Mlp: One with Time

By Phant0mona1

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Y/n is a man with control over time itself. More

Character Bio
1. New Home, New Friends
2. Old Friends, New Discoveries
3. The Suns Rise
4. The Golden Tickets
5. The Leogriff's Arrival
6. Her Name is Trixie Lulamoon
7. Daughter and Dragon troubles
9. Judging Books
10. No Marks, All Potential
11. Clothes for the Gala and Scars
12. Beyond the Rainboom
13. Sharing is Caring
14. Cutie Mark Origins
15. A Reunion at the Gala
16. Return of Chaos
17. A Twilighting she will go
18. A Nightmare Night to Remember
19. The Dark Hood
20. Babysitting with Pinkie Pie
Harem Update
21. Flim&Flam and The Need for Revenge
Just For Fun
22. Returning to Another Home
23. Hearts and Hands Day
24. Preparing for a Future Crisis and Revealing a Secret
25. I'm...Married?
26. A Train, Cakes and a MMMystery
27. Preparing for a Wedding
28. To Crash a Wedding
29. Family Reunion
30. Betrayal
31. So Much Pink
32. A Fight with an Ex
33. To Kickstart a Dream
34. The Dazzlings Awaken
35. Releasing Chaos
36. A Change of Destiny and a New Princess
Equestria Girls Characters Bio
37. Another World, Another Y/n
38. A Princess and a Prince
39. Rekindling a Friendship
40. The Truth and The Dance
41. Forming a Band and Hanging Out.
42. Twilight's return
43. The Battle of the Bands and the Final Showdown
44. The Games, Family and We meet again
45. Reunion at the Games
46. The Games end and going back Home
47. The Duties of Royalty
48. Glimpses into the Past and The Tree of Harmony
49. Castle Confusion
50. A Daring Adventure
51. Into the Comic
52. A Bat Problem with Fluttershy
53. To Manehattan and a Lesson in Generosity
54. Pinkie Apple Roadtrip
55. Try Outs and a Lesson in Loyalty
56. The Party Planner Duel and a Lesson in Laughter
57. The Breezies and a Lesson in Kindness
58. Dreams with Sweetie Belle
59. Diving In and a Lesson in Honesty
60. The Two Heroes and The Games.
61. Tirek Rising
62. A Sacrifice for Love
63. The Town of Equality
64. For the Cutie Marks
65. Avoiding the Crystal Castle
66. Trouble and Misfortune
67. Chaotic Jealousy
68. More than Gold
69. Life in the background
70. The Nightmare of the Moon
71. Rarity's Dream
72. Two Detective's
73. The Ultimate Reward
74. Harth's Warming Traditions
75. The Concert and The Countess
76. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 1
77. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 2
78. The Crystalling and The Baby Aria
79. Shattered Heart and Her First Time

8. Back to Canterlot

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By Phant0mona1


We are now waiting for the train at the station and our friends are seeing us off.

Applejack: I packed some apples for you, there in your bag.

Y/n: Thanks Aj

Twilight Sparkle: Say hello to Queen Celestia for me okay?

Y/n: Okay sure.

Rainbow Dash: Have a good time.

Y/n: I will.

Pinkie Pie: Here have some cupcakes for the train ride.

Y/n: Thanks Mina.

Cherry Storm: Yes thank you.

Rarity: Make sure to look your best.

Y/n: I always look my best.

Cherry Storm: True.

Rarity: Agreed.

Y/n: Thank you.

Fluttershy: Be safe okay?

Y/n: I will.

Trixie Lulamoon: And don't you worry Y/n, the house will be as it was when you left, you can trust in the the great and powerful Trixie.

Y/n: I know i can, thank you Trix.

Dinky: I'm gonna miss you Daddy.

Derpy: We both are.

Y/n: I miss all of you and Dinky stay out of trouble okay?

Dinky: I will, i Pinkie promise, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.

Y/n: Good girl.

I ruffled her hair.

Cherry Storm: The train is here, we'd better get going.

Y/n: Lets go.

We got on the train and sat down and we wove to our friends.

Girls: Goodbye!

The train left for Canterlot.

Cherry Storm: So um master what's the Queen like?

Y/n: Kind, caring, strong and well she's great.

