Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Ma...

بواسطة FFwritingFuN

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BTS goes on a brake and visits a small town called, Free Soul's. They are staying for six months, and never e... المزيد

⭐️One- Free Soul⭐️
⭐️Two- Attraction⭐️
⭐️Three- Bloody Fight⭐️
⭐️Four- New Couple⭐️
⭐️Five- Foot Down⭐️
⭐️Six- Birthday Present⭐️
⭐️Seven- BDay Present #2⭐️
⭐️Eight- Telling ARMY⭐️
⭐️Nine- Giggles, Home⭐️
⭐️Ten- Jealousy⭐️
⭐️Eleven- Stripper BF⭐️
⭐️Twelve- Scary Man!⭐️
⭐️Thirteen- ARMY's Flirts⭐️
⭐️Fourteen- Concert⭐️
⭐️Fifteen- Scary Movie⭐️
⭐️Sixteen- Fun Day with BTS⭐️
⭐️Seventeen- Angry Sex, tired day⭐️
⭐️Nineteen- Woah!⭐️
⭐️Twenty-Dark ⭐️
⭐️Twenty-One- Tease⭐️
⭐️TwentyTwo- Singer?!!⭐️
⭐️TwentyThree- Office Sex⭐️
⭐️TwentyFour- Walkless⭐️
⭐️A/N Note⭐️
⭐️TwentySeven- Drunk, fight⭐️
⭐️Thirty-Lovely Stage⭐️
⭐️Thirty-One- Work!⭐️
⭐️ThirtyTwo- Kinky⭐️
⭐️ThirtyFour- Friends⭐️
⭐️ThirtyFive- The Couples Games of 2020
⭐️ThirtySeven- The CouplesGames of 2020 #2⭐️
⭐️ThirtyEight- Cute⭐️
⭐️Forty- Fiancé in Hawaii⭐️
⭐️FortyOne- Wowser⭐️
⭐️FortyTwo- Home, Gang⭐️
⭐️FortyThree- Football⭐️
⭐️FortyFour- Weak Boi⭐️
⭐️FortyFive- Wedding Plans⭐️
⭐️FortySeven- Bachelor & Bachelorette Party's⭐️
⭐️FortyEight- HangOvers⭐️
⭐️FortyNine- News⭐️
⭐️Fifty- Wedding Day⭐️
⭐️FiftyOne- Married Couple⭐️
⭐️FiftyTwo- Car Sex⭐️
⭐️FiftyTwo- Getting Caught⭐️
⭐️FiftyThree- House & ARMY Blog⭐️
⭐️FiftyFour- Lovely⭐️
⭐️FiftyFive- Here we go⭐️
⭐️FiftySix- Soft Daddy⭐️
⭐️FiftySeven- House⭐️
⭐️FiftyEight- Scary Storm!!⭐️

⭐️FortySix- Nerves⭐️

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بواسطة FFwritingFuN

"Finally you guys took forever!" Jin yelled as Chen and Jimin walked into the kitchen holding hands. "We only took twenty minutes Jin." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Can you guys never not make skin-contact?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. "I'd rather keep him closer and pure so he won't get germs from you." Chen laughed as Hoseok posted up. "Come on then! Fight me!" He yelled.

Chen turned towards him and the boy ran away. "I was kidding!" He yelled and stood behind Yoongi. "Out of all people in this room you hide behind Yoongi? What's he gonna do? Make me fall asleep?" Chen asked. Yoongi wanted to protest but he couldn't. What would he do?

"Well who else?!" Hoseok asked. "Jin. I wouldn't fight him even if I really wanted to." Chen pointed at Jin whole the boy nodded proudly. "He knows not to try momma." He laughed while cooking the eggs. "I learned it the hard way." Chen sighed and sat down.

He gently pulled Jimin on his lap and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Say cheese!" Taehyung laughed hike holding up hid camera Jungkook got him for his last birthday. Chen and Jimin both smiled at the camera, he snapped a quick photo and giggled and showed Jungkook.

