Mr. Popular [On-Going]

By KP_UnaH

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"What do you mean you hate me and do not care about my popularity?" "Let's just say that not everyone loves y... More

Chapter 1 - Everyday life
Chapter 2 - Mistake
Chapter 3 - Detention
Chapter 4 - Second Move
Chapter 5 - Suspended
Chapter 6 - Solution
Chapter 7 - Moving in
Chapter 8 - Back in school
Chapter 9 - Locked up
Chapter 10 - Forever Enemies
Chapter 11 - Getting to know you
Chapter 12 - Just a playmate
Chapter 13 - Bubble Tea
Chapter 14 - Hideout
Chapter 15 - Upset
Chapter 16 - Hide and go Kiss
Chapter 17 - The maknae
Chapter 18 - Almost
Chapter 19 - Yura
Chapter 20 - Ahn Hee Ji
Chapter 21 - Clubs
Chapter 22 - President
Chapter 23 - Sing for you
Chapter 24 - Mrs. Park
Chapter 25 - Starstruck
Chapter 26 - Guilty
Chapter 27 - Apology
Chapter 28 - Frenemies
Chapter 29 - Confession
Chapter 30 - Back
Chapter 31 - Leave me alone
Chapter 32 - Revelation
Chapter 33 - Joshua
Chapter 34 - Childhood Bestfriend
Chapter 35 - First Move
Chapter 36 - Second Move
Chapter 37 - Girl Training
Chapter 38 - Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 39 - Fourth Move
Chapter 40 - Your Own Trainer
Chapter 41 - Cooling Off
Chapter 42 - Beach
Chapter 43 - Fun Together
Chapter 44 - Friendly Date
Chapter 45 - Goodbye
Chapter 46 - Foundation Night
Chapter 47 - Bloody Tigers Gang
Chapter 48 - Dark Wolves Gang
Chapter 49 - Safe now
Chapter 50 - Back To Normal
Chapter 51 - Feelings
Chapter 52 - Role Play
Chapter 53 - Cancelled
Chapter 54 - Letting Go
Chapter 55 - Escaped
Chapter 56 - Birthday
Chapter 56 - Second Round
Chapter 57 - Comeback / Girlfriend
Chapter 58 - Answers
Chapter 59 - Tripped
Chapter 60 - Catching Feelings
Chapter 62 - Un-Awkwarding
Chapter 63 - Girlfriend
Chapter 64 - Promises
Chapter 65 - Confused
Chapter 66 - A Shoulder To Cry On
Chapter 67 - Confess
Chapter 68 - Hug
Chapter 69 - Collaboration
Chapter 70 - Risks
Chapter 71 - Plan B
Chapter 72 - Resort
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 - Wish
Chapter - 76
Chapter 77 - The one I love
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 - I love you too
Chapter 80 - Goodnight
Quick Note

Chapter 61 - Catching Feelings Too

76 2 0
By KP_UnaH

Jihyun's POV

"There they are," I could hear Suho say as he spotted Chanyeol and I approaching our table.

My heart wasn't still calming down from what happened earlier, and the fact that somebody in our group may notice made things slightly worse than it already is at the moment.

I went to sit at my usual spot beside Baekhyun while Chanyeol sat on the seat opposite to me. I couldn't even bare to look at him in the eye so I cannot help but just look somewhere else.

"Are you okay?" Baekhyun asks me as soon as my eyes net his. I happened to turn my head to his direction. "You seem a little flushed," he points out quietly which I was thankful of.

"I just got a little bit tired of looking for Chanyeol," I reasoned out which he bought, nodding his head as he reached out for a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Drink this then."

I smiled at him and took the glass of water in my hands and immediately chugged down half of it, sighing afterwards. "Thank you."

"It's Saturday tomorrow," Chen says out of the blue, but nobody responded. But Tao gave him a questioning look and he nodded, giving the younger man idea.

Tao cleared his throat as well, "It is Saturday tomorrow."

Picking up the idea, Baekhyun joined in, "We don't have school at Saturdays, right?"

"Okay, now that does it," Suho groans, while Baekhyun only smirked. "Well, if you guys want to go out for tomorrow then we better settle it right now," he adds.

"How about we have some fun at the hideout?" Suggested Xiumin. "We literally have almost everything in there. But I believe we should have our own pool party, we have never done it."

"That's a great idea," Kris nods in agreement. "Then we could also play some games right after."

"I suggest we play hide and seek again," Lay spoke up. "Not only would it be fun, it would also be pretty nostalgic. It was the game we all played when Jihyun first came to that place."

I was surprised by his last sentence as he turned to look at me. The others did at well. The only thing I managed was a smile and a small uttered, "Thanks."

