
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 44

32 4 0
By AntheiaW

*Natasha's pov*

*It was really late in the night when Christian came to me and told me that they handle the situation and I shouldn't worry or stress about it anymore. I asked him how he did it, but he just said to don't worry. After that she appeared to us again, she was pretty pissed, she said that we had deceived her and that she doesn't like that. To that Christian told her that they did the same to me first.

*The discussion went on till a moment when she just started to  laugh for no reason and say that it doesn't matter anymore if I got away with this, because something else was going to happen. Something we won't expect and that we can't do anything about it or to stop it. After saying that she dissapeard.


The next day..

*In the afternoon after we ate, Christian said that we had been through so much that we all needed a break and relax, he said he prepared something for me, he took me to the get together room, I got surprised when I saw the room, he turned it into a mini spa.
All our friends are here, and there are also masseuses.

Natasha: I'm not complaining, but why didn't we just go to a spa?

Christian: Because here is safer, since Zafre enchanted the house so no harm can come to you in here.

Natasha: the threat is gone.

Christian: one can never be sure.

*He motion to one of the masseuses, she comes to me and he told her.

Christian: treat her like a queen because she is the queen of this house and my heart.

*I look at him shocked and I blush furiously, the masseuse said of course to christian and smile at me friendly, she took me to a massage table and I lie down. She started to massage me and the massage was out of this world, soon I started to drift into sleep, and not long after I was out, I fell asleep.

*I slowly open my eyes and yawn, that was a good nap I finish  woken up and I notice that I am in his room and in his bed. I turn my face and see him sleeping next to me.

*One of his arms was on my belly. I had just a little bump, a bump I confused it to be fat at first, but now I know it's because of my babies.

*Soon I will have a huge belly to show. The good thing about these pregnancies is that they last only 4 to 5 months, 2 weeks is like a whole month in normal pregnancies, With junior I didn’t have any complication while giving birth, I hope these 2 go easy on me.

*I suddenly had the urge to pee, I slowly move away from him to stand up but he groans and pull me closer to him. I didn’t want to wake him up but I’ll need to do it now otherwise I will pee on his bed.

*I shake him and told him to let me go cause I had to pee, he didn’t want to let go of me. I told him.

Natasha: Then I’ll pee on your bed if you don’t let go of me.

*He didn't say anything as he take his arms away from around me and let me go.

*After I finish my business I wash my hands and walk back into his room, he tell me with a sleeply voice.

Christian: get back in bed.

*his eyes were still closed. I wasn’t feeling tired and neither wanted I to get back in bed with him, did he forgot that we weren’t good yet?

Natasha: I rather go to my room, I don't trust being alone with you in here.

*he open his eyes and look at me with a smirk and a playfull look his eyes were glinting. Damn, he looks gorgeous. This is so difficult, eh y does it have to be so hard? Help me God.

Christian: Please, sleep in here, stay with me. You'll sleep better.

*He say with determination. He almost had me but I act indifferent. ACT, cause tell you the truth? I can't be indifferent to him, hence the babies.

Natasha: Don’t you have work to do?

Christian: Andrés is handling things now, later I’ll go help him, right now I wanna have you by my side, after all we have been through.. we deserve a little quiet and a bit of peac, we deserve a peaceful day.

Natasha: Don’t Andrés deserve that too?

Christian: He suggested me to come sleep next to you, he said that I should experience everything from this pregnancy because I miss my other kids pregnancies, he said it’s a difficult but beautiful journey and that I should be by your side to attend your every need.

Natasha: Hmm, I see... Where is Jr?

Christian:  He is playing with his cousins.

*I nod and ask another question.

Natasha: and vi?

Christian: Annette has her, she asked me to take her out of the house because she was taking her baby out to the park. Tina and pat went with her.

Natasha: So it’s just you and me?

* I question him narrowing my eyes at him. Or he planned this, or luck is by his side today.

Christian: yes.

*He say smiling.

Christian: Get in bed, remember the doctor said that you need to rest.

*I roll my eyes at him.

Natasha: I know what your trying to do, but I don’t think it’s a good idea Christian.
Why did you bring me in here and not to my room?

*He looks at me nervous then he say.

Christian: Don’t think I’m a psycho, a weirdo or anything, and please do not take what I'm about to say the wrong way.
I wanted my sheets to smell like you again.

*He say shyly. I raise an eyebrow at him.

