The Captain ( Book 1)

By alyssagrout

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Alice Johnson lived in a huge house with her twin and her older brother Erick. Their parents were never aroun... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (part 1)
Chapter 15 (part2)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29

Chapter 13

77 15 0
By alyssagrout

It took a very long time for them to pull the tiny boat we were on up to the main deck, but they did it! The first thing I did was run over to Courtney and hug her. Then I slapped her. Then I hugged her agian. Then I slapped her again.

"What was that for,"she says.

"You never told me!"

"Told you what?"

"Told me about this! I could have been free a long time ago!"

"Well your free now!"

I gasp,"I'm free!"

I star to laugh so loud that I didn't even care. then I noticed about a hundred or so people just staring at me.

"So um..your ok?" I say.

"Yes I'm fine. We were so worried about you!"

"Well I I'm fine except I got a giant cut on my head."

"Did James do this? Screw you James!"

He walks over to us," ok really why do I always get blamed for things!"

"Because you hit a guy on the head out of no were! That guy was Erick, and it was amazing!"

"It was one time and he was taking the last piece of toast."

"That sounds fair enough," I say.

"I'm assuming you have already re-met this moron hear," Courtney says motioning to him.

"This moron has feelings!!"

I laugh," yeah I have met the moron. That's a good name for him."

Well so we have Moron and Bozo the boyfriend. This keeps getting more exciting every minuet.

"Yeah whatever you say princesses," he says with a wink.

I give him a evil glare. is he ever gong to stop calling