"So that's settled, we're heading to the hideout tomorrow," Suho concluded which we all nodded our heads to. "First we would have our pool party, at what time?"

"I suggest around noon. So that we could prepare our snacks and stuffs beforehand," said D.O. and everyone else went along with the idea. "Then we arrive by nine in the morning so it won't be too early for a Saturday."

"Right.. Then we can continue all the fun and games by night," said Luhan.

"That's settled now," Suho said, placing his pen and paper down which I did not even realize he brought out.

"Chanyeol," Luhan calls out. "Are you... going to...?"

"What?" Chanyeol huffs, sounding a little impatient from his friend trailing off.

Luhan sighs. "Are you planning to bring Choimin along with us tomorrow?"

Everyone in the table fell silent. Completely silent. It was like the time stopped revolving around us.

I turned to Chanyeol and he was already looking at me as well. I raised a brow at him then nodded my head to Luhan.

"Well... Uh.." Chanyeol mumbles at first. "I-I believe she told me earlier that she had something important to do for this weekend," he answers which I knew, and probably some of the others as well, is a lie.

"B-But I will try to ask her later on, if it would be fine for you guys," he adds quickly, his voice trailing off into almost a whisper.

Everyone replied with agreement. Everyone but I noticed that Kris was silent.

"Chanyeol," the latter called out. "May I speak to you for a second?" he asks.

Chanyeol turns to the elder and subconsciously shivered. He knew this tone and he knew that Kris really is serious at this point. Nevertheless, he got up and followed his friend out of the cafeteria, excusing both of them before completely walking away.

Suho sighs. But then his eyes met mine and something in the air slightly changed. His Eyes turned really, really serious as he told me,  "Jihyun, you need to check on them."

My brows jumped up. "What? Why me??" I asked.

Luhan nods. "Just go. We need to make sure nothing wrong is going on between those two."

I sighed and stood off my seat, immediately following the path the two earlier took. I was greeted by an empty hallway but I can clearly hear mumbles making me roll my eyes.

Anyone who could pass by can literally get serious and just eavesdrop. This two really...

I followed the direction of the voices before I stopped at one end of the hallway and just stayed there, listening to them.

"...It is wrong, Chanyeol.. Completely wrong. Don't you think that you're literally messing up the poor girl?" I can hear Kris ask.

"I know, hyung. I already told you, I have talked to her earlier about this, and we already settled with the fact of giving her more space," Chanyeol replies, though I am not quite sure who the girl they were mentioning is.

"And still you're planing to bring her tomorrow? Even though you settled with giving her some more space to heal??"

It's Choimin...

"I-I can't help it, hyung! My conscience is killing me!"

"She already said it herself that she wants some distance! Why do you keep trying to pull her back then?? You already healed the wounds she left you, why not let hers heal now?? Are you really that selfish??"

At this point, I badly wanted to get in between both of them. I don't want anything else happening right now, or ever.

"Ah..." Kris chuckled in a softer, yet still taunting tone. "You are using her."

"W-What?!" Chanyeol exclaims silently.

"You're trying to use her to rid your feelings for---"

"So what if I am doing so?" Chanyeol snaps back which took me in surprise. "It's helpless, hyung."

"You sound so pathetic. Using a girl to rid your feelings of another, you're going back to your old self Chanyeol," Kris states, more in a worried tone now. "So what are you going to do? Waste your time on using a girl after another, breaking their hearts like you used to just to get rid of your feelings for her?? Instead of being a real man and confess?"

"Hyung, you know that I can't. She's already taken by..." Chanyeol could only sigh at the end. The way he sounds makes me feel that he really does like this girl a lot. Never have I heard him so down.

Who is this girl that can make Chanyeol feel so pathetic?

Who is this girl that makes him seem so weak?

Who is this girl that he seems to adore a lot?

Subconciously, my hands balled in to a fist and loosely clenched.

Why? Why am I feeling this way?

I need to calm myself down. This is nothing.. Everything I am hearing is just too much to take in at the moment.

"No he hasn't," Kris replies. "Remember, Chanyeol, your friend is just courting her. They aren't together yet so pick up your mess and do some work while it isn't too late."

His friend? His friend is courting the girl he likes?

Which one of our friends is it? Or could it be someone out of our circle?

Due to the amount of questions that gathers in my head, I cannot help but have a thought of asking Kris all about it, since Chanyeol wouldn't tell me who probably.

But that's the point. I cannot just go around and start asking some questions without Chanyeol's consent.

But I need to do something with this curiosity of mine.

"The thing is, Yeol... Just give Choimin some time to sort her feelings out. And give yourself some time to sort yours too."

I can hear them starting to walk away from their place. I started to panic slightly.

