You're My Kryptonite: A Harry...

By LouieenT

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Izabel, or Izzy for short, is a petite and clumsy girl that works for a well-known radio station and recordin... More

Izabel Taylor
Nerf War
A Date & Hidden Talents
The Date
Morning Surprises
Top One Radio Madness
Sunday Morning
Super Human
"I Need To Tell You Something"
A Day Out
Who's Greg?
Sleepover Wars
Goodnight Kisses
Too Good To Be True
One Direction Take Over Part 1
One Direction Take Over Part 2
Baby Celebration Dinner
A Little Too Much To Drink
A Friend
Only You
Dare You To Move
The Perfect Plan

Izzy's Past

904 13 7
By LouieenT

A/N: Okay, so I'm sure we are all obsessed with One Direction's song, "Little Things" because I know I am. And just for our enjoyment, I posted it under the media box. So while you read this chapter, you can listen to their angelic voices as your ovaries melt. haha. OH! and sorry for the wait. Here's the new chapter! And to make up for my lateness (couldn't think of a better word) I made this one pretty long :) Thanks for reading loves! xx

Paisley's POV

"IZZY, STOP! IT'S NOT AT ALL WHAT YOU THINK!" I shouted after her!

"IZZY! PLEASE STOP!" Harry tried to call out to her.

"Oh no! Dammit! This isn't good." I cried.

"Don't worry, we'll find her and we'll explain everything that happened." Harry tried to assure me, but he didn't know Izzy like I did. She is a real sensitive girl even though she doesn't show it.

"It's not that simple. You just don't know her like I do Haz." I sighed in frustration.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned.

"She's not as strong as she plays herself to be. Her father cheated on her mother and she committed suicide. And her father was never found." I revealed. When I told Harry, he stopped in his tracks. His face filled with shock and sadness. 

"Come on. I'll tell you later. Let's try to look for her first." I told him before getting into motion.

We got into the lift when it finally resurfaced. When the doors parted, Louis and Eleanor were in it. Harry and I were surprised to see them and vice versa. I wasn't surprised to see Louis and El jump from the sight of Harry and I, we practically almost ran into them. 

"Whoa, what's the hurry?" Louis remarked.

"Did you see Izzy?" Harry said in a serious tone. 

"No. Why, what happened?" Eleanor asked.

"We'll explain later, we just need to find her as soon as possible." I told them.

"Okay, we'll help. Mind filling us in?" Louis offered and in turn, Harry and I told them everything that had just happened minutes ago.

"I can see how she might have misunderstood the situation." Louis commented. 

When the elevator doors opened, we all ran out. The first place I looked was in the station. I asked Marshall and the others, the night crew,  if they've seen Izzy. They told me that she went back to her room about ten minutes ago, but I already knew that. I checked her work area but she wasn't there either. 

"Louis, call Zayn. El, call Danielle, and Harry, call Niall. See if Izzy could possibly be with one of them or if they've seen her, or even heard from her." I ordered. 

I dialed her number hoping she would pick up. When I called her, I heard her ringtone playing. My eyes lit up knowing that she was close by. I followed the sound of her ringtone into her work area. A bit confused, I continued to follow the tune and found her phone under the table. She forgot her phone again.

"Dammit." I cursed under my breath.

"What happened?" I heard Harry ask from behind me.

"Izzy forgot her phone." I deadpanned.

"What? How could she forget it?" Harry seemed shocked.

"Trust me, this wasn't the first time and will definitely not be the last." I stood up brushing the dust off my pants in frustration. Harry and I joined back with Louis and El in the other room.

"So?" Harry looked at the pair with hope in his eyes.

"Zayn hasn't seen or heard from Izzy. He's still out and about with Justin and Niall." Louis informed.

"Yeah, Niall told me the same thing." Harry added.

"Danielle and Liam went to catch a film. But they didn't get in contact with Izzy." Eleanor reported. 

I sighed in defeat. I was practically a tourist here. I didn't know the area or any of her favorite spots to be alone. When we were 16, Izzy moved to this city to start a new life and live alone. She was able to get emancipated from the judge and made a great life for herself here. I'm sure this was something she hasn't mentioned to Harry yet. Izzy was an orphan and been in many foster cares. She just couldn't handle it anymore. I wished that my parents could have taken her in, but I already had four other siblings. My parents wouldn't have been able to. I remember I was so upset when they couldn't.

"Haz. Did Izzy tell you anything? Like if she had a secret get away or something? I know in a lot of movies, the damsel usually had a secret sanctuary." Louis interrupted my thoughts. I looked over at Harry praying that he knew something, but the defeated look on his face answered me clearly.

"No." His voice was low and soft. 

