The Mitchell Boys

Door FightingAndSurviving

446K 16.6K 4.6K

๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐. ๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ ... Meer

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 41

6.1K 270 42
Door FightingAndSurviving

I was still in a mood from Ash's reaction this morning. His reaction wasn't, as you say, normal. There was a glint in his eye and an air of hostility around him. Like at any moment he could have attacked someone.

I headed to my next class in confusion. Shouldering past people and muttering apologize, trying to analyze Ash's behavior. Which could be compared to analyzing different galaxies in space. Near impossible.

I walked into class and threw my bag into the floor. Sitting down with a huff. "What's up with you?" Josh asked me. I leaned my head back and looked at the upside down wall.

"Nothing, I'm just overthinking everything." I grumbled. Josh pushes my shoulder lightly, "stop, thinking hurts the brain. I prefer to just go with the flow. If god made me smart too there wouldn't be any straight men left."

I snorted and smiled at him, "true, I'll have to thank him for giving us peasants a chance." He combed a hand through his hair. "I know, this much beauty can be such a drag." He exasperated.

I chuckled while Loren rolled her eyes. "What are you fools talking about?" She sighed, "yes what are you talking about." A whimsical voice asked behind her.

She jumped in shock and turned to look at Leo. She grunted and sat in the seat next to me. Leo sat in his seat and turned to look at us. "So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow up.

"It's confidential, if we tell it'll put you and any others that over hear at risk." I told him seriously. Josh snorted and added on. "What she said. We're helping." Loren rolled her eyes. "Y'all are weird."

"Ignore her." A familiar masculine voice added while sitting down. I turned to glare at Austin, "Hey, what if I'm saying something of life threatening importance?" I faked rage.

"Then count your life threatened." He replied. I gasped in over exaggerated anger. "How dare you." I joked trying to ease my thoughts.

Everyone continued small talk while people flooded into the classroom. Random people I've never talked to came over and tried to join in. But they were mainly talking to Leo and Austin.

Once the teacher came in we did our usual. Nothing weird happened and no one died. But I was still distracted, still thinking about Ash.

Once I noticed no one was really paying attention I tapped Austin's shoulder with my pencil. He turned his head a bit to see who tapped him. Once he realized it was me he gave me a look that said, "what?"

Knowing it'll take too long to sign what I have to say I wrote it down quickly. I need to talk to you. I scribbled in a blank piece of paper and showed him.

He wrinkled his eyebrows and mouthed, "isn't that what we're doing right now?" I rolled my eyes and mouthed back, "yes but it's important."

He looked confused and mouthed, "what?" I tried again but he still didn't seem to understand. Useless. So I grabbed my paper once again and started writing. Until I heard my name get called.

"Christian, Austin, do you two have anything to share with the class?" The teacher asked us. I froze and bit my lip. "No ma'am. Nothing at all, continue this very educational lesson please." I replied.

It might have sounded a lot ruder then I meant. And the teacher didn't seem to appreciate that too much. I heard Austin sigh in exasperation, clearly coming to the same conclusion I did.

"Oh it's no issue. We clearly have time, so why don't you tell the class your important discussion." She chirped back. "Miss-" Austin started but I cut him off.

"Miss it's a bit embarrassing. But since you wanted to know so badly I was asking him questions for our science class. We have the same teacher." I started, Austin looked back at me with wide eyes.

"We just became partners and because I've learned this already at my old school I was asking him questions about the project we have to work on. I won't go into detail because I don't think the class wants to know how interspecie mating and just how the animals are birthed." I batted my eyes innocently.

"But if you want to I can. A male whale can actually impregnate-"

"That's enough." The teacher interrupted as laughter filled the room. "Next time focus and talk about science in your science class. Don't distract others. Back to what I was saying..."

Josh was laughing next to me and Loren had a smile on her face. Leo was chuckling and Austin had his face down. But I saw his shoulders moving up and down letting me know he found my little "show" enjoyable.

"Remind me to call you if I ever need to get out of trouble." Josh whispered in my ear. I whispered back, "bad move, with me around you'll probably get into more." I smiled at him even though it didn't reach my eyes.

Josh didn't seem to notice it and smiled back at me. We all started doing our work again and would whisper back and forth here and there. I would catch Austin looking at me from time to time but I pretended I didn't notice it. I also pretended I didn't notice the way it made me feel.

I was doodling on my paper when I looked back up. Austin was staring at me intensely, like he was trying to tell me something I didn't understand. I licked my lips because they felt dry and I saw Austin's eyes follow my tongue.

My breath caught and we just stared at each other. I had the strong primal erge to just grab him by that stupid tie and kiss him. My eyes widened at my thought, making me lose this staring contest. I quickly looked away and covered my red checks with my hands.

Why the hell did I think that? My hormones are wack right now. I haven't had sex since my break up with- "What did you get for your analysis?" Leo intruded my thoughts. He was turned and looking at me.