I can't run, because if I do they would catch me since the hallway is too long.

Figuring out what to do, I made my way to where they were and nearly bumped into them as I turned around the corner.

The two were obviously shocked as they saw me, which I faked myself as well.

"J-Jihyun? What are you doing here??" Chanyeol asks.

"I was wondering what was taking hot of you so long so I decided to look for you," I lied.

Chanyeol turned to Kris, a skeptical expression on his face. Yet the latter only nodded then placed a hand on my shoulder. "We've settled it now. We can already go back."

I nodded and went ahead of them. But stopped as someone from the two grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back. It was Kris.

I gave him a confused look yet his eyes were on Chanyeol who is just as confused. "Actually, Yeol, you could go ahead. I will just ask Jihyun something."

Chanyeol fell silent for a few seconds rust before nodding and walking away. Once Chanyeol was a good distance from us, Kris grabs me by my shoulders, not harshly though, and turns me around to face him.

"You heard our conversation earlier, didn't you??"

Not wanting to lie further, I bit my lip and nodded my head.

Kris sighed. His sigh wasn't really an angry type, more relieved actually.

"I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I promise not to tell anyone about it---"

"As if you could," Kris scoffed, cutting me off. "Besides, I believe it would be better if you had an idea of what's going on with Chanyeol actually."

"And why is that?"

Instead of answering my question, he just chuckled and placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. Then he started walking back to the cafeteria.

"Why would it be better if I knew?" I asked again after catching up to him, only for him to turn to me with a playful look. I returned a pout and whined, "Kris!"

"I cannot let you know everything, Jihyun," he chuckled lightly. "Why not let Chanyeol himself tell you?"

"I-I can't just do that!" I protested.

"Exactly. Because he would be the one who is supposed to talk about it himself."

I frowned, not quite sure of what he meant.

Kris noticed the frown on my features and laughed once more. "You are so naive sometimes. You need to open up your mind in order to help him too you know."

"Help who? And my mind is always open to things!"

"Oh, not only your mind.. But your heart as well."

I sighed, "Let's just end it there. I am not getting what you're trying to say."

"Pft. Stupid."



"Are we all set?" asked Luhan as we all stood outside the apartment.


"Good to go!"

"Make sure you guys really got everything you need, alright?" The latter added.

"Yes, mom," Chen replied teasingly and laughed afterwards, only to get hit by a random pebble picked up by Luhan. "That hurt!" he winced.

"Whatever," Luhan retorted, sticking his tongue out to his younger friend before entering his car where D.O. and Chen got in too, the latter sitting beside Luhan while D.O. insisted on isolating himself at the back seat.

While Lay and I rode at Baekhyun's car, I sat beside Baekhyun and Lay laid down on the pillow he brought with him in the back, sighing at the comfort he received.

"Let's go," Baekhyun utters excitedly and drove off, Logan following closely behind us.

On our way, Baekhyun and Lay just sang along with the songs while I filmed the whole thing, not wanting to let such precious moment slip away so easily. I am going to be treasuring the clip forever of course.

When we reached the spacious highway, Breathing turned the AC off and rolled down our windows, letting the fresh air come in the car.

It was so refreshing and satisfying. I can't help but to lean a little closer to the window and just breathe in the smell of fresh air.

And when I open my eyes, I would be greeted by the lovely view of the sea, or Luhan's crazy who is still following closely behind us.

Finally, we have arrived at the secret path to the underground parking lot of the hideout which eventually opened up and closed back to its original form right behind us.

Upon arriving, we exited the car and went up to the living area to wait for the rest to arrive.

Xiumin, Suho, Kris and Tap were already here. It was only Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun who arrived a few minutes later.

"Alright. Let's divide ourselves in a group of two," said Chanyeol. "One would prepare the pool while the others get on with cooking."

"For the pool, we would be uncovering it, right?" asked To which caught me by surprise.

"The pool can be uncovered?" I asked in disbelief and Lay nodded.

"It is originally covered with glass, which has artificial grass laid on top and a thin opaque glass wall inside," the latter explained.


"Then we would also need to set up the speakers and stuffs," Kris added.

"What do you say about some movies too?" Luhan asked which they all agreed to. I did not even bother asking how we would watch a movie while swimming and just decided to see for myself later on.

"Kyungsoo could take care of what lunch we would make and snacks we'd prepare," said Xiumin, pointing towards the said guy.

"Then it's settled," Suho states, clapping his hands lightly. "Jihyun, Kyungsoo, Lay, Luhan, Kai, Xiumin and I would be in charge of cooking. The rest would handle the pool."

"I want to cook too." Chanyeol raised his arm yet Chen held it down, shaking his head.

"Not today, Chanyeol," the latter replied.