Jimin blinked and groaned, "I can't see!". The poor boy rubbed his eyes and blinked, but that small bright dot stayed in his eye sight. "It'll go away soon! Sorry hyung, I forgot to turn off the flash!" Taehyung giggled. "Aish!" Jimin yelled and hid his eyes in Chen's hoodie.

"So how have you guys been doing?" Chen asked gently running his hands threw Jimin's hair. "We've been doing pretty good. Me and Yoongi went to the Kitty Café down the street! And I made a friend, his name is Kibble. Though Yoongi didn't like him cause he said Kibble was stealing me away." Hoseok rolled his eyes as Yoongi furiously stood up.

"Because he was! He was flirting so much, the way he would purr and rub his tail on you! I couldn't just stand there and let it happen!" He yelled. Hoseok nodded while rolling his eyes, "Yes Yoongi. He was a very bad cat and you saved the day. Calm down." He opened his arms and Yoongi sat down next to him and hugged him. A small smile came to the smaller boys face as he melted in Hoseok's hug.

"Me and Taehyung have been doing pretty well too. We have mostly been staying home playing video games and reading. Taehyung doesn't like going out very much, but we plan on going to an Art Museum down the street next week." Jungkook smiled as Taehyung was so engulfed in his pictures.

"That's good." Chen mumbled and yawned. "Seriously?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "How the hell are you tired? You guys it's three in the afternoon!" He yelled. "We stayed up all night talking. Then I played the video game for a bit, then we went to sleep about....two-thirty in the morning?" Chen mumbled. "Understandable." Taehyung nodded as he and Jungkook have done the same.

Soon Namjoon walked in with a nervous smile. "Guess what?" He asked. Everyone looked at him with a questionable look. "Manager said he wants all of us to go to America for a few interviews on our relationships and new changes."

Everyone looked at each other while staying silent. "I don't know about that..." Taehyung mumbled. When they went to interviews they always got a few questions that they weren't comfortable answering and would get pressured. So they weren't quite ready for these either.

"Come on guys, he said if we aren't comfortable with something we are aloud to walk out on the interview at anytime. And we don't have to answer any questions." Namjoon assured them. "How long will you guys be gone?" Chen asked with sad eyes. He didn't want Jimin to be gone for so long.

"Well your going too." Namjoon smiled. "I- what?" He asked. "Your going too." Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows seeing Chen become nervous. "I- hmmmm- I don't think that's a good idea. You know with work and the wedding, all that stuff I think it's best if I know stay here." Chen rambled on and on.

"ChenYoung...." Namjoon squinted his eyes. "Why don't you want to go? Is something wrong?" He asked raising an eyebrow as Chen quickly shook his head. "Nope. Nothings wrong, I'm just- I'm just trying to get my work done. Hahaha, you know." He fiddled with his fingers.

But none of the boys where buying what he was saying. "Chen....are you scared to go?" Jimin asked. Chen shook his head as soon as those words left his mouth. "No! No I'm not! I just don't want to go there, you know it's so far away! And people are weird over there!" Chen mumbled. Jimin glared at him, "Your scared." He said. "I'm not scared. Just not comfortable." Chen justified himself.

"Why would you be scared?" Jungkook asked. "Yah! I'm not scared! I just don't like the idea of being in America because it's so far away. Yup. And- and you know, the food is weird. And- and I just don't wanna go." He mumbled. Jimin sighed and stood up, "Excuse us for a second." He said and dragged Chen to there room and shut the door.

"He's totally scared." Yoongi shot up from his sleep. "Bitch I thought you where asleep!" Jin yelled. "You never know when I am and when I'm not." He smirked, "I know so many secrets...hehehehe." He laughed evilly making everyone, including Hoseok, move away from him.

"Joon ChenYoung Jr, why don't you want to go? And don't lie!" Jimin crossed his arms against his chest and glared at Chen. "The last time I was there I was eleven years old, and going with my dad to visit some of his friends. We where at his friends party and I went to use the bathroom which was upstairs-" he paused and looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

"But when I walked out of the bathroom two guys where waiting. They dragged me into a bedroom, and of course I fought back, but they where much stronger than me. Then they-" he completely froze and stared down at the floor. Clearing his throat he blinked back his tears, "The point is I don't like America for my own reasons. So many people around there are up to no good and I'd rather stay away from it." He growled. Jimin could understand what the rest of the story was and now he knew why Chen didn't want to go.