Cherry Storm: I expected nothing less master.

Y/n: I really don't mind but you don't have to always call me master, you can call me bro, brother or even my name.

Cherry Storm: I know it's just right now i just prefer calling you master.

Y/n: Fair enough.

We spent the train ride playing on our phones and talking with each other.

Not everyone in Canterlot knew i existed as Queen Celestia's son and that was okay, only the castle guards knew and a select few were trusted with the Knowledge about me, i never knew why, i ask my mother and she told me it was to keep me safe, then i asked "keep me safe from what?" Then she said "pray that you never find out" i accepted that answer and i still do at least for now but i think i get a little bit of why ever since i was betrayed, i'm curious to find out more, she's not telling me everything but like i said, i accept it...for now.

Cherry Storm: There it is, it's Canterlot!

Y/n: Oh yeah you've never been to Canterlot have you?

Cherry Storm: No i haven't, i heard it looks amazing.

Y/n: That it does.

We arrived at the Canterlot train station and when we exited the train i saw Shining Armor.

Shining Armor: Hey Y/n i've been waiting for you i'll be your escort to take you to the castle.

Y/n: I don't need an escort to the castle i know my way there it's one of the places i live.

Shining Armor: I know, it's just you tend take detours and get into trouble.

Y/n: Yeah when we were younger mr. Captain of the royal guard.

Shining Armor: Well i'm here now so let's go little Prince.

Y/n: Ugh stop calling me that you shining turd i'm not a kid anymore.

Shining Armor: And yet you called me a turd.

Y/n: I could've said much worse.

Shining Armor: Yeah you can be very foul mouthed when you want to be, so whose the girl?

Y/n: My adopted sister and student.

Cadence: What did you say!?

Y/n: Hey Sis.

Cadence: Hi and again what did you say!?

Y/n: I kinda found her and we became like brother and sister and she's also my student because i'm training her to fight and defend herself and her name is Cherry Storm.

Cadence: Oh okay, well it's nice to see you and feel free to think of me as your big sister.

Cherry Storm: O-oh uh.

Y/n: Come on lets go Red.

We all made our way to the castle.

We enter the throne room and i see mum and aunt Luna sitting on their thrones.

Y/n: Hi mum, hi aunt Luna how have you been.

Mum: Hello Y/n i've been good.

Luna: Hello i have also been well, how have you been doing.

Y/n: I've been great.

Mum: Y/n, whose that you girl you have with you?

Y/n: Oh right, mum meet Cherry Storm my sister and student.

Mum: Your sister?

Y/n: Yep, we think of each other as brother and sister and student and teacher.

Mum then walks up to Cherry Storm, puts her hand on her shoulder, smiles and says.

Mum: If it's okay with you you can think of me as your mother.

Cherry Storm: !?

Mum: I always wanted a son and a daughter.

Cherry Storm: U-um.

Y/n: Alright let me show you around Canterlot.

Then i saw the last person i wanted to see.

Blueblood: Hello you insufferable vagabond.

Y/n: Oh hi you crappy wannabe prince.

Blueblood: I'm more princely than you!

Y/n: And i take being an insufferable vagabond as a compliment you ignoramus!

Blueblood: How dare you you insignificant welp!

Y/n: Oh yeah, your nothing but dirt underneath my shoe!

Blueblood: That's it!

Y/n: Bring it!

We then start punching and kicking each other.

Mum:*sigh*Every time.

Luna: What?

Mum: When ever they see each other the end up fighting in one way or another.

Luna: I get the feeling they're closer than they look and act.

Mum: You're right, both of you stop fighting!

Y/n-Blueblood: HE STARTED IT!

Mum: Well i'm ending it!

Mum then grabs us both with her magic to separate us.

Mum: And don't start fighting again when i let you go, ok?

Y/n-Blueblood: Yes Mum-Yes aunt Celestia.

She let us go and we both land on our feet.

Rosey Cheeks: Blueblood were you and Y/n fighting again?*smile*

Blueblood: Yes but he started it with his face.

Y/n: How about i punch yours.

Rosey Cheeks: Hehehe you two act like you're brothers.

Y/n-Blueblood: Do not, what're you doing? Stop copying me, no you.

