Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts

5.1K 97 23
By iliqblack

Little by little the frantic beat of blood in the temple calmed down and the heart returned to its place in the chest. Omer rolled onto his back and carried Defne along with him. She snuggled into his long, muscular body and pressed her cheek to his chest. His heart was beating under her ear. Measured and clearly. At first often, but every minute more calmly and quietly. This sound was more beautiful than any melody. And his hands, which gently hugged her and brushed her hair, were most welcome. And the tenderness and gratitude that now welled up in her chest, the most sincere.

"Thank you ..." she whispered.

- For what? He asked, quietly.

Defne laid her bent elbows on his chest and rested her chin on her fist. Looking into obsidian black eyes she answered:

"Because you are you." For not giving up on us. For enduring my doubts. For stubbornly day after day, stifling your pride, you proved your feelings. That you didn't give me a divorce. That followed me into the neighborhood and lived there without complaints and indignation, - Defne smiled slyly. "For enduring Sabrina's claims."

Omer rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"As I recall, I was startled," he shivered. "And you, not helping me, only giggled."

"It was so funny," Defne answered his complaint, and her laughter sounded like overflowing bells. "You were so scared, and she was so pushy."

Omer squeezed her hands harder. It was as if afraid that his unpredictable wife would want to escape. And honestly admitted:

"I was afraid that you would be jealous."

- From whom? From Sabrina? – Defne's giggle turned into laughter, and her redhead again fell on his chest. Calming down, she wiped away the tears that appeared in her eyes and enlightened her husband. "My dear, I may be silly, but not a fool!"

Omer, with the speed of a hurricane, turned on his stomach and pressed Defne to bed. Holding his torso on his elbows, he stared intently into the laughing eyes and asked:

- Then why were you jealous of Iz?

Her giggles melted, and the smile slowly faded. Defne shrugged a thin shoulder and replied:

- This is Iz ... Beautiful, talented, daring ... special. Your first love...

"Silly," Omer leaned over and kissed her swollen lips, and then rolled onto his side and pressed Defne's head to his chest.

"You are the most special." You are my Love. My soul. Iz - was my childhood. I have never experienced a tenth of what I feel for you.

Defne threw back her head and looked into his face.

- True? She asked trustfully.

- True! He answered and kissed her cool forehead.

Defne hugged him around the waist and, not ceasing to smile, pressed her cheek to his broad and warm chest. Omer gently stroked her back. Defne purred with pleasure. His fingers, touching almost weightlessly, slowly began to stroke the sharp bones of her spine.

"How skinny you are ... It's my fault," he whispered repentantly. While he was licking his wounds in Marseilles, his girl was suffering from unbearable heart torment. Can he ever forgive himself for this? Omer sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

Defne heard. And guessed the reasons. But what was - passed, and no longer matters. She doesn't want Omer to suffer guilt and torment himself for what they were both to blame. She doesn't want the mistakes of the past to overshadow their present.

But persuasion and assurances that he is mistaken, now certainly will not help. But something else...

Defne gently tickled him on the ribs and mocked:

"Of course it's your fault." There was a covered table in the gazebo, I am hungry as a wolf, and you feed me with conversations.

Omer jerked up in bed. Defne involuntarily had to do the same. Holding a sheet on her chest, she looked at her husband with innocent eyes. He was scared and upset.

- Do you want to eat?

"Yeah," Defne nodded and made a mournful grimace. - Very.

- My Sunshine! What am I an unfeeling fool?

Omer jumped out of bed and, naked swept around the room. He pulled out his pajama trousers and, jumping on one leg, tried to get the other in his trouser leg. It was so funny that Defne covered her mouth with her hand and burst out. Always accurate in movements, unhurried Omer in a hurry pulling clothes - yes it's better than any movie. Too bad it is a short one. Long legs and strong buttocks finally hid under gray cotton and Defne sighed in disappointment.

Omer kissed her white shoulder and disappeared behind the door. She slyly looked after him and crawled out of bed to bring herself into a divine form. She would not have dinner wrapped in a sheet! When Omer returned with a tray full of goodies in his hands, Defne, in light green, silk pajamas, sat cross-legged on the bed and impatiently tapped her lips with her index finger.