Finally, we were finished with the foods and all we had to do now was bring them to the pool.

I grabbed the tray nearest to me and started my way out of the kitchen until Luhan stops me.

"We have a dumbwaiter that leads there," he informs me.

"Oh.." I laughed sheepishly before heading to the mentioned machine.

I opened the mini oven-looking elevator and then placed the tray inside, pushing the button that says "pool" on it.

After that, I waited for the empty cabin to return again then we continued to place a tray after another inside.

Finally, we were done. And now I don't know what I am supposed to do.

"Hey, Jihyun," Xiumin calls out which made me turn to him with a slightly arched brow. "I was noticing earlier, you were like in a bit of a hurry."

"What? R-Really??"

"Yeah," he chuckled sheepishly. "I thought that maybe.. You wanted to go and check out the pool first."

Well I do want that..

"So, I was thinking... Maybe you wouldn't mind if I take you there, right?"

I beamed. "Of course I wouldn't!"

He was getting all shy about that? Cute!

He chuckled and dropped the hand he had on the back of his neck. "Follow me then," he says and I nodded, following him out of the kitchen.

"There are actually a lot of places to go to under here," he started off while we were walking. "We actually have our own arcade, disco, bar and other stuffs like that. But most of the ways to get there is a little more concealed and it would take a bit more time to get there. We decided to have it that way, so that incase anyone figures out the hideout and eventually enters and attacks, we have a lot of places to go to that either lead to the exit or hide a dozen or more weapons in its walls."

"Wow.." I muttered. "That is so cool."

"Right?" he grinned, almost like a little kid. "Chanyeol was the one who thought of it back then."

Wow. Who knew that guy finally uses his brain?

Just kidding.

"For example, we have the pool," he says, turning to a corner of the narrow hallway we have been walking through. He was right, it takes a bit more time to head to those extra places under here. "We don't have that much stash of weapon, but there is a reason why it could be uncovered."

"So you can escape?" I asked and he nodded.

"Exactly. We just have to get through a concealed opening from the fiber glass that protects everything else from the inside," he adds as we finally reached a steel door

He turned to me with a smile, then grabbed the handle and opened the door.

My jaw dropped immediately as soon as I saw how big the area is.

"Oh, hey Jihyun! Hey Xiumin hyung!" I can hear Sehun greet, but all my attention was to the place I was in as I roamed my eyes around.

Of course, the first thing you will notice upon entering is the gigantic pool. But there are a lot more things than just the pool, the usual benches and different heights of giving boards.

The ceiling above was covered by the fiber glass mentioned by Xiumin, completely showing what was outside and letting the sun shine through as well.

And at your left upon entering hang a huge TV screen where you could totally watch all the movies you want. There was also a sound system from the other sides, a bunch of floaters, a separate pool which is actually a Jacuzzi, and an isolated are from the pool, where there is a floating table on top, held to the sides of the pool with chains where you could probably eat your food but not leaving the water.

This place speaks "extra." No, wait... Scratch that---It screams extra!

"Awesome, right?" Chanyeol pops right beside me which snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned to his tall figure then nodded. "I cannot imagine how much you've spent on all of this," I uttered out loud and he chuckled.

He chuckled as well and nodded. "I am actually glad our parents agreed on doing all these."

That surprised me. I expected some sort of bragging remark, instead he expressed his gratitude. Or maybe I thought he did. For me it was something near to it.

"Let's go, Jihyun," Xiumin calls, walking towards Chanyeol and I. "Let's settle the foods already so we can go to our rooms and change in our swimwears."

"I will go help," Chanyeol said voluntarily, raising his hand slightly. Xiumin returned a nod with a small smile and then motioned us to follow him.


"Ugh," I groaned, as I stared at the cabinets surrounding me. "What should I wear?" I muttered to myself.

I decided that a simple pair of shorts and shirt would do. It is just between me and the boys anyway, I don't really need to wear something that impressive or elegant or something.

Good thing the shorts weren't hard to find. There were also some pairs for swimming and I chose the longest one possible which reaches only half of my thighs, making me sigh. But this would be better than the rest.

I placed that aside then went to find something to wear on top. I needed to look for a pretty old shirt as much as possible because I do not want to ruin what Heeji posseses in here. I found one plain white shirt. But since it will probably get a bit more transparent when it gets wet, I decided to grab myself a sports bra.

Quickly, I changed into my chosen clothings and grabbed a pair of slippers before heading out of the closet.

I exited the bedroom and walked towards the stairs, but halted when I heard one of the doors open from behind.

I turned and saw Sehun, Tao and Kai come out from one room. They saw me too as soon as they were outside.

