Trial of the Times

By CourtesyTrefflin

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After Obi-Wan's supposed death, Anakin is devastated. He receives a surprise offer which will hopefully allow... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - An Offer
Chapter 3 - Making Arrangements
Chapter 4 - Last Words
Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader
Chapter 7 - Hardeen
Chapter 8 - Suspicions
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light
Chapter 10 - Betrayal
Chapter 11 - Power of the Dark Side
Chapter 12 - Moving On
Chapter 13 - Repercussions
Chapter 14 - A New Strategy
Chapter 15 - Kidnapped
Chapter 16 - Confrontation
Chapter 17 - Truths
Chapter 18 - A Missing Master
Chapter 19 - Answers
Chapter 20 - Revelations
Chapter 21 - A Sith's Plans
Chapter 22 - Rising Tensions
Chapter 23 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 24 - Laying the Trap
Chapter 25 - Infiltration
Chapter 26 - Launching the Attack
Chapter 27 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 28 - The Council
Chapter 29 - Snips
Chapter 30 - Passing Judgement
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Clones
Chapter 33 - The New Sith Order
Chapter 34 - A Conversation Long Overdue
Chapter 35 - Uncomfortable Realities
Chapter 36 - Requesting Immunity
Chapter 37 - Ahsoka's Vision
Chapter 38 - Rumors
Chapter 39 - Assassin Droids
Chapter 40 - Mandalore
Chapter 41 - Coming Clean
Chapter 42 - Assault
Chapter 43 - Captured
Chapter 44 - The End in Sight
Chapter 45 - Korriban
Chapter 46 - The Lion's Den
Chapter 47 - Duel of the Fates
Chapter 48 - All Things Must End
Chapter 49 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 50 - Back to the Start
Bonus Chapter - Dooku
Bonus Chapter - Sidious
Bonus Chapter - Ahsoka
Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan
Bonus Chapter - Fox
Bonus Chapter - Padme
Bonus Chapter - Maul
Prologue - Rewritten
Chapter 1 - Dooku - Rewritten
Chapter 2 - The Offer - Rewritten
Chapter 3 - Goodbye - Rewritten
Chapter 4 - The Face of Vader - Rewritten
Chapter 5 - Embracing Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 6 - The Chase - Rewritten
Chapter 7 - Hardeen - Rewritten
Chapter 8 - Betrayal - Rewritten
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light - Rewritten
Chapter 10 - Aftermath - Rewritten
Chapter 11 - The Subtlety of Change - Rewritten
Chapter 12 - Repercussions - Rewritten
Chapter 13 - Interim - Rewritten
Chapter 14 - Kidnapping - Rewritten
Chapter 15 - Confrontation - Rewritten
Chapter 16 - Truths - Rewritten
Chapter 17 - Resolving Issues - Rewritten
Chapter 18 - Long Overdue - Rewritten
Chapter 19 - Rising Tensions - Rewritten
Chapter 20 - Moving Forwards - Rewritten
Chapter 21 - A Step Ahead - Rewritten
Chapter 22 - Laying the Trap - Rewritten
Chapter 23 - Gamemaster - Rewritten
Chapter 24 - Attack - Rewritten
Chapter 25 - Consequences - Rewritten
Chapter 26 - Verdict - Rewritten
Chapter 27 - Decisions - Rewritten
Chapter 28 - Scheming - Rewritten
Chapter 29 - Freedom - Rewritten
Chapter 30 - Planning - Rewritten
Chapter 31 - A Time to Talk - Rewritten
Chapter 32 - A New Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 33 - Training - Rewritten
Chapter 34 - Reflections - Rewritten
Chapter 35 - Upheaval - Rewritten
Chapter 36 - Infiltrators - Rewritten
Chapter 37 - Political Maneuvers - Rewritten
Chapter 38 - Victory and Chaos - Rewritten
Chapter 39 - The End in Sight - Rewritten
Chapter 40 - The Lion's Den - Rewritten
Chapter 41 - Duel of the Fates - Rewritten
Chapter 42 - Coming Undone - Rewritten
Chapter 43 - Homeward Bound - Rewritten
Chapter 44 - Home - Rewritten

Chapter 5 - Sith Apprentice

294 11 6
By CourtesyTrefflin

Anakin watches through the window at the wreckage which was once his starfighter. It shouldn't be long before it gets reported, and the Jedi come to investigate. Let them decide what they will. He has a job to do, and all that matters is that they think him dead. Let the galaxy mourn him. Obi-Wan deserved it more than he did, and in a sense, this is in honor of his memory.

