Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

34.6K 1K 129

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime
Author's Note

15 : Unsure

512 17 0
By goldenpup45

                   Pic Above: Dennis

While Rhian was changing her clothes, she couldn't shake off what Jason had said earlier.

Is it obvious that we're only faking it? Are we really that stiff with each other? But I've asked Glaiza to be my girlfriend in public and she said yes. Not just that, but we had hold hands and hugged each other. Doesn't those things count as being romantic? Tsk! Jason was probably just messing with us. Just tricking me to think that I should choose and be with him. Ha! Like that would happen.

... But what if he's right? What if we really do not act as a couple? Then that would mean that the plan is failing!

Rhian brushed her hair quickly and went upstairs. She walked briskly until she came across the room where Glaiza is staying. She was about to knock when a thought came to her.

Maybe I'm just overreacting. I'm sure we're doing well.

She drop her hand and turn to walk away when another thought came to her.

... But what if Jason interrogates us? Or his parents? What if they ask questions about our relationship and both me and Glaiza answer at the same time, only to know that we had different answers? That would be so messed up!

Rhian turn again and held her hand on the door and was about to knock on the door when again, a thought pass her.

On the other hand, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Ugh! Here I go again! Overthinking things!

She was about to walk away when the door opens, revealing Glaiza.

"Oh hey! Did you need something?" Glaiza asked.

"I uh...uhm... nevermind. It was nothing." Rhian said dismissing it and walked away only to be stopped by Glaiza.

"Are you sure? 'Cause it looks like you were about to knock on my door." Glaiza pressed.

Rhian looked back at her for a while before she sighed. "Okay, fine. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Glaiza nodded and ushered her inside.

"Wait, aren't you getting anything?" Rhian said when she remembered the short-haired girl opening her door unexpectedly.

"Oh no," Glaiza said. "Your shadow illuminated inside and didn't go away for a while, and thought it was a ghost or something. I got a little scared."

Rhian chuckled and at the same time embarassed. "Sorry about that."

"So," Glaiza said sitting on the bed."What it is you want to talk about?"

"Well," Rhian closed the door and lean on it. "Do you think that Jason was right? I mean, do we not portray ourselves as a real couple?"

Glaiza thought for a while and answered. "Mm, I think so. He did mentioned that we act awkward with each other. He wouldn't tell us that if we're not."

"Maybe because he's just messing with us? He would do anything just to get to me, even if it means saying false things about our relationship." Rhian countered.

"Well false or not, I think we should be more... romantic with each other."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, just to be sure that we won't screw up. That is, if you still want to continue our plan?"

"Of course! Its just..."

"Just what?"

Rhian averted her eyes uncomfortably. "Well, I don't really know much about... romantic stuff."

She braced herself for the laughter and the teasing but didn't receive any. Rhian hesitantly look back at Glaiza and saw her smiling slightly.

"Its alright, you have nothing to be embarrased about. We'll just have the basics. You know, holding hands and hugging. Nothing over-the-top. I won't pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with." Glaiza spoke softly, earning Rhian a small grateful smile.

Her smile faltered a little when she remember something. "But we do that all the time at school. I mean occasionally, when we meet. What difference does it make?"

"Well, maybe this time, lets do it in a more loving way. You know, to make it more convincing." Glaiza replied.

Rhian nodded.

I'll try, I guess.

"What about if Jason asks about our story? You know, how we realize that we like each other as more than... frenemy?" Rhian asked.

Glaiza hummed. "Lets just say that... it started when you saw me singing at the orphanage and that's when... your heart skip a beat."

Rhian scoffed. "Why should I be the one that started developing feelings? If I have you know, I'm not that easy."

"All the more reason why it should be you. Like you said, you don't easily fall and yet when you saw me at the orphanage, it changed." Glaiza said.

"But I don't go to orphanages. Hell, I didn't even heard you sing! How am I suppose to say that convincingly?" Rhian said

"By visualizing it, of course. But instead of me, try something else."

"Like what?"

"Well, like something you care about deeply."

Alright, that seems reasonable enough.

"Hey, its gonna be fine. Don't stress too much about this. Just... go with the flow." Glaiza said when she noticed Rhian's uncertainty.

