Mlp: One with Time

By Phant0mona1

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Y/n is a man with control over time itself. More

Character Bio
1. New Home, New Friends
2. Old Friends, New Discoveries
3. The Suns Rise
4. The Golden Tickets
5. The Leogriff's Arrival
6. Her Name is Trixie Lulamoon
7. Daughter and Dragon troubles
8. Back to Canterlot
10. No Marks, All Potential
11. Clothes for the Gala and Scars
12. Beyond the Rainboom
13. Sharing is Caring
14. Cutie Mark Origins
15. A Reunion at the Gala
16. Return of Chaos
17. A Twilighting she will go
18. A Nightmare Night to Remember
19. The Dark Hood
20. Babysitting with Pinkie Pie
Harem Update
21. Flim&Flam and The Need for Revenge
Just For Fun
22. Returning to Another Home
23. Hearts and Hands Day
24. Preparing for a Future Crisis and Revealing a Secret
25. I'm...Married?
26. A Train, Cakes and a MMMystery
27. Preparing for a Wedding
28. To Crash a Wedding
29. Family Reunion
30. Betrayal
31. So Much Pink
32. A Fight with an Ex
33. To Kickstart a Dream
34. The Dazzlings Awaken
35. Releasing Chaos
36. A Change of Destiny and a New Princess
Equestria Girls Characters Bio
37. Another World, Another Y/n
38. A Princess and a Prince
39. Rekindling a Friendship
40. The Truth and The Dance
41. Forming a Band and Hanging Out.
42. Twilight's return
43. The Battle of the Bands and the Final Showdown
44. The Games, Family and We meet again
45. Reunion at the Games
46. The Games end and going back Home
47. The Duties of Royalty
48. Glimpses into the Past and The Tree of Harmony
49. Castle Confusion
50. A Daring Adventure
51. Into the Comic
52. A Bat Problem with Fluttershy
53. To Manehattan and a Lesson in Generosity
54. Pinkie Apple Roadtrip
55. Try Outs and a Lesson in Loyalty
56. The Party Planner Duel and a Lesson in Laughter
57. The Breezies and a Lesson in Kindness
58. Dreams with Sweetie Belle
59. Diving In and a Lesson in Honesty
60. The Two Heroes and The Games.
61. Tirek Rising
62. A Sacrifice for Love
63. The Town of Equality
64. For the Cutie Marks
65. Avoiding the Crystal Castle
66. Trouble and Misfortune
67. Chaotic Jealousy
68. More than Gold
69. Life in the background
70. The Nightmare of the Moon
71. Rarity's Dream
72. Two Detective's
73. The Ultimate Reward
74. Harth's Warming Traditions
75. The Concert and The Countess
76. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 1
77. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 2
78. The Crystalling and The Baby Aria
79. Shattered Heart and Her First Time

9. Judging Books

7.4K 137 202
By Phant0mona1

Going home was fun, i got to see my friends and family but now there was something going on in Ponyville.

From the train station we walk home but then we find that the usually loud and busy streets are quiet and empty so we go home to drop off our stuff and when we do we find Trixie practicing her performance.

Y/n: Hey Trix.

Cherry Storm: Hello.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y/n your back!

She says as she hugs me and i hug back.

Trixie Lulamoon: How was your visit?

Y/n: Great and i have a question for you.

Trixie Lulamoon: What is it?

Y/n: Why's Ponyville so empty?

Trixie Lulamoon: It is?

She looks outside the window seeing nothing but an empty town.

Trixie Lulamoon: I guess i didn't notice because i've been inside all day.

Y/n: I'm gonna check it out, you girls wanna come with?

Cherry Storm: Of course brother.

Trixie Lulamoon: Ofcourse Trixie will come.

We exit the house and we walk around and then i see Twilight and Spike so we run up to them.

Spike: Is this some sort of human holiday Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Not that i know of.

Y/n: Hey Sparks any idea on what's goin on here?

Twilight Sparkle: No and i'm guessing you don't either.