"SHIT!" Harry growled as he leaned on the wall and collapsed on the floor. He placed his elbows on his knees and buried his hands in his ruffled curly hair. 

"Don't worry Harry, we'll find her." El squatted in front of him and place a hand on his shoulder. 

"I hope so." I murmured.

"What do you mean?" Louis looked at me along with the others.

"Like I told Harry, there is a lot you all don't know about Izzy." I admitted.

"Then enlighten us." Louis demanded. 

"Alright. But not here. Let's go out." I told them.

We walked out and headed towards a near by park. We sat on the merry-go-round where there wasn't much people. It was getting pretty late, so there wasn't much people anyway. 

"Paisley. Tell us." Harry's tone was a serious one. It was nice to know that he really cared for her. 

"Okay." I breathed. 

"I've known Izzy since we were in the third grade. She had just moved into the neighborhood to live with her grandmother. But when I met Izzy, she wasn't the same person that she is now. What you see now and who she was back then, are practically two different people." I mentioned. 

"Wow. It's hard to picture the Izzy we know as anything else." Louis commented.

"Izzy was quiet and short-tempered. She didn't trust anyone, nor did she want to get close to anyone.  She was a loner and everyone found it hard to approach her. Then one day, in sixth grade, Izzy missed a day of school. One day turned to two days, then turned to a week. The school called her grandmother and we found out that her parents had gotten a divorce. Our teacher asked me if I could bring over her homework, so I did. When I got there, her grandmother answered the door and let me in. When I got to her room, I knocked on the door but no one answered. After a few tries, she still didn't respond, so I just walked in. She was sitting there at the edge of her bed staring at nothing. I called out to her and that was the first time I really looked her in the eyes. She was crying and I could see the pain in her eyes."

~~ Flashback~~

Paisley's POV

"Izabel?" I called out. She snapped her head instantly locking eyes with me with a scowl. I knew she was angry for my trespassing, but her eyes were also filled with pain.

"I did not give you permission to enter my room." Her voice was cold and harsh.

Because of my patience and caring nature, I rushed over to her and without thinking, brought her into a tight hug. Her body stiffened in surprised and she weakly tried to push me away, but I didn't let down. 

"Let go of me you freak!" She growled. Still, I didn't listen and kept hugging her.

Not soon after was she gripping onto my shirt pulling me closer. Izabel didn't want to admit it, but she just needed a friend. She needed someone to care. The both of us stayed that way for a while until she finally pulled back.

"Thank you. But don't think we're friends because of this." She spat.

"Why don't you talk to me." I offered. 

"Why would I do that? Why don't you get out of my room and leave me the hell alone." Her voice were like daggers.

"Because you need a friend." I told her.

"Pfft. I don't need anyone. So get lost." She glared at me.

"That's not true. You need a friend. It must be tough with your parents getting a divorce and you being so far away from them." The worlds flowed out my mouth.

"You nosy brat, get the fuck out of my room! I don't even know you! Get out!" She raised her voice and shoved me off her bed. I lifted myself up but didn't leave.

"I'm Paisley. We've been in the same class since the third grade." I informed her.

"Get out you stalker. Just because I hugged you doesn't mean I want to be friends with you, or having anything to do with you." Izzy roared. I could see the struggle in her eyes. 

"That's not true. I can tell that you want to be friends with me. You're just scared." I commented. She gave me a look like she wanted to hit me, but she didn't.

"If I tell you what happened, will you leave me alone?!" She finally gave in, but her tone of voice was still full of annoyance and hatred. 

"I promise." I placed my hand over my chest. She motioned me to have a seat on her bed and I obliged.

"I moved here because my mom and dad were fighting so much. They would start arguing then my dad would hit her." Tears began to fall from her torn brown eyes. She nearly even started and her tough exterior was breaking down within seconds in front of me.

~~ End of Flashback ~~

Niall and Zayn found us while I was telling the story about Izzy and decided to stay and listen. Apparently, Louis had told them where we were. We quickly filled them in on what they missed, then continued on with the story.

~~ Continuation of Flashback ~~

"Did he ever hit her in front of you?" I asked her curiously. I know it was probably a rude thing for me to ask, but I was 11 and curious.

"All the time." She cracked. I wrapped my arm around her for support. Her body tensed under my touch again, but she didn't resist me.

"Go on." I told her.

"He would hit her saying how weak and ugly she was. How he regretted marrying such a pathetic woman." She mumbled.

"That's horrible." I blabbered. She looked at me but she didn't have anger or hate in her eyes. She was completely heartbroken.

"I got a call last week from the social worker that my mom and dad got a divorce. Then the day after, I was told by the local police back at my home town that my dad was in a car accident. He was driving under the influence and drove off a bridge. His body wasn't found. They told me that the current must have washed his body out to sea. Later that night I received another call. It was the police again." Izabel paused.