Natasha: Wow ok. Uhm. I.. I.. I’m gonna leave now.

*I say slowly backing away to the door, I didn’t see Jr’s Legos scatter there, so as I back away, I step on them and slip, I scream as I feel my body loosing balance and the only thing I'm thinking is, I am gonna hurt my baby’s.. but Christian was quick, when i fail to gain my balance and was falling, he jumped from the bed  and before I knew it he was by my side catching me. He moved so fast that it all happend in a blur for me.. Thank you God. I take a breath of relieve. He looks at me worried and alarmed.

*He took me to his bed and slowly lay me down on it, he acted as if I'm the most fragile thing on this earth. Like he was scared I would break.

Christian: are you OK? do you feel pain? should I call the doctor?

*He asked me worried.

Natasha: No, I’m fine thank you. I just need to be more carefull.

*He looks at me not convinced. He shake his head and say.

Christian: I’m gonna call the doctor anyway, I’m not taking any risks.

Natasha: There is no need too, nothing happened, it was just a little scare. I’m fine really.

* I say reassuring him with a smile, he puts his hand on my belly and say.

Christian: you sure?

I nod and reassure him again,

Natasha: we are fine. Don’t worry.

Christian: I will always worry for you and our kids. You scared the hell out of me.

*he say looking mortified. I smile and pat his shoulder.
He looks at my hand and ask.

Christian: Do you need anything?

*I shake my head and he gets in bed, not even 5 minutes later I tell him.

Natasha: You know, suddenly I’m craving watermelon, could you maybe get some for me?.

Christian: Right away baby.

*he say standing up in a flash and running out of the room. Let’s see if he’ll keep being so enthusiasm about this after another month. I highly doubt it. Pregnant women are unpredictable, trust me.. I know from experience. Christian is in for a hell.

*He brought what I asked for. I eat a bit of it then I sit around watching TV, after that I stand up and go running to the bathroom, I puke the watermelon. I groan as I remember about these horrid symptoms. I hate these sicknesses, I envy the women that doesn't get sick during pregnancy. If you eat what you crave, you end up puking it. And the mood swings aren't good either.. the acid we puke in the morning isn't any better.

Christian: I'm gonna call the doctor for sure now.

*Christian say looking at me worried, he try to get closer, but I raise my hand and he stay still where he is.

Natasha: It's fine, it's a normal symptom of pregnancy.

*I stand up weakly and he help me up. The feeling you get after puking while pregnant, it's not good. I use mouthwash and i almost puked again, after that I lay on the cold floor in the bathroom. He just looks at me strangely.

Christian: What are you doing?

Natasha: It helps me feel better.

Christian: that is so strange, won't the bed be more comfortable?

Natasha: right now I don't wanna walk, I feel like I puked my insides out.

Christian: come here baby.

*He say picking me up and walking into his room. He puts me in bed and he gets in too. I snuggle into him. This took him by surprise but he sure did act on it. He hugs me and sigh in content.

Christian: sleep my beautiful girl, I'll take care of you, don't you worry with a thing.

*I close my eyes and smile as I fall to sleep.

*When I awoke, I left his room and I went to find Jr, I see Jr and vi with Annette and the other kids in the living room, they were watching a movie.

*I join them and after the movie we were talking, having fun and playing with the kids, Christian came and took Jr upstairs, after an hour or so Jr came down smiling wide and ask me to go up with him. Hmm, what is he up too?

*It was night already. Jr take me to my room.

Natasha: What is going on baby?

*I ask my son curious, he was smiling from ear to ear, he giggle but doesn’t say anything.

Natasha: Christian, mommy asked you a question.

*Just then Christian opens the door and take me into the room, he decorated it with flowers all around. I look around in Ahw. Oh my, this made me remember the day I came to stay here the first time. I smile and look at him.

Christian: I have a Special day planned for you tomorrow baby. And you can't sleep in here tonight.

*He smile devishly while saying that.

Natasha: I can't sleep in here?

Christian: You can’t sleep in here, there is to much flowers everywhere. Even on the bed there is flowers and pots of all sizes with flowers in them. So you will have to come sleep in my room.

*Sneaky bastard. I see what you did here.

Natasha: I’ll sleep in a guest room.

Christian: Natasha please, I promise I won’t try anything.

Natasha: Hmm, I don’t believe you.

Christian: Please, Jr help me convince your mom to sleep with us in my room.

