Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness

5.1K 108 40
By iliqblack

Nothing could overshadow this morning. Neither the sky frowning in the rain, nor the lack of hot water in the shower, nor the escaped coffee, which had to be re-brewed. Even the cramped apartment, in which the two had nowhere to turn around, was not annoying. After all, doing morning rush affairs, colliding with each other, meeting with hands, touching elbows and hips, cuddling and, as if by chance, kissing a strong shoulder or fragrant thin neck, was pure bliss.

And they were in a state of bliss!

Discarding all other thoughts openly enjoyed each other. They smiled openly and easily, touched gently, kissed excitedly. They ate a scorched omelet and over-dried toasts as if it were pure nectar. And even the coffee, which again ran away because at the crucial moment Omer wanted to kiss Defne, seemed to be both the tastiest in the world. Divine, fragrant, sweet. The bitterness completely disappeared in him ... or maybe the lovers simply did not feel it. They drank it from one cup and kissed after each sip. The lips smelled of coffee and it was the aroma of their morning with a taste of happiness.

And then Omer tried to leave for himself to change clothes. And he couldn't. Defne's hair restrained him, in which his fingers tangled. Her eyes. He was drowning in them and did not want to emerge from the golden whirlpool. Her sweet lips, from which he could not tear himself away and covered with his again and again. He buried his nose in the crease between the neck and shoulder and, inhaling deeply the native smell, closed his eyes and bald with pleasure. Defne laughed, threw back her head and complained that she was tickled.

"Get used to it," Omer purred and fingered the skin of the graceful curve of the neck.

"If you don't let me go now, we'll be late for work," whispered Defne, squinting with pleasure.

- So what? - He untied the lacing on her pajama blouse and, pulling the short sleeve, bared a rounded shoulder. Drawing patterns on it with his lips and finger, he made her tremble and forget about everything in the world. - I am a co-owner of the company and may be late.

His words finally returned Defne from heaven to earth. Sighing, she replaced the sleeve of her pajamas and stood on her feet. Regretfully looking at Omer, who was disappointed by her actions, she shrugged and explained:

"You are a co-owner, and I am a subordinate." And I have no right to be late.

Reluctantly, she began to collect dirty dishes and leftover breakfast from the table. Omer stood up after her and began to help. At the same time, as if by the way, noting:

- Here you go! Another excuse to return to Passionis. As the wife of a co-owner, you will have the same rights as me.

Defne froze. She looked at him and asked:

- Let's discuss this issue another time. Now there is no time. Twenty minutes later we must leave the house. Therefore, run to yourself, take the form of a big boss and we go to work on time. I will even give in and go with your Mercedes.

- Even? - surprised Omer. "I took it for granted."

Defne smiled slyly and pushed him toward the door.

"If you don't get ready in twenty minutes, then I, of course, will leave by taxi."

- What else! - He was indignant and opened the door.

But he could not leave the apartment. On the threshold, with her hand raised for a knock, stood the landlady of the apartment, Fatima. At the sight of the disheveled appearance of the tenants and their pajamas, she froze for a moment with her mouth open, and then burst into indignation:

- What is it? - not looking at Defne she demanded an answer. "Didn't I tell you not to invite men into the house?" Shameless!!! She scanned the girl from head to toe with a contemptuous look and shook her head condemningly. - Aren't you ashamed? The man just moved in, and you already pull him to bed. Slut!!!

- Quiet!!! Omer barked.

The next second, she was already standing in the cramped corridor of the apartment and gasped for air. Omer let go of the stretched wool sleeve and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Now listen to me." Defne is my wife. So hold back your indignation. Better yet, apologize for the offensive words you just told her.

"I-and-I'm sorry," the woman obediently blew turning to Defne.

She nodded in confusion. Omer grinned in satisfaction and continued his speech:

"It is very good that you came to us this morning." We must warn you that we are moving out of this house. Today. You can keep the October fee for yourself. Sister Zehra and Sukru will arrive a little later, collect our things and give you the keys. Now, please, disappear. Defne and I have no time for empty talk.

The door behind the woman opened, and she instantly was behind the threshold. The wooden canvas hit the jamb in a big way. With an open mouth and a dumbfounded look, she went down the steps and stopped. Damn it! Again she was left without tenants! But she hoped so ...

The door opened again and Omer stepped outside. He raised an eyebrow inquiringly and asked:

- Are you still here?