"What did they say?" I questioned, hoping it would get her to continue her story.

"This time it was about my mom. She committed suicide." She told me. My heart just dropped and fear filled my body. I felt the tears start to sting my own eyes. I couldn't even imagine receiving a call like that. Hearing that my mom had killed herself through the phone. This time I took Izable into my arms in a real caring hug and she accepted it whole-heartedly. 

"I just lost my parents." She cried. I stroked her hair helping her calm down.

"Hey, would it be alright if I spent the night here with you? You could really use a friend and I would really like to be here for you." I told her.

She looked up at me a bit hesitant. I could tell she fighting with herself in this decision. Should she let me spend the night? I understood her fear of getting close to someone. What if she got close to me and then lost me like her parents? It would only crush me more. I gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Don't be afraid to make friends. I won't leave you, I promise." I told her. She could tell I was being genuine considering she took a chance with me.

"Okay." She lunged at me, hugging me tightly. I laughed lightly as I wrapped my own arms around her. Her tough demeanor vanished before me.

"Thank you." She said sheepishly. Every bit of her looked and sounded sincere. 

"I'll just grab a few things and I'll be right back." She nodded with a small smile on her lips.

I left for home which was actually really close. I was just around the corner, which meant I could walk over anytime I wanted and vice versa. Rushing into the house, I shouted telling everyone in the house that I was going to spending the night over a new friends house. My brothers and sisters followed me to my room as I packed a few extra clothes, my necessities, and grabbed my pillow. They were asking me all sorts of questions like, where I was going, who my friend was, if they could come, if she liked rainbows, and other random questions. After finally getting situated, I went into the kitchen to tell my mom where I was going so it was clear that she knew. When I got back at Izabel's house she was sitting on her bed looking at a piece of paper… no, it was a photo. I dropped my things on the carpet and flew my pillow on her bed.  

"Hey, what are you looking at?" I asked as I walked up to her and sat down.

"My parents from when we were happy." She turned to me with a smile. Although she had a smile on her face, I could see all the pain and sadness in it. She was now an orphan and I couldn't imagine being in her shoes.

"Don't worry, things will get better again." I tried to assure her.

"Thanks." Was all she responded with.

After that night, I learned so much about her. She was really cool girl. She started coming back to school and we hung out all the time. We became somewhat, I guess you can say, joined at the hips. We were inseparable. Izabel started opening up more to me and to others. However, it took her a while to trust people. Just like how she acted in front of me the first time we met, she was really mean and short-tempered. When girls would hover all over her, invading her bubble, she would snap and tell them to back off. But eventually, she got used to people and opened up to them just like she had with me, except not as personal. All the girls wanted to be friends with her because she was actually caring and tough, and all the guys wanted to date her because she wasn't afraid to be one of the guys. She was also really clumsy which just added to her charm. 

Izzy an dI had great laughs together. There was one day when I was craving ice cream. Izzy and my all time favorite food that we shared in common.

"Izzy! I want ice cream!" I shouted from across the classroom. 

"I don't have any money!" She shouted back.

"Izzy Dizzy, I have money!" I laughed. She started laughing along with our other classmates. 

A couple weeks after Izzy's life was getting back on track, her grandmother fell incredibly ill and had been spending her time at the hospital. Izzy told me that her grandmother suffered from breast cancer but was treated for and it went away, however it came back and this time it was a lot worse, especially at her old age. Her grandmother wasn't going to make it. 

One month later her grandmother passed and Izzy was now completely alone. She had no other family members so she was literally an orphan at the age of eleven. We both knew that there were kids out there who has it worse, but Izzy was the only one I knew personally, so my heart went out to her the most. 

Izzy was staying over at my house for the time being while social services were working on the situation. Izzy was depressed and she had every right to be. If I was her I think I would have killed myself to be honest. But I told myself that I had to be strong for Izzy. She's been there for me and has changed my life. Before her, I used to lack social skills to make a lot of friends and was bit of a loner. 

In a way, we both helped each other. I guided her out of the dark and she helped me into the sun. What I mean by 'helped me into the sun' is that she was the one who helped me make more friends. Izzy was just a natural social butterfly when she was happy.

When social services had done all that had to be done, Izzy was taken into foster care. At the beginning her foster parents were super nice until they got a bit too comfortable. Izzy was a good twenty minute drive away from my house and sometimes, during the randomest (yes, I am aware that it is not a word) times of the day, even in the middle of the night, I'd find her breathing heavily at my doorstep. 

There was one night in particular that I remember the most. Her foster father tried to put the moves on her, but she was able to run away. And once again, I, well my dad, found her at our doorstep. It was probably two in the morning. From what I heard my dad when he was talking to my mom, was that Izzy was covered in small cuts and bruises. 

