Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 22 - You are the Best!

4.1K 95 33
By iliqblack

Yesterday's rain left wet marks and evaporated. The sun has again taken over. It shone through the clouds, gilded the tops of the trees and gently touched with rays the eyelashes of the red-haired girl. Defne, showing her face for it, stood with her eyes closed and listened to the whispers of the leaves. The forest surrounded the house with a dense wall, beckoned to it with yellow-purple colors and bitter, crystal-clear air, which intoxicated more than wine.

Omer walked almost inaudibly. But Defne sensed his presence and, without opening her eyes, smiled. He hugged her from the back, kissed her cheek and muttered in her ear:

- How beautiful you look against the backdrop of the autumn forest. Like a fairy fluttered to the forest-edge and basks in the sun.

"A fairy in jeans and a sweater?" - Defne laughed and, opening her eyes, raised her face to him.

"Don't you know?" - Omer smiled with the corners of his lips and butterflies woke up from his smile in her stomach. "Fairies now look like that." They wear jeans and hid their wings under a sweater, but still, everyone knows that they are fairies.

- Why? - Defne asked cheerfully and funny wrinkled her nose.

He turned her to face him and lightly touched her cheek with his fingertips.

"Because they have snow-white skin, long eyelashes, eyes like honey, and red hair that drives me crazy," he let his fingers through the soft silk of copper curls. - Everyone who looks at such beauty knows - in front of him is a fairy.

"The poet died in you," Defne joked, embarrassed.

Her cheeks were flushed. It was so sweet and touching that Omer could not resist - he kissed the delicate skin and pressed himself against it with his hard beard.

"But I can quote the greatest," he was seducing in a voice and knew that. Defne's legs weakened and the heart in her chest trembled like the caught bird.

"The roses of your cheeks have turned my tongue into a nightingale.

I lost my head from a passion for your curls..."

He spoke the lines of the great Avni, and a radiant smile blossomed on Defne's face.

"You decided to drive me crazy?" - She leaned back in the circle of his hands and looked into the burning, black eyes.

"Yes," he purred. "It's not for me alone to lose my mind with one stroke of your eyelashes.

From a wave of her eyelashes? Lose his mind? Allah! Yes, if he would know what was going on with her mind when his eyelashes hide his gaze and his lips curl in a sly smile ... But he better not know about it!

Defne freed herself from his arms and grabbed Omer by the arm.

- Mr.Poet, would you like to walk in the forest and be charged with inspiration? - hiding behind a playful tone embarrassment, she suggested.

Omer laughed and kissed her hair just above her temple.

- As you wish, my love! We have a whole day ahead to fulfill our desires.

- All of them? Asked Defne fervently.

- All! - Confidently he confirmed.

- Absolutely?

- Absolutely!

- It doesn't happen!

Omer hugged her shoulders and whispered in her ear:

- It happens. Make a list.

And the list was simple. To hear, see, feel each other. Laugh and joke. To touch and kiss. To make love. And then to cook dinner together and eat it on the terrace under a lit old lantern. To listen to how the forest whispers its tales, how the wind sings in the crowns of tall pines, like moths, carelessly trying to get to the alluring fire, they beat their wings against the glass. To admire the stars for a long, long time. Until the evening cold penetrates under thick, woolen sweaters and chases them away into the house.

There Omer lit the fireplace, the room became warm and coarse wool became superfluous. They took off their sweaters and remained in thin T-shirts. Leaning on their backs on the sofa cushions, they sat in an embrace on a thick, fluffy blanket and watched the red-golden flames that licked pine logs. The room smelled of pine needles, music played quietly and the soft twilight seemed cozy and warm. Omer thoughtfully stroked the delicate skin of her thin hand with his thumb and looked at the fire. Defne, melting from the gentle, tickling touches, leaned back on his strong chest, covered in a white T-shirt, and extended her right arm forward. The ring on her thin finger sparkled with droplets of diamonds. In the depths of the ruby, flames broke out and gave warm gold a reddish hue. Defne examined it and a vague thought appeared in her head.

"Omer," she called.

- Mmm? - without stopping gentle stroking, he mumbled.

- Where did you buy this ring?