The phrase was spoken in such a tone that she hurried to disappear away from the scanning gaze of cold, coal-black eyes. Looking after her trail, Omer, jumping over two steps, rushed upstairs. Of the allotted twenty minutes, fourteen remained. But he did not want his wife to go to work alone, and besides, in a taxi.

Exactly fourteen minutes later, an elegant and confident couple came out of the apartment on the ground floor. Pajamas were replaced by business suits, disheveled hair - neat hairstyles. Here are just the facial expressions remained the same. And you could call it in one word - happiness. It burst from the eyes, shone in smiles and softened features. Looking at each other, Omer and Defne approached the car. Sukru, smiling, opened the door in front of them. And then a mannered voice sounded, from the sound of which Omer rolled his eyes. The annoying Sabrina cаme next to the car.

- Omer! Good morning! She said sweetly. In contrast to her tone, the look to Defne blazed with anger. "I decided not to cook anything today." Maybe we'll have breakfast in the cafe. There is a wonderful place nearby.

Sukru burst out laughing. Omer's speech disappeared from such impudence. But Defne was not confused. She smiled sweetly at the girl and said:

"Sabrina, turn your attention to someone else." In the case of Omer, you only lose time. My husband is having breakfast, "she looked at Omer and smiled at him," only with me.

Sunlight flashed in his gaze. There was so much love, admiration, delight in him, so much tenderness and affection that Defne thought - he kisses her with eyes.

"Is he your husband ?!" The hysterical screech interrupted the conversation. "But ... but ... but ... how can this be?"

"Ordinarily," Omer answered and showed the ring on the ring finger of his left hand. "It's strange that you didn't notice it." Okay, Sabrina. Have a nice day. Defne and I are in a hurry. Darling?

He looked at his wife, but her gaze was fixed on the corner of the house. There stood a shaggy, blue-eyed boy in which Omer recognized the boy who had given him the address of Defne.

She lightly touched her husband's hand. She asked: "Wait a couple of minutes," and went to the boy. He looked serious. Like an adult.

"Are you leaving the area?" Defne nodded. - It's a pity. You are the best thing here.

Defne looked into the sea-blue eyes and said:

"Thank you ... for yesterday."

"For nothing," Mert answered.

Without saying a word, both looked back at Omer. He stood by the open door of the car and waited patiently. Sabrina, finally realizing that she had nothing to catch here, left. And she didn't even look at the tri-cursed neighbors, who again watched her embarrassment and grabbed their bellies with laughter.

"He's cool," Mert spoke again. "And Mehmet and his gang are morons." They wouldn't do anything to you. They are afraid of Kerem. But him," he nodded to Omer," they would have beaten him. Defne stroked his black curls and smiled sincerely and a little sadly.

"Take care of yourself," she asked.

- You too.

Defne hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Go already," the young man rudely ordered.

Defne obeyed. She went to the car, but before climbing into the passenger compartment, she looked around and waved to him. In response, he raised his hand with his palm to the temple and saluted with two fingers. And then disappeared around the corner of the house.

Omer sat next to his wife and natural as if he had done it a million times, seized her hand. He intertwined his fingers with hers and told Sukru to hurry. Defne is late, which is not good at all. When the car drove outside the quarter, he asked:

"This boy ... did you make friends with him?"

Defne smiled lightly:

- Yes. He is a good boy. Once he helped me bring bags from the market. So we met. He has two sisters ... and only mom. It's not easy for them. And also - it was he who knocked on my door yesterday and said that they want to beat you.

"You never know what he wanted," grumbled Omer. "I would have known before - I would have pulled the ears of your defender."

- For what? - Defne was indignant.

"For putting you at risk." And if these hooligans did something to you while I was lying unconscious? Omer frowned and squeezed her hand harder.

"He knew they won't do it," Defne reassured him. - It's the neighborhood. They don't touch their own. And those who are under their protection, too.

"And under whose protection were you?" - in Omer's voice was heard jealous notes. To which Defne only smiled.

"Kerem," she answered simply.

- The lawyer? - Jealousy in Omer's voice sounded even more distinctly. "And how did this happen?"

- He has great authority in the area. One evening, when the local guys wanted to get to know me better, Kerem explained to them that I should be treated with all possible respect. They instantly agreed, - Defne replied jokingly.