Jr: mommy please. Say yes.

*He use our son against me knowing I won't be able to say no to him, he smile wickedly at me, he ask me again with puppy eyes.

Natasha: Ok, ok.

*They both scream yes and fist bump each other.

Christian: We make a great team little one.

*Jr smiles at his father happily and nod. We went to take vi and put her to sleep in the nursery room, there is also a bed in there so that a maid sleeps in there with her.

*She attends to the baby's needs when she wakes up in the middle of the night. This is her job nothing else. I can't do it cause I'm pregnant and I need the sleep.

*Of course Christian didn't worry anymore when I get close to vi, he trust Zafre now and knows that she didn't do anything to the baby.

*The tree of us, christian, jr and I.. went to sleep in his room, his bed.

*In the middle of the night he took Jr to his room. Jr sleeps with him every night he hasn't once use his room.
I asked him to please keep an eye on him, I'll keep an eye on him too, I told him to take Jr to his room cause I wasn’t sleeping so good. I kept waking up every hour.

*I could have go to Jr room but his bed is small and it's a cars teamed bed. I can’t sleep in it, cause it's designed for a kid, too small for me. I try to go to a guest room but the doors were all locked. He really is sneaky.

*I don’t know when he did it, maybe while I was asleep, I wasn’t going to see if the rooms in the other halls were open or not I went to pee and I wanted to sleep back, but then I decided to wake Christian so he could take Jr to his room.

*I would have done it myself but I can't do any kind of force it's dangerous to do so certain kind of things while pregnant. Anything can make you have an spontaneous abortion.

*So here we are. Me and Christian alone in his bed.

*I try sleeping again but couldn’t, i look at christian sleeping figure, he is so toned and his body is so hot, he's so handsome. My God when did he take his shirt off? That body of his, his muscles his absence.  Lord have mercy on my soul.
I was feeling hot al of a sudden, fucking hormones.

Natasha: Hey you up?

*I ask him in a whisper, apparently he wasn't sleeping cause he open his eyes and look at me.

Christian: Do you need me to go get something for you?

Natasha: No, I was thinking that maybe. Uhm.

*I clear my throat.

Natasha: Don’t think of this as anything else than what it's going to be, I just have a craving.

Christian: Tell me, whatever you need and want.. I'll give it to you.

*Yes give it to me.

Natasha: I can't believe I'm going to say this. It’s sexual desire actually.

*He looks at me surprised.

Christian: You mean you wanna have sex? with me? Right now?

He asks curious.

Natasha: Yes, yes and yes.

He smiles at me and say.

Christian: well, well.. look who wants a piece of this now.

I roll my eyes as he laughs. He was just playing around.

Natasha: Don't get cocky. So.. what do you think?

Christian: You don't have to ask me twice, but are you sure you wanna do this with me?

Natasha: Oh for God's sake, I'm already knocked up by you again. But you know what.. forget I said anything.

Christian: No baby wait. I'm asking you because tomorrow I don't want you to wake up hating me for taking the chance while you were feeling horny.

I blush. I compose myself and say.

Natasha: No I’m not sure, but I wanna do it, I don’t know if your up for it. But don’t think of it as anything else, you are just helping me.

Christian: Won’t I hurt the babies?

He asks in all seriousness. I laugh a little and say.

Natasha: if you mean that if it could make me have an abotion, no.. nothing bad will happen if you go slow.

Christian: I mean, I don’t mind, I'm happy you asked me and I’d love to help you.. but you know I still love you and I’d love it if you wanted this for you too and not only to satisfy your pregnancy hormones.

*He say with a sad expression. I felt bad.

Natasha: Maybe that is a reason too, but don’t go thinking much about it.

*he looks hopefull at me and smile.

Christian: So how do we do this?

Natasha: Don’t act all strange and awkward, act normal.

*I get closer to him and kiss him, and from there we went on, and even tho I hate to admit it, I still have feelings for him. He made love to me and I to him.


Three weeks later...

*Some nights I sleep in his bed, some nights I sleep in mine, but when i sleep in mine, when I wake up in the middle of the night.. he is sleeping in my bed next to me, in the morning when I wake up he is already gone and after minutes he comes knocking on the door asking if I need anything.

*I'll tell you soon about the special day he prepared for me the next day after I sleep in his room and slept with him. All I can say now is that he was super sweet and romantic.

2901 words.

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