david dobrik imagines

By desolatedwaves

125K 1.7K 191

just a compilation of david dobrik imagines * requests are open. More

the next girl
kickback pt. 2
sweet escape
green monster
she confronted me about not liking her
fratty and bratty
kiss the girl
late night
pretty girl

drunken idiot

2.3K 35 4
By desolatedwaves

word count: 2905

David Dobrik was the root to all of your problems. From his goofy smile, to his infectious laugh to his cocky side, you were head over heels for the guy. I mean, most girls were too. After being befriended by the vlog squad for some months now, your feelings for David only worsened. Time after time, you tried to get a read on the David situation on whether he possibly felt the same way, but every try went to nothing. After months of the confusion, you started to be seriously annoyed by him. Not him as an individual, but just when he play flirted with you. No matter how hard you tried, your feelings for him stayed. Finally, you gave up on trying to get rid of those lingering feelings and decided to just ignore them. Deny, deny, deny. Basically, condition yourself into thinking you don't have feelings for him. Now was it working? No but you still had to try.

During this time, you had not tried to pursue any guys. This stemmed from not being emotionally available since you were head over heels for a dumbass and from the fear of getting hurt. It was easier to just blame David. To a certain extent it was his fault. He flirted and joked with you just so you always felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach. But this would be no more. You had swore off David Dobrik and decided that you would be open to other men.

While you had those feelings bubbling inside of you, you and David remained very close. He was one of your closest friends out of everyone and knew almost all of your secrets. It wasn't out of the ordinary to spend time at his house alone with him, even though that just worsened your feelings. No one knew about the way you felt for David, mainly because you knew once someone else knew, it was no longer a secret and then there would be a chance that he would find out. That's why when you were invited out tonight with everyone to go to a party, you mentally vowed that you would not stay next to David the whole time. You were going to make friends and flirt with boys without him near you. Hopefully, he would be forgotten.

As you walked into the party, you felt the entire mood change. People were smiling and laughing and drinking, all you wanted to do. Zane called for you as you saw everyone still walking in. Sighing, you turned around and waited for them to catch up.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Zane laughed as he got next to you.

"I'm just ready to be really drunk," you replied, shrugging slightly.

"Well then what are we waiting for!" Zane screamed, rushing to the drink area. People stood around drinking and talking. Music blared through speakers as you walked over and looked at your few choices for drinking. Ah frat guys and their terrible drinks. Luckily, they had some jello shots. The boy working bar smiled widely at you.

"What can I get you, gorgeous?" he asked, placing both hands against the counter and leaning over to you. He smile was truly mesmerizing and he was definitely hot.

"Um, can I have a jello shot and cup of jungle juice?" you asked, nicely.

"Well, you look way too pretty to be drinking that jungle juice. What if I offer you a couple drinks from a couple cases I bought?" he spoke, grinning as he got you two shots.

"Depends on what they are," you smiled.

"Whiteclaws and some Smirnoff ICE's?" he offered.

"Those are way better than jungle juice," you giggled.

"How about you can have as many as you like if when I'm done back here, we can dance for a little," he bargained with a big smile.

"I think I could deal with that, minus the dancing. It takes more than a couple drinks to get me dancing," you laughed.

"Fair enough. How about I'll meet up with you and we can figure out someway to get to know each other more," he winked, leaning down to grab you one of each of his drinks. You smiled and took them. He kept his eyes trained on you as you got ready to take the jello shots. After you took them both, you looked back to see the guy still smiling at you.

"My name is y/n," you smiled.

"Taylor," he replied.

"Well, I'll see you later, Taylor," you grinned, turning around seeing Zane staring at you with a smirk.

"Well someone is flirty tonight!" Zane screamed, laughing. You shrugged with a small smile.

"Just keeping my options open," you laughed, taking a sip of one of your drinks. Everyone else entered with their bottles in hand.

"Where did you get those drinks from?" Natalie asked.

"Oh, she flirted her way into the guy's personal drinks he bought for himself," Zane laughed. Your face flushed as everyone looked over at you with a wide smile, except for David.

"He offered!" you exclaimed, embarrassed.

"I mean, you do look sexy tonight," Corinna winked. "Let's see what else we can flirt our way into tonight!" She extended out her drink for you to clink and you both began to gulp down your drinks.

"I need some shots before I can commit to that," you laughed.

"Well, here you go," Corinna said, handing you a bottle.

"Corinna, I don't need all that right now," you shook your head.