Placing the tray in the middle of the bed, Omer sat exactly in that position and nodded at the food:

- Come on, start!

Defne rubbed her palms and reached for the fork. Picking up a piece of something pink-white and divinely smelling from her plate, she put it into her mouth and half-closed her eyes with pleasure.

- What is it? - swallowing she asked.

Omer bit his lower lip and smiled slyly with one corner of his mouth. Devils danced in his eyes. Defne was wary. Squinting suspiciously, she asked:

- What?

- Remember, once you didn't like one dish at all?

"Is it a red monster with huge claws?" Defne looked incredulously at the plate. The white-pink hill looked quite harmless. - This is it? - Omer nodded guiltily. "And you ordered it for me?"

"Sorry, my love," Omer bowed his head repentantly. "I ordered food at Alp's restaurant," I asked to submit everything that they have the most delicious. Whitefish and lobster mousse is a favorite on their menu. So it got on the tray. And for some reason, you chose it from the whole variety of dishes.

"Beautiful because," Defne sent another bite of mousse into her mouth. - And, as it turned out, delicious.

"Does this mean that next time we can order lobster in a restaurant?" Omer asked hopefully.
"No," she answered, cracking down on the pink and white mousse.
- Why?!
"His claws don't inspire me with confidence."
Allah! Well, how can you not love her?"Okay," Omer agreed and winked. - We will eat lobsters in the form of a mousse.

- I am for it! - Defne easily agreed and pointed with a fork at the drenched white lumps. - And what's that?

"Foie gras," Omer answered and explained: " Pâté de foie gras goose liver in a creamy sauce."

- Goose? - Defne grimaced. - In creamy? Nah. I definitely won't try.

- In vain. This is very tasty," Omer sent a piece of foie gras into his mouth.

"I believe," Defne agreed easily and reached for a thin slice of ham.

Together, they emptied the tray. Omer put it down on the chest of drawers, turned off the overhead light and lit candles. With a refined movement, he opened a bottle of champagne.

Defne watched, fascinated, as a golden liquid fills tall, narrow glasses, how a chain of tiny bubbles is born at the bottom and run to the surface. How the sparkling wine shimmers in the shaky light of the candles.

Omer handed her a glass. He looked Defne in the eyes with a burning gaze, and when her fingers grasped the goblet, he touched the edge of her glass with his own. The crystal rang and Omer said huskily:

- For us!

"For us," Defne echoed.

The whispering bubbles tickled the tongue. Defne wanted to hold them in her mouth, but they melted, leaving behind an aftertaste of happiness. And she took the next sip ... and the next. She closed her eyes to more fully experience the heady taste of wine, its icy freshness and that slight dizziness that covered her after the first sip. She was flying. Free from anything that in the last year was tied like a stone to her feet. She could love him again. Openly and unreservedly. With all her heart.

Omer forgot about champagne. His eyes were fixed on Defne's face. It changed every second. The eyelashes of closed eyes flinched, the wings of the nose fluttered, a smile wandered on her lips. She brought champagne to them, drank a sip, and Omer also swallowed thirstily. Excitation returned at the speed of an avalanche, and he could no longer control it. He didn't want to. It came ... their time to love and enjoy their love.

Defne, throwing her head back, drank champagne. Omer, not taking his burning eyes from her, drained his glass with one gulp, took hers and put both on the floor.

Defne fell back on the bed. And it seemed - like into a cloud. The body became weightless, thoughts dissolved. She did not think, only felt. Omer's hands on her lap, the severity of his body, the trembling of impatience, the crack of torn silk fabric and hot palms on her chest. An incoherent whisper in the ear and fire kisses from the collarbone along the neck to the chin and lips. His demanding mouth absorbed her lips. He had a taste of champagne ... a taste of happiness ... Defne groaned and reached for his bold lips and hands ... gave herself to her Omer ... her beloved husband ... with every cell, every breath ... penetrated his skin and did not understand - he was in her blood, or she was in his. It seemed to her - she could not stand such an acute pleasure, she would die ... become clouds and stars above them. And she clung to his shoulders and begged, she did not understand what. But Omer understood. His movements became sharper. On the hands that rested on the bed holding the torso, the veins swelled and the muscles turned to stone. A stronger push ... more ... Defne arched and screamed. Omer's growl echoed. He pressed her whole body to the bed and dropped his head near her neck...

