Call of the Horses

By Claire909

5.3K 249 16

Darcy Taylor is a 15 year old girl who lives with her mother and father in their small, country home surround... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not A Chapter, Sorry

Chapter 27

116 4 0
By Claire909

Where is he?

Is he hurt?

Is he still alive?

Tears blur my vision while I canter Star out of the stable jumping her across the fence and into the forrest, I don't bother to wait for Daniel.

The person that stole Scoot from me is going to pay!  He's not my horse but I know this was targeted at me.

Was it Josh? He said he knew me and that I would pay for taking his horse away. When and if I find out if he stole Spook, I will personally deliver him to hell.

I start to hear hoofbeats behind me and look back and see Daniel galloping atop a ghost like horse, oh wait that's Pebbles.

"Darcy stop!!!" Daniel shouts.

I continue to urge Star into a faster gallop but soon realise...what's the point? I can't gallop away from Daniel when he's helping me instead. I sit back in the saddle and put slight pressure on the reins to slow Star to a hault.

Pebbles slows up next to us, nostrils blowing, sides heaving. Daniel pats the horse's sweating neck and rests, letting out a long sigh.

"Darcy...I'm sorry" he says finally breaking the silence.

"For what?" I ask through my teeth. I didn't mean it to sound so rude, its just with everything that has happened I'm definitely not the epitome of happy.

"For everything. For lying to you, for loosing Scoot, for being the biggest jerk in the history of jerks" he looks up and into my eyes. Worry and sadness clearly eatched into his features. Could he really care that much?

And that's why I found myself reaching over and pulling his hand from the reins and into mine. I found myself doing this simple gesture because I believed in his words and I believed he cared.

A small smile crept onto my face while a thankfull grin slid onto his angel like face. This simple spot in time seemed to define everything we could be, who we could be if we trusted in one another. But this spot in time had to finish when a shrill whinney pierced the muggy, still air causing Star and Pebbles to raise their heads and neigh back.

Almost as if we were joined in the mind, Daniel and I dropped the others hand and pushed the horses into a gallop, surging forward like rockets on steroids if that was even possible.

The smell of smoke soon wafted into our nostrils and the sound of country music soon floated into our ears...and then we saw the camp fire.

We slowed the horses down.

"Did you hear that!?" I voice boomed from the fire.

"Oh shut your trap you old bag it was the spirit horses you dimb wit" an older soundy female voice scoulds the other person.

Daniel and I slowly dismount and tie Star and Pebbles far enough away from the camp sight that they wouldn't be seen. Hopefully they wouod be quiet enough for us to sneek up on the people.

Behind a prickly bush, Daniel and I squatted and surveyed the area, trying to be as quiet as possible.

A camp fire lit up a dirt area which contained three tents, an orange/brown rusted oil drum which I'm assuming holds the people's water supply, a pile of what look to be rucksacks and a wagon and tied to the wagon were five horses.

A bay, a liver chestnut, what looks to be a blue roan, a palimino and a midnight black horse with four white socks that seem to glow in the darkness.

Beside the wagon was a very small pen holding a very frightened Scoot. At the sight of him I was ready to launch but Daniel placed his hand on my upper arm giving me a stern look.

"Are you sure these horses are alright?" The woman's voice cackles.

"Mother I told you, today at the clinic thing I saw those horses and they were fine" my blood boils at Josh's voice.

"Mummy can I have the blue one?" A little girls voice wafts through the air.

"Of course sweety you can have whatever one you like except for that gold and black one he's for your brother" the woman replies.

"Apparently her name's Moon" Josh scoffs and my blood runs cold then boils when I realise that they stole Moon as well as Scoot.

"I think that chestnut one will feed the dogs for a life time" the woman cackles greedily and I decide that I would personally like to deliver her to hell too.

I'm such a nice person with happy thoughts.

I glance at Daniel and realise he has a sad and terrified expression plastered atop his face and this seemed to seep into me.

"Are you alright?" I whisper at him.

