The last time they had spoken she had tried to kill him. Izuku wasn't even to sure anymore if it was safe talking to her. Maybe I should tell Hound Dog...

"Midoriya there you are!" Kirishima called out.
"Come on man, the shows about to start!" His classmate urged.

"Guys uh—" Izuku paused, holding his tongue. If he told anyone that Izanami Shi, a wanted felon was at U.A it would cause panic and the show would be canceled. As stupid as it sounded, Izuku didn't want the concert to be canceled, he'd much rather risk Izanami infiltrating school grounds than losing a chance to make Eri smile. If Izanami was there, then she wasn't careless enough to bring any attention to herself so she must've been back at U.A for other reasons. As long as she didn't try anything, that's all that mattered and the festival could still go on. Izanami May have been a villain now but he knew she wouldn't harm innocent people and if the league was invading the campus would've raised alarm so that meant she was most likely alone.
So Izuku stayed quiet.

Maybe she's getting her old things...she did leave some things behind...Kami please Izanami I'm trusting you.

"Midoriya is there something wrong?"  Todoroki's voice made Izuku stiffen as the male stared him down like a hawk whilst Kirishima and Sero tied a rope around Aoyama.
"W-what no, why do you ask?!" Izuku stammered, hiding his face. Todoroki's eyes narrowed in suspicion and he began emitting a scary aura which made the shorter male sweat.

S-should I tell him...

What if he wants to talk to her...

But what if she just ends up hurting him or worse...

Still, if there's anyone who can find Izanami, it's Todoroki...maybe he can talk some sense into her..

"Midoriya, do you know anything else about you know who that you'd like to tell me. I promise I'll keep it between us, I haven't given up on her either."

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock at how Todoroki was able to read him like an open book and he hid his face more wondering if anyone else could tell he was hiding something about Izanami. "It's kind of obvious you're hiding something. And the only things you've been hiding lately is stuff about her. So what is it this time?" Izuku gulped as Todoroki now stood in front of him with an icy aura. Todoroki may have been going overboard but in his defense, Midoriya had been keeping a lot of secrets and information about a certain girl and if anyone deserved to know anything about Izanami it was Todoroki. He cared about her just as much as Midoriya, they were somewhat close after all.  Todoroki pulled his classmate off to the side and looked around making sure the coast was cleaner

"Midoriya, I won't repeat myself." Todoroki started making Izuku shrink in on himself.



"Alright guys lets go, the concerts starting!"

I update every Friday whether it's for HDE or Hiraeth or even both sometimes  (least I'm trying to. Surprised I'm managing to keep up with the upload schedule) i do 2 chaps. And once I drop the chapters next weeks early access chaps drop on patron. For example right now. Patron already had these chaps like a week early I believe and since today's update day. They already have next weeks chaps. I try to stick to the update schedule sometimes a day or two late cause of school or work. But I manage hehe. I also plan to revise/edit HDE soon cause little things like if instead of or or just minor typos are bothering me and it's only because I type fast as hell so my phone has no idea wtf I'm trying to say sometimes.

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