"Jihyun!" they exclaimed all at once and started running towards me simultaneously making me scoff at their silliness. They offered to head down with me and of course, I agreed.

"I heard we are going to play volleyball in the water earlier," Kai mused, sounding pretty excited.

"And we're also going to watch some movies!" Sehun add, high-fiving Kai at the process.

"How about the foods?" asked Tao. "I cannot be the only one excited about it."

"Oh I am excited about it," I stated, making Tao grin at me.

Finally, we arrived at the pool and everyone else were already there, some were already in the pool and having fun while the rest were fixing what was left to be arranged.

"Here they are!" Luhan calls out to everyone as he was setting up the net for the volleyball game later on.

Everyone turned to us and immediately called us in.

Kris ran up to us, dripping wet as he came from the pool, only to grab Tao by his arms and Sehun quickly got the latter's legs. They made him lay down and carried him towards the pool while the poor boy cried to be set free.

But Kris didn't really listen and even counted, "One... Two... Three," while swinging Two back and forth with Segundo before releasing. The boy screaming as he plunged into the water.

Sehun, yet got also pushed in the water by Kris in betrayal, who was also pushed in by Kai tight after. The scenery made me laugh.


I turned to Baekhyun who called me who also had his torso wet already.

"Don't run so fast, you might slip," I told him as he made his way towards me.

"Join me in the water," he says instead as he held his wry hand onto my dry one and began to pull me towards the pull. "You know how to swim, right?"

"Fortunately, I actually do," I answered.

"Good then," Baekhyun grunts as he got down on his feet and plunged into the water, facing me afterwards and reaching his hands out to me. "Come in, I will catch you."

"You know there is no need for that," I told him with a slight roll of my eyes, yet I was still smiling.

Nevertheless, I made my jump which Baekhyun caught my holding me by my waist.

The water level at my area reached my collar bones already. I suspect we were at the deeper area because Chen was standing by the volleyball net and the water reaches only up to his waist.

"The net is ready!" Lay announced and got into the water with Luhan as well.

The rest who remained dry decided to get in as well and we all formed a big circle.

"So, we will be divided into two groups," Suho starts off, but got interrupted by D.O. raising his hand.

"Can I be the one to write the scores down or something? I do not really know too much about the sport," the latter asks, a light tint of blush slightly appearing on his cheeks. We all agreed though and D.O. thanked us.

"Then we have the exact same number needed for both teams," Chanyeol stated. "Six on both."

"Alrigjt then, let's quickly choose the teams."

For the first team, we had Tao, Baekhyun, Suho, Chen, Lay, and Sehun.

On the second team is where I was in, Kris, Kai, Xiumin, Luhan, and Chanyeol too.

"Let's have a drill," Suho says and hands Chanyeol the ball as he was decided to play the position of the setter.

Chanyeol tossed the ball, first spiked by Kai, then Suho, then Kris, then Luhan, and then Xiumin.

I was the last to go beside the net and make my jump to spike the ball.

"Woah!!" I heard them exclaim.

"That was a really big jump, Jihyun!" Chen points out making me frown.

"It was??" I asked and turned to Chanyeol who set the ball.

He also looked astounded yet nodded.

Finally, the game start. And we were the first to serve.

Baekhyun managed to receive the bill with ease and bring it exactly to their setter which was Lay, who tossed it up to Chen.

The three blockers up front went to jump and managed to block the attack successfully, earning our first point.

It was then our turn to serve the ball. Xiumin luckily got a service ace making us cheer in triumph. But the next one was easily received by Suho, which got caught by Baekhyun who hit it towards Lay, who sent to toss straight to Sehun who spiked with all his might, earning a point for their team.

The game went on and on, both team getting one point ahead of the other before getting surpassed once again.

"Jihyun!" Chanyeol calls before the ball can even touch his fingers..

I nodded and quickly made my way towards the net and jumped. But the three blockers in front of me was most likely to block my forceful attack.

Hence, I decided to swing my arm with all I got, yet ended softly in order to make what they call a feint.

The other team tried to go after the ball but it was too late, signifying that our team earned a point.

"We're already at match point!" Xiumin points out.

"One more point!" Kris cheers before serving to ball to the other side.

"I got it!" Baekhyun yells before receiving the ball with ease and sending it towards Lay.

Chen jumped to hit the toss which was immediately reacted to by the blockers on our side. But Chen was only the decoy and Suho was the one to actually hit the ball.

But Xiumin was quick. He dashed in front of me and received the ball spiked by Suho.

But the ball turned to an unwanted direction, yet Luhan immediately caught it before it touches the side of the pool.

Tao ran after the ball as well, quickly sending it towards Chanyeol.

"Hey, Jeon!" Chanyeol shouts before the ball even reaches him.