Izzy was covered in bruises and she had fear in her eyes, I knew that she hated her foster parents because they sucked and were filthy people, but I had no clue that they were abusing her. In school she would complain about them but she never once mentioned that they were hurting her so bad. She would always have a smile on her face and she would act like the same Izzy I grew to know and love. The real Izzy. 

Izzy went back to a near by orphanage and was found another foster parent. By the time we were 15, she had been through seven different foster care. All of which were terrible. By this time, Izzy was fed up with moving in with seemingly wonderful strangers that don't turn out to be who they're supposed to be, and decided to stay at the orphanage. I desperately asked my dad and mom if we could adopt her, but we were not financially qualified considering I was the eldest out of five kids. 

When she turned sixteen she went to court for emancipation. She was able to get a job that paid really well and already provided a home for her. It was at Top One Radio. Although it was far away, she was able to survive out there alone. She transferred to a new school and started her new life. Even so, she didn't forget me. She called me everyday, we wrote letters to each other, send photos, birthday and Christmas gifts, chatted on Facebook and Twitter, we kept in touch and maintained our perfect friendship. We were still as close as ever. I even went to visit her last year for the first time. It was my birthday present from my parents.

~~ End of Flashback ~~

"Wow, that's really sad." Eleanor stated wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Yeah. I remember when Izzy first told me about Harry. She was super scared about the relationship. She never really had a boyfriend in the past because she was too afraid to say yes. Last year she knew that Justin Beiber had taken a liking to her but she subliminally pushed him away. She was afraid to date anyone because she didn't want to end up like her parents. She didn't want to think that there was a possibility that her and her significant other would get into a fight, breaking up, and dying the way her parents did. Izzy was terrified. She was insecure with herself. She just didn't want to get hurt." I ranted on.

"So why did she say yes to me then?" Harry queried. 

"Izzy told me that she couldn't resist you. That there was something about you. She told me that she had the same feeling she had when she first met me." I let out a small smile. Harry's face had a tint of red.

"Haz, you lucky man." Zayn nudged Harry on the shoulder. 

"Izzy… she must be hurt. I'm her best friend and Harry is her first real boyfriend." To have seen the two people she loved most in that situation must have really done a number on her heart." I choked as the words got caught in my throat and tears were pooling in my eyes.

"Well then, let's find her." Niall wrapped an arm around me securely. I looked up at him and smiled, staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes. 

Izzy's POV

What just happened? Paisley, Harry, the two people I care the most for in this world. Harry was on top of Paisley, laughing together on my bed. Could I have perceived it wrong? But how could I? They were laughing and smiling at each other, laying on my bed together, Harry directly on top of Paisley. So many thoughts were running through my head. I reached in my pocket for my cell phone when I realized I didn't have it. I groaned as tears slowly flowed from my eyes.

"Izzy!" I heard my name being called. It was an unfamiliar voice. I looked up and saw a guy with a camera walking towards me. 

"Hi there Izzy. Where is your boyfriend, Harry, this evening?" He asked. Before I could answer he blurted out another question.

"You're crying. Did you and Harry get into a fight? Did you two break up?" I looked at him with a weird expression and ignored him. I made my way past him but he continued to follow me obnoxiously asking me questions. 

As I continued to walk I saw a flash. I turned and the paparazzi guy had just taken a picture. Another flash blinded me and the flashes just kept coming. Soon, we were gathering more of a crowd. More paparazzi's and fans began to follow me. And these weren't only fans of mine, but a lot of One Direction fans as well. Some of them were saying how cute we were together and then there were other 1D fans telling me that I wasn't worthy of him and that he deserved better. Those comments really cut me deep because after what I saw, I was starting to believe it. I didn't deserve such a great guy such as Harry. 

More paparazzi came and the flashing lights became over bearing. I could no longer see in front of me clearly. The world around me started to spin faster and I lost my footing. I stumbled forward only to be caught in familiar muscular arms. Who ever it was was a real life saver. This person lead me to a black car and helped me in. When my eyes had finally adjusted to the darker lighting, I turned to my side and my eyes widened. 

"Justin?" I called out. He smiled.

-------- OKAY! I know I took FOREVER! But it's finally done! So tell me what you think?! Is something going to happen between Justin and Izzy even thought they are both currently taken?! Is Izzy still taken? Or is it over between the curly haired Prince and the clumsy Princess???!!! 


Oh, and don't forget to comment, vote, and/or FAN ME!!! haha! Thanks for reading loves, it really does mean almost the world to me. 

And 'Little Things' is just an amazing song! Such cute and perfect lyrics! You can actually hear their accents! ERMERRGERRDD! My poor ovaries! VOTE IF YOU AGREE WITH ME!!! xD

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