Omer turned pale. Turning his whole body to Defne and scanning her face, he asked:

"Did they do anything bad to you?" Scared you? Allah! I felt that I should not take my eyes off ...

"Beloved, calm down," Defne stroked his forearm. "They didn't scare me and did nothing." If you remember, I grew up in the neighborhood, and I know how to deal with such bullies. Yes, and Kerem arrived on time.

- Heck! I owe him, - resigned to this thought, Omer pronounced it out loud. "And what should I do about it?"

"To see a good man in Kerem and treat him with respect," Defne advised.

He scratched his head, then his beard, sighed, and agreed:

- It's hard, but I'll try.

Defne laughed and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You must succeed." I believe in you.

Omer kissed the top of her head and, smiling at his thoughts, pressed his cheek to her hair.


Defne was in a hurry. She hated being late and therefore felt guilty. Although today she was so happy that no one and nothing could ruin her mood.

Her watch showed four minutes to eight and if the elevator does not keep itself waiting, then she may appear in the office on time.

She's lucky. The elevator, opening its door sparkling with chrome and mirrors, was waiting for passengers. Defne, rejoicing in luck, went into the booth after a pretty girl and pressed the button for her floor. But the joy was premature. An ugly hand appeared in the doorway, with short thick fingers and an ugly shape of nails, followed by its owner, Kivanc Talat. He examined with his usual, contemptuous, arrogant look in the elevator. At the sight of Defne, his eyes lit up unkind. He twisted his mouth, enter the booth and stopped at the wall. His perfume, sharp and at the same time sugary, was as disgusting as he was. Defne's stomach contracted unpleasantly, and the already usual nausea, which appeared every time she had to be in a society of this vile type, rolled up to her throat. She swallowed a lump and stepped away. As much as possible in the small space of the elevator. Kivanc only smirked at such her maneuvers.

The pretty girl came out on the twelfth floor, and only Defne and Kivanc remained in the booth.

A sticky fear crawled along her spine, but Defne tried her best to keep her face and not show her feelings. She closed her eyes and thought about Omer. She remembered how her heart trembled with excitement every time they both found themselves in the elevator. What were his quietly stolen touches ... what sweet kisses ...

The booth jerked and stopped. Defne startled, and opened her eyes. In front of her face loomed the grinning physiognomy of Kivanc. His thick fingers grasped her neck rather roughly, and he hissed:

- How do you look at a couple of kisses?

Talat reached for her with his lustful mouth. Defne acted automatically. Raising her knee sharply, she punched him between his legs and at the same time stabbed his ears with the palm of her hand. The stunned Kivanc, gasping for air and whining, bent in half, and Defne turned the key, resuming the elevator. All the while, until it stopped on the floor of the office of Tranba, she did not take her eyes off the man and coldly, with a faint tremor in her voice, she said:

"Mr. Kivanc, you are disgusting to me." Like your kisses. I am sick of even one thought ... - Defne shuddered. - It's the last time I warn you - stay away from me.

The elevator rocked and stopped. Behind with a monotonous humming, the door opened. Defne backed up, Kivanc, holding onto the mirror wall, straightened up and looked at her. And so much hatred and malice were in his eyes that Defne became scared. She ran out of the elevator and rushed into her office like an arrow.


As soon as, among the other employees of Tranba, Defne entered the conference room of Passionis, when Omer, who was impatiently waiting for his wife to appear, felt something was amiss. She was pale and clearly upset by something. Not at all the Defne that he kissed this morning near the office center, and wished a nice day.The familiar fear that had plagued him for a month and melted without a trace this morning returned and blew coldly over his heart. Maybe Defne decided that their reconciliation would be a mistake? Or did someone else's evil words again cast doubt in her soul?

He pushed back a chair next to his and, helping her to sit down, quietly asked:

- What happened?

She raised her face to him and smiled. Openly and affectionate. Omer felt relieved. Between them, everything is still fine. Then, who dared to upset his Defne?

"All is well," she answered with her lips. And she didn't lie.

As soon as she saw Omer, met his eyes, felt him close by, the pain that had tormented her in the morning, caused by nasty hands, eyes and Talat's words, disappeared without a trace. The heart became easy again. After all, Omer is nearby. He will protect her, dispel all fears and doubts.

She imperceptibly, easily touched his hand and confirmed her words with her eyes. Eyelashes for a moment hid the amber eyes and again shot up.

"You are with me, then everything is fine!" said her gaze.