- I did not buy. I ordered it. Ahtem, - he honestly admitted.

- And who drew the sketch?

- We...

- We? - Defne stood up and looked into his face.

He sat relaxed and manly- handsome. Bending his head back, he looked at her with dark eyes and from this look, a sweet trembling started in Defne's chest.

"I accidentally saw your sketch." The first one that you dumped in the trash can. And I realized that this is exactly the ring. Your ring. Only I changed it a little bit. I rounded the corners on the ruby - he took her hand in his, touched the stone and stroked with his finger. "Enough of sharp corners for us ... let our road be a smooth further, and love endless."

"Let ..." Defne breathed softly. She looked at the ring again. - Diamonds also changed shape. Why droplets?

- Because they are like water. Clean and necessary. Like you. There is no way without water ... and without you, too.

He spoke seriously, without a shadow of a smile. And this added to the words a sincerity. Defne, holding her breath, held out her hand and gently touched the stubble on his cheek.

"You are my reward ..."

"I brought you much grief ..." Omer caught her hand, kissed the knuckles and pressed it to his chest. There, where his heart beats clearly and measuredly.

"Me too ...," Defne lowered her eyes and sighed sadly. Omer took her chin and raised her pretty face.

"No, my love." You just showed what my relatives are worth. Revealed the true face of everyone. Now I understand this ... and thank you. So, everything bad is not your fault. You brought me only happiness.

"You too ... only happiness," Defne laid her head on his chest and smiled at the fire in the fireplace. Now she knew for sure - her happiness has a name. And its name is Omer Iplikci.

They sat in silence. The silence was warm and cozy, like a house with a lit fireplace in which everyone feels so good that no words are needed to talk about it. Everyone knows. Feels the heart. So Defne now felt at home. And this house loved her...

"Defne," Omer called softly.

- What? She answered just as quietly.

He kissed her warm temple and asked:

- Would you like to engage in jewelry design professionally?

- Very much! She answered without hesitation. - But this is impossible.

- Why? - surprised Omer.

- Firstly, I do not have a special education, which means that it is unlikely to hire me to work in a serious jewelry company.

"We are not talking about a third-party company," Omer objected calmly. - And what secondly?

"Secondly, I have a contract with Tranba," she recalled.

- Don't think about it. I will solve the issue with Deniz. Just tell me - do you want to be a free jewelry designer in your company?

Defne straightened and stared at her husband. Not believing her ears, she asked again:

- In my company?

- Yeah! - Confidently he confirmed.

- But this is ... Omer, to create a new company is a huge job ... and money.

Fright, doubt and ... hope was reflected in her amber eyes. The latter responded in Omer's soul with a triumphant drum beat. He took Defne's face in his hands and kissed her forehead.

- Do not think about difficulties and money. This is not your concern. Learn about the stones and create jewels. Leave the rest to me.

With an enthusiastic cry, Defne knocked down Omer onto his back and, falling on top, began to kiss his laughing face.

- You are the best! Best! Best! Love you! She said after each kiss, and when she got to his mouth, she clung to it passionately and sweetly. Omer froze for a moment. And the next second, in one flexible movement, he turned over and moved her under him. His gaze was lit by a dark fire. Looking into Defne's eyes, he exhaled:

"Always love me." Always! And nothing else is needed.

- Always! Defne promised and reached for his mouth.

Lips met. This touch was like a discharge of current. Impulses ran through the bodies at one point, heating the blood to a boiling point. Allah sees, Omer wanted to be careful and caring. But Defne confused all plans. She wriggled and frantically pulled off his clothes. Kissed him so that the mind was foggy and thoughts were torn to shreds. He groaned, growled and answered with frantic passion. At that moment only Defne existed for him. Her soft lips, slim arms, a flexible body were created for him. Only for him. Kissing her, caressing, loving was a pleasure on the verge of insanity. Omer surrendered to this craziness entirely. Defne went crazy with him. She was trembling all along followed him on the heels. She obeyed his hands and lips, and in return gave him paradise.

At the time when the stars were at arm's length, Omer suddenly stopped. Defne opened her eyes. Blurred by pleasure, huge, alluring. Looking at them imperiously and hotly, Omer said:

"There is nothing better than me being in you!"