"Um, I, wait. What? Analysis?" I stated in confusion. My words jumbled from my earlier inappropriate thoughts. He just smiled, "Yeah, the political cartoons she put up." he said slowly with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Oooh, yeah. Haha, totally zoned out there. Which one did you want?" I asked, trying to hide my awkwardness. Loren and Josh were eyeing me. Josh had a smile on his face, clearly enjoying watching me embarrass myself. and Loren seemed interested but more on the annoyed side.

"The second one. I have no idea what is going on." He said honestly. I chuckled and told him the really shitty answer I wrote. "Honestly i didn't know either. Just decided to make an inference based on this week's lesson." I told him while he was looking at what I wrote. "Well clearly you're smarter than me. I thought it was some tentacle porn." I snorted loudly at his surprising answer.

"I don't even want to know how you thought it was tentacle porn. I feel bad for any mind readers in your classes." I said sarcastically. He winked at me and turned back towards the screen. Today was a boring lesson, we just took notes the whole time.

And I avoided looking at Austin the rest of the time. From embarrassment from my earlier thoughts and just because his gaze is distracting.

Class was almost over, so in the excess time we had to answer seven questions on the board for our exit ticket. She doesn't even look at them so i don't see the point. But i did it anyway just in case she actually did for once.

Some of the girls in class got up and walked over to Austin when they were supposedly done with their answers. Knowing them they didn't do anything and if they did they wrote one word answers.

One of Barbs lackies i recognized from dance led the pack. "So Austin, are you excited for the party coming up? It's going to be even better this year than last. I heard Barb mention that she might be adding a solo dance to the regiment." She was twirling her bleached blonde hair around her finger and had her voice an octave higher than her usual annoying screech.

Austin trying to be nice kept it cordial and had basic conversation with them. I could tell he was somewhat annoyed from when he would rub the back of his neck, to when he would click the mechanical pencil in his hands on his desk in irritation. I only know this because I read books about body language and I'm living with them. It's not as if i'm trying. I totally just lied to myself but i don't care.

What did in fact catch my interest was party. Old habits die hard I guess. "Josh, what party are they talking about?" I whisper asked. He raised his eyebrows at me, "I'm surprised, I thought you would know because you made the dance team." He said, seeming surprised.

"I do have a faint memory of Addy mentioning a party but she rambles at times. So I kinda zoned out. Spill." I demanded. The bell just happened to ring but I ignored it, wanting to know now.

"Well it's a tradition at this school for the cheerleaders and dance team to throw a massive party first and last semester for who makes the team. The cheerleaders only throw one first semester because theirs is final. But the dance team goes through members like fucking condoms." I snorted. "That was a god awful analogy." Loren said beside josh.

He just shrugged. But Loren continued from where he left off "Anyways, the party is mainly for people in sports or clubs. The captains of the teams will get a message saying when and where. The dance team will perform for everyone and it's fucking crazy."

Josh nodded vehemently, "I-" "Yo, wait up!" Leo called from a little behind us. He jogged to my side, "So, what y'all talking about?" He asked us. Josh looked a little irritated from being interrupted but wasn't able to say anything. "The party." Loren cut in seeming to be more excited.

"Oh yeah, i heard it's going to be crazy this year. Because you know senior year. Including Barb is kind of a perfectionist and would want everything to be bigger and better." He informed us. "You've gone every year right?" Loren asked Leo.

"Kind of, I didn't go the first semester of freshman year because I wasn't super big back then. But ever since I've gone." Josh finally joined back into the conversation, "I went junior year and the beginning of this year. All juniors and above and just go. Freshman and Sophmores have to be invited or part of a club that was invited. Less legal issues." He said nonchalantly. Like they weren't legal issues.

"That sounds cool, i love parties. Just not sure I can go." i forgot that they don't know anything about me really and said the last part instinctually. "Why? You're part of the dance team right." Loren said like it was obvious.

I forced a laugh and tapped myself on the side of my head, "Oh yeah. Oops, forgot." Then they started talking about the crazy shit that has happened since they got to this school. I can't even imagine bringing so rich that the cops don't come to stop the party but to keep unwanted people out.

While they were talking I was thinking about my parol. I can't drink, do drugs, be out past 12, and go to parties without chaperons. It fucking sucks balls but that was being let off easy after the accident. Some of the guys went to juvie. All I did was be forced to move and under watch for a few months.

"Well here's my class, talk to you guys later." I waved by to Josh and Loren as they kept walking but Leo stayed. "So, I know that you're new to this school, much less this neighborhood. And it might be a bit overwhelming." I snorted, "Yah think, I feel like Aladdin, street rat to the royal palace."

He smiled a really charming smile. No wonder people fawn over him almost as much as they fawn over the Mitchell's. "Well there's going to be a sports day of some sorts Friday, a big football game." I looked at him confused.

"Isn't football season over?" I asked him. He just smiled, showing a dimple on his cheek. He really is cute, if i wasn't trying to reform i totally wouldn't have minded tapping that. But only when me and my ex were taking breaks that weren't really breaks.

"Technically it is over, but football season isn't ever really over. We'll have fun matches at school. Varsity V.S Jv. J.v always get their asses whooped but it's fun." People were trying to get through into the room. I apologized and moved next to the door. I leaned against the wall and looked up at him.