"Chen..." he whispered and held his hands. "I'm so sorry for what happened, and I know your right. A lot of things in America are dangerous, but it's the same here. Isn't it?" Jimin asked and Chen didn't answer. "You are so much stronger now, and I will always be by your side. That won't ever happen again I promise." He whispered.

Chen nodded feeling foolish of himself. "I'm a grown man, looking back those guys where so weak. The only problem was my height. How foolish of me to sit here and be scared over some shit that happened ten years ago!" He mumbled while shaking his head. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as his heart was hurting. "Your not foolish ChenYoung! That's a big deal for anyone! I would feel the same if that happened to me a hundred years ago, the point is you won't be alone. Ok?" He whispered.

Chen nodded and smiled. "Now let's go back out." Jimin smiled back and pulled him back into the living room. "Everything ok?" Namjoon asked and they both nodded. "I guess I'll go." Chen grumbled while slouching down into the couch. "Good!" Namjoon smiled. "So we will be leaving this Friday, and return on Monday." He announced.

Chen sighed and nodded while shaking his head in disbelief. He swore he would never go back to America. For one he was raped three times as a child, and two his ex boyfriend was a model in LA. And he didn't want to ever see him again. But with his terrible luck he might just see him again.

"To the table boys! It's breakfast time!" Jin yelled. The boys all ran to the table happily and sat down while waiting for Jin and Namjoon to bring them there food. After everyone had there plate full of food- wait a minute....Chen didn't have his food. He had a small bowl of salad.

"Chen?" Taehyung asked confused as to why the boy who seriously eats everything, was suddenly interested in a salad. "I'm on a diet." He grumbled grumpily and sulked as he took a bite of the terrible greens. "Why?! Your like- fucking built like the damn hulk!" Jungkook yelled angrily. He was still jealous of how built ChenYoung was, he was going to the gym everyday but was showing barely any more muscle than he had a week ago.

"For one my heart condition. You guys already know I'm getting surgery for it soon. And two, my coach said I need to loose some weight. It's been a month since I last went to the gym and I've been eating a lot, it's starting to show in my cheeks and stuff." He said the last part quietly while picking at his salad. "he said...what?" Jin asked.

Momma bear was awake.

"How dare he? Does he not know a god when he see's one?!" Jin yelled angrily. "Well to be fair everyone else on my football team is way more fit than me. I'm not as fast as I could be and me gaining weight isn't helping. So I'm gonna start taking more practice's and going on a diet. And I go to the gym once we get back." He mumbled. Jimin looked at them worriedly.

They all shared the same looks while Chen was sulking and stuffing his mouth with salad like a sad child. They weren't worried about Chen's eating problems, they where worried about Chen over working himself again. He's calmed down a lot with work, but if he gets caught up again, it'll be pretty bad.

After breakfast they all cleaned up and decided to go out for a little bit. To the park would be the perfect place, fresh air, picnics, lots of space, fan-girls/boys and chihuahuas.


BTS all watched with unamused expressions as a small group of teenagers where hawking at them from afar.

"We can't go anywhere can we?" Yoongi grunted while resting the back of his head on Hoseok's lap. "Apparently not." He answered. "They seem a little odd don't they?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows noticing some things about them.

They had a few tattoo's and where smoking and drinking. They didn't look like the average delinquents you may see, something about them made them look dangerous almost.

"Don't judge because of there looks Jin." Namjoon warned. Jin nodded and let the subject go, though he couldn't stop his thoughts from wandering away.

"ChenYoung!" Jimin yelled as the boy stole his strawberry from his small hands. "Why are you always yelling at me?!" Chen whined thinking he was innocent. "Imma tell ARMY on you!" He smirked as Jimin looked at him with an unbelievable expression.