"There is nothing better when you are in me!" Echoed Defne.

Groaning deafly, Omer plunged deep into her body and the world around exploded in blinding sparks.


Deniz Tranba, leaving his grey Porsche at the parking lot, went to the elite, six-story building. It was in it, in apartment No. 5, from yesterday that Iz lived. She suddenly decided that will live in Istanbul for a long time and the facelessness of hotels would not suffice for her. Deniz offered to help with the move, but the independent Iz refused. And now she was not expecting him. But he was coming anyway because he could not otherwise. For some time this witty girl with cheerful eyes and absurd character became his obsession. In the day, he thought about her every minute. Even at meetings, and at very important meetings, and during business dinners at which serious topics were discussed, she stood before his eyes, and her name was like a nail in his head. It was even worse at night. He dreamed of her hot and submissive to his will. Inviting him to herself, and then melting in a haze of sleep, and he woke up sweaty and with such an erection that even 17-year-olds would envy him. How many times this month he took a cold shower does not count. Of course, he could use the services of affordable girls, but Deniz did not want to.

He wanted the eccentric, waspish, dazzling-beautiful Iz and no other woman in the world could replace her. Exhaling sharply and pulling on his gray sweater, he entered the staircase. Leaving aside the elevator in several jumps ran up to the third floor and stopped at the right door. He reached for the doorbell, but then changed his mind. He took out the phone and called her.

"I'm listening," a ringing voice answered, from which goosebumps ran through his body.

- Hello! What are you doing? - to hide the excitement, he lowered his voice and it sounded hoarse and muffled.

- I'm drinking tea.

Holy heaven! Well, just a bonbon-girl.

- I'm dying, I want tea.

Heck! Again a squeaked notes in his voice. And Allah rewarded him with a voice!

- So what is the problem? Make it yourself.

She is a coquette, teases and beckons. But closer than a step does not allow.

"I want you to do it."

He pressed the bell. The door opened instantly as if Iz stood right behind it and was waiting for the bell. Lowering the phone in her hand, she raised an eyebrow a little and warned:

- I drink green tea. With jasmine.

He hated jasmine green tea.

- Well! I want green with jasmine.

"Then come in," she stepped back into the hallway.

Deniz came in and closed the door behind him. Looking Iz in the eyes, he bowed his head with the firm intention of kissing her red lips, but she put forward her hand and stopped him.

"I don't start an affair for one night," she warned.

One night? He smiled mockingly. "It won't be enough for a lifetime!

He leaned forward quickly and fell upon her jasmine-smelling lips.


- How аrе you? Sinan asked carefully on the phone.

Somewhere there, at the other end of Istanbul, Seda sighed heavily. Leaning back on the pillow of her modest bed, she answered:

"Tired ... This hospital ... it's like a vampire." It drains all my strength ... If you knew how I want to take Nisa home and never again see this oncology center with my eyes.

"I know ... In vain you didn't want me to come today."

- Why do you need it? It is better to stay away from such a place.

"You talk nonsense," Sinan was indignant. "I'm not a pampered boy, and I won't faint from the sight of a sick person." And next time I won't even ask. By the way, this next time will be tomorrow. I'll pick you up at ten. We will ask permission for Nisa and the girls from the medical staff and take them for a couple of hours to the sea. I watched the forecast. They promise great weather for tomorrow. Let girls fly away from the hospital walls.

Silence hung on the telephone. Sinan was worried if he had gone too far and cautiously called out:

- Seda!

In response, a sob and a choked sound were heard:

- Thanks.

Sinan rolled his eyes and exhaled inaudibly. Praise the Almighty! She is not offended.

"So, are we taking the girls to the sea tomorrow?" He asked insistently.

- Yes, we are going! - Seda answered confidently.


Omer loaded the luggage into the car and went to his wife. She stood by the weeping willow, fingered her flexible, thin twigs and looked sadly at the house. He silently hugged her and also turned his eyes on it. The house, which had previously been special to him, now acquired new colors and new meaning. It was forever saturated with an aura of happiness and released all the sad memories that it kept within its walls.