"Oh yes you do!" Zane screamed, taking the bottle from Corinna and shoving it in your face. "On a knee baby, time to chug!" Sighing, you gave in and got on a knee as camera flashes overtook your vision. Your eyes closed as you leaned your head back and let the substance run down your throat making your face scrunch. You chugged until you felt a pit forming in your stomach and took the bottle out of your mouth. Cheers erupted as you winced and stood back up.

"That was a horrible idea," you let out, taking a sip of your other drink trying to get rid of the taste in the back of your throat. Somehow, David walked up and was right next to you.

"Hey, y/n, maybe you should slow down a little," David said, taking the bottle out of your hand.

"Or not," you replied. "I just started to feel flirty like Corinna said, so time to get my flirt on," you smiled, about to walk towards Corinna who had a huge grin on her face. David's hand grabbed your arm gently, making you stop to look at him.

"Please be careful and just slow down a little," David said, looking down at you.

"David, relax," you laughed, your heart racing out of your chest.

"Seriously, I don't want you doing anything stupid," he said, with a small smile.

"Like not putting myself out there for months because I was holding out hope that this guy who constantly played with my emotions who actually was just flirting with like every other girl," you bit back, letting out a deep breath.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, immediately. Regret filled you immediately after letting it out. But it also felt so good.

"Don't worry about it. Go get some good footage. I can take care of myself," you said, taking your arm away from him.

"You didn't have to be an asshole about it," David shot back. You the asshole? He was the one who constantly flirted with you and then had a bunch of other girls all over him. It's not like he for any moment thought about you. He had to have known how you felt. Tonight was the only night you hadn't been by his side like a little puppy.

"The real asshole here is the one who is the big celebrity and can get anyone but still pretends to flirt with his best friend knowing she likes him so then she can't ever give a guy a shot and just is stuck on you," you let out, loudly. An awkward silence took over the group. The only noise came from everyone around you and the music. Without another thought, you whipped around and pushed your way out of the group to the mass bodies of everyone else. That was it. The last straw. You were going to get over David by the only way you could think of, finding another guy. As you walked forwards, you rammed into a body. Looking up, you were met the guy from earlier, Taylor.

"Hey!" he grinned, looking down at you. With the music bumping and the alcohol coursing through you, you felt ballsy.

"You're really hot," you yelled over the music.

"So are you!"

Nervously, you took a deep breath before asking, "Do you wanna dance?" He laughed with a gorgeous smile.

"Or do you just want to get out of here?" he replied back. Then reality hit, he was just trying to sleep with you.

"Uh, actually, I don't know why I-" you started, and he looked down at you. "I mean, I don't usually just kind of hookup with random guys." His smile only widened.

"Well, that's good, cause I just meant walk outside in the backyard," he laughed out, making you feel embarrassed. "C'mon." He pulled you gently out the backdoor and you were met with the cool air. The music was now faded.

"I'm sorry, I just assumed you wanted to fuck," you replied, laughing sightly.

"Don't get me wrong, I would, but I can tell you're not comfortable with that from the start," he responded, making you turn and look at him. "I don't assume a girl wants to sleep with me because she flirts. I know I'm rare to show a girl basic human decency." He smirked as you looked over to him.

"Your kind doesn't even exist," you laughed back, taking a seat on the patio. He sat down next to you. "So, I'm going to be ballsy," you started, looking over at him. "I've been hung up on this guy for awhile and I just really don't want to think of him, but I also don't want to like fuck, so-" Before another word could come out, his hand held your cheek and he leaned in.

"I can help with that," he replied. Your breathe hitched in your throat. Right as your eyes fluttered shut, his voice replied, "By going to take you to get a milkshake," he smirked, pulling away.

Your mouth dropped open as you let out a laugh, "You're a tease."

"Were you thinking of something else? Of course it would be a milkshake," he smirked, going to stand up. He stuck his hand out, and you took it to stand up. Sighing, you both went back inside and started to head out the front door. Before you could walk any further down. A voice started screaming your name. You whipped around to see David rushing down towards you.

"y/n, you're not going home with him. Let's go, I'm taking you home," David said, grabbing your hand, pulling you towards him.  

"I'm not going home with you either," you shot back, ripping your arm away from him. 

"Who is he?" Taylor asked, looking skeptically.

"Her boyfriend," David shot back quickly, making you pissed.

"My friend," you said angrily. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Uh," Taylor started, looking back and forth between you two. "I'm not really sure what is going on here, but this is a little too much for me. I'm sorry, y/n," he gave you an apologetic look and continued to walk.

"David what the fuck," you exclaimed, looking back at him. "I'll get a ride from someone else, I'm not riding home with you." You began to walk back towards the party but were stopped by David rushing in front of you. Before you could yell at him more, he had you thrown over his shoulder and began walking. "Put me down!" you screamed.