There was silence in the room, broken only by Omer's uneven, hoarse breathing. Defne, without opening her eyes, quietly asked:

"Have we returned yet?"

- Where from? - hiding his face in her hair, he asked indistinctly.

"From the seventh heaven ..."

Omer raised his head and looked into her eyes blurred with pleasure. He shook his head and answered:

- Not. We are now registered there forever...


The first morning of the Iplikci family made its way into the room with ticklish sunrays. They kissed their bare shoulders: slender, milky white and dark-skinned, muscular. They tickled the hugged bodies. Climbed between closed eyelashes and demanded - wake up! A new day has come. It is waiting for you to give the life that you dreamed about.

Defne woke up. Without opening her eyes she smiled calmly and lightly. She reached out and threw back her head. She was fine. Not just good, great. The body basked in a pleasant languor, and the soul fluttered. High-high. Higher than clouds. And, for the first time in her life, she was not afraid to fall. Fears, grievances, doubts - everything is gone. Happiness was pure and complete. Like spring water. Defne absorbed it like a dry sponge - greedily, deeply. Every cell. Every pore.

And when Omer's lips covered her, she opened hers and reached for him. Without opening her eyes. Listening to that sweet thrill in the stomach that his hands and lips gave. Affectionate and light, it grew, got stronger, it covered her whole body. It turned into a frantic, raging wave, which with each push of Omer grew higher ... higher ... lifted her to heaven and weightlessly lowered into the warm sea waves.

"Good morning," Omer whispered.

Defne opened her eyes. Huge, deep, shining. And she smiled so that fanfare sang in Omer's chest. Without disconnecting their bodies, he easily kissed her on the lips and said:

- Thank you...

- For what? - Now Defne was surprised.

"Because you believed me and took a chance ..."

A guilty expression appeared on his face. He took air into his chest and admitted:

- Although I put pressure on you, I understood in my soul how hard it was for you. I understood, but could not accept ... because without you... - he exhaled and shook his head. But the next second his eyes lit up with tenderness. - And when last night, in a white dress, you came to me among a scattering of lights ... so beautiful and mine ... I was the happiest person in the world. Yesterday evening ... night ... this morning is a dream come true. The biggest dream...

Defne was melting. Omer said exactly what she, who loved him with crazy, unconditional love, so wanted to hear, but suppressed this desire in herself. After all, he is the magnificent Omer Iplikci. And she's just Defne. Plain girl. But now she realized - he loves her indefinitely. Her! Just Defne.

She smiled and said in a voice hoarse with feelings:

- So it's time to choose a new dream.

The tenderness in Omer's eyes turned into fire. He penetrated deeper into her body and exhaled:

- Yes! It's the time! - And his mouth fell on her lips swollen from kisses.


It was already noon when fresh after the shower, happy and very hungry, they went down to the kitchen and pounced on the refrigerator. It was filled with all kinds of goodies. Taking everything out in a row, Omer put on a table in the dining room olives, cheese, fruits, sliced meat and vegetables, and other delicacies that made him salivate.

Defne was cooking on the stove. An omelet was hissing gaily in a pan, in a coffee-pot, coffee raised a cap of foam, an electric grill spread throughout the room the breathtaking aroma of toasted bread.

Omer, licking his lips at these scents, complained:

- Well, how much longer? Аnother minute and I can't answer for myself. I will eat you.

She threw back her head and laughed merrily, and then, raising her eyebrow a little, shot him a look and asked:

"What if I eat you first?" - but when she saw how his face changed with lightning speed, she raised her hand in a stopping gesture and demanded: - Immediately remove the fire from your eyes. We will not return to the bedroom!

- And who's talking about the bedroom? Purred Omer.

He deftly turned off the burners and, grabbing Defne by the waist, set her on the kitchen table. He sank between her knees and covered her lips with his own. Defne answered the kiss, but when the bold Omer reached for the buttons on her white and blue striped shirt, she stopped his hands. She pulled away and whimsically declared:

- I want to eat. And then to walk around the island. And then to watch the sunset over the sea. And then admire the stars.