Mum then gives us a scary look while her tattoo was glowing.

Y/n:*sigh*Sorry man.

Blueblood: Yes i sincerely apologize.

Rosey Cheeks: You two really are like brothers.

Y/n-blueblood:*roll eyes*groan*

Cherry Storm:(i've never seen master act like that before)

Y/n: Well Blue, Rosey let me introduce you to my sister and student Cherry Storm.

Cherry Storm: It's nice to meet you two.

Blueblood: The pleasure is all mine.

Rosey Cheeks: My my, such a polite girl you are.

Cherry Storm: Thank you.

Blueblood: I can't imagine she learnt about being polite from you.

Y/n: I can be polite if i wanted to and you're right she was already polite before i found her and speaking of being polite i gotta get goin, i'll be back shortly.

Cherry Storm: Wait for me.

Y/n: No you stay here, get to know the family.

Cherry Storm: But.

Y/n: It'll be good for you.

Cherry Storm: Okay.

Cherry Storm POV

Master left the room and now it was just me and the others.

Queen Celestia: Cherry Storm.

Cherry Storm: Yes your majesty?

Queen Celestia: If it's not to much trouble, will you tell us how you met Y/n?

Cherry Storm: Um(well master seems to trust them very much so i'll tell them)well we met four years ago and it had been a week since my parents died and i had gotten injured, my right arm was broken and i was trying to sleep on a mattress but then another homeless person wanted it and some food i had collected, i couldn't do anything so he took everything so i found a knife and i was going threaten anyone i could so i could live and the first person i attempted to mug was master, he wasn't scared but that's to be expected, he saw i was injured and he immediately fixed me and didn't expect anything in return, all he wanted was to feed me and i ordered everything on the menu, he just wanted to help me and i wanted to travel with him and over the years i began to love him very much and then last year he decided i needed to go out on my own and i thought it was a good idea so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways until a few days ago when we met again and i accidentally brought an Ursa major to Ponyville i felt really bad for that.

Queen Celestia: I'm so proud of Y/n i'm glad he is who he is.

Cherry Storm: Me too.

Princess Luna: I expected nothing less of my nephew.

Blueblood: He really is a great guy and any of you tell him i said that i'll deny everything.

Rosey Cheeks:*sigh*Boys.

Princess Cadence: Got that right.


I am now in front of my friend Moon Dancer's house so i open her door...big mistake it turns out she was getting dressed and she only had her sweater, glasses and panties on while she was tying up her hair.

Y/n: Ha-hey Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer: GET OUT!

She grabbed me with her magic and threw me out and when i knocked on her door like i should've the first time she opened the and this time she had a skirt on.

Moon Dancer: Seriously Y/n you should know better.

Y/n: I know it's just i wasn't thinking and i was excited to see you, i'm sorry.

Moon Dancer:*blush*Well at least you apologized, now do want some tea?

Y/n: Yes please Pearl Gray please.

Moon Dancer: Coming right up.

She served me tea.

Moon Dancer: So what brings you to Canterlot?

Y/n: Family and speaking of family, there's something i've got to tell you.

Moon Dancer: What is it?

Y/n: I'm the prince of Equestria.

Moon Dancer: Seriously!?

Y/n: Seriously.

Moon Dancer: Wait that would mean that the Queen is your mother.

Y/n: Yep.

Moon Dancer: How come you never told me till now?

Y/n: Well...

One explanation later.

Y/n: And that's why i didn't tell you.

Moon Dancer: I'm sorry Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks but you don't have to apologize oh and i can control time.

Moon Dancer: What that's impossible.

Y/n: Alright i'll prove it.

I remove my eyepatch revealing the clock in my eye.

Y/n: And now i'll stop time.

Moon Dancer: Okay then.

I stopped time.

Picked her up and put her on the couch and then started time again.

Moon Dancer: Uh what happened why am i suddenly lying on the couch.

Y/n: I stopped time and put you there.

Moon Dancer: Wow that's amazing!

Y/n: I know...oh man

Moon Dancer: What is it?

Y/n: I just realized i'm going to have to find and tell all my friends about who i am and what i can do.

Moon Dancer: That'll definitely be a chore.

Y/n: Definitely but it'll be nice to see my friends again.