"No, you're getting in my car and I'm taking you home. Stop acting like a brat," he growled back, unlocking his car. He set you down on the ground and put you in the front seat. Immediately he locked the door so you wouldn't get out. Before you could unlock it, he was in the car and had it locked and was peeling away.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," you exclaimed.

"y/n, you were being fucking ridiculous. You're not going to go to some stranger's house because you're pissed at me for no reason," he said, glancing over at you, then returning to driving.

"No reason?" you screamed. "You have led me on so many times with your stupid flirting knowing I like you!"

"How am I responsible for that if I didn't know I liked you. I flirt with you because I like you but you have never made any sign of liking me!" he yelled, weaving around traffic.

"Bullshit! You're just saying that because you feel like a jerk now!" you screamed, crossing your arms and looking out the window. As you looked, you saw David pull off into an empty parking lot. "What are you doing?" you asked, looking over at him.

"I'm over you screaming at me, so shut up," he said, looking over at you.

"Fine, I won't scream, but you're a liar," you said, shaking your head.

"Stop saying that! Fuck! Don't tell me what I did or didn't do or why I did it," he exclaimed. 

"Whatever you say," you huffed out.

"That's it!" he screamed, leaning over and grabbing your waist. His other hand came up to hold the back of your neck and pulled you to him. Before you could argue with him about anything else, his lips slammed onto yours, making you gasp and him moan. His fingers made their way into your hair and pulled you even closer. His lips moved against yours roughly, making you moan as he gripped the side of your waist. Both of you felt your tension release into the kiss. David led the kiss, taking most of the control since you were completely drunk and so shocked by the kiss. Slowly, your hands came up to run through his messy hair. This only deepened the kiss. Your whole body was melting into him and before you realized, he was pulling away, eliciting a loud groan from you. "I can't believe you picked a fight with me after I told you I liked you," David laughed, letting his fingers toy with the ends of your hair.

"Well, you were being a dick," you said, pursing your lips. This only widened his smile.

"Please don't start this again," he laughed, leaning in again to press a small kiss to your nose.

"I'm sorry," you said, jutting out your bottom lip, sadly.

"You can make up for the attitude by spending the night with me tonight," he smirked, sticking his tongue out slightly.

"Attitude?" you exclaimed, opening your mouth widely. "I swear to god! You were the one who tried to swoop in and say "stop drinking so much, y/n" acting like I can't take care of myself!" you exclaimed loudly. This only made David laugh loudly. Before you could say something else, David was leaning down while he was giggling, going in for another kiss. David began to shower your face with kisses all over.

"You're so cute when you're mad," he smiled, giving one final kiss to your lips. Sighing, you pursed your lips again. "Stop pouting, please. I'm sorry I was an asshole," he apologized, rubbing the small of your back.

"Fine, I'm sorry I had a super, itty bitty, tiny bit of an attitude," you said, giggling.

"I'll take it," he smiled.

"Now can I take you back home with me or are we going to sit in the parking lot all night?" David asked, training his eyes on you.

"Depends, are you taking me how as my friend or my boyfriend?" you asked, biting your lip.

"Well, you rejected my boyfriend offer early..." David trailed off, making you open your mouth widely. David let out a loud laugh. "I'll take you back to my house as my girlfriend, but you have to admit you had a major attitude earlier."

"Well, guess we're going back as friends," you laughed out, pulling away from him.

"Fine, I'll settle for you just being my girlfriend," David sighed, pulling away to start driving again.

"Wow, sorry I'm not good enough," you said, crossing your arms over your chest jokingly. His hand came over to rest on your thigh and he rubbed it gently.

"Hey, y/n," David started, making you look over.

"You're beautiful when you pout," he said with a huge grin. Your cheeks became flushed and you tried to bite back a smile. "My girlfriend is beautiful," he added, looking back to the road, continuing to rub your thigh sweetly.

"My boyfriend is the sweetest," you mumbled out, letting your arms drop from your chest. "Also, can we please stop for a milkshake, please?" you asked.

"Anything for you, princess," he laughed, bringing your hand to his lips and giving it a kiss.

"Damn straight," you replied, making him laugh loudly. "You just earned and endless supply of kisses," you added.

"I will be cashing those in the second we get back to my house," he replied, excitedly. 

a/n: i know i haven't written in forever, but this semester has really been kicking my ass. i promise to try and write more and i'm currently in the works of making an actual fanfic. not exactly sure of the plot or who will be the main character, but i have a couple different ideas!! i hope you enjoyed and are being safe with all the craziness going on rn :)
xoxoxo, bri

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