Soccer, Secrets, and Love

By tkc0509

36.3K 857 42

This story follows the lives of Ashley Hunt washed up softball player turned FBI agent after a tragic turn of... More

Authors Note
Ashleys background story
Julies background story
On the job
Average day
Back To Work
The Mission
Welcome Home
Finally Meeting You
The Kiss
You're Safe Now
The Aftermath
You Gotta Be Kidding
In A Jam
Welcome to France
Who Are You?
Meeting the Family
He Definitely Knows
Doesnt that burn?
I'm always proud of you
You got a deal
Its not what it looks like
Like his daughter?
Goodnight Ash
Agent Down
Breaking News
Welcome to Hell
Let's get to work
The Mafia
The Game Plan
The Captives Feelings
The Waiting Game

Maybe I need some help

1.1K 22 1
By tkc0509

Well it's been about a week since Julie started staying with us for some extra help and I've managed to avoid Mals question for an entire week which is a plus. However I've started my physical therapy and since I'm allowed to kinda walk now I refuse any sort of help. I just hate asking for help, for example with both my shoulder surgeries in the past I wouldn't let a single person help me and did everything one handed.

I'll admit I have bonded with Julie over the last week and I'll occasionally steal glances at her when she's doing simple things but I've noticed she does the same to me. I will admit I do feel some chemistry but I know better than to try dating in my line of work. We stay up late every night watching murder mystery shows but I always solve the case within the first 15 minutes I never share the answer so Julie can be surprised and not get so suspicious.

After watching like 15 episodes straight with Mal passing out in the reclining chair and Julie falling asleep on my shoulder on the couch I think it's time I wake them up and we all head to bed. Julie has been sharing a room with Mal, we got a second bed to put in Mals room it's a little tight but it works for a short term thing. I admire Julie peacefully sleeping until I shake her a little bit and wake her up saying we should go to bed. I decide to shower before getting in bed and hoping it's easier than it's been the last couple times.

I'm able to successfully shower without hurting myself and decide to head to the kitchen for some ice cream before bed, I've been through a lot lately I think I deserve it. I throw on a sports bra and my boxers then head to the kitchen. However scooping ice cream seems to be harder than you would think with a swollen hand and a leg you can't put full pressure on. I end up dropping the ice cream scoop and knocking my bowl off the counter. Luckily nothing breaks but it does make a fairly loud noise I hope it didn't wake them up but I also need to figure out how to clean up this ice cream before Nico starts eating it. Just before I attempt to start cleaning up my mess I hear someone come out of Mals room and see Julie coming towards me half awake. I attempt to bend over to clean it up but I have some slight pain and a head rush from this stupid concussion I end up coming back up without cleaning anything and lean against the counter.


I'm suddenly woken up by a loud noise and notice Mal didn't wake up to it so I figure it's Ashley doing something and I'll head out there to see if she needs any help. When I get out there I notice she spilled something so I head over towards her but before I can offer anything she's already bending over trying to clean it up. She quickly comes back up and seems in pain but I'm distracted by her chiseled body, perfect abs and insanely toned arms and legs she looks more in shape than anybody I play soccer with. I also noticed a good amount of scars on her body, surgery scars maybe on both shoulders, a big scar on the lower part of her stomach, and that weird wound that was bleeding when I ran into her the first time. I quickly snap myself out of my thoughts hoping she didn't notice me check her out.

"You know Ashley, you could ask for help instead of trying to do everything yourself." She smirks at me making me think shit maybe she did see me checking her out. "And you know Julie it's not nice to stare....however I don't need help I'm sure I can do this myself." I feel myself blush when I realize she did notice me staring. She once again attempts to bend over to clean up the mess but just ends up making a bigger mess and breaking the bowl in the process. She looks up defeated and let's out a loud sigh. "Alright maybe I do need help."

I laugh then proceed to help her. I brush all the glass into a dustpan and throw it away then I get a wet rag and wipe up the ice cream. Without her asking I just go ahead and grab another bowl and fill it with ice cream I also grab a little bit for myself then I take it over to her sitting at the table. She thanks me for the help and ice cream and explains she just doesn't like asking for help because she feels helpless for it. When we're done eating I grab our bowls and take them to the sink and wash them.