"I don't want to leave at all," Defne spoke quietly.

- We will be back. Many many times. As soon as possible we will run here again and again.

- Do you promise? Defne raised a thoughtful face to him.

"I promise," he answered firmly.

- Then to hell with the sadness! Let's go to Istanbul. It probably got bored without us.

Omer slyly winked.

- Still would! Without a red-haired fairy and the sun shines dimly. It is necessary to return joy to the city. Let's go!

"Flattery," Defne laughed and hugged him around the waist.

Hugging, step by step, smiling broadly and rejoicing at the moment, they headed for the car.

On the way to Istanbul, Omer called Sinan. There were four days left before the trip to Milan, and some questions required to control even at the weekend. He reported that there are no delays, everything is on schedule and let the partner relax and enjoy life.

"What are you doing now?" - asked Omer laughing. "Do you follow your advice?"

"I am taking four beautiful girls to the sea and enjoying their company," Sinan replied cheerfully.

"Оh, you've become a Sultan," Omer joked and Defne laughed fervently. The phone was on speakerphone, and she heard the whole conversation. "And who are these beauties?"

- Seda and three cute birds whose names are Nisa, Kumru, and Dila. We decided to arrange a day of happiness. Join now.

Iplikci looked at each other and Defne nodded her head.

- Great idea! - said Omer. - Send the coordinates.

Sinan chose a picnic spot on the Black Sea coast. It was quiet and calm. Tall and straight pine trees approached the rocks, which guarded the waves for hours and hid a flat and clean sandy beach between their frozen boulders. The day was fine and almost like summer warm. The girls, who were finally able to throw off their hospital clothes and dress in comfortable jeans with sports-style blouses, jumped out of the car and ran to the sea. They were so happy. Chatted animatedly and laughed merrily. On the pale cheeks, which seemed to be waxy in the hospital, a faint, but so precious, blush began to play. Out of the huge, adult perceptive eyes, sadness and doom have gone. They sparkled with joy and eagerly absorbed the surrounding beauty. And only the headscarves that hid their shaved heads reminded of what these young beauties had to endure.

Seda, leaning against a rough trunk of a pine tree and clasping her hands on her chest, watched her sister and her friends with a warm smile on her lips. Sinan took out folding chairs, rugs, barbecue and food baskets from the trunk. Putting everything in the shadow of a spreading cedar, he went to the girl and stopped nearby.

"How happy they are now," she said without taking her eyes off the laughing girls. - Thank you. This day will add more strength and health to them than all injections and pills.

"Don't thank me," Sinan asked. - Today is a wonderful day. Defne will soon arrive with Omer and we will have a feast. We'll light the barbecue, grill the meat and feed the girls real food.

- Deniz and Iz will also come. He called on business, I said where we are and they wanted to join, - Seda smiled an apologetic smile. - Not angry?

- Are you kidding me? - He was indignant and smiled slyly. "And what did this couple do together on Sunday morning?"

"They played dolls," Seda answered him in tone, and both laughed.

Ten minutes later, two cars drove up to the picnic site. Omer and Defne came out on the one, and Iz and Deniz Tranba came out on the other. Both couples shone with an inner light and looked like people who are happy and content with life. And therefore, the greetings were sincere and warm. Friends rejoiced at the meeting and the nice Sunday.

The company was divided into three groups. Girls wandered along the shore and fed arrogant gulls with bread, men set up the barbecue and Defne, Iz, and Seda set up an impromptu table. Sometimes male and female companies mingled and gravity sparkled between the pairs. Seda and Sinan exchanged sly glances, Tranba, as if by chance, was touching Iz, and Omer ... Omer also was touching Defne. Intentionally and openly. Without hiding or stopping himself.

When the meat with a breathtaking aroma announced that it was ready, the company reached for the table. The girls were seated in folding chairs and handed them plates, with delicious food. Adults sat next to on spread blankets. Omer strove to put another tidbit in Defne's plate, and she, laughing and embarrassed, fought back and joked that she would burst. To which Omer asked her not to exaggerate and eat in silence. Their playful skirmish caused everyone else to laugh. Sinan teased his friend for his open love for his wife. Omer in response only smiled good-naturedly and hugged Defne's shoulders. He had dreamed about it for so long. To show his feelings openly. To show the world that Defne belongs to him alone. Knowing that it is forever.