Moon Dancer: Yeah.

Y/n: So what's up with you.

Moon Dancer: Well recently i tried putting on a party, some friends came but not the one that mattered.

Y/n: Sorry i couldn't come.

Moon Dancer: No it's okay, what you were doing is important, i just wish my other friend could've come.

Y/n: Well next time you see this friend you should talk to her about it and don't be afraid to get angry.

Moon Dancer:*smile*Okay thank you Y/n.

Y/n: Your welcome and speaking of friends i gotta get back home to talk about stuff and then i'll be back.

Moon Dancer: Okay see you later Y/n.

Y/n: See ya.

Moon Dancer POV

Moon Dancer:*blush*Oh my Celestia i'm having a boy over for the night and that boy is Y/n. Oh what could happen?

Moon Dancer Fantasy

We are sitting on the couch infront of the TV.

Fantasy Y/n: You know Moon Dancer we're all alone just you and me, it would be a shame if we where to waste this alone time.

Moon Dancer: Y-yes it would.

Y/n: Then let's do something about it.

Moon Dancer: O-okay.

He pins me to the ground and then we begin to ki-

Fantasy ends

Moon Dancer:*BLUSH*


I make it back to the castle where i see mum, aunt Luna and Cherry Storm and they seem to be getting along.

Y/n: So i guess you know plenty about Red by now huh?

Mum: Yes and i'm so proud you and i'll admit i'm proud of myself that i raised you to become the man you are today.

Y/n: I'm surprised you found time to raise me.

Queen Celestia: I was just thinking the same thing.

Y/n: Oh yeah mum i won't be spending the night here i promised a friend i'd sleep at her house the last time i was in Canterlot.

Mum: A girlfriend?!

Y/n: We're not in any kind of romantic relationship.

Mum:*sigh*To bad, i want grandchildren.

Y/n: Well it's to early to be thinking about that.

Cherry Storm: Hey master would it be okay if i came with you to your friends house.

Y/n: Sure i don't see why not and i was thinking the four us hang out.

Luna: I've been wanting to do that for a while.

So we all hung around the castle, played some games and talked it was fun.

It was getting late so we decided to leave.

Y/n: See ya later Mum and see ya later aunt Luna.

Mum/Luna: See you.

Timeskip: Moon Dancer's Home

Cherry Storm: What the?

Y/n: Don't worry about it.

Cherry Storm: How?

Y/n: It just works alright.

Cherry Storm: Okay then.

I grab the door knob but then i remembered to not do that so i just knocked on the door.

Moon Dancer: Come in.

We entered.

Moon Dancer: Hello Y/n...Y/n who is this girl?

Y/n: Her name is Cherry Storm she's my adoptive little sister and my student.

Moon Dancer: Oh that's good.

Y/n: Uh yeah, so sorry for the last minute guest.

Moon Dancer: Oh no it's okay, hi my name is Moon Dancer, i'm Y/n's friend.

Cherry Storm: Thank you for having me Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer: She's so polite.

Y/n: Yeah she gets that alot.

Cherry Storm: He's right.

Y/n: Oh and by the way your looking pretty cute.

Moon Dancer:*BLUSH*Oh thank you Y/n hehehe.

Through out my stay at Moon Dancer's house we talked, played some games, laughed and then went to sleep.

The next day



Cherry Storm: And thank you for not getting all scary and stuff.

Y/n: There's a time and a place and plus i listen.

Moon Dancer: What? What's happening.

Y/n: Sorry we gotta go home early, the train is coming earlier than expected so we gotta get goin now.

Moon Dancer: Well then hurry and will you come back?

Y/n: I always come back.

I then call my mum.

Mum:[Hello Y/n, why are you calling me?]

Y/n: Sorry but i have to go home the train is coming earlier than usual so i'll see ya later and tell aunt Luna hi and that i'll see her later.

Mum:[Okay have a safe trip, and it really is a shame you couldn't stay longer]

Y/n: I know so again i'll see you later.

We just make it to the train station and we board the train.

Cherry Storm: That was...nice, thank you for bringing me brother.

Y/n: That's the first time you've ever called me that, it sounds nice and i'm glad it was nice.

Next: Judging Books

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