He's risking his life and soul to save a galaxy that may not even deserve to be saved, but he's doing it for Obi-Wan. "They did their job well," remarks Anakin when he senses Dooku approaching behind him.

"Yes, they did," agrees the Sith, coolly surveying the damage. He turns to face Anakin, the complete picture of elegance, "Come, Skywalker. We have much to discuss on our return to Serenno. You must be aware of some of my master's plans."

With a heavy sigh, Anakin follows Dooku into a cabin and slumps down in a chair. He wants to sleep, but at the same time, he doesn't. When he sleeps, Obi-Wan's death replays in his mind over and over, and he thinks he'd be better off not sleeping. Anything to escape reliving the agony of his death.

If Dooku notes Anakin's physical state, he doesn't comment. That is probably for the best. Anakin doesn't know if he could deal with someone else trying to talk to him about it, much less a Sith who used to be his enemy only a short while ago. What he needs, he can never get. Not anymore. He roughly shoves back the memories. He needs to focus on the problem at hand. Sidious. He won't – can't – let him destroy everything he and Obi-Wan have fought so hard for.

"You do realize that you will have to disguise yourself," Dooku informs him, "A simple hood will not suffice. When in public, you should wear armor. It will not be difficult for me to provide it to you."

Anakin nods understandingly, "It is as I had expected." Actually, it wasn't. Not really. He hadn't even had a chance to think about it, but there's no sense letting Dooku know that. That is, if he doesn't already suspect that. If he does, he gives no indication.

The Count is silent, looking thoughtful. He turns his gaze back towards Anakin. "You must pretend to be my apprentice, and I shall endeavor to keep my master from discovering your existence. You will have a Sith name, but I do not expect, or want, you to call me master."

That's fine. It really is. Anakin is too tired, too far past caring, to argue the points with Dooku. Let him plan out the details. Anakin is willing to simply step in and fight when called upon. Whatever he must do to help destroy Sidious, he'll do. Anything aside from becoming a real Sith. He closes his eyes, slowly letting out a breath before nodding. It's an almost defeated gesture, one which he's certain tells Dooku that he has no fight left in him. Not right now.

The Dark Side surges in the room, and Anakin opens his eyes, watching Dooku wearily. The Sith rises, standing before him, power practically crackling around him. "Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth –" he pauses, his voice beginning to sound darker as he taps into the Dark Side, "Vader."

For a moment, Dooku stands there before gracefully returning to his seat. "Now, I think it will be important for me to teach you about the Dark Side. I do not want you to become a Sith, Skywalker. At least not the kind of Sith that my master is."

Getting a Sith name. Learning more about the Dark Side. What's next? Anakin doesn't know, and he doesn't really care either. At least not right now. He's too tired. Sleep. He needs to sleep. His eyes drift closed again, and he rubs his face, trying to keep himself awake.

"Get some sleep, Skywalker. You'll need it." He faintly hears Dooku's voice, barely registering when the Sith Lord rises and exits the room. With an effort he moves over to the bed and lays down. If his mind won't torment him with memories of Obi-Wan, maybe he'll feel better when he awakens. Maybe.


Bittersweet images and memories flit through Anakin's mind, eventually bringing him back to waking. Just as he had expected. Thoughts of Obi-Wan continue to torment him, but he realizes that he does feel much better than the night before. Well, that's a start.

He vaguely remembers Dooku mentioning he should wear armor to conceal his identity, but that won't be possible until they reach Serenno. He doesn't know how long he was sleeping, but they could be arriving momentarily. Doubtful. With a shrug, he goes in search of the Count to find him giving instructions to some of his men.

"Skywalker," Dooku acknowledges, turning to face him, "You look better."

"I feel better," replies Anakin dryly.

"Good. I would like to speak with you about the nature of the Dark Side, unless you'd rather eat first?"

Anakin shrugs slightly, "I'm not hungry." Because it's the truth. He hasn't really eaten since yesterday morning, but food is the last thing on his mind. His emotions are in too much of a turmoil for him to eat something, though he doubts Dooku will be willing to let him not eat anything.