Y/n: Yeah.

Pinkie Pie: Psst! Guys! Come here! Come! Here! Hurry! Before she gets you!

We enter her house and it's quite dark.

Spike: Is it a zombie?

Pinkie Pie: Z-Zombie?!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! There are no zombies. Pinkie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?

Pinkie Pie: I'm not alone in the dark.

She said turning on the light revealing our friends.

Twilight Sparkle:*gasp*Okay then.

Y/n: So whats going on? And hello everyone.

Humane 5: Hello Y/n!

Rainbow Dash: We're glad you're back.

Y/n: Me too.

Applejack: And as for what, we're hidin' from her!

I look out a window to see a cloaked figure covering her face with a hood.

Apple Bloom: Did you see her? Did you see... Zecora?

Y/n: Wait did you say Zecora?

Apple Bloom: Uh yeah?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name.

Y/n: Uh what's going on?

Pinkie Pie: The evil Zecora is here.

Y/n: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay now that's funny.

Applejack: What's so funny?

Y/n: Ehe She's not evil she's my friend.

Applejack: What no she must've brainwashed ya.

Y/n: I haven't been brainwashed.

Pinkie Pie: That's just what a brainwashed person would say.

Twilight Sparkle: This is getting ridiculous if Y/n says he isn't brainwashed then i believe him.

Y/n: Thank you.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie agrees with Twilight.

Cherry Storm: I also think that this is all very ridiculous.

Y/n: And i agree with them agreeing with Sparks and your all doing this for no good reason.

Applejack: No good reason? You call protectin' yer kin no good reason? Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora runin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' shoes.

Apple Bloom: Did not!

Y/n: She's not evil.

Fluttershy: She's mysterious.

Rainbow Dash: Sinister.

Pinkie Pie: And spoooooky!


Rarity: Just look at those clothes so garish.

Y/n: She's a Zenorian, they're traditional clothes from Zenoria.

Rarity faints.

Applejack: Born where? I've never seen anyone like that in these parts, 'cept... her!

Twilight Sparkle: My books say that zenorians come from a faraway land. But I've never seen her in Ponyville. Where does she live?

Applejack: That's just it, she lives in... the Everfree Forest!

Then Spike crashes into some things mimicking the sound of a thunder clap only way quieter.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

Spike: Uh, sorry.

Applejack: The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow...

Fluttershy: Animals care for themselves...

Rainbow Dash: And the clouds move...

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash: All on their own!

Rarity faints again.

Y/n: Oh no it's totally the end of the world.

I said in a monotone and sarcastic manner.

Pinkie Pie: And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil... stuff! She's so evil I even wrote a song about her!


{Pinkie Pie}
She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Soooo... Watch out!

Y/n: Zecora rhymes alot too.

Trixie Lulamoon: So what have you seen her do anyway?

Cherry Storm: Yeah has she done anything evil?

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly, has she?

Rainbow Dash: Well... Once a month, she comes into Ponyville.

Y/n-Twilight-Trixie: Ooooooooooh

We said dramatically.

Rarity: Then, she lurks by the stores.

Trixie/Twilight: Oh my.

They said dramatically

Y/n: The horror the horror!

I said dramatically.

Fluttershy: And then, she digs at the ground.

Cherry Storm: Goodness gracious.

She said dramatically.

Twilight Sparkle: Seriously how is any of this bad? Maybe she comes to town to visit?

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Maybe she's just tryin' to be neighborly.

Twilight Sparkle: And maybe she's not lurking by the stores, maybe she's going to them, lurk free, to do some shopping?

Apple Bloom: Yeah! Everyone likes to shop. You know what I think?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! Hush and let the grown ups talk.

Apple Bloom: I am a grownup!

She says under her breath.

Rainbow Dash: W-what about digging at the ground? You've got to admit that's weird.

Fluttershy: What if she's digging for innocent creatures?

Y/n:(oh come on)

Pinkie starts singing her evil enchantress song in the background.