"I can raise you to the stars," Omer reminded her in a velvety voice and bit her little pink earlobe.

But Defne was inexorable. She pressed a hand to his lips and cooled the ardor of the insatiable husband:

"After we take a good look at them."

"You are cruel," Omer muttered and took her off the table.

Defne smiled slyly. She will not admit that, but from his kisses, her knees tremble and her legs give way. If he had shown a drop of perseverance and she would not give a damn about food, walk, sunset and stars.

When, after lunch, they were full and satisfied, they went outside, the sun was already shining at its zenith and the day was hot.

Defne rolled up her shirt sleeves higher, put on her baseball cap backward and cocky turned to her husband:

- Well? What are we doing?

He winked and exactly repeated her gestures: he rolled up his sleeves and, from the sight of his strong, dark forearms, the butterflies that had been sleeping in Defne's stomach, revived and stirred again; he put the baseball cap backward, and her heart began to beat in her throat. And when he put his sunglasses on his nose, she melted like ice cream at sultry noon.

- Do you know how to ride a bike? Asked Omer.

- A? - answered Defne fascinated. - I can ... probably.

Omer laughed. He hugged her by the shoulders and led along the path to the barn located behind the house.

- So you know, or probably? - asked cheerfully.

Defne hugged him around the waist. Adjusting herself to his wide male step, she marched alongside and answered the question on the go:

- In childhood, I tried. Then somehow there were no opportunities. And what, we will ride bicycles?

Her voice rang mixed with apprehension. And childhood impatience. And anticipation. This cocktail of emotions made Omer rejoice like a boy. Allah! How he loved to bring joy and pleasure to his Defne. More than anything else.

He opened the wide barn door and pulled out two bicycles. One male, sports, the second - female, with a beveled frame and a convenient arrangement of brake levers.

- Are we going? - Omer nodded to the dirt road, which began behind the barn and was lost among the pine trees.

"We're going," said Defne confidently, taking a deep breath.

She quickly recalled her childhood skills. But still, the fear of falling made her movements constrained. Defne clung to the steering wheel with all her strength and tightly controlled it every move. Omer rode a little behind and carefully watched his wife. Realizing that in this situation, she would not get any pleasure from riding, he asked her to stop. Having approached end-to-end, rested his foot on the ground, bent to Defne and kissed her. Tension instantly left her stiff muscles. She flew again. Free and easy.

Omer let go of her lips. He smiled encouragingly and said:

- Relax. Trust your body. It knows what to do. And you - look around and have fun.

She did so. Let go of fear. She forgot about control. She set her face in the warm wind and flew forward like a bird. Omer, laughing, pressed on the pedals, in two rotations caught up with her and rolled next. They examined the surroundings, exchanged jokes and rejoiced from a feeling of complete freedom.

As it turned out, the house only at first glance stood out of the way. But in reality, after some ten minutes, the couple in love was already entering the picturesque town. It was calm and quiet. It seemed that life in it had stopped in the century before last. White, more reminiscent of mansions, houses. Antique, hung with hanging flower pots with blooming geraniums, cafes. On narrow, paved streets, horses and horse-drawn landaus and bicycles. And only shorts with T-shirts dressed on passers-by, and even mobile phones in their hands reminded that it is still the 21st century.

Leaving their bikes in the parking lot near a colorful cafe, Omer and Defne stopped by for tea. They chose a table on a street terrace twined with wild grapes. The afternoon sun shone through the leaves and Defne, squinting her eyes, gladly turned her face. A ginger cat came up to their table. Purring and arching its back, it began to rub against Defne's legs. She leaned toward the cat and stroked between its ears.

- Hello, friend! - she cheerfully greeted and asked: - You felt a soul mate in me and came up to say hello?

It purred louder, jumped into a nearby chair, took the pose of the sphinx and stared at Defne with big green eyes.

"Holy heaven," Omer said indignantly. - I got a rival. Hey friend, he turned to the cat, do not look at her like that. Otherwise, I will be jealous.