When I go to walk back to the table I step on something and immediately feel pain and a warm liquid and think shit I missed some glass. "Hey um Ash you by chance have a first aid kit anywhere?" She looks at me confused and immediately gets a look of concern when I lift up my foot and show her. "Oh my gosh wow that looks painful uhh here use my crutches to get to my room and sit down on my bed I have a first aid kit in there I can use." Now I'm the one looking confused because I was fairly certain it would need stitches. Luckily Washington is on a week break and this will be healed by the time we're training again. Once I make it to the bed I see Ashley got the first aid kit out and is already inspecting my foot. "You know Ash I should warn you...I don't do well with blood."

"That's ok Julie just calm down. Here take my shirt cover your eyes with it so you aren't tempted to watch. I'm just gonna remove this glass real quick, wipe it with some alcohol then stitch it up maybe 3 stitches I don't think it'll need a lot then in a couple days I'll just remove them you'll be as good as new."

I'm amazed at how calm she is and how she isn't freaking out over blood and knows exactly what to do and how to calm me down. "Alright thanks...but I'm curious how are you so good at all this?"

"Well Julie good question...I actually majored in criminal justice and minored in business. I learned how to do many things in my criminal justice major I just ended up finding a business job easier. Maybe later in life I'll pursue something in criminal justice. Buttttt your foot is all finished up. If you're in pain or anything just take some Tylenol. Also if you don't want to walk back to Mals room you can just sleep in my bed there's plenty room for both of us and I don't bite I promise."

I'm shocked at how quickly she did all that and I didn't even notice I was also extremely shocked at her offer to let me stay in her room. "Wow thank you for all that I didn't even notice what was going on, but yeah thanks for the offer I think I will stay here but I'll stay on my side I promise."

We spend a half an hour just talking about all the things she learned in college and stories about her and Mal as children. Eventually I feel myself getting tired and she tells me we should go to bed. We slowly were moving closer to each other all throughout our conversation and I decided fuck it. Noticing she was sleeping on her back I just went ahead and rested my head on her chest. She seemed to tense up and I got worried I over stepped. "Um I'm sorry I shouldn't have laid on you I'll just go to Mals room." Before I can get up she puts my head back down and starts playing with my hair. "It's ok Julie I don't mind...I'm sure the foot thing was kinda traumatic I'm perfectly fine with cuddling."

I lay there with a smile on my face and embrace her a little more. I know I'm falling for this girl and I shouldn't be since there's so many secrets to her that I can't seem to figure out but I just can't help myself. As I fall asleep I can't stop thinking about just making a move to kiss her because I know she feels something too. Maybe I'll talk to Mal tomorrow and see what she thinks I should do since she knows Ashley better than anyone.

I woke up around 8:30 am and noticed that Ashley was still sleeping. I heard some noise coming from the kitchen and decided now would be a good time to talk to Mal.


I am very very confused to see Julie coming out of Ashley's room but before I could ask any questions  she explained everything that happened and it does all make sense but I can't help but wonder if Ashley is finally going to let someone in.

"So Mal with all that being said it kinda brings me to my next point of conversation. Um well I kinda sorta really like her and you know her better than anyone and I wasn't sure if maybe she mentioned anything to you or if you could read her any better than I could."

I once again am shocked by her question and damn near choked on my cereal. I have to word my answer very carefully because seeing as Ash dodges any question about her I'm certain she is developing feelings. "Well Julie I do know she has trust issues and hasn't dated much since college when her ex well that's a story you should hear from her not me and I know she doesn't like to date much cause of her job being so dang....I mean time consuming. However I do see the way she looks at you and I would say she has some sort of feelings. Plus she doesn't let just anyone stay in bed with her." I'm really hoping she didn't catch my slip up with her job.

"Well I mean she did let me cuddle up on her che..." I immediately cut Julie off. "WHOA WAIT WHAT??? She let you cuddle up to her? Wow alright she only lets me and Lindsey do that no one else so I'd say it's safe to say there's some feelings. So tell you what, tonight I'll go to Roses and stay with her for the night give you some time alone with her."

Julie seems shocked by my offer but very appreciative and gives me a hug then runs off the shower. I guess now I'll make my plans for day and I really need to talk to my best friend. I think she's catching feelings. HARD.

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