"You wouldn't!" He exclaimed. "Oh but I would!" The boy smirked and stole another strawberry from his plate. Jimin glared at him. "Whatever." He mumbled while rolling his eyes.

The group of soccer players not to far away from the boys froze as the ball hit Chen in the head. He glared at them, then softened up seeing all those girls frozen and frightened. He gently kicked it back.

"Thank you!" They all yelled and waved at him. He waved back while walking over to Taehyung and looked at his photos he had been taking while they where there. "Those are pretty good." He smiled. "Thank you, thought this one came out a little blurry so I'll have to retake it." Taehyung pouted. Chen nodded and looked up at the teens.

He had noticed there odd era as they stared. As soon as they noticed he was staring back they all quickly began buzzing with frantic words while pushing each other out of there little circle. They kept trying to push a smaller boy who was whining and trying to hide.

Finally the smaller boy who was quite thin walked forward. He fiddled with his fingers nervously as he looked back at them. Then he pulled a small paper from his pocket and walked up to Chen shyly with red cheeks.

"H-Hi M-M-Mr. Joon, I-I'm a big f-fan. I-I was wandering I-if you c-could s-sign this?" He asked, his poor little voice was so small and shaky Chen found it adorable. He gently took the pen and paper from the boy's hand and wrote his signature on it. "That's me....and?" He looked up at the boy.

There was a photo of Chen when he was sixteen after his fight, standing next to a smaller boy who was around nine or ten. "You." He finished his sentence with a wide smile. The boy nodded, "That w-was my first t-time watching y-you fight l-live!" He said with excitement.

"Well I'm glad to be able to see you again." He smiled as the boy looked down at his feet with dark red cheeks. "M-me t-to." He squeaked. Chen handed him the pen and paper back, "I hope you can continue watching my matches." The boy nodded eagerly, "O-Of c-c-course!" He yelled.

Then he got all shy once he realized just how loud his voice was. He waved at Chen who waved back, then he ran as fast as he could to his friends who where jumping around and hyping him up.

Chen chuckled as he sat down next to Jimin again. "He's gay." Jimin mumbled and Chen rolled his eyes. "You don't have to point that out." He chuckled again. The boy was wearing a white crop top and white booty shorts with white converse. He had light makeup and his hair was dyed pink. Though he was very adorable.

"Well I'm getting bored just sitting here the whole time! Let's go take a walk around the trail." Namjoon stood up. The boys quickly cleaned up there mess and fallowed him through the field and into the small trail that was made in the forest for guest.

"Hay Taehyung!" Jimin yelled happily while pointing up in the trees. There was a large white bird sitting high up in a dead tree that was leaning over a small swamp. Little bugs crawled around on the floor as frogs where sitting along the edge of the water.

Taehyung quickly raised up his camera and snapped a photo of the bird and showed Jimin who was very excited. "It looks so pretty! And we could show this off to the trail leader, but do it secretly by asking what kind of bird it is." He smirked and Taehyung nodded in approval.

"Woah look at that!" Hoseok pointed at the other side of the swamp. The boys quickly stood close to him to see what he was staring at. There was a huge orange fish swimming at the surface of the water. "What? I don't see anything!" Jungkook whined. "Right there!" Jin pointed. But the boy just couldn't see it.

"Taehyung could take a picture of it and show you." Yoongi shrugged. Jungkook druggies Taehyung to the scene and made him take a photo of the fish and show him. Then he looked back at the pond and pouted, "He's gone!" He whined. "No he's not, your just to stupid to see him." Yoongi smirked.

"I'm not stupid! I just don't have the best eyesight!" He fought back. "No, you have perfect eyesight. Remember that time you could see that white goat standing in the middle of the snow when nobody else could? Your eyesight is fine your just mentally stupid." Yoongi said as-matter-of-factly.

"Enough arguing! We came here as a family to enjoy our time and get out of the apartments!" Jin scolded them. "Now shut it so I can take some handsome pics for ARMY." He sighed while posing. Namjoon smiled lovingly as he watched Jin take selfies. When the boy finally noticed him staring he looked quite confused, "What?" He asked.