Defne threw back her head and laughed. She stroked the cat, kissed Omer on the cheek and with a grateful smile took tea from the waiter who approached their table. She was so cute, spontaneous, real, that Omer had a tingle in his chest. The desire to protect her, to keep her safe, to love turned into an obsession. He wanted her to be happy every minute and second of her life. So that the pain never fogged her eyes again. To make her smile. Gentle, affectionate, cocky, mocking. Just to smile.

For some reason it became scary. Thoughts about people who might cause his Defne evil or offend made him frown. Driving them away, he ran a hand over his face and took a sip of tea. But Defne noticed. She covered his hand with hers and, stroking his thumb with her finger, asked:

- What's wrong with you?

Chasing away bad thoughts, he shook his head and smiled.

- Everything is fine, my love. What do we do next?

- Then we will ride in a carriage! Defne ordered fervently. "I always dreamed of doing it." So that the beautiful horses clatter their hooves and shake their mane, and I, like a princess, sat in a carriage next to the handsome prince. True, - she looked at her shorts and shirt, - the outfit is not quite like a princess, but the prince is the real one.

All fears and doubts vanished. Omer laughed, got to his feet and pulled Defne's hand behind him. She only had time to look around and send the ginger cat a kiss.

Among the open landau and phaetons, Omer still found the real carriage. Wooden, with a figured roof, gilding on the doors and red velvet seats. He paid for a two-hour trip and the horses, with long manes and fringes on the foreheads, briskly pulled the carriage with their passengers. Omer, who knew the island well, hugging Defne's shoulders, told her about the sights and interesting facts of history. She listened and asked dozens of questions, which at times led her husband to a standstill. And then she teased at his confusion. She teased and laughed, and Omer acted in the only right way - he covered her mouth with a kiss and at these moments for both of them the island, carriage, horses and the rest of the world ceased to exist.

Having traveled around the city, the coachman dropped off his passengers near the familiar cafe, where they left their bikes and left to look for new people who wish to ride in a real carriage.

Omer pulled Defne towards a fish restaurant on the waterfront. It was located on the very edge of a cliff above the sea and has a breathtaking view from the summer platform. They sat at a table near the railing of the fence and made an order: grilled fish, eggplant baked with cheese, sweet melon and ice sorbet.

The terrace was almost deserted. The summer season is over and vacationers left. The prospect of dining alone in one of the island's most beautiful places inspired. Omer and Defne did not want around the prying eyes and fuss. They wanted to be alone and enjoy each other. They silently rejoiced and thanked the bounty of providence that gave them such an opportunity.

Below the sea splashed. A light breeze drove the waves, they flew onto the rocks and broke in shining drops. In the distance, in a ghostly blue haze, Istanbul was visible. A ferryboat glided along the waves. White seagulls dived over the water. It smelled of sea and pine tree. Defne inhaled the heady air with full breasts and said:

"How great it is here!" We are like in another world and our life in Istanbul is just a mirage.

Omer reached for her hair. He wrapped a copper curl on his finger and gently pulled it, reminding her that it was time for Defne to finish with the contemplation of the sea landscapes and look at her husband. She obeyed. She looked up at him and smiled brighter than the sun. Omer, trilled from her smile, suggested:

"Do you want us to buy a house here and run away every time we get tired of Istanbul life?"

"I want to," Defne agreed.

Good heavens! How much he loves when she is complaisant, like an affectionate kitten. However, he also loves the furious and prickly Defne. He loves her anyway. He just does not like it when she cries and is sad. Then he wants to tilt the sky, if only she smiled.

"Omer," Defne's gentle voice drove him out of his reverie. "You know the island so well." Often been here?

- Often. In the summer, on vacation. Mom was sick, and my father was afraid to take her from Istanbul. And therefore parents of Alp took me to themselves for the summer. You know that their family has a hotel here. And there is a house too. They were friends with my parents, and we were friends with Alp. We were boys that had rushed along the island along and across. We had climbed all the rocks and bays. We had gathered mussels and sea snails, had climbed cherry trees and peaches in the gardens, - Omer smiled at his memories.

"Why didn't your grandparents take you?" Or your uncle and aunt? Asked Defne.

Omer's face went dark. But he answered, frankly. Baring his soul and telling what he did not say to any other person. Even to Master Sadri and Sinan.