Evening come when the rest of the group came back from exploring the town. Based from the smiling faces, Rhian was glad that they enjoyed themselves. Chloe also came back with her father to drop her off.

After freshening up, Rhian called out to them and said that dinner is set. They all settled on the wide dining room where the mouth-watering food is served.

Coming downstairs, Glaiza apologizes for arriving late, saying she had to tuck Chloe in for her sleep who had been tired from her quality time with their father.

The group went on and on about the things they've seen and the things they want to try. It still surprises them that some of it was built and owned by Rhian's family. The guys even joked about having to use the bowling and the billiard area for free since they were with the rich girl herself.

After some time, the topic went to Rhian and Glaiza's fake relationship. Even after Glaiza's protests on stopping her friend Brian in further asking questions about why the rich girl came up with the whole fake relationship thing, Rhian reassured the short-haired girl that it was fine and retold the story as to why it happened all suddenly. She knows that Glaiza's friends could be trusted.

That is why when Glaiza requested that if they were ever questioned or interrogated by either Jason's or Rhian's folks, or even the people who are related to them, she hoped that the group help them, so they wouldn't be caught whatsoever. The group in turn, promise that they would help them in the best way they can.

At the mention of this, it put Rhian's mind to ease. Knowing that Glaiza and the group would be there to help, if ever she get nervous or stuck on answering questions or acting strange. She just hope that it would work, now that Jason is here for the summer.


The next day, Rhian woke up just on time to admire the sunrise. After that, she put on her workout clothes and went on their personal gym where she uses the treadmill for 30 minutes.

Just as she finishes, Dennis walked in, surprised.

"Woah, you're up early. How long were you've been exercising?" He asked setting down his things.

"First, I always wake up early. Second, I've been here for 30 minutes." Rhian said, while placing a yoga mat across from her. "Why is that suprising?"

"Well, I always thought that girls wake up late, you know, 'cause they need their beauty sleep and are usually pretty cranky in the morning." Dennis answered as he made his way to the dumbells.

Rhian chuckled lightly. "You're right, girls don't usually like mornings. But not me. Mornings are my favourite time."

A silence took over as the two are busy doing their own workout routines. Ocassionally talking regarding exercise tips or sometimes challenging the other to reach a certain number of doing a particular routine.

By the end of the hour, the two are drenched in sweat, clothes clinging to their body, at least for Rhian. Dennis had taken his shirt off during his push-ups. Rhian now understood why girls had been chasing her friend. There was no doubt that Dennis possesses the looks and the body that most girls crave.

This guy must've been working out a lot.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Dennis smirked when he saw where Rhian's attention are.

Rhian's eyes meet with Dennis' and chuckled. "No thanks. I just couldn't believe that after all these years, I'm still alive whenever you hug me with your strong arms and hard shoulders."

"Oh please, you love my hugs! And I know that deep inside, you can't resist this. " Dennis wiggled his eyebrows pointing at his sweaty body.

Rhian grimaced her face in disgust and smack him with a towel. "Eww! Stop being so gross! I dont like you that way."

It was true. Even though Dennis is quite charming and handsome, Rhian wouldn't think of him romantically. Instead, she see him more of a brother, like Sam.

Dennis' laughter echoed through the room. "Alright, alright! I was just kidding! Sheesh!"

"Whatever. Why don't you go take a shower. You stink." Rhian said and toss him the towel.

Dennis went to the gym shower and while Rhian went back to her room to freshen up, because unlike Dennis, she didn't bring her clothes.

By the time she was done, almost everyone was up, crowding someone in the living room. When she descended the stairs, Rhian saw that her brother Sam, had arrived and smilingly talking with her friends.

Upon seeing his sister, Sam excused himself from everyone and made his way to her, giving Rhian a hug.

"When did you arrive? You didn't even call me to inform the time you'll be here." Rhian said pulling away.

"Lets just say that I was busy last night." Sam smirked. Rhian rolled her eyes, knowing full well what her brother mean.

"Well, you're right on time for breakfast. Have you eaten yet? I think the maids had just finished preparing food." Rhian asked, tilting her head towards the dining area, where the maids were putting down plateful of food.