Namjoon shook his head and chuckled lightly. "Nothing." He mumbled and looked away. But as soon as Jin was distracted by a butterfly, he couldn't keep his eyes from watching him. His dimples poked at his cheeks as he watched him fallowing the butterfly around.

"Yah butterfly come back! Wait!" Jin laughed while trying to snap a picture of the blue creature with wings. "Aish I give up." He sighed. Then he turned to Namjoon who was once again caught staring. "What?! Why do you keep staring at me, is there something on me?" Jin asked while looking at his clothing.

Namjoon walked up to him and kissed his cheek then whispered, "No your just beautiful that's all." Which made Jin a blushing mess. He gently moved a small stand of his hair out of his face while shifting his weight from foot to foot shyly.

His smile was all wobbly as his cheeks reddened by the second. "Oh please..." he mumbled while looking down to his feet. Namjoon smiled proudly as he saw how shy the boy got. His confident and sassy side had disappeared.

Taehyung was squatting down while taking a picture of a small green frog. "Hello....can I take a picture please?" He whispered softly. "Oh, I need you to look at the camera...." he slowly moved a little, not enough to scare the frog off but enough to gets its attention.

Jungkook saw him being so careful with taking pictures of a simple frog, it melted his heart. He smiled and walked closer, then he secretly took a picture of the boy with his phone. He saved it as his lock screen and smiled.

"Kookie." Taehyung whispered and waved him over. Jungkook gladly squatted down next to him and looked at the frog. "Isn't it beautiful? I've never seen a green frog this color before, and he has a brother too! He's blue!" He said gently while pointing at the two frogs who sat silently while staring back at him.

Jungkook nodded and smiled, "Yes. They are very beautiful, can I see the pictures you took?" He asked and Taehyung nodded eagerly while showing him the small screen. "Woah, they are so good!" Jungkook smiled making Taehyung blush pure red. "Baby look at this one! I've never seen a photo so good before! You might have to be my photographer!" Jungkook bragged and Taehyung couldn't keep himself from blushing.

"Oh stop it!" Taehyung shyly smacked his shoulder. "But I'm telling the truth! It's very pretty and the lighting is perfect, just like you." He winked and kissed Taehyungs's forehead gently.

Hoseok was happily rambling on about the fish, how he used to have one when he was younger. He told Yoongi how he had to let the fish go because he kept growing and got to big for there pond, and how heart broken he was.

Yoongi was biting back his smile as he listened to Hoseok's story. He thought it was so cute how much he still cared for a simple fish who wasn't even alive anymore. "And even today I can still remember him stopping and looking back at me before he swam off!" Hoseok said. His voice seemed like he was close to crying.

"I'm sure he missed you very much. And didn't want to leave just you didn't want him to leave." Yoongi finally let himself smile and grabbed Hoseok's hand while walking with him. "But there's no need to cry because you have him a better life by letting him go." He mumbled and wiped away the boy's tears.

"Yeah b-but I miss him! H-he was the b-best fish I've ever had!" Hoseok sobbed. Yoongi's heart sank seeing the small tears rolling down Hoseok's cheeks and he stopped walking and hugged him. "Look at me." He mumbled. Hoseok looked into his eyes and tried to stop crying.

"Mr. Noodle is swimming in the big waters with his friends. I bet you he's telling them about all those adventures you guys went on and how good of a friend you where." He smiled while wiping away Hoseok's tears. "Really?" He asked and Yoongi nodded.

He gently leaded Hoseok to the pond with the big fish. "Who knows, that could be his son. Maybe that's why he's been fallowing us around." He pointed at the fish who was indeed only fallowing them around. Hoseok looked at Yoongi, and the boy nodded and gently pushed him closer to the water. Then the sobbing boy walked over to the edge and leaned down while smiling.

"Hi Mr. Noodle Jr. I knew your dad a long time ago, he was very brave and strong. And funny. One time he spit pebbles out of my pond all because I wouldn't pet him on his head." Hoseok laughed as the fish came closer. "Mr. Noodle was the best friend I could ever have. I hope we can be friends too." He gently put his hand over the water.