I nodded and quickly moved them jumped.

But the blockers were once again in front of me.

I grunted and deliberately hit the block in order to make a rebound. It was a good thing Luhan managed to catch the ball and the game went on.

Tao brought it to Chanyeol once again whose eyes were still on me.

Subtly nodding, I saw Xiumin jump beside me, then Luhan. Yet following my instincts, I jumped even higher and the ball managed to each my palm just as I spiked, earning us our last score.

"Yeah!!" we all cheered after claiming our victory.

I went up to the person beside me which was Xiumin and immediately pulled him into a tight hug which he received. Then Luhan as well.

I decided to give every one of my teammates a congratulating hug of course. Until I came to the last person who was apparently hugging everyone as well. But we both stopped in our tracks when we realized that we were just about to pull each other in a hug.

Chanyeol chuckled sheepishly, dropping his arms to his side.

But I rolled my eyes and proceeded to pull him into a hug. To be honest, I was slightly surprised at what I did, since I expected that I would chicken out too. I don't know, I just felt like it.

I pulled away and grinned at a shocked-looking Chanyeol.

Supposedly, there are two sets in a game of volleyball, but we decided to end that there and have our snacks before proceeding to the rest of our pool activities.

After our short rest, the others went to plunge into the pool and do different kinds of stuff while I helped D.O. and Luhan clean up.

"Jihyun." I turned and saw Baekhyun approach me. "Let us handle this. Go and join the others."

"No, it's fine," I insisted. "This would make things quicker--"

"No, no. Get in the pool," said Baekhyun, who just as I assumed was very persistent.

I turned to Luhan and D.O. who just gave me a nod.

I subtly sighed before letting go of the dirty dishware and making my way to the pool.

"Here comes Jihyun!!" Chen points out in a silly manner making everyone laugh.

With a grin, I sat onto the side of the pool then slid myself in.

"Woah!" I exclaimed just when I realized that this was actually a deeper part of the area. My hands moved on instinct and propped them up onto the side of the pool, yet my right one slipped, luckily getting caught by...

"Glad I caught you," Chanyeol says, smirking lightly.

"T-Thanks," I uttered. Not really knowing what to do next, since I am still stuck at a deep portion of the pool, I just stared at Chanyeol awkwardly.

Good thing he sort of got the message and laughed. "Come on now," he says, wrapping my arm that he held around his neck making me automatically cling onto him.

I couldn't help but blush and look away from the closeness that we were in. I sighed in relief when my feet started to feel the floor of the pool and I unwrapped my arms against him.

"Thank you, Chanyeo---" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I got splashed on my face. With a gasp, I turned to Chanyeol who was laughing with all his might as he tried to run away.

"You sneaky little---" I growled as I ran after him. "Come back here!"

"Just treat that as showing your gratitude to me!"

"I thanked you, you jerk!!"

"It was just a splash!!"

"Just a splash?!" I cried out as I tackled on him when the water was just the level of his hips. "You're a jerk!" I added, but still laughing, as I jumped onto his back and brought the two of us underwater.

Still clinging onto him, he pulled us up and we both gasped for air. But I was quick to respond and dunked his head onto the water again and literally climbed on top of his shoulder to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

Just as I was having my victorious laugh, he emerged from the water, making me topple over and fall creating a huge splash.

The impact was slightly painful but Chanyeol quickly pulled me up as I coughed and gasped for air.

"Hey, are you alright??" he asked out of concern.

"Yeah," I laughed. "That was fun."

"Oh really?" he asks, with one brow raised and I nodded. "Well, you know what else is fun?"


He smirks and raised his hand, pointing somewhere. I looked at the direction he was referring to and instantly gulped.

"Come on."

My eyes widened when Chanyeol grabbed my arm and started pulling me out of the water.

"Wait what---?!"

"Let's dive!" he stated cheerfully.

Yet I replied dreadfully, "I don't want to dive!"

"Oh come on, don't me such a wuss," he scoffs. Since he was literally stronger than me, he used all his strength and grabbed me by my waist, lifting my out of the water as I squirmed.

"Alright! Alright! I will go!!" I squealed, as I tried to get out of his grip.

Chanyeol turned to me. "You are??"

"Yes! Just set me free!!" I half yelled-half chuckled making him chuckle as well.

But it seems like he did not really trusted on what I have said and still held me by my wrists. This time gently though.

I had no other choice but to follow. Anyway, how hard can it be, right?

Okay. I take that back. It is hard.

My knees were literally shaking for I was on the highest diving board.

I seriously though that it wasn't too high, it was four meters up. And thinking that it would be a deep plunge worsened the feeling.

"I-I..." I shakily uttered, catching Chanyeol's attention who was with me.