- Mom's parents died when I was little. And uncle and aunt ... you know them ... more than a week they can't be away from city life. And my aunt is not the kind of person who will take care of someone else's child. Only in words.

"You're right," Defne agreed. - And grandfather?

"I didn't want to see him," Omer snapped, but immediately softened his tone and explained: "He did not love and offended my mother." He wanted my father to leave her and marry another woman.

Defne was stunned. Images of their sad engagement flashed before her eyes. The guilty look of Grandfather Hulusi and the cold Omer. Allah, what did he feel then?

Defne took his hand and looked guilty into the eyes.

- Forgive me...

- For what?

- For the engagement. You rightly left then ...

- Not! - Omer shook his head and covered their locked hands with his other hand. "I had the right to be offended, but I had no right to go away and leave you." I realized this later ... in Marseille. I realized that you are the most important thing in my life and no offense and pride are worth the happiness of loving you.

Tears sparkled in Defne's eyes. The voice did not obey, but if Omer opened his soul to her, she must too.

"I was waiting for you," she said softly. "I believed that you would calm, remember how much I love you ... and come back." I believed that you love me ... and waited. But you were not there. Faith faded away every day. And then, when your lawyer arrived with the papers for divorce, the hope was gone too ..., - Defne looked in front of her with an unseeing look. - I vaguely remember how I went to the seafront. Everything was in a fog. I didn't see anything, I didn't hear and only one thought spun in my head: "He does not love me. And I realized - this is the end...

When I woke up in the hospital, and you were there, looked after me, cared for, I thought that this is guilt and pity in you. But I didn't need them. I clearly understood that without love, nothing is needed. Living together when one loves and the other does not - is pain...

In Omer, from her confession, everything turned upside down. His chest burned with fire.

"Come to me," he breathed hoarsely and pulled her by the hand into his lap. Holding her arms tightly, he pressed his forehead against her forehead and, with a trembling hoarse voice said:

- I love you!

Defne clasped his face in her hands. Tears glistened in her eyes, and a happy smile blossomed on her lips.

"And I love you," she answered and reached out to kiss him.

Omer reacted instantly. Met her lips halfway and burned them with a kiss.

They kissed devotedly and for a long time. Until delicate coughing brought both them back from heaven to earth. Near the table stood a waiter with their order. Blushing, Defne returned to her place, and the boy skillfully placed delicious dishes on the table. Bowing, calmly looking, he wishes them a good appetite and left.

The happy lovers who have just removed all obstacles and misunderstandings from their lives, with a light heart and a great appetite attacked on food.

Omer suggested returning to the house along a wide coastal path. It crawled over the sea, curved between the rocks, hid in the pine forest and finally led the travelers to an old, stone lighthouse. It proudly towered over the sea and the steppe, over a long coast and a path carved into the rock, which led to the golden sandy beach. Seagulls screamed around its tower, whitewashed by the winds, and it only indulgently looked at them with his windows-loopholes.

Omer put bicycles under its rough walls and pulled Defne's hand down the stairs to the sea. Below, at the foot, they pulled off their sneakers and ran barefoot to the edge of the surf. The water was surprisingly warm. Holding hands, they wandered on the wet sand and laughed when the oncoming wave hit the bare calves and knees. They ran on the beach and when Omer managed to catch his swift and cunning wife, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as if this was the last kiss, the only day in their life, and they were alone in the whole world.

Not feeling tired legs, but incredibly happy, Omer and Defne went up to the lighthouse and sat down to rest in its shadow on a roughly nailed bench. Around it was so quiet. Warm, drunk with the smells of bitter wormwood and juniper, the air was completely still. The wind died down, the sea surface resembled blue silk spread by someone's generous hand to the horizon. And from the sky, clear and piercing blue, the golden sun hastened to lay down on a silk veil.

"Let's sit on the grass at the edge of the cliff and look at the sunset," Dfne asked, explaining a little embarrassedly, "My feet hurt." I want to stretch out.

Omer kissed her forehead and rose from the bench.

"I have a better idea," he winked and headed inside the lighthouse tower.

He was gone for a few minutes, and when he came out over his shoulder was thrown orange blanket. He laid it on the grass and called to Daphne:

- Come to me.

But she doubted. She looked at the blanket, then at the lighthouse and asked:

"They won't be angry with us that we use other people's property?"