The fish poked his head up, before diving back down. Hoseok stood up and walked back to Yoongi who was turned around to give them some privacy. "All done?" He asked and the boy nodded while taking his hand. "See? He is Mr. Noodle's son!" Yoongi yelled making Hoseok laugh.

Then Yoongi kissed Hoseok's cheek and they began waking away from He pond. Though when Hoseok stopped he back at the pond and saw the fish looking at him. He waved and continued walking with Yoongi's hand in his.

Jimin was staring at the open field that stood proudly before him. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Feeling warmth besides him told him that Chen was standing next to him.

"When we first debuted, I used to come out here all the time by myself. It's very quiet and relaxing." He smiled up at Chen. "It is..." Chen mumbled and looked down at Jimin. "You are..." he stopped and frowned.

"I just want to make sure your really happy. With me, with this relationship before it's to late. I want you to think about it, do you really want to get married? I understand if you don't since we are both so young. I just can't help but think that sometimes I don't even think before doing things and that you might not really be happy-" Jimin hugged him.

"How could I not be happy?" Jimin asked with watery eyes. "I've worked hard for the past seven years to achieve my dream. And now I have. Then I met the love of my life, and I'm soon to be married." He smiled and caressed Chen's cheek. "This is..." he paused.

"This is my entire life plan. When I was little I planned that I would become successful with my career. Then I would get married and start a family one day. And I've gotten this far!" His eyes got wide as he realized just how happy he really was. "And on top of that-" he gently pushed Chen away and walked backwards. Then he looked Chen up and down.

"On top of that, I'm getting married to- ok let me say it like this. ChenYoung, your seriously the man all ladies pray for!" He yelled. "Kind, gentle, caring, funny, hard working, understanding, good cook, good at cleaning, and good at pleasing. Baby best believe that I'm happy!" He screamed his last sentence making Chen laugh.

"Well that's good, I just wanted to make sure." Hen mumbled and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist. "Are you happy? Are you ready for our future?" Jimin asked while looking up at him. Chen pretended to be thinking, "hmmm...I don't know...let me think..." he mumbled and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"My fighting career has became a success and so has my company. I'm dating the most sexiest, sassiest, most wonderful little man in the world. I mean....yeah, I think I'm living the dream." He smirked as Jimin scoffed. "Thanks for the compliment, but...little man?" He asked offended. "I think you can see it." He said leaning down to his height.

"YES I CAN SEE IT!" Jimin yelled. "But that's not my fault! I'm the average height for a man and you can't tell me other wise!" He defended himself and Chen nodded. "Ok, ok, you win." He smirked while pulling him closer.

"So when we get married....we'll go on our honey moon." Chen's smirk grew wider, "I just can't help but think of it." He whispered. "And what exactly are you thinking about?" Jimin bit his lip. "Well I think you would look so good being tied up, blind folded, covered in my hickeys and bruises, begging. And the most exciting thing is....." he even looked excited trying to speak of it.

"The most exciting thing is the image of you, on all fours, cuffed, while crying, begging for me to touch you. Hand-prints all over your bottom." He licked his lips as he completely zoned out into his own little world. Jimin stood there shocked.

His face was tomato red as he fiddled with his fingers as the thought of it. He for some odd reason couldn't flirt back, as he felt way to shy.

Chen snapped out of his world and smirked down at Jimin. The nervous boy was breathing hard and was blushing like there was no tomorrow. "But for now," Chen's deep voice caught Jimin's attention. "For now, I'll be gentle and slow." He carefully picked Jimin up and wrapped the boy's legs around his waist while kissing him.

All four of the couples came walking back to each other. The subs where blushing and acting all shy while the doms had playful smirks on there faces.

"You guys ready to get something to eat?" Taehyung said nervously while trying to get away from the touchy Jungkook. "Yeah that's a good idea!" Jin yelled and ran to him. Then Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin all ran away from there boyfriends while gossiping.

"We did a good job." Chen smirked. "Yessir." Jungkook mumbled. The four fallowed the blushing and rambling boy's to the van as they drive into town.

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