𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭�...

By choitomie

439K 12.9K 3.2K

𝖂𝖍𝖔 𝕳𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗? ~ℐ ℊℴ𝓉 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓅ℴ𝓌ℯ𝓇. Enter, Sunako Hamada. A girl who paved her... More

Character Information
Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Character Costume Information
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Part Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Part Three
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Four

14.5K 387 120
By choitomie

I walked along the long hallways of UA Academy. I was trying to find my classroom, it said in the letter that I was placed in Class 1-A. My mind was cautious and a tad bit paranoid. I did not know anybody from this school, I don't even see a single person that I might recognize from the entrance exam. Sighing, I fastened my pace, hoping to make it early to class. I arrived a bit early than the designated time, just to ease my nerves. I came across a very intimidating door, on the door was painted "1-A". This must be it, I thought. Without further ado, I opened the door calmly, my expression is blank, trying not to show my nerves. Almost all students were already here, only four seats were blank. The third was meant for me, I guess.

Without making any eye contact, I made my way towards the back, where a blank seat behind a boy with red colored hair was sitting. I sat down quietly, releasing the breath that I did not know that I was holding. Beside my right, was a blank seat, I looked around the room, scanning the people around me. They sure does have their own unique appearances, was my impression. Especially the person beside my left, he has a bird head? It's amazing how quirks can manipulate an individual's appearance. There was a shouting that broke me from my thoughts, it was happening on the far frontal left of the room. It was the guy from the entrance exam, the one with the glasses who has an engine like on his legs. He was yelling at a blond guy, who has his feet perched up his desk, it was such a lousy posture to have, I thought, the children from the orphanage was much more disciplined. But I decided that it did not matter, these people have different lives than I do. Regardless, it made me more certain and hesitant to attempt to make friends. They are both a competition and a companion, at least for me.

Snapping out of my thoughts, the tall guy was now talking with someone by the door. Was it that kid who saved us from the collosal robot? He is, and here he is, at the same class as I am. We both most likely got in because of rescue points.

"Hey there! I'm Kirishima, and we're seatmates!" The guy in front of me said loudly, once again breaking me out of my thoughts. He turned in his seat, facing me now, I decided that it would be rude to simply acknowledge his introduction. "Oh, well my name is Sunako Hamada, you could just call me however you want." I replied, less enthusiastic than his tone.

"You're kinda familiar, you know" He said, pausing for few seconds as if he was thinking hard.

"Oh, I remember! You're the girl who saved us from the debris! Yeah,  I remember you. I was prepared to take some hit you know, then suddenly the debris heading my way stopped mid air! Totally awesome!" He exclaimed, by now he gained some attention.

The guy next to me turned his gaze towards us, even the girl next to him did. I tensed, "Yes, I am." My reply was short, as I had no more words to say.

"That was very manly of you, really!" He said once more. Then our short conversation was cut short when a person in the front started speaking. He was in a yellow sleeping bag of sorts, how peculiar. Was he our teacher?

The three students, with the additional of a girl with a short hair, sat down in their seat. Two of whom were near me, in fact the guy with the glasses is seated next to me, then the girl is behind him.

"All of you change into your gym uniform, then gather to the P.E. grounds. We have an activity, don't take too long." He announced, then dropped to the floor with a thud, then rolled out the door. It was a very strange start to say the least. Not one that you would expect. Nevertheless, we piled out the door to change into our clothes, the whole process was in silence, no one was talking with each other, save for a few girls muttering to themselves.


The P.E. grounds was massive. It stretched far, including buildings and such. We were gathered in front of our teacher, whose name turned out to be Mr. Aizawa. He had left his sleeping bag, now a white scarf engulfed his neck, reaching up to his chin. He's holding a device in his hand. "This is going to be a Quirk Assessment Test." He drawled out, almost as if he's tired.

"A quirk assesment test? How about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" The girl from earlier asked.

"If you're going to be a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how teachers run their classes." He told us.

"You kids have been doing these since Junior High right? Physical fitness test, where you weren't allowed to use your quirks." He continued. Well I don't really have an experience of that, for the majority of my education, I was homeschooled, and my P.E. was only my quirk training, if you consider that. But I knew enough.

The blond guy from earlier stood in the circle, holding a ball. "You can do it however you want, as long as you stay in the circle." Mr. Aizawa said. Then he reared his arm back, threw it forward with a blinding explosion.

"Die!" He shouted along. Die? How amusing.

I simply raised my brow, it was no doubt that he's quirk is amazing. Wonderful, really. The other students had their mouths open in shock, except for the guy that I'm standing next to. Another one of the students who has a unique look in them. This one has two colors in his hair, one red, the other is white. His expression is blank, but his eyes seem to hold a bit of it in them. I looked away from him, I don't wanna seem like I was observing him. Well I was, but he might take it the wrong way. The blond guy, got a 705 meter count. Impressive, I bet I could do as much as he did. As long as I had my eyes solely trained on the ball, then I could move it forwards as far as it could go.

"Whoa! It looks so much fun!" Someone from the crowd exclaimed. A few others joined in. Fun? This is supposed to be a test, I doubt any kind of fun would be partaken in.

"It looks fun, huh?" Mr. Aizawa had cut in, silencing the others with his tone.

"You have three years to become a hero, will you have an attitude like that the whole time?". The air tensed, he's right, and we know it.

"All right, whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged with no potential and will be punished with expulsion." He announced, gasps were heard among us, this is simply unbelievable. My nerves were shot, somehow the fact that expulsion is possible made me even more nervous than the idea of me being at a low spot.