When the plates were empty and tea was drunk, Kumru, turning her face to the sky, said:

- How good! This is the best day in the last two years. "Her delicate eyebrows quivered and frowned. "Dad is always sad ... When I got sick, it crushed him." He is so upset ... he doesn't smile at all. And I want to be happy. For the little things, but rejoice with all my heart. After all, while a person is alive, one must be happy. And it doesn't matter if one is healthy or sick... "she smiled a bright, broad smile. - Today I am happy! Thank you for that!

- And your mom? - asked Iz. "Does she hear your wishes?"

Kumru's face darkened.

- We live with dad together. Mom left us seven years ago. Fell in love and left with her new husband in Germany.

"Does she know about your illness?" Asked Defne.

"Yes ... dad called her ... but she can't come ... she has a family."

She said it as simply as a long rethought and accepted fact, and each of the adults had a spasm in their throat and a desire to tear apart a heartless woman with their bare hands. Defne went to the girl and hugged her, tight. Stroking her head tied with a scarf, she spoke:

- It happens, honey. Some parents leave their children ... You just know - this is not your fault. You are wonderful. Sweet and sunny. The disease will pass, and you will certainly be happy.

"I know," Kumru answered confidently. "I must not die." Dad will not stand it. So there is no choice - I need to recover and live happily.

Omer listened to her, and inside everything turned over with compassion and admiration for this strong girl. He understood her father and mentally promised himself that Kumru would not die. Like the fragile bird Nisa, and the silent, beautiful Dila. He is no longer a helpless boy, but a man who knows how to solve problems. Yes, and medicine for eleven years has stepped far forward. Tomorrow he will need to contact the doctor and talk about donors for Kumru and Dila. And after Milan, starting up on the charity project. Feryal made it a good advertisement in the media. There are more than enough people who want to participate and invest in it. And that means that everything will work out.

- Who wants ice cream ?! - Sinan rightly decided that today is not for sadness and turned the attention of the company to another topic.

The female part amicably laughed:

- I want!

- And I!

- I, too!

- Oh, how I want ice cream !!!

"Where do you get it away from civilization?" - Seda asked incredulously.

Sinan, laughing, raised his hands and announced:

- Then hocus pocus!

He went to his car, opened the trunk, looked pointedly at the girls who were waiting, and grabbed a cooler bag from it.

- Here comes the ice cream! He proclaimed triumphantly. - To whom what?

- Do we even have a choice? - rounded eyes Seda.

Sinan put the bag on the blanket and opened the lid. He looked inside and winked at the laughing girls:

- The choice is huge! Chocolate, chocolate and ... chocolate.

- We want! - they supported amicably the self-proclaimed wizard.

Omer refused ice cream but was happy to open his mouth when Defne fed him hers. Tranba, watching them, asked:

"Does everyone get silly when they fall in love?" Or through one? Although ..., - he mockingly arched an eyebrow, - next to such a girl it's easy to lose your head.

- Do not envy! - Defne answered him defiantly. - And do not be particularly proud. You too will be silly with great joy. Just fall in love for real.

Sinan and Seda and the girls laughed. Iz turned pale but tried to squeeze a smile from herself. And Omer ... Omer froze for a moment, and then imperiously put his hand on Defne's shoulder. She, not understanding this reaction, looked at him in surprise, but decided to prudently keep silent.

Later, when Sinan led the girls into the woods to breathe the Pine tree air, and the former enemies remained to disassemble and put the barbecue in a cover, Omer, carefully cleaning the metal rods from soot, turned to Deniz:

"I can't leave Defne to work for you."

- Why? He asked.

- Because I can not allow what happened with Talat to be repeated.

"And what will you do?" Will you lock her in a golden cage and persuade her to become your continuation in Passionis? Do you think this will be fair about her and her talent? Asked Tranba ironically.

"No," Omer answered firmly looking into his eyes. - I will help her to accomplish herself in what her soul wants.