He noticed my slightly trembling figure and held my hand gently. "Are you alright?"

"Not really," I answered honestly this time.

I was expecting him to call me a wuss once more, but instead he asked, "Do you want me to get you down?"

And strangely, this caring side of him made me feel slightly better.

"Um.." I mumbled. "How about you go first?"

He looked at me, surprised. "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

Chanyeol nods back, turning towards the edge of the board but then looked back at me again. "Are you sure you'd like me to go first?"

"I want to see how you'd do it. I'd like to have a basis."

He nods, turning once more and preparing to jump. Only to stop and tilt his head back to me.

"I just can't leave you right here."

I sighed then walked up to him. Yet once I saw the dreadful sight again, I started to shake once more.

"How about we jump together?" Chanyeol suggests which instantly relieved the fear within.

"Sounds like a great idea."

"Yeah, until we accidentally hit each other though."

"I'd rather that than jump alone," I admitted making him scoff lightly.

"Alright then, better get ready."

I nodded and held his hand tight.

Chanyeol turns to me and starts counting. "One..."

"Two..." I replied, my heart still pounding in my chest.

"Three!" we both exclaimed before finally doing the jump.

I shut my eyes tight and held my breath. Yet even before we touched the water, I was quite sure that Chanyeol wrapped his arms around me.

Then we plunged in. As I expected, it was deep. But it did not even take that much effort from me to get to the surface as Chanyeol pulled the two of us up.

I gasped for air and coughed once, my hands firmly on top of Chanyeol's shoulders while his remained on my waist to support me.

"How was that?" he asked, grinning.

"Fun." I grinned back.

"One more time?"

I nodded. "One more time."


Finally, all the fun from the pool ended. We played a few more games with each other like tag and finding the missing coin each one of us threw in. By the end of that, we all ate as we watched a movie.

It wasn't shown to me at first but there actually is a changing area beside the pool. Since I was unaware, I decided to just dry off there and head back to the bedroom I stayed at.

"Let me accompany you," Baekhyun says, suddenly appearing by my side.

But... "Baekhyun!" Suho calls. "Can you help Kyungsoo and I fix the mess??"

I heard the latter sigh making me giggle. "It's fine, Baek.. I will see you later."

He nods and gently squeezes my hand before running off. I turned on my heels and made my way to the bedroom.

I was already halfway up the staircase when I felt a towel fall onto my shoulder, making me turn to where it came from.

"Chanyeol?" I uttered. I did not even hear him follow behind me.

His look was stern and so was his voice. "It wasn't right to just head to your room like that. You could've caught a cold."

At first, I was surprised by this caring side of his. I cannot help but notice that this man started to show more concern day by day. Not that I am complaining about it or something, I was just not used to it.

"Are you caring for me, Park Chanyeol?"

I managed to catch a glimpse of pink showing upon his cheeks making me smirk. "Are you?" I repeated.

"S-Stupid!" he spat out. "Of course I would be! You are my friend after all.. Or frenemy..."

I chuckled and reached out to mess with his hair. "Thank you though," I said.

"Pft," he scoffed. "You're welcome."

I smiled and then continued my way up to the staircase and Chanyeol just followed behind me quietly. Then he turned to the opposite direction and I watched as he entered the music room without even saying another word.

It was a bit weird yet I just shrugged it off and continued my way to the bedroom. Once I reached it, I got in the closet and looked for something to wear. Since it was getting late, I decided to take a shower as well and then put on a nice pair of pajamas.

I wore a sky blue pajama pants that had cute and fluffy clouds, literally fluffy as they are sticking out, on it. The top also has a big cloud in the middle but it isn't sticking out. The other thing is it was a tank top, so I looked for a simple cardigan to put on top for the meanwhile while I would be hanging out with the boys.

After that, I got out and headed to the living area where I assumed the rest is at. And I was correct. Most of them are hanging out there and watching TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked Baekhyun and plopped down beside him.

"Classical Tom and Jerry," he answers. "Good thing you're already here. We're just waiting for the others to arrive then we could start our game of hide and seek."

"Oh yeah..." I mused. "I nearly forgot that we are actually playing that."

"Mhm," Baekhyun hums in response. "And this time, I would be your hiding buddy."

I grinned. "That sounds good."

At last, everyone was complete and Suho turns the television off.

Luhan and Sehun ran off to grab some flashlights whole the rest of us formed a circle and waited for them. Once they have arrived, the flashlights were distributed and the 'It' was chosen. This time it was...

"Baekhyun!!" everyone laughed as they pointed at the latter who had a pout latched upon his face.

"Aw," I went up to the guy. "Cheer up, Baek. Seeking is not that bad."

"I wanted to hide with you," he whispers.