"I am always with you!" Omer repeated her gesture.

And around, employees of both firms roared, talked, creaked chairs and seated in places. Zubeyir set up the projector, Derya on a laptop was reviewing the presentation. Iz and Seda quietly discussed how it would be more profitable to present the collection so that everyone who looks at the Passionis-Tranba stand at the festival wants to immediately buy it. Denise and Sinan on both sides leaned toward the girls and listened carefully to their ideas. Koray was bored and muttered indignation under his nose at the malice of the leadership, which even the cookies had not been ordered to put on the table. Only water. But some oooooh want to eat and, in general, snacks - this is vital. But no one paid attention to him and his nagging.

And only Kivanc Talat sat in proud isolation. Out of habit, he contemptuously curved his mouth and looked at the hated Iplikci.

What he saw angered him incredibly. The black cat, which was sitting between the spouses, clearly ran away. Although they tried to pretend to be businesslike, they looked happy and in love. And this fact was for Kivanc, like a knife in the heart. The desire to punish both, to trample on their love and tenderness, to spoil it, became simply unbearable. This red-haired beauty dared to reject him, Kivanc. Called him disgusting. Well, he will make it so that she becomes disgusting for her brilliant husband.

- Is everyone ready? - Sinan examined those sitting at the table. The answer was restrained nods and expectant glances - Then let our super talented Iplikci present their creation.

The first sketch of the shoes appeared on the screen, which accompanied Omer's deep voice:

- In the eyes of a man, the woman is a wonderful creature. Graceful, elegant. She flutters without touching the ground and the shoes on her legs are just decoration.

"But in reality," Defne continued. - These legs feel every pothole and pebble on the road they are walking on. And when they are wearing modern shoes that only recognize beauty, these stones and potholes feel even sharper ... Pain is not what a woman wants. She wants care and tenderness.

"Confidence in every step," said Omer. The shoes on the screen were replaced by one another, and he continued, characterizing and describing each model with one phrase: - Soft, velvety heat. Thin skin that hugs every curve of a graceful female leg.

"Sometimes a riot of colors, a mood of snow purity, and sometimes a red, cheerful sun, which gave its light to women's shoes," Defne looked at Omer and smiled at him. A return smile warmed her heart. It was exactly what Defne needed to see — understanding. Omer no longer dismissed her thoughts and did not ignore her wishes. He wanted their fulfillment. Even if these desires are ordinary and simple. Like the shoes on her legs.

"A woman wants to be ephemeral," Omer continued, smiling at his wife. - To gracefully flutter, barely touching the ground. A woman wants her shoes to be worn on her legs at the same time beautiful and comfortable. Refined and comfortable. She wants to go around the world. Dancing and spinning in the rain on the cobblestones of a night city. To play with children on the grass in the park. To go down the stairs of the ballroom arm in arm with her beloved man. And every time to feel only love, joy, and endless happiness. No pain and cramps.

"Forgetting that she's wearing shoes on her legs," Defne said simply and sincerely. - As if she is walking barefoot on a fluffy carpet. But at the same time remembering - her legs are shod in the most special, most elegant, most beautiful shoes. Her shoes.

For several moments there was complete silence in the room. It was violated by Koray. He grotesquely twisted his face and sobbed loudly:

- Umf! And-and-oh! What have you done to me? Ruthless. So poetic and beautiful! And-and-oh! And why am I not a woman!

The first giggled Iz. Behind her is Seda. And Sinan, trying to suppress a fit of laughter, said:

- In my opinion, the recognition of the collection and its presentation is evident.

"I agree," Tranba supported, and bit his lower lip. His shoulders were shaking.

Defne and Omer looked at each other, winked at each other and burst into a friendly laugh. Following them, all present came in uncontrolled laughter. Laughter gave way to applause and cheers.

"You are geniuses," Sinan expressed a general thought. - The collection, the concept, everything matches the theme so precisely, so stylishly, elegantly and at the same time simply and vitally that success is guaranteed to us. Europe in our pocket! He summed up cheerfully and boastfully.

"Don't be so presumptuous," Tranba snubs him. - This is still Europe. And she has a dozen of her geniuses. But the collection is top class. Not inferior to the best European designers. I think no one will mind accepting the collection as a whole for future work?

Those present supported his words with an approving murmur.

Everybody except Kivanc Talat. He grunted dismissively and gritted his teeth.