Test 1: 50 meter dash

We stood in line, the guy who went first got a shocking 3 second dash. Everybody had tricks up their sleeves. I was third in line, paired up with the person that introduced himself to me earlier, Kirishima, his name I think. I was still trying to figure out how to use my quirk for this test. I couldn't possibly lift myself across as that doesn't really count as dashing, right? So many things have come up in my head, most of them were just plain absurd. I guess the best bet that I have is to will my two legs to move faster. I haven't really tried my telekinesis on myself just yet, but as long as I have a vision in my head then I guess I could make it work. We were next to go, I wrung my hands together then shook them.

"Hey it's you! Guess red heads gotta stick together, am i right?" He said, humor is in his tone,  somehow I didn't find it annoying, it actually made me chuckle wholeheartedly.

"Guess you're right." I said with a shrug. We stood on the starting line, we prepared our stance. I lowered my left knee then put my fingertips on the floor. Activating my quirk, a red glow emitted from my hands then swirled around my legs up to my torso.

Kirishima turned his gaze, "Whoa, how manly! Even your quirk is red!" This time I didn't pay him any attention, I put my focus on the tracks.

"Ready, set, and go!"

Once those words were uttered, I made a dash for it, I brought my hands near my hips, moving my legs in a coordinated fashion. The wind picked up around me, a sign that my trick is working. I made it to the finish line, slowing my pace to a halt. I bounced on my feet, then looked around for Kirishima. He was just right behind me, his legs looked different though, like they were rocks of some sort, and the ground behind him had light craters in it.
"4.20 seconds" The machine announced the numbers that I got, not bad I suppose.

I turned to Kirishima, "If you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" I asked him.

"My quirk is hardening, it's literally what it is. I can harden parts of my body. How about yours? Though I already have a guess." He replied.

"It's telekinesis, though I can blast energized 'hexes'." I told him, putting air quotes when I said the word 'hexes'.

"How cool is that?". He exclaimed.

"Gather round in the gym, it's time for the Grip test." Mr. Aizawa told us.

At the gym, we were supplied with a Grip Strength device of a kind. All we had to do was grip the handle with all our might. This might be my weakness, I did not have strong muscles at all. My exercises were running, push-ups, swimming and other endurance types. I never really did focus of building up my muscles and my physical strength. Well, this is a quirk assessment test, I could use my quirk. Gripping the handle, a red glow emitted once again from my palms,   I pushed the handle, my quirk made everything easier. I pushed and pushed until my limit, my hands strained then I let go. Releasing a breath, I looked at the numbers on the side. '399 kilograms', that was surprisingly a good number, I expected less due to my lack of strength, my quirk must have done all the work then. Putting the device away, I went on ahead with the others to the next test.


Six more tests had gone by, and by the time that it was done, all of us had gotten exhausted. I only ever used my quirk for a half of the test, they really came in handy when the fifth test rolled around. It was a typical ball throw test, only our quirk was allowed to use. When it was my turn, I made the ball fly as far as it could go.


"Hamada, it's your turn. Step up the circle and make sure that you stay in it." Mr. Aizawa called out to me.

I emerged from my spot from beside the dual colored hair guy. I stood inside the circle holding the ball, I could feel my classmates' eyes watching me, it only increased my nerves. I took a deep breath, I used my quirk to hold the ball mid air, it sat hovering between my two hands. Red wisps wrapped around it, a red spherical mass of energy hovered in my palms. Taking two steps backwards, I threw my right arm back, then thrusted it forwards. The ball soared through the air, spinning while being covered in red wispy glows. I kept my hands raised, two of my fingers were curled. I kept my keen eyes solely focused on the ball, keeping it flying through the air.

When the ball had become too small for me to see, I let go of my hold on it. I put my hands down, my quirk deactivating.
I turn back towards my classmates, walking back towards my spot.

"Oh man, that was so awesome! I thought it would never stop!" Kirishima exclaimed, patting my back as I stood next to him.

"696 meters, whoever's next better hurry." Mr. Aizawa announced.

"Amazing, Hamada-san. You got over 600!" The girl, who has brown, short hair, said to me while lightly clapping her hands.

"Thanks." I replied with a nod on my head. I turned away from her, once my attention focused, I felt someone's gaze on me. It was the two colored hair guy, he was looking at me with a mild expression, though I can't really tell. I simply raised my brows at him, then looked away.

We continued on to the next tests, slowly getting tired and exhausted. The results were nearing as we finished each of the tests.

End, Scene

We finished minutes ago, we are now gathered in front of Mr. Aizawa.

"The test is simply the marks you got from the tests. It'll be a waste of time to explain verbally, I'm just going to show it to you."

As he finished, a hologram appeared behind him, showing all the results to all of us. I scanned the board, trying to find my name. I found it in seconds, I got the fifth place. I felt relief but dissapointed at the same time. Fifth place wasn't bad out of 20 talented students, but it simply wasn't good enough for me. I was aiming for the first place, maybe even the second place. I sighed, there is still time to improve. Speaking of ranks, I looked at the board again, the person who got the last place was someone named Midoriya Izuku. He's the guy from the entrance exam, why did he get in the last place?

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. You're dismissed." Mr. Aizawa drawled out. Noises of confusion were heard, my expression turned into bewilderment. That was something completely out of the blue. Either he realized something, or he said it to motivate us.

After changing into our regular uniforms, the day was over. We'll get to know our other subject teachers tomorrow. I heard that the Top Hero, All Might is going to be teaching us. The real thing starts tomorrow, there's no doubt about it. And this time, I won't hesitate.


A/N: So that was the first day. Yes, I replaced Koda, I apologize for his fans but I had to do it. I actually want Sunako to be bros with Kirishima because I enjoy his character so much. I hope I did well on portraying class 1-A's personalities with my writing. I'll get her to interact with more of her classmates. So the next chapter will be the hero basic training, which is the real thing.

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