Twilight Sparkle: I am sure there is an explanation for everything Zecora does. And if anyone here were actually brave enough to approach her, she would find out the truth.

Apple Bloom: Well, I'm brave enough; I'm gonna find out myself.

I saw Apple Bloom leave the house so i decided to go with her and we are now outside.

Y/n: Hey Apple Bloom.

She flinched a bit.

Apple Bloom: Don't scare me like that.

She said as she hit my chest.

Y/n: Okay, sorry about that.

I said as i laughed.

Apple Bloom: Oh man i lost her.

Y/n: Don't worry i know where she lives, let's go.

We make it to the Everfree forest.

Y/n: Apple Bloom the forest is dangerous so hold my hand.

Apple Bloom: I don't need you to protect me, i could go into the forest all alone if i wanted to.

Y/n: Okay.

Apple Bloom: W-what?

Y/n: Here i'll give you my sword and you can protect me.

I give her my sword and she was immediately brought to the ground and got her fingers stuck to the ground.

Apple Bloom:(this sword is so heavy)

Y/n: Problem?

Apple Bloom: this.(i can't even move it, what is this Mjolnir's cousin although i am just a kid)

Y/n: Ya know there's no shame in admitting weakness.

Apple Bloom: But i want to be strong.

Y/n: And admitting that you have a weakness is one of the strongest things a person can do and plus your just a kid, i mean not even i was strong enough to lift or move that sword when i was your age.

Apple Bloom: So what'd ya do?

Y/n: Easy i admitted i was weak and that let me become strong.

Apple Bloom: Wow, um would you teach me to become strong like you?

Y/n: Sure when this is over, but i'm gonna warn ya it won't be easy just ask Red.

As we were walking and talking we found Zecora but then everyone else came running at us and it startled Apple Bloom and tripped on a vine i went to save her and i did but i tripped aswell and i fell onto some blue Leaves and then Zecora spoke to warn everyone else.

Zecora: Beware! Beware, all you folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!

And with that sentence the six girls were stepping in all of them.

Applejack: Y-you keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yourself, ya hear?

Twilight Sparkle:*sighs*Oh brother.

Zecora : Beware! Beware!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, back at ya, Zecora! You and your lame curse are the ones who better beware!

Applejack: And you! Why couldn't you just listen to yer big sister?

Apple Bloom: I...I...

Applejack: Who knows what kind of nasty curse Zecora could have just put on you and what excuse do you have Y/n.

Y/n: Don't have one, i brought her to the forest to meet my good friend Zecora.

Applejack: Come on Apple Bloom we're leaving let's go.

Everyone including me went home.

Time Skip: Morning.

I wake up and i feel weird so i got off of my bed but it felt like the bed was bigger, i saw my self in the mirror.

Y/n: Uh no way what the hell.

My reflection revealed me but i was a little kid about eight, my boxers were too big for me so i was naked.

Y/n:(alright Y/n calm down there has to be a way to reverse this, it going to be humiliating to be seen like this but i need my friends help)

I exit my room with my pants covering myself and i left my eye patch off and i approach Trixie and Cherry that were sitting at the dining room table, i tug on Trixie's skirt and she looks at me.

Trixie Lulamoon: ? ...Y/N!? What happened to you?

Cherry Storm: Brother why are you a little kid?

Y/n: I don't know.

Trixie then picks me up and i'm holding up my pants.

Trixie Lulamoon: You're so cute.

Cherry Storm: Indeed very cute.

Y/n:*blush*Okay i get it i'm cute(this is already so humiliating)

Trixie Lulamoon: Well if your going out your going to have to put some clothes on.

Cherry Storm: I can help with that.

Her tattoo glows red and a t-shirt, pants and underwear appear out of nowhere so i put them on.

Y/n: Come on lets go to Twilight's.

Cherry then picks me up.

Y/n: Red?

Cherry Storm: Yes brother?

Y/n: Why'd you pick me up?