"That chestnut is Kirby's horse Apollo. Kirby is six and three quarters. She doesn't deserve her best friend to disappear" his voice cracks and I can tell he's trying to hold back tears but even in the dim light I can still see the silver trail that that single tear left.

"We're going to get them back Daniel don't worry" I say but I realise I'm trying to convince myself more then him because to be truthful, I'm crapping myself.

"So what's the plan?" Daniel asks and that was the start of the 10 minute "Make a plan in 10 minutes" session.

Finally we decide to put the plan into action and get into positions. I creep up behind the rusted oil drum and squat down so I have a good view of the camp site.

I twist around and make sure that I have a clear path for my get away. Tall thick green bushes line a small rabbit track, perfect.

I turn back to the oildrum and press my hands against the rusted surface. I brace myself and push with my biceps and abdominal muscles, sending the oildrum slamming onto the ground and water splashing wherever it finds a path.

"What the flammin hell!" Josh screeches which puts a joyous smile across my face, take that you cruel cruel boy!

"Dang nabbit Josh I told you to stabilise that oil drum!" The woman shrieks as the water extinguishes the fire.

"Oh shut up and re-light the fire!" Josh growls, and in the gloom I see his figure moving through the darkness.

I take this as the signal to leave my current position  and get up and race down the track. Turning the corner I sprint over to the side where the wagon and pen stood, all five horses frantically pulling at the bonds that tie them.

I notice Daniel in the darkness quickly untying Apollo's lead rope while the black horse's lead is in the crook of his elbow.

I quickly tip toe over to Scoot and try and fined the gate. I realise it is on the side closest to Josh and who I am assuming is his family. I stick to the fence and creep around to the gate.

I get to the gate silently and unhook the rope off the post that is securing the gate shut. Scoot nickers softly and walks over to me.

Josh must be stupider than I thought because he kept Scoot's halter on him and left the lead rope on the fence, stupid dumb and dull are three of the many words that come to mind when I think of Josh.

I rip the lead rope from the fence and shove open the gate, snapping the lead rope onto Scoot's halter and leading him out of the pen.

"Cecilia go check the horses!" Josh demands and the sound of small feet could soon be heard pattering over the grass.

I finally meet up with Daniel who has all four horses. I quickly bounce up onto Scoot's back and motion for Daniel to pass me the lead ropes. He does, handing me two in each hand.

"See you back at the house" he whispers and I nod in response and watch as Daniel sprints off towards Pebbles and Star.

"Ok guys, lets get home shall we" I chuckle and sit up that bit straighter.

"And where the hell do you think you're going Darcy!" Josh's voice sets my heart racing and my palms sweating.

I slowly turn around on Scoot and come face to face with Josh and his sister Cecilia whose eyes were glittered with tears.

"Your not going to steal my horsey are you?" She snuffles.

"No, I'm not. I'm taking these horses back to their original owners missey, that act doesn't work on me sorry" I smile sweetly.

"Oh shut up!" She glares at me, making me let out a bust of laughter which rings with the feeling of triumph.

That's when I realise Josh. His right hand was grasping Scoot's black tail, BIG MISTAKE!

"Um...might not want to hold that" I point to Josh's hand.

"Oh shut up you big headed cow! Or should I say run away cow?" He laughs lowly.

"Alright, but I warned you" and with that I click at Scoot who starts to walk forward. As soon as his tail reaches its limits Scoot tries to keeps walking but Josh tugs it back.

Then, Scoot stops and turns around as if death glaring at Josh who just stands there smirking. He's so stupid!

Then, it happens so suddenly but Josh's agonising groan and him grabbing his stomach where Scoot kicked him was able to bring my eyes up to speed. I laughed at Josh who now lies on the grass gasping for air and Cecilia who just stands there gawking at me.

"Shut your mouth hun, you moght catch flie" and with that, I kick Scoot into as gallop, startling the other four horses but they soon catch up and we gallop away from the stupid family in the dark.

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