Deniz raised his eyebrows and grunted.

- Yeah, everything is clear. Defne showed you her jewelry designs.

Omer's heart sank in the heels.

- Have you seen the drawings? He asked incredulously. - And when?

"On the second day after the attack on Defne."

On the second day? But he saw the drawings day later. Resentment and ... jealousy stirred in the chest like a green monster. Straightening up, Omer said coldly:

- I know about Defne's contract with Tranba and am ready to pay the penalty specified in the clause on the unilateral termination of agreements.

"How confident you are," Deniz smiled wryly. "But I don't need money."

- And what do you want? - Omer muttered through his teeth.

- Do not lose sight of Defne. You may not believe me, but I feel obligated to protect her.

- To protect Defne is my duty! She is my wife! - According to the syllables, Omer answered clearly and firmly, but Tranba did not shy away.

"You screwed up so many times." How do I know that this will not happen again? - Deniz threw aside sarcasm and spoke quite seriously. - In general, my decision is this - I agree to cancel the contract, but on one condition - I will be the co-founder and partner in the new jewelry manufacturing company, with Defne as the creative director.

Omer was taken aback by such impudence. And got angry. Defne is his! His! Only his! For who did this moron imagine himself?

"This will not happen," he said in a tone of no objection.

- As you want. So the contract remains valid. By the way, there is no clause on a one-way break. All decisions are made mutually by two parties.

Omer swung his fist on the grill cover and a noticeable dent appeared on the ferrous metal.

"But spoiling someone else's property is a completely stupid idea," Tranba returned to his usual, mocking tone. - Better think well and weigh all the pros and cons.

Iz was running through the forest. She covered her mouth with her palm and restrained sobs, pressed her back against the pine trunk and slid on it to the ground. And why did she come and hide behind a tree? She wanted to drag Deniz into the forest and be alone with him, and as a result ... She heard, with her ears she heard him say that Defne was special to him. That he wants to protect her. But what about her, Iz? Who is she for him? Girl for the bed? Sobs nevertheless escaped from the throat constricted by a spasm. She covered her face with her hands and cried.

For the first time in her life, she cried because of a man.

On the way home, Iz did not utter a word. At first, she wanted to ask Sinan to travel in his car but it was already crowded. Riding with Omer and Defne was beyond her strength. So she gritted her teeth, pulled herself together and, pretending to be calm, sat down in the front seat of the dark gray Porsche. During the trip, Deniz tried to talk to her, but she was answering in monosyllables and coldly. Near her home, she said goodbye briefly and got out of the car. He caught up with her at the entrance. He grabbed her hand and turned her to face him.

- What's wrong with you? He asked, looking into her eyes.

- What happened to me? - She pulled out her hand. - You ask yourself what is wrong with you? Why are you fooling me? Why seduce? Who am I to you at all? That's when you answer, then we'll talk!

She spun on her heels and disappeared behind the door. It with a sonorous clap closed right in front of the confused Deniz. He did not understand anything. After all, everything was good! What did this crazy girl come up with?

Defne from her place peered at Omer. He was clutching the steering wheel with both hands and focused on the road. From the moment she and Seda and the girls returned from a walk through the forest, it seemed to have replaced him. The estranged and cold Omer Iplikci from the distant past returned. What's just the reason for this return, she did not understand at all.

He was caring: he opened the door of the car for her, held her by the elbow when she got in, and then got behind the wheel and seemed to forget about her existence. He never looked at her, did not touch her and did not say a word. When some hundred meters remained to the house, she could not stand it and asked:

- Omer, what's wrong with you?

He was silent. He concentrated pressed the button on the remote control and, having waited until the gate automatically parted in different directions, drove into the yard and stopped the car. Only then he turned to her and asked:

"You no longer call Deniz a mister and say 'you' to him?"

Defne shrugged bewilderedly.

"Yes, but ..."

- Since when? Omer interrupted her.

- From Monday.

"And you showed him your jewelry drawings," his voice trembled. - First on him. Not to me, but to him.

- It happened. He entered my office and saw them ... wait," she narrowed her eyes," what kind of interrogation is this? " You doubt me?

Omer silently turned to the window.