Cherry Storm: I couldn't help it.

Y/n: So can you please let me go?

Cherry Storm: Nope.

Y/n: Let me go!

Cherry Storm: Nope.

Y/n: I am your brother, master and the prince of Equestria you will let me go!

Cherry Storm: Nope.

She hugs me closer and tighter.

Y/n:*sigh*Fine take me to Twilight's.

Cherry Storm: Okay brother.

Trixie Lulamoon: I really want to hold your just so cute.

Cherry Storm: Well you can't because i've got him.

Trixie then pouts.

We finally make it Twilight's and we enter.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh hi guys and whose the...

Y/n: Yes.

Twilight Sparkle: What happened to you.

Y/n: First Red can you please put me down now?

Cherry Storm: Fine.

She puts me down.

Y/n: I don't know what happened to me but i guess it's connected to whatever is going on with your right arm, it's got blue poker dots on it.

Twilight Sparkle: It's also all floppy and i can't move it it's like the bones in my arm are gone.

Y/n: Weird.

Twilight Sparkle: But i have to say you look very cute.

Y/n: I know, those two have been telling me ever since this happened.

Twilight Sparkle: Anyway i've been doing some research ever since i woke up and refuse to believe that this is...

Pinkie Pie: Ah pfurse!

Pinkie comes in with a swollen tongue.

Spike: A purse? How could it be a purse?

Y/n: Mina? What happened?

Pinkie Pie: Pee pah Zthecora! Sthe put a cursthe on me!

Spike: Hey, say it, don't spray it, Pinkie!

Then we hear a thud on the window.

Rainbow Dash: Ow! ...Oh! ...She's...trying to say-ow!- Zecora...-oh!-...she slapped us all with a-ow- curse!

Rainbow dash had one big wing and one normal sized wing that was making her crash.

Rarity: I'm afraid I have to agree.

Rarity appears to have hair longer than herself and Fluttershy comes in shortly after.

Then Apple Bloom entered the house.

Y/n: Hi Apple Bloom, wait i something wrong with you?

Apple Bloom: Y/n is that you?

Y/n: Yep.

Apple Bloom: Okay, nothing's wrong with me, but Applejack is...

She shows me the palm of her hand to reveal a tiny Applejack.

Apple Bloom: small.

Applejack: I hate to say I told ya so, Y/n, but I told ya so! It's a curse, I tells ya!

Twilight Sparkle: But Fluttershy... seems just fine!

Rarity: Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her.

Y/n: Is there anything wrong with you Fluttershy?

Applejack: Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you?!

Fluttershy: I don't want to talk about it.

She said in a deep male voice.

Spike snorts, then bursts out laughing

Spike: This is hilarious! Ahahaha Look at all of you! We got: Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple Teeny, Flutterguy, and... uh... I got nothin'... Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that.

Y/n: How about Twilight Flopple?

Spike: Oh yeah that's a good one and you are baby Y/n.

Y/n: Okay then.

Twilight Sparkle: Ha ha ha this is no joke, boys. Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure!


Rainbow Dash:*groan* I think we'll find a cure to this curse at Zecora's place!

Y/n: It's not a curse.

Applejack: I agree with Dash! We'll go to Zecora's and force her to remove this hex!

Apple Bloom: This is all my fault. If I hadn't followed Zecora in the first place, none of this would have happened. I just gotta fix this come on Y/n.

Y/n: Okay.

We run off to Zecora's.

We make it to Zecora's house and i knock at the door.

*Knock knock knock*

She opens the door.

Zecora: Make it quick i have much to do, oh my Y/n is that you?

Y/n: Yeah and i got a feeling you know what to do.

Zecora: That is true, right now i am fixing a cure for you in my brew.

Y/n: How about you give us the list of ingredients and we'll go look for them.

Zecora: That would be helpful but please be careful.

Y/n: Will do let's go Apple bloom.

Apple Bloom: Right behind you.

Y/n: Oh and what caused this.