They all ushered in the dining area where Sam was instantly pulled by the Julie-Anne, Chynna, and Katrina. The three even argued where Rhian's brother should sit.

Just then, Glaiza had just woken up and walked down the stairs with Chloe by her side.

"What's the noise all about?" The short-haired girl groggily asks.

Sam's eyes lit up upon seeing Glaiza and lunged towards her.

"Glaizilla! Its so nice to see you again!" Sam said hugging the life out of Glaiza.

"Nice... to see... you too. But... can you pull away... I... can't...breath." Glaiza managed to say between her breath.

Sam gave a last tight hug, before pulling away, smiling. "Wow, you've grown taller! Even just a tiny bit."

Chloe giggled making Glaiza glared at him. Sam turned to the giggling girl and crouched to meet her eye level.

"Ah, you must be Chloe! I'm Sam, by the way. I must say, you're much cuter than your older sister here." Chloe chuckled when Sam pinch her nose softly.

"Okay, that's enough making me feel bad about myself. I'm hungry." Glaiza said and tug on Chloe's hand and make their way to the dining area.

"Aww come on Glaizilla! Didn't you miss me?" Sam prodded while the short-haired girl is putting food on Chloe's plate.

"I would be, if you didn't said that mean things to me earlier." Glaiza replied.

"Aww, I was just kidding! You know that." Sam smiled when he saw Glaiza glaring playfully at him.

"Why do you keep calling Glaiza as Glaizilla?" Chynna asks, amused.

The group listened to Sam when he reasoned out that when they were kids, during their Halloween party, Glaiza was the only girl who wore a green dinosaur costume. Sam and Rhian's cousins were all dressed as royals, including princesses, princes, kings, queens, and knights. From that night on, Sam's nicknamed Glaiza as Glaizilla. Glaiza didn't comment about this since she's gotten used to Sam calling her that.


Rhian's hand went to Glaiza, stopping her from following the group inside the resort to tour around.

"You're not coming with them." Rhian said.

"What? Why not?" Glaiza's forehead creased in confusion.

"We're going to pass by somewhere else."

"But how about Chloe?" Glaiza asked turning to her little sister being carried by Sam.

"She's in good hands. Don't worry we'll just be quick, then we'll come back afterwards." Rhian reassured. Glaiza went and talked to Chloe and reminding Sam about Chloe's safety.

After nodding in confirmation, the two began walking to the left path.

"So where exactly are we going?" Glaiza asked.

"You'll see." Rhian replied making the former roll her eyes at the vague response.

Five minutes after, they came across a coffee-colored medium-sized cafe house. The two went inside, and just as Rhian expected, it was jam-packed with people. Chatters and laughing are heard, while waiters and waitresses in cream-colored aprons and caps brought food on the designated table.

Rhian walked towards the farthest left corner where a door is situated and knocked.

"What are we doing here?" Glaiza asked as she scanned the area, admiring the chill vibe she felt even though the place is full of people.

Her question was ignored when a faint 'come in' was heard and Rhian opened the door. Not noticing that the brown-haired girl went inside, Glaiza yelped when she was pulled by the wrist, getting her eyes to tear away from the interior of the cafe.

"Ah! Rhian! There's my favourite niece!" A small middle-aged man beamed.

"Tito Miguel..." Rhian smiled and gave him a hug. "I see that the business is going well. This place is still a hit!"

"Well, I couldn't take all the credit. You were the one who helped me introduced this cafe to your high-profiled business partners of your father. Since then, the cafe has been full of customers, especially during the summer." Tito Miguel explained

"Well, I'm glad." Rhian replied. "Anyway, this is Glaiza, my uh..., my friend. Glaiza, this is my Tito Miguel, he runs this cafe."

"Nice to meet you sir." Glaiza said holding out her hand.

"Sir? Please! Call me Tito Miguel. Everyone does!" Came his reply and instead gave a hug which surprises Glaiza.

"So what brings you here? I know you didn't come here to eat, or you would've done that a while ago." Tito Miguel said.