"No," Omer sat down and tapped his palm next to him. - Come sit down. The lighthouse keeper especially leaves them here for romantics in love like you and me.

"How caring," Defne crouched next to her husband and extended her legs.

"Yeah," Omer nodded gravely. "And the romantics leave him a fee for which he can buy two blankets."

Defne laughed and asked:

"And no one is cheating?"

"No," he answered. - After all, everyone knows, if he does not pay, then the shop with blankets will close. And romance will cease to be comfortable.

"And how do you know all this?" - Defne squinted suspiciously.

"From the announcement," Omer nodded his head at the lighthouse.- Hanging on the door.

- And that's it? - Defne looked him incredulously.

Laughing, Omer knocked her over on the blanket and bent over her.

"I confess," he admitted, flashing a white-toothed smile. - In my youth, I brought a couple of girls here. But dare not be jealous! - the tone of his voice was replaced by a playful order. "You are the most beautiful of them," he kissed her on the corner of hеr lips, then laid a path from kisses along hеr chin to her ear, pressed his cheek to her and whispered: "And my beloved ... mine."

His teeth took the earlobe and bit lightly. Defne arched and groaned. Demanding lips returned to her mouth, covered it. A hot tongue burst in and intertwined with her tongue. Omer slipped his hand under her shirt and spread a palm on her stomach. For a second, it moved upward, long fingers grabbed her breast and squeezed it. The thumb pad stroked the nipple. Defne's breath became intermittent. She groaned again and Omer caught this sound, driving him crazy. He let go of her breast and slid a palm over the belt of her shorts.

"Omer," Defne gasped imploringly and grabbed his wrist. - Аnyone can see us.

"No one will see," he pursed his lips into her neck, and his hand penetrated deeper under the shorts.

- Please...

With a dull groan, he looked up and looked into her face. The desire was in her eyes. But shyness was stronger. Oh, Defne! His modest girl. He knew that if he moved his fingers a little lower, cover her mouth with another imperious kiss and she would surrender. She will yield to him and his passion.

But it meant to go against Defne's will and her pure soul.

Omer removed his hand from the belt of her shorts, pulled her shirt. He pressed his palm against a tender, flaming cheek and promised:

- OK, my love! We will kiss. Only to kiss.

"To the point of insanity and until we stop breathing!" - added mentally and leaned towards her lips.

The sun was slowly dropping into the sea and, until recently, its bright light had dimmed. The transparent blue sky was getting dark. The sunset lost its luster and the world around it inevitably turned into a dark-velvet. When the top edge of the solar disk hid behind the horizon and the sky above it turned red, Omer finally pulled himself away from Defne's lips and raised his head. Looking around, he spoke guiltily:

- Darling, we missed the sunset.

Defne got up and sat down. She looked at the horizon above the sea and answered:

"I don't know, maybe you missed it." And I saw the most beautiful sunset in my life.

Omer laughed. Easy and free. He laid his head on Defne's lap and, looking into her eyes, promised:

"Tonight you will see the most beautiful and close stars."

Defne stroked his hair and smiled warmly:

- No doubt.

They returned to the house when the darkness almost completely fell to the ground. Putting their bicycles in the barn, Omer took Defne's hand and led her to the veranda lit with golden lights.

"What do you choose: me, the gazebo and dinner, or me the restaurant and dinner," he asked playfully.

"You, the gazebo and dinner," Defne answered without hesitation.

Omer broke into a contented smile.

- Then run to the top and change clothes. And I'll call the restaurant and say let them bring dinner here.

"You don't even ask what I want to eat?" - nagged him Defne.

"You want a steak with baked potatoes and green salad," he answered confidently.

- Yeah? - surprised Defne. - Or maybe you want this?

Omer kissed her and easily agreed:

- And me too. And you also want strawberry ice cream with whipped cream and nuts.

- Mmm! - Defne closed her eyes with the expected pleasure, and then pushed her husband in the side.

- Order soon! I'm starving!

As soon as she said it, she rushed to the top like a whirlwind. Omer watched her with a loving gaze and picked up the phone. At the other end of the connection, he was told that everything was ready and dinner would be delivered in twenty minutes.