- There is no sexuality in the collection.

"You are biased," Iz objected to him. - The collection is sexuality itself. Only not vulgar and screaming, but subtle, natural ... real. A woman in such shoes, a man wants to love and idolize ... and not possess," she boldly concluded her speech.

Omer nodded his head approvingly. And Defne ... Defne suddenly smiled to Iz. Warmly and gratefully. And she received the same warm smile.

- Well said! - supported Iz Tranba and meaningfully grinned with one corner of his mouth. - Men are tired of possessing. We want to love them. Real, beautiful women who dance and spin in the rain on the cobblestones of a night city. Play with the children in the park. And they are calling us to their world ... but this is only a retreat - his face became serious again, and his voice was firm.

- We approve the collection and give it to the masters for the production of exemplary models. At the same time, we are working on a presentation, catalog, and stands. Do not forget about the showcase and booklets. Seda, Iz - this is your teamwork, - both nodded in agreement. - Well, now about the pleasant. The committee decided to celebrate our victory with a big reception with awards, receptions, and dances. So next Saturday we all have a chance to dress up and have a lot of fun at the Raffles Istanbul hotel.

The last words were met with approving smiles. Omer was upset but honestly tried to hide his disappointment. He and Defne had so little time left to be alone. But even these precious moments are stolen by work and social life.

The astute Sinan noticed his friend's condition and, cunningly squinting, showed him not so delicate attitude:

- Omer! Stop frowning. They won't eat you there. But what an opportunity to show everyone your charming wife.

Omer looked at him reproachfully, and a thought crossed his mind:

"The main thing is not to eat Defne."

The meeting ended and Omer, on the pretext of clarifying some details, called Defne to his office. She made a serious face and with an important look followed him. He stopped at the Derya counter and strictly ordered her not to let anyone into the office and not to bother them with Mrs. Defne.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Omer grabbed his wife by the waist, easily turned her around and pressed her against the wall, kissed her. She sighed sweetly, threw back her head and parted her lips, letting in his insistent tongue. Omer teetered on the verge of reason. The desire was instantly ignited in the lower abdomen, enveloped the head with fire and ran through the veins to the fingers. They have become hypersensitive and demanding. They made their way under the blouse and pressed themselves against the delicate skin. It was such a pleasure that Omer groaned. His hoarse roar sobered both.

"Not here," Defne breathed.
"Yes," he agreed and pulled back.
Defne began to straighten her clothes, and he watched the movements of her hands with a hungry, burning gaze. Not here ... not now ... but soon. Some few hours...

Defne tidied herself up and sat in a chair. She looked at Omer, expecting him to take his place. But he came up and sat across from her. He pressed his knees to her and hid her cold hands in his palms. Defne did not resist. She let him warm her fingers, and asked:

- In the evening we will return to your house?

- Why mine? - surprised Omer. - Our. Defne, stop dividing mine and yours - everything is ours. All that we have is ours.

"I'm sorry," she said repentantly and tried to explain: "Don't be angry," I said so not out of spite. It's just ... this house ... it's yours. I don't feel mine there. Just, don't laugh.

She stretched her lips like a child and Omer, unable to resist, kissed them lightly.

"It does not love me," Defne blurted out.

- Who? - Omer's eyebrows climbed on his forehead.

- The House!

- How so?

- Like that. I feel that it does not love me.

Omer laughed.

- Here you go! I thought so, - the offended Defne tried to pull her hands from him, but he only gripped her fingers more tightly:

"Hush, darling," he asked. "If you feel like this, we will find a new home." In which it will be comfortable for you," he smiled affectionately. – A home who will love you?

"And you," Defne smiled back.

- And me.

They looked into each other's eyes and each silently spoke of his love, of the happiness of being near, smiling, breathing the same air. Defne even forgot about the morning incident in the elevator. But Omer did not forget. He remembered that Defne came upset at the meeting. He squeezed her palms a little tighter and asked:

- What happened to you in the morning at the office? You entered the building like a fluttering butterfly, and you weren't yourself when appearing in Passionis. Did someone offend you?

Defne looked away. She did not want to tell the truth and upset Omer. He will rebel, demand her departure from Tranba, perhaps he will decorate Talat's physiognomy. But Defne didn't want that. She has obligations to Denise, and she was not going to violate them. This morning she was able to cope with the harassment of this bastard Kivanc and can do it again. She hid deeper the guilty feeling that she was again hiding the truth from Omer, looked at him with honest (as it seemed to her) eyes and stroked his cheek.