"Well, the main reason why we came here, is because Glaiza needs a job. And I was hoping you could hire her? I can assure you, she's hardworking, dedicated and determined. You know I wouldn't recommend you someone if they're not worthy to work here. But this one is." Rhian said pointing at the short-haired girl. Glaiza could only stare back at her, surprised that Rhian would say that.

Tito Miguel stared at Glaiza thoughtfully before smiling at Rhian. "Alright, I'll take her. I owe you this for helping me."

Glaiza grinned widely and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you so much! I promise, you won't regret this! I would do anything you ask me! Just say it and it will be done!"

Rhian and Tito Miguel chuckled at Glaiza's behavior.

"Oh, I like you already. I'm sure we'll get along just fine, dear." Tito Miguel smiled at Glaiza.

After confirming that Glaiza could work tomorrow, the two bid goodbye. While walking, Glaiza couldn't help the smile on her face and the slight bounce on her feet.

"Would you stop that? People are looking at you weirdly." Rhian said when she noticed the stare they, well Glaiza, has been receiving.

"I don't care, I'm just so happy! I finally have a job! Can you believe it?! And I got it for free! Whooo!" Glaiza exclaimed and gave quick spin and a jump. Rhian chuckled lightly.

The former slowed down until Rhian was walking by her side and decided to tease her. "Sooo... I'm hardworking, dedicated and determined huh? I didn't know you were capable of saying those kind words."

Rhian rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. I just said that to convince Tito. And that's just a one time thing. So don't get used to it."

"No, you said that because that's what you see in me. Why else would you say it so convincingly?"

Rhian scoffed. "Its called acting. You should try it some time."

"Acting? Really? Like how you were holding my hand uncomfortably in school or when you show me your fake smiles whenever Jason is around?" Glaiza raised her eyebrow.

Rhian was speechless.

Was it really that obvious? Damn her, for noticing!

Then she point an accusing finger at Glaiza. "Well you are just... just... so... really...uh... uhm... God, you're so annoying!" Glaiza laughed at this, knowing that Rhian couldn't make a winning comeback.

Rhian groaned and walked faster, leaving the giggling girl behind. Glaiza catch up to her and smiled at her, to which Rhian frowned and looked away.

"Hey..." Glaiza nudged Rhian. "I know that we had a deal about this, but thank you for saying those kind words to Tito Miguel. Really."

Rhian turn to her and when she saw that the former is serious, she gave her a small smile. "Your welcome. Oh and just a reminder: do not mess this one up or-"

"I won't. I promise. And to prove to you that I won't break that promise..." Glaiza held her pinky finger.

Rhian rose her eyebrow as if to say, 'really?'. Glaiza nodded at her pinky finger. The former rolled her eyes and linked Glaiza's pinky finger with her own.

When they've reached the resort, Rhian saw people crowding over the bar area. Upon close inspection, she saw Sam performing tricks with his bartending skills, which includes three bottles.

"Rhian! Glaiza! Over here!" Paul called out, waving at them. The two walked towards the group. Glaiza immediately went to her little sister who was sitting on the table.

"Where have you guys been?" Lovi asked.

"We went to a cafe and I got a job!" Glaiza said excitedly. The group cheered and congratulated her to which Glaiza told them how it happened.

Upon hearing that it was all Rhian's doing, Kat sat close with the latter and lowered her voice.

"That was nice of you to do that." Kat said.

"Its nothing really. The cafe's owner was my uncle, so it was easy." Rhian shrugged.

"Still, I want to thank you. Now Glaiza could stop her job hunting. God knows how much distress had caused her that. You know, sometimes I would catch her looking so tired in school or spacing out, and its not because of the academics. I would know, because I'm her best friend. I know that she's been stressing about the job hunting, because of her father and Chloe. And honestly, she's been doing it too much that sometimes she forget about her own well being. Its scaring me sometimes." Katrina said looking at her best friend.

Rhian followed her gaze to the short-haired girl holding her little sister on the table while she talk with the others. A sudden guilt started to envelop her when she recalled her behavior last time she caused Glaiza to lose her job. It made her regret what had happen and hoped that if she could only turn back time and take back what she just did to the short-haired girl. She would.

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