Hunted [ Completed ]

By Casualblonde

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First Xavier, and then the hunters. Will Riley ever be able to live a safe life, one where she doesn't consta... More

Author's Note
Important (book continuation)
Author's Note


314 21 3
By Casualblonde

I poked his cheek, once, twice until his eyes drag open slowly and stare at me sleepily. "Goodmorning!" I cried out happily.

"Go away." He glared at me before turning over and putting his back to me.

"Well thats rude!" I poked his muscular shoulder hard. He grumbled in protest and threw the blanket over his head. "Since when are you not a morning person?" Stepping off the bed, I make my way to the end of it where Brad's feet are sticking out from the blanket.

"Ever since you learnt how to kick my ass," His voice was muffled against the pillow. I heard him shuffle in the bed, stretching his arm out in search of me. "Wha...?" He poked his head out from under the blanket. "Where did you go?" His eyes settled on me, just as I lunged for him feet. Before he could pull them away I locked my hands around his ankles and gave a hard tug.

Seeing as he wasn't expecting it, he moved halfway down the bed, giving out a yell of surprise. "No!" He cried, grabbing onto the top of the bed.

"Get up!" I tugged on his legs even harder, a grin creeping onto my face as he shifted down even more, bringing the mattress with him. "I'm," tug, "hungry," tug, "and you need to make me food!" I gave one last tug and he fell to the floor. I jumped back as the mattress fell with him, pulling the blanket away from him.

"I hate you," He sighed, getting up from the floor. His words hit me harder than his joke should've. Turning away from him I walked towards the door. "Wait Riley!" Brad made a grab for my hand. "You know I didn't mean it that way, you're mine." He spun me around and pulled me into his chest. "But you already knew that."

With his free hand he pulled up my chin, making me look at him, before he leaned forward and captured my lips in a kiss. With that all sadness I had felt, left me, Leaving me to float on a cloud of pure bliss. He let go of me slowly but I leaned forward, eager for just one more. "What about food?" He whispered, pulling away from me.

I opened my mouth to reply but at just that moment, my stomach did it for me. Instead we moved towards the door, Brad's arm wrapped happily around my shoulder. The pack house was quiet, just like it had been this whole week. Even the house seemed to mourn for our losses. Avoiding looking at the blue door leading to a room belonging to Tom, I fought the urge to break down and resisted the pooling tears.

Brad sensed my emotion change because he walked a little quicker passed the door, spending no longer there than necessary. The kitchen hall contained many of the pack mates, all eagerly awaiting breakfast at small circular tables, yet there was little talk happening. A couple stood in a corner, whispering to themselves whilst others stood around awkwardly looking at one other.

Fed up I decided to do something about the deafening silence. "Alright that's enough." Everyone turned to look at me, shocked. I had hardly said a word to any one other than Brad these last few days so they had a right to be that way. "I know what happened, I saw the result. But do you think Tom would want us to be like this? To act like we all found out the world is going to end?" I was replied with silence.

"That's what I thought. We all knew Tom so does anyone remember a single time when Tom was silent?" More silence. "Exactly, so let's just carry on with our normal lives. No we aren't going to forget about him, rather we are going to live how he would've wanted to; happily." Elder Lilya looked at me gratefully, a comforting hand around her shoulder.

Brad moved me towards the counter, nodding in acknowledgement at the Alpha's sent his way from the pack. He dished up some food for me and then himself, carrying it outside through a glass sliding door. "I needed to tell you something." He said as we sat, referring to the reason we were outside. I took a bite of bacon before nodding.

"Okay," I said through a mouthful of food, "tell away." Swallowing I took another bite.

"I've arranged for us to meet your family." He looked worried, taking a small, tentative bite of egg. I did a double take, almost choking on my food.

"My real family?" I asked, flabbergasted that he would do that for me. I'm sure my mouth hung open and he could see all of my breakfast but I didn't care. "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm Brad. Pay attention!" He smirked at me and gave me a flirty wink that made my heart do backflip.

"I am going to resist the urge to slap you and let you re-answer that." I tried to keep a straight face but he actually looked scared of me. " 'Cause you know I can beat you now, right?" I smirked at him and he relaxed.

"Oh didn't you know?" Casually he took a bite whilst I cocked my head to the side at him. He looked up at me before continuing, "I let you win." I fake gagged.

"Oh whatever, you aren't that good of an actor!" Turning on my best impersonation of him I said; "Mommy, mommy! Help me, the big mean girl is hurting me!" I burst out laughing at his shocked expression, he looked like a fish!

"Okay, firstly," He leaned closer to me, making my heart flutter, and pulled out one finger. "I don't sound like that," He gave me a pointed look, "And secondly," He held out a second finger, "I didn't even say that!" He pulled back before finishing off his plate of food. "Nor will I ever say that."

"Oh really because I am sure the pack would back me up, considering how I took down their Alpha and all, I am sure they are terrified of me!" I smirked at him. We had gone completely off track to defend his manliness and I had forgotten all about meeting my family. "When?" I asked, grabbing onto his arm like an eager child.

"When what?" He cocked an eyebrow which I playfully replied to with a slap on his arm. He fake-grimaced and pulled his arm away from me. "Relax!" He put his hands up in a calming gesture, smiling at me teeth and all. "I planned to meet them this afternoon, around four hours from now actually."

"Thats so far away!" I lay down on my back with a groan. "How am I supposed to stay entertained until then?"

"Oh I have a few ideas," I looked at his smirking face. "But they involve a bed and doing something you don't want to." Gasping I slapped his arm, my face going bright red.

"You know how I feel about that right now!" I scowled at him, scolding him like a young child.

"And you know how I feel about it." He half whispered it to himself so I chose not to answer "You love to slap me lately, don't you?" He rubbed his arm and glared at me. I ignored him and looked up at the darkening sky.

"What a crappy day to meet my family."


Shifting anxiously from foot to foot, I stare out into the trees on our borderline. Waiting is something I'm not very good at and don't plan on practicing. Questions for my parents swirled around my mind to form an incoherent mess, I should've written them down!

"Riley, calm down, they will love you!" Brad gave me a supportive smile. "Besides if they don't, I still will." I glared at him and continued to watch for any sign of movement.

"How did you get hold of them?" I asked, the question suddenly springing to mind.

He inspected his nails. "I'm an Alpha," he proclaimed, "if I want something to be found out I just have to make a few calls."

"So who are they?" I asked eagerly trying to concoct a clear image of them.

"Oh, you would actually be surprised at who he is." He smirked, offering no extra information. "You have actually met him before." He smirked mysteriously. Before I could get a chance to ask him what the hell he was on about, I heard movement up ahead.

Two sets of feet were walking towards us slowly, in no hurry to get here. What Brad said made me think hard,who had I might that resembled me or showed any interest in me that way? I wracked my brain, searching every crevice for an answer, but drawing a blank.

Brad nudged me and I looked up at him. He was pointing just to his left from where the walking had come from. My eyes raked the area he was pointing in until a very familiar and unexpected person emerged with a giant smile on his face.


Who do you think it is? xD
Still haven't reached my ten votes and comments for the last chap which sucks because more than that have read it but I thought you deserved this chapter!

Stay beautiful xxx

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