- You doubt me! - with confidence, which she did not want to realize at all, repeated Defne and, shaking her head in condemnation, jumped out of the car.

- Defne, wait! - called Omer, but she did not look back.

With a sharp movement, she slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. It remained open and Omer, with a doomed sigh, took out the suitcase from the trunk and followed. He gently closed the door and looked up. It was from there that the sound of footsteps and an angry murmur was heard.

-It's amazing! Does he doubt me? And how can he be such a ram?

His heart warmed up. Heck! It seems that he was foolish.

After scratching his head and slapping himself on the cheek with his palm, Omer went upstairs. He carefully went to the bedroom door and looked inside. Defne, who had already managed to change into pajamas, fussed around the room and was putting things in order. She straightened the curtains, brushed invisible dust from the furniture and muttered curses under her breath. Seeing her husband, took the suitcase from his hands and in the blink of an eye disappeared into the dressing room. Mumble and unflattering epithets now came from there.

- The stubborn donkey! How? How can you doubt me?

Omer went to the dressing room and carefully peering behind the curtain, conciliatory suggested:

- Darling, let me help you.

- I can handle it myself! She barked and drew the curtain.

That got him! His wife is right - a ram and a donkey in one packing.

- Defne, can I at least take my pajamas? He asked.

The curtain was pulled back, the wife silently thrust gray pajamas into his hands, and the thick fabric returned to its place. Omer sighed and walked slowly into the bathroom to change clothes.

When he returned, Defne lay on her side of the bed and pretended to read a book. He lay down and pulled on a red curl.

"Forgive me ... I'm a fool."

- Absolute! She agreed and pulled the lock from his hand.

"I was offended ... and jealous," he explained.

Defne flipped the page with a flick of the finger. What a stubborn thing!

"Beloved," he pulled on her pajama blouse and, with his index finger, outlined the collarbone hollow, "let's forget it." Honestly, I already understood why you removed officialdom from communicating with Tranba.

"What a blessing," Defne handed out sarcastically and returned the blouse on the place. "Isn't time for you to sleep?"

Omer grabbed the book from her hands and set it into the corner. With a rustling, it fell to the floor and slammed shut with resentment. Without giving it a look, he rolled onto his stomach in one motion and covered Defne with his body. Clutching her thin wrists in his fists, he pressed them to the pillow and leaned towards her angry, but such a sweet face. Looking into her eyes he firmly declared:

- Defne, our quarrel will end today. We will not carry it on a new day. Understand and remember - no matter how we quarrel during the day, we will fall asleep hugging.

"How could you think I might prefer someone to you?" - offended pouting her lips she asked.

"The devil beguiled me," he answered repentantly. "As I imagine, you are having a nice conversation with Tranba, smiling at him ... off!" It blows my mind.

Defne's eyes flashed again with anger. She jerked her hands and ordered:

- Let me go! Go to your half of the bed and hug the pillow!

But is it possible for such a fragile girl to cope with a hunk of trained muscles? Moreover, if their owner is determined to make amends for his oversight and make peace.

"I don't want the pillow," he purred, leaning toward her sweet-smelling neck. "I want you," Omer loosened his grip and slid his hands along her arms to her chest. "You are so white, sweet, warm ... like nougat ... I will eat you."

He bit her round shoulder and licked the bite. Defne got dizzy. The anger vanished at the speed of light and a hot wave came in its place. But the stubborn girl was not going to give up so quickly. Squinting her eyes, she pulled her husband's hair and said maliciously:

- Look do not burn yourself. I poured pepper into the nougat!

Omer's eyes darkened and lit up with fire. A wry smile made Defne's heart stop. It froze, and then it started up, and all good intentions and thoughts scattered like carefree butterflies.

- Pepper? Growled Omer. - Well! I love spicy.

A hot mouth covered the top of her breasts and the world around her narrowed to the size of his lips...

"Have you calmed down?" - keeping on him his wife's relaxed body and gently stroking her narrow back, Omer asked. Defne, still basking in the clouds of pleasure, nodded silently. - Praise to Allah!

Long eyelashes tickled the skin on his chest, and a hoarse giggle was heard from beneath a silk veil of hair.