"Nothing much happened." So, Nihan called. Iso cried all night, and she with him.

"My merciful girl," Omer kissed her forehead. - Everything will be okay. He's still a newborn baby.

"It is," said Defne and rose to her feet. "I have to go, love." By three о'clock I should be in the production department. Work is underway on samples of the winter collection. I want to see if it turns out as planned by me.

- Good, my dear! At five I wait for you at the entrance. Do not be late.

Omer led her to the door, kissed her goodbye on the cheek, and then went to the window. For several minutes, he was deliberately pondering something, and then he pulled out a telephone from his pocket. After half an hour, his idea began to turn into reality, and he, leaning back in his chair, threw his hands behind his head and smiled dreamily.


Defne fluttered out of the building at five minutes before six. Omer was already waiting for her near the open door of the car.

"Quickly," he commanded, and after her rested in the soft leather seat. - Sukru, let's go.

The driver instantly started the car. Cleverly maneuvering in a dense stream of cars and miraculously circumventing traffic jams, he raced through Istanbul.

- Where are we going? - Realizing that the car is moving in a completely different direction than Omer's house is, Defne asked.

"You will see," Omer smiled slyly and bit his lower lip.

- Surprise? Defne's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"Yeah," he nodded.

- How I love surprises! - More comfortable sitting in the seat, she said and turned to the driver:

- Sukru, step on the gas!

- All right Defne! - He answered cheerfully and the car accelerated.

A few minutes later the car stopped near the pier for yachts and speed boats. Omer grabbed his wife by the arm and led to one of them - the sharp-nosed, streamlined, silver-white. Defne gasped for breath. She stopped and asked:

- Are we sailing on a boat?

"And that too," Omer confirmed and picked her up in his arms. So, with his precious burden, he climbed the ladder to the boat. A young man with a neat mustache and beard, cheerful black eyes and hair pulled at the back of his head with an elastic band stood at the helm and smiled warmly at the passengers. Omer put his wife on a white plastic seat, he sat next to her and ordered the guy:

- Set sail!

He saluted and started the boat. The silver colossus smoothly floated out of the berth, and then like a buzzing arrow rushed along the smooth, deep-blue sea surface. The wind ruffled Defne's hair, and it fluttered behind her like a fire-silk. Omer looked at this beauty and wild delight was born in his chest. They are together! In love! They are sailing to a beautiful place on earth where they will be only two. For two whole days.

"And yet," bowing to his ear, Defne asked. - Where are we going?

He likewise moved his lips to her ear, caught her hair in his hand and gently kissed the pink earlobe.

"To an island," whispered hoarsely.

"But what about clothes and ..." Defne worried, but Omer pressed a finger to her lips.

- Shhh! Don't think about anything. Just enjoy it.

She closed her eyes and with a blissful smile on her face, threw back her head on the strong hand that hugged her shoulders. Allah! Indeed there came the moment when she can't think about anything, but only love and enjoy reciprocal love?

Passengers had not even had time to admire the vast expanses of the sea, and the boat was already mooring at the island. The pier itself was small, clearly private, strong and neat. The guy threw a ladder to it, jumped onto a wooden floor and helped Defne to get down. Omer easily jumped off the boat, shook the guy's hand and led his wife along the stone-lined path up to the house hiding in the autumn garden.

The house was two-story, solid, stone. With a red-tiled roof, walls painted white, huge windows all over the wall, and a long veranda that surrounds the house from three sides. It looked at the sea a little arrogantly and condescendingly, like an adult respectable man at a playful boy.

Defne ascended the veranda and, looking at the endless blue of the sea, leaned against the wooden railing. Omer went to her and stood behind. Hugging her around the waist, he pressed his cheek to her temple and also fixed his eyes on the sea.

The summer hot day sailed over the horizon along with the crimson-golden sun disk. It was replaced by the evening - warm, velvet. It calmed the waves of the sea, and they subsided as affectionate as kittens. Turned the air into a lilac-pink haze. With every breath, it penetrated the lungs and intoxicated more than wine.

"Let's go inside," Omer called his wife in a velvety voice.

She turned to him and held out her hand. He clasped the small palm with his beautiful, long fingers and led her along. The front door was not locked. Omer pushed it and let Defne forward. She went in and enchanted look examined the house.