Zecora: Poison joke.

Y/n: Oh right, i've read about that it all makes sense now well see ya.

We began to walk and talk.

Apple Bloom: So how did you meet Zecora.

Y/n: The answer's simple i just walked into the forest and stumbled upon her house, i got curious so i knocked on her door and we became friends.

Apple Bloom: So cool, you can make friends with anyone in such a short time.

Y/n: Thanks.

After awhile we found what Zecora needed and we are on our way back to Zecora's.

We enter her house.

Apple Bloom: Zecora! We found all the things ya asked for. What in Ponyville is goin' on here?

Applejack: Apple Bloom! Y/n! You're okay!

Apple Bloom-Y/n: Why wouldn't we be?

Twilight Sparkle: Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you up into soup!

Zecora-Apple Bloom-Y/n: Hahahaha!

Y/n: You know there's no such thing as curses, right Sparks?

Twilight Sparkle: Y/n, come on you can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse.

Y/n: This isn't a curse.

Zecora: If you will remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact. [flashback]: Beware! Beware, all you folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!

Apple Bloom: It was a warnin'. About that blue plant. It's called Poison Joke.

Zecora: That plant is much like poison oak. But its results are like a joke.

Applejack: What in the hay does that mean?

Zecora: It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead this plant just wants a laugh.

Applejack: Will somebody please talk normal?

Twilight Sparkle: I think what she's saying is that when we ran in to save Apple Bloom, we ran into the poison joke. All our problems are just little jokes it played on us.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, fine. But what about the cauldron?

Fluttershy: And the chanting?Rarity: And the creepy décor?

Zecora: Treasures of the native land where I am from. This one speaks 'hello', and this 'welcome'.

She said pointing to the different masks she had hanging on her wall.

Zecora: The words I chanted were from olden times. Something you call a nursery rhyme.

Twilight Sparkle: But the cauldron... The Apple Bloom soup?

Apple Bloom: Lookie here Twilight. That pot of water wasn't for me, it was for all these herbal ingredients. The cure for poison joke is a simple old-natural remedy. You just gotta take a bubble bath!

Y/n: Can't wait for that.

Twilight Sparkle: But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything. What book has this natural remedy?

Zecora: Here is the book, you see? Sad that you lack it in your library.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was so... Weird. Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super. I...I... I'm so sorry, Zecora and also you Y/n. I had the answer the whole time, if only I had bothered to look inside.

Y/n: Hopefully next time you you all won't judge someone you just met prematurely again.

Rarity: I get what you're saying but i just can't take you seriously looking like that, you look so cute.

Y/n: Can we just go now.

We left for Ponyville and the girls all took their herbal bath while i was waiting my turn.

Cherry Storm: Brother?

Y/n: Yes?

Cherry Storm: Sorry about this.

Y/n: Why're you sorryyyyyyyy

She picked me up, stripped me and threw me into the girls bath.

I got up and i was back to my original appearance.

Humane 6-Trixie:*BLUSH*His muscles are so big and defined.

They stared at me with wide eyes as i did the same.

Y/n:*BLUSH*(i can see their boobs, well not everything but still)

Humane 6-Trixie:(are those scars?)

They got concerned looks on their faces and i knew why so i decided to leave, i put on my clothes and began to exit the spa.

Twilight Sparkle: you have those scars?

Y/n: There a reminder, of what i did.

Cherry, Trixie and i exit the spa.

Cherry Storm: I-i'm sorry brother i-i wasn't thinking.

Y/n: Sorry won't fix anything, it's already happened so now we just have to roll with it.

Cherry Storm: Okay.

Y/n: And Trixie i would appreciate it if no one asked me about my scars.

Trixie Lulamoon: S-sure.

Y/n:*inhale*exhale*Well no dwelling, today was a fun and interesting day and girls thank you for sticking by my side throughout this.

Trixie Lulamoon: Any time, you just need to ask.

Cherry Storm: Same with me.


Next: No Marks, All Potential.

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