Defne chose between practicality and beauty. And she chose the mix. She wore a light, floral-print dress, and short denim jacket. She brushed her curls several times, and they shone with a satin shine. She put a drop of perfume over her ears and wrists. She touched her lip with gloss and turned to Omer. He, dressed in jeans and a sports-style green sweater, leaning on his hands, half-sat on the bed and watched his wife. The smile never left his face. Today has become a dream come true. Every minute in it was filled with happiness. He felt dizzy and wanted to hug the whole world. And since his whole world is Defne, he got out of bed and caught her in a hug. She confidently wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to his chest.

"Let's stand for a moment and go, okay?" - asked Omer. She nodded silently.

Defne was aware that she would fulfill his every wish if only that would make him happy. She will go into the fire and the water, at least to the ends of the world, to be with him!

Omer's phone rang in his pocket. He looked at the screen, dropped the call and smiled at Defne.

- Let's go? Our dinner is waiting for us.

"Let's go," Defne agreed.

Having dinner in the gazebo, they took the ice cream and went with it to the pool. There, they sat down on a wide, covered with a soft mat, trestle bed and began to feed each other ice cream. Cold, sweet, it refreshed and left a strawberry flavor in the mouth.

"You know," Defne said, "as a child, ice cream was a dream for me and a great feast."

- How so? - surprised Omer. "Didn't you buy ice cream?"

"No," she smiled sadly. - Mom never had money. But father sometimes bought Serdar, and he shared with me - digesting what he heard, Omer tried to put it in his head. And Defne continued: - And once dad took us to a cafe to eat ice cream. Both ... Father was tall. He put Serdar on his shoulders and walked so swiftly that I could not keep up with them. I ran skipping. My legs hurt, but I did not complain. After all, I was going to eat ice cream!

Omer could not believe what he heard. How so? Having the youngest daughter, а little princess, to seat on his shoulders not her, but the eldest son? And yet ... How can he buy ice cream for one child and refuse this second? He was afraid to open an old wound, but still asked:

- Why?

"Why didn't my father love me?" - Omer's heart ached from her question. He could not squeeze a sound out of himself. He just nodded silently. - He had black hair and dark skin. And mom too. And all of our relatives ... - She could not hide the bitterness and resentment. Omer heard them in her muffled voice and his heart was bleeding. - You know, when a father does not like his daughter, she begins to think that it is her fault. She is not worthy of love. Male love. The girl grows up, and this thought grows stronger in her, turns into confidence... That's why I so easily believed that you did not love me. After all, I was sure that I was not worthy of love...

Struck by her story, Omer put down the cup with half-eaten ice cream on the ground and reached for Defne. He hugged her and pressed her to his chest with all his strength. He kissed her hair and spoke hotly and passionately:

"You are the best person in the world and the most beautiful, most desirable, most worthy woman." I love you more than life. Your father is an asshole! If I had met him now ... he would have envied the punching bag, - steel notes appeared in Omer's voice. He gritted his teeth, but his hands moved on Defne's back and shoulders with trembling tenderness. "You are not to blame for anything." It is his fault, his sin. Forget it, my love. And yet - from now on, we will eat ice cream every day ... and I will carry you in my arms.

Defne raised her face to him. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but light shone from her eyes. It mixed love, tenderness, gratitude ... and happiness. She felt that a stone lying all her life on her heart had crashed down and crumbled into dust.

She is worthy of love!

So said Omer!

The best man in the world.

And he loves her !!!

Defne knelt and hugged Omer by the neck. Clung a kiss to his lips. She stroked his shoulders and neck, buried her fingers in the hair on his nape and kissed ... kissed ... kissed.

Omer wrapped his arms around her, pulled off his jacket, pulled up her dress. He pressed his trembling palms to her chest...

Her fingers flew over his body. They pulled off the sweater and pulled on the belt on the jeans. Excited by her courage, Omer frantically stripped off his clothes, clinging to her naked body with his bare skin, and loved ... loved ... loved.

To scream. To sweet cramps. To the point of exhaustion...

And above them, in an inky sky, large and bright stars shone.

They watched the lovers and frankly were bored.

Ah, these funny people!

So many centuries and nothing new...

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