- Laugh, laugh! - Omer said offended. "Just think, I was jealous, I was hurt, and I asked for forgiveness!" And how do you manage to twist me around your finger?"

- Because your jealousy was stupid and you understood that." Defne raised herself on her forearms and tapped a finger on his chest. - Here you know for sure that you are only one for me and never, no man can take even a tiny piece of your place.

Melting from her words, Omer asked:

- Do I know?

"Yeah," Defne smiled affectionately at him.

He turned his eyes thoughtfully, chewed his lower lip, and admitted:

- You're right. I acted like a donkey.

- So this will not happen again? Will you believe me as yourself?

He ran a thumb across her forehead over a perfectly curved dark red eyebrow, gently touched the tips of her eyelashes, swollen lips and a sharp chin. He smiled and promised:

- I will believe. Like to myself and more.


In the morning, an idyll reigned in the Iplikci family. Defne, managing to do several things at a time, rushed around the house, leaving cabinet doors and drawers open. Omer, smiling knowingly, closed them and persuaded the restless wife to slow down a little and calmly have breakfast. She agreed and immediately remembered that she had forgotten to do something else important. Finally, Omer lost his patience, grabbed her in his arms, sat at the table and put the laughing Defne on his lap.

- Like that! Otherwise, we won't have breakfast today. "He pounded a dried olive with a fork and brought it to her lips. - Open your mouth. And don't laugh. Breakfast is a serious matter.

- And if I do not want to be serious? - pushing the olive in her cheek Defne giggled.

- Come on, eat! - strictly answered Omer, but his very lips quivered with laughter.

By some miracle, between teasing, laughing and kissing, breakfast was eaten and Defne rushed to dress upstairs. Omer climbed the stairs with his usual leisureliness and when he entered the room, Defne, fully dressed for leaving, fastened the straps of chocolate-colored shoes.

"Well, what took you so long?" Come quickly! She ordered Omer.

But when he came out of the dressing room in a suit with a needle and shoes polished to a shine, his wife still rummaging into the box and was choosing earrings. Omer took a carved little thing from her and fished out amber elongated earrings from there.

"Put on these," he ordered. "They're perfect for your blouse."

Defne put the earring on the cream silk and nodded in agreement. Putting the jewelry in her ears, she offered her lips to her husband for a kiss.

As a result, she had to put lipstick again.

But this fact did not bother the happy spouses at all. Smiling, they left the house and were almost not even late.

In the office, Omer, ignoring Derya's chirping, went straight to Sinan, and soon came out of his office hiding wild joy in a mask of indifferent equanimity. His partner agreed! Not just agreed - supported!

And so, welcome to a new life!

With a light gait, passing the desk of Derya and his office, he hurried to the elevator.


Tranba, leaning his head back in his chair, sat in his office and stared blankly at the clouds outside the window. He hardly slept tonight. He was thinking about the words of Iz. She asked who she was for him, and he argued the whole night for an answer. It turned out to be a long one. Very long. So far, composing in his mind a long list of nouns he did not understand very clearly: she is everything! His life and the air he breathes. And now, in his chic office, leaning back in a leather chair, he was thinking how to say this to the willful, impudent beauty.

The stream of thoughts was interrupted by the knock of the door that opened. Deniz looked up at it in surprise. Omer stood on the threshold. Confidently stepping to the desk of the owner of the office, he sat in the next chair and, without wasting time on greeting, said:

"I agree to your condition." But God forbid, you again decided to cheat and harm Passionis and Defne. I will smudge you on the wall.

Tranba grinned with his usual, ironic grin and replied:

"For all your genius, Omer Iplikci, you were and remain a notorious moron." Open your eyes and look carefully. I will never harm Defne, and therefore your precious Passionis too.

"Then hands-on," Omer, as if he had not heard the last phrases, extended his hand to Denis.

- Deal! - he answered with a firm handshake. - After returning from Milan, we begin the process of opening a new company.

"We are starting," Omer answered confidently and smiled broadly. "By the way, you're wrong about a notorious moron." Defne cured all my complexes yesterday!

The respectable air of an expensive office exploded with loud laughter.

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