Dooku's eyes narrow slightly, "Eat something, Skywalker. You can't train if you don't have energy." Anakin sighs. There goes that hope. So, he'll eat something, just to humor Dooku, because he doesn't really want to anger the Sith. Not when he's practically at his mercy in his own territory.

After eating, Anakin finds himself sitting down with Dooku and listening to a lecture about the Dark Side. "The main similarity between the Jedi and Sith is that both groups believe in emotional control," explains Dooku.

"I think the Jedi believe in emotional eradication," mutters Anakin. From the time he's spent at the Temple, he knows the Jedi believe in releasing their emotions to the Force. It's as though they refuse to acknowledge that they have emotions. It was always what he found hardest, because he's never been able to act as though his emotions don't exist. Unlike Obi-Wan. He hastily pushes away thoughts of his former master. Thinking about him won't help.

"Yes," agrees Dooku, "I think many Jedi have been led to believe that, which is one of the biggest flaws in the Order. All sentients have emotions, and if harnessed properly, they give Force sensitives a great deal of power."

"So, the Sith are after power?" questions Anakin.

Dooku shakes his head, "Not necessarily. No. We use the inherent power in emotions to win duels. That's why Sith are such powerful adversaries. We don't reject our feelings. We embrace them."

Anakin frowns, "You control them, and I suppose that means I'll have to learn what Obi-Wan tried and failed to teach me for years." He struggles to suppress the surge of emotions invoked when he mentioned his brother's name. It may not be as hard to control as it was on Coruscant, but thoughts about Obi-Wan are still too painful for him.

For a moment, the Sith studies him quietly. "No offense," comments Dooku stiffly, "But I would have thought that someone with your reputation would have much more emotional control."

"I like to think that I do," snaps Anakin heatedly, "When I'm not dealing with my master's death."

"Of course," Dooku nods magnanimously, "I understand."

Anakin lets out a breath, "I don't think you do. Not exactly."

"No. You're right. I've never lost a master," agrees the Count, "But I did lose an apprentice, so I can relate to losing someone I cared for."

That admission – it takes Anakin by surprise. He'd never really considered how Dooku might have felt after Qui-Gon was killed, but it couldn't have been easy for him to admit that he'd cared about him. Maybe he hadn't loved him, as Anakin does Obi-Wan, but he did care. And that – he supposes – probably does give Dooku an insight on how Anakin is feeling.

Right. Well back to emotional control, something he's always been lacking in. "How would I control my emotions?" Anakin asks after a moment of thought.

"Don't deny that you have emotions," Dooku answers bluntly, "Accept what you are feeling. There are no right or wrong emotions. You don't have to like what you feel, just accept it. Once you accept your emotions, you no longer give them power. Once you embrace what you're feeling, you can use the power of your emotions against your adversary."

"That doesn't seem... difficult," remarks Anakin wryly, "Is that what the Jedi have been trying to teach?" Because if they are, they could have just explained it the way Dooku is. When he says it like that, it makes Anakin stop and think about how he fights. What Dooku said, it resonated with him. He'd always thought he needed to suppress his emotions to be a good Jedi, but what if he only ever needed to control them?

Controlling. That's something he thinks he can learn. He can't live without them, since they're an integral part of him, but controlling... that he can do.

"No, it's not difficult," Dooku answers, "The Jedi seem to have deviated from their original path. They're letting their fear control them. They think that by hiding from negative emotions, they'll disappear. They won't. They'll simply collect until they explode."

"And fear is a path to the Dark Side," Anakin adds, remembering what Yoda is always saying.

"Yes, it is," agrees the Sith, "And to escape the lure of the Dark Side, the Jedi have begun to convince themselves not to feel any emotions. They're denying what they are."

"So, controlling emotions is key," Anakin murmurs.

"Indeed, and that is what I will teach you. You will learn to control your emotions and harness their power so you will be strong enough to defeat Sidious," confirms Dooku, "You don't need the Dark Side to give you power. You just need a strong connection with and control over yourself."

And that seems so easy. Anakin nods, "I'm ready to learn." And he is. He wants to learn what Dooku can teach him, especially if it will help him avoid the Dark Side. And maybe, part of him is also hoping that he'll be able to better escape the pain of Obi-Wan's death. 

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