"Maybe some other time," I whispered back along with a little wink.

We were given a 20-second headstart like before after the lights went out. Everyone headed to where their instincts told them to or where they planned beforehand.

I, on the other hand, wasn't really sure where to hide. Not until I felt a hand grab my worst and pulled me off to another direction.

"You're going to get caught at that pace of yours."

Recognizing the voice, I smirked. "You really do not like losing, don't you Chanyeol?"

"I like victories. So I would be claiming each and every one as much as I can," he answers.

I just rolled my eyes, yet giggled at that statement of his and just let him bring me to where he was planning to. Since he wasn't blind in the dark like me, he managed to swiftly go through every nook and cranny of the house and I just blindly followed, momentarily having a peek of his own silhouette.

"Why are you dragging me along though?" I asked upon realization. "Don't you think I would slow you down or something??"

"Uh.." he utters, his pace slowing down a bit before increasing once more. "That's... That's what makes things exciting."

My brows furrowed at that. "You can't be serious about that."

"I am, Jihyun."

"Alright, alright..." I stated.

Chanyeol sighs before pulling the two of us into a room. He turned his flashlight on so I decided to turn mine on too. He brought the two of us in the music room.

"In here," he says silently, pointing his flashlight at a small door before turning his light off which I did as well. Then he continued to drag me towards the door and got the two of us in.

"Alright," he sighs, and turned his light on. We were in a small storage room of the music room. It was a bit tight so our sides were touching. "If ever Baekhyun hyung enters the music room, we can easily turn this around," he says, referring to the shelf we were leaning on. "Then that will lead us to the storage room of the library and then we could head out there."

"It's like a secret passageway," I silently gasped.

"Yes, and I need you to be quiet so that I could hear if things would be coming in or what," he snaps back making me scowl at him.

"I am not that loud!" I protested, still whispering.

"Yes you are!" I hissed.

"I am just whispering!" I hissed back.

"Don't make me silence you, Jeon!"

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do, Park??" I asked.

He sustained his frown but his eyes went down to my lips. Then back up to my eyes, then back down again.

Realizing he was literally bouncing his gaze on my eyes and lips, I gasped. "You pervert!" I growled silently, hitting him by the arm which earned a hiss from him.

"What was that for??"

"You were literally gazing down on my lips! What dirty thoughts do you have in your mind, huh??"

"Chill!! I was just warning you!"

"Then why does it have to be my li---" I stopped  in the middle of my sentence when realization hit me.

Flashbacks started to occur and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up real badly.

I could notice how Chanyeol's mood altered as well, how the whole atmosphere shifted to be exact.

It was pretty awkward until we heard something from the other side. We can hear some items being moved and such, ringing a bell for Chanyeol and I.

He motioned me to get off the shelf and I did, watching him push one side in order to access the secret passageway and quickly pulled us in, causing a thud as we both fell onto the floor.

Chanyeol was on top of me. Like literally.

And our faces were only inches apart to the point that I could literally feel his breaths against me.

Both of our eyes were wide and my heart was accelerating in an abnormal pace. Even my breathing got affected and my stomach tightened.

We stayed like that for a few seconds, until Chanyeol's features softened a bit more and he slowly started to inch himself towards me which caught me in panic. But why wasn't I doing anything??

Why wasn't I stopping him??

And before I even knew it. His lips were already pressed against mine.

It wasn't anything unfamiliar as I already felt them before. But I don't know why but something in this felt a bit more special.

Probably because it wasn't forced. Probably because it was softer and gentler than the last.

My eyes soon fluttered close as I started to melt into the kiss.

This is wrong. This is so wrong. Why is this happening?? Why am I letting this happen??

Why... Why does it seem that...

...I like it??

Chanyeol pulls away, both of our breaths really heavy.

Oh no... This can't be.

"Jihyun.." he whispers. "Jihyun, I---"

I did not even let him finish. I pushed him off of me and got up and left that room.

What just happened back there? What in the world? What in the freaking world??

Park Chanyeol kissed me.


And this time, I literally let him.

My hand made its way up to my lips as I shook my head.

No, no. This can't be happening.

This can't really be happening.

Halooooooo everyone! Motimotiiiiiis (I missed calling you guys that here)

I am back once again with, as promised,  longer chapter!

Dayum, things are probably getting hit in here. It is getting hot,  I say! Hot!

What happens now that such thing happen between Chanyeol and Jihyun? Could they sort this chaos of feelings they are having out or just stay awkward to each other until they eventually forget the unfortunate (or fortunate) event?

Thank you all for reading this chapter. I hope it was boring enough despite of the length. I hope you would continue to support me until we reach the very end which we are actually getting near to.

Love lots!

R.E.T. ♥

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