The first floor was one huge room. In it, the kitchen smoothly passed into the dining room, and that turned into a cozy living room with many armchairs and sofas, a huge fireplace, a staircase, and roughly plastered white walls. Light, wooden floors were covered with fluffy, with intricate patterns, Turkish carpets. Defne took off her slippers and walked barefoot. Omer caught her hand and nodded to the stairs.

- Go upstairs. The first door on the right.

"And what should I do there?" Asked Defne.

"There you will understand," Omer answered and nudged her to the steps.

Defne went upstairs. Along the short corridor on either side, there were rooms. She found the right door and entered it. It was a bedroom. The most beautiful she has ever seen. Two walls consisted entirely of windows covered with transparent, white chiffon. The same chiffon descended from a copper ring fixed in a dark beam and surrounded a huge bed with an air canopy. In the corner was a dressing table with a mirror and next to it was a door to the bathroom.

On a burgundy bedspread neatly placed on the bed lay a stunningly beautiful creamy white dress. There were shoes on the floor. The same lace, designed by Omer for his bride. But how? After all, they remained in the grandmother's house? Allah! There are no obstacles to this man.

Defne went to the massive closet by the opposite wall. She opened the door and gasped. There lay her clothes. Lingerie, T-shirts, jeans. A pair of dresses and a gray warm cardigan hung on the hangers.

Defne chose a pale lilac, lace panties and went into the shower. Holy heaven! The water was deliciously hot. Like she loved. And what was not in her temporary home. How did she, it turns out, missed such simple things.

But Defne did not allow herself to bliss for a long time. After all, Omer is waiting for her. Her beloved husband. The man to whom she again gave her heart ... and is ready to give herself again.

Defne removed the drops of water from her body with a towel and pulled on the linen. In the room, she put on the dress. It clings to her body with the most delicate silk. Leaving the shoulders and arms open, it clung to her high chest, emphasized her waist, and lay soft around her legs. Clasping the zipper on her side, Defne slipped her feet into the shoes and went to the mirror. She splattered her favorite perfume on the neck, slightly touched her eyelashes with mascara. Pink, softly contoured lips did not cover with lipstick. Left as is. She combed her curls with smooth movements, and they curled over the back and shoulders like molten copper. She threw a shawl over her shoulders.

Well, she is ready for a date with her own husband. The phone vibrated in her purse with a message. She took it out and read:

"Get out of the house and follow the lights."

She did so. She left the house on the veranda and stopped in confusion. Around it was dark and quiet. And suddenly, with a gentle clink of bells, the music sounded. Together with it, lighting the exit from the veranda into the garden, tiny lights were lit.

Defne took a step towards them. The following were lit behind them. She followed the lights, and they, under the trill of bells, flashed in front of her legs and led along. Just a couple of steps ... thousands of tiny lights scattered on the walls and roof of the gazebo.

They flickered so gently and clearly.

And the music that accompanied them was the same - gentle and clear. And in the middle of the gazebo, near the festively laid table, was Omer. Defne gasped for breath. He was so ... so ... beautiful. In a dark tuxedo and a snow-white shirt, with a narrow bow tie.

And the face ... inspired, it changed before her eyes. Impatience gave way to admiration, eyes radiated tenderness, and Defne felt with her skin the reality of this look and those feelings that lit a fire in him. Omer held out his hand, and she put her hand in it. He brought it to his lips, kissed and spoke in a low excited voice:

- This is a continuation of our wedding, my love. Even without guests and everything else, but we are real. Without lies, doubts, and fears. This is the most important ... I want us to have other memories.

Happy ... I want everything to be right. So that the ring returns to your finger again. So that we have the first dance and a real wedding night.

Without taking his eyes off Defne, he took the ring from a silver tray and asked:

- Will you allow it?

She nodded. The eyes filled with tears. They blurred eyes and prevented her from clearly seeing Omer. And she wanted to see him! Not to miss the slightest emotion on his beloved face.

Focused and serious, he kissed the ring and put it on her thin finger.

Тhis is right...

Defne looked at the gold ring and knew that it was forever. There will no longer be living apart. No more suffocating jealousy. An agonizing doubt and fear that Omer does not love her.

He loves her! And she ... Allah! How much she loves him!

Defne looked up at him. He looked at her and waited. Patiently.