"Is that all? Seems kind of boring to watch a bunch of kids get their asses kicked." I told him lightly. I think he's asking me out, but i'm not going to make it easy for him. "True True. But it's like a free for all, a bunch of sporting events happening at once. Anyone can join any sport even if they weren't on the team. Then there's music and even a stage for the more creative sports."

I raised my eyebrow, it actually sounded fun. "And why haven't i heard about this yet?" I asked sincerely. The warning bell rang telling people there was a minute before the final bell. "Most likely because you're new. Most people know about it here so it's never really talked about. So?" he pushed.

I smirked playfully, "So what? So, you should be heading to class? Or so..." I dragged on. He smiled, "So, would you like to go with me?" He finally asked.

Fuck class, im low key interested. It's been a hot minute since I was asked out or much less hard core flirted. I took a step closer to him and looked up, "What's in it for me?" By moving forward like that it put me at the door opening. Meaning that people inside of the class could see me.

"Well not only would you have a veteran showing you around, but you'll get good seats, and watch me dominate the freshmans asses." He leaned down a bit to make us meet eyes. He wasn't as tall as the Mitchells so I was able to see him easier.

"You strike a good deal Leo I don't know your last time. I'll relay the information to the boss and we'll get back to you. Now sir, go to class, you have less than 10 seconds." I said lightly pushing his shoulder.

He just smiled down at me, "So, is that a yes?" he asked again. "It's neither a yes or a no. Now go to class." He smiled again, "So it's not a no?" i just rolled my eyes, "My people will talk to your people, now go to class."

He started to walk backwards, "How will you contact my people?" He shouted when he was farther. "Messenger pigeon, keep your windows open at night!" I shouted back. The final bell just rang, he turned and started to run then stopped. "It's Mathews!" Then he took off running. Mathews? What is he talking about?

Whatever. I walked into class with a big smile on my face. Sure I didn't really know him but he was cute. And being asked out and flirted with did boost my ego immensely. I sat down next to Jordan who was looking at me weird and begrudgingly.

"What?" I asked defensively. "What the fuck was that about?" He snapped accusingly. "Why do i have to tell you anything?" I demanded. "Well you did yell the ending of your guys conversation into the hallway." He told me in a monotone voice.

I blushed and glared, "It's none of your business Jacob." I snapped back. He glared in confusion and stuck his neck out. "Who? What? Who the fuck is Jacob?" He hissed. "Shut up jacob." I drew out the jacob. It was one of my forms of disrespect.

"It's Jordan and what were you guys talking about." He demanded again. Trying to act like he wasn't phased by my clear disrespect. "Were you asked out, Chris?" Sara asked behind me. She sounded like she was trying to be nice but the look in her eyes made me suspicious.

Jordans head popped up and he looked at her, "What, no.Like anyone would ask her out." He hissed. Sara laughed and waved at him, "come one Jordan, she's a pretty girl. I'm surprised more people aren't chasing after you." She said in a somewhat condescending voice.

"Define asked out." I said while taking a lot of interest in my pencil. "Omg you did. Who was it, I couldn't make them out." I turned to look at her, ignoring Jordans gaze piercing a hole into my head.

"I wasn't asked out. I was offered to be shown around at the sports day thing. He's just being nice." I told her begrudgingly. I don't want more hate from the girls after finding out the schools #2 and I flirted.

I stopped answering her questions and started writing whatever the teacher did on the board. "So who was it?" jordan asked me quietly in french. "It was no one, now do your work." I replied quietly. I don't even know why I'm giving him the time of day.

I heard him sigh and I saw him run his hands through his hair, "I'm sorry, I'm just irritated from my last class and I'm taking it out on you. I just hate not knowing things.'' I stared at him in shock. Not expecting him to apologize, now i feel bad.

"It's fine, I guess I could have been nicer." I muttered to him. I saw the corner of his mouth raise. "So, what irritate you?" I asked him, not expecting him to answer.

"It's not that big of a deal, I'm just pissy. Just some more annoying girls again." I waited to see if he was going to add anything. "That sucks, how were they being annoying. I mean girl power and all but i wouldn't be opposed to punching some girls in the face here." I sighed longingly. I would really like to punch Barb.

He snorted, "The sincerity in that one line, guess some people are giving you a hard time." I gave him a look like he didn't just say that. "Says one of the main offenders." He raised his hands in surrender, "I bought you coffee, you can't be mad at me."

"Jordan. Christian. Stop talking unless you want to stay after class and actually have something to talk about." The teacher snapped. "Yep, sorry. I understand no talking." I pretended to zip my lips and throw away the key.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance but continued the useless lesson. "So, who were you talking to?" Jordan pushed. I pointed at my lips and mimed that I didn't have a key. He glared at me but I just shrugged. Too bad pretty boy.

Just to rub some salt on the wound I wrote, maybe later jacob. On a piece of paper and slide it over to him. I thought I saw steam come out of his ears once he read that. Oh that felt good. I stuck out my tongue then doodled in my notes. But from the corner of my eye I saw Sara glaring at me.

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