With hope and endless love. She reached for his face with her hand. She ran her trembling fingers, touched his lips and whispered:

"I can no longer live without you ..."

Omer groaned, bent to her face and, caressing it with his eyes, spoke feverishly:

- Never! My love, never! I won't let you go one step or a day. You are mine! From now on and to infinity you are the only one!

"Kiss me," Defne asked.

He touched her lips with his. Gently, weightlessly, carefully. They were so soft and sweet ... his own lips trembled and caught a reciprocal thrill, hot breath, quiet moan...

The evening around them has subtly changed. The light of thousands of lights became soft, the darkness outside the gazebo became inky, the air intoxicating. The bells fell silent and gave way to the violin. It sounded passionately and subtly, responding in the chest with trembling and desire.

Omer let go of his wife's lips. With one hand hugging her waist, he squeezed thin fingers into his other hand and swirled her in a dance.

Defne surrendered herself to his hands. She followed him trustingly and confidently ... and the butterflies in her stomach repeated their dance...

From their tickling wings, the silver spiral of desire tightened and got stronger. Omer's breath became hot and frequent. His hands hugged the graceful figure more strongly, slipped along the narrow back, buried in the fiery silk of hair. He hugged her as if he wanted to merge forever with her body.

The music is over. They stopped. Both there was no strength to break the embrace.

"Defne ..." Omer pleaded.

His eyes pleaded. Burned with passion. Burned and driven crazy. A tremor shook the strong body.

Defne slipped her hands over his broad shoulders, rose them to the back of his head, ruffled his dark hair, and then fingers ran lightly down his neck.

The fire in his eyes turned into a raging flame. Omer grabbed her in his arms and carried her down the path lit by a scattering of tiny lights to the house.

Veranda. Hall. Stairs.

The bedroom door creaked, closing. Omer sat Defne on the bed and knelt before her. He picked up a slender leg and inseparably looked into the golden honey of her eyes, pulled the heel of the shoe. It easily slipped off her foot and fell to the floor. Then the second one. His palms stroked her calves, knees, slipped under the dress, pulled it up. Defne intercepted them and got out of bed. Omer immediately grabbed her. Fear that а refusal would follow again like bullet pierced his brain.

He can't stand it.

He will fall and die right here.

At the feet of Defne.

But she did not push him away and did not try to escape. Looking into his eyes, she pulled the tip of the bow tie and the satin fabric was easily untied. Defne threw it to the floor and brought her hands under the tuxedo. Omer helped her. He tore off the black fabric from his hands and threw it away. Defne watched, fascinated, as, under the thin white cotton of his shirt, his muscles were pumping and twisting. They had so much strength and intense expectations. She undid the top button and touched his throat with her index finger. Hissing air escaped from Omer's lungs.

He clenched his hands and clenched his teeth, threw back his head. Defne unfastened the second button, the third ... slipped her palm under the shirt and pressed herself against the hard muscles of the chest. Her little finger hooked on a flat nipple, and the restraint left Omer. With a groan, he wrapped his arms around his wife. Fingers found the clasp of the dress and pulled the zipper down. Omer pulled the silk fabric and it fell at the feet of Defne...

The world exploded in a raging flame.

In a sensual stupor, Omer tore off his clothes. He pressed himself against Defne and went crazy with her tenderness. His hands and lips wanted her all at once. Hot, sweet mouth, graceful neck, high chest with cherry tops of the nipples. Thin hands with sensitive fingers, which he bit and pulled into his mouth. Soft stomach and tight buttocks. And of course, the place to which the most stubborn and demanding part of his body rushed.

Defne circled a fiery, sweet whirlwind. Omer's hands and lips were doing so with her that it seemed to her just a moment, one movement of his hand, one kiss, and she would crumble into millions of pieces. Curving, she put her hands behind her head and groaned. His fingers intertwined with hers ... a hot tongue burst into her mouth ... a strong body covered her and hid her underneath. Omer filled her all ... got to the heart, burst into the soul.

The world gathered at one point and exploded in a dazzling firework ...

On the street, tiny lights confidentially gave their light in the late evening. The sea splashed with the surf, and a full moon rose above its dark waters. It laid the silver track and promised that it was on her that you could come to happiness.

Oh, what a sweet delusion...

And in an old house, on a huge bed, under a transparent canopy covering them with stardust, a man and a woman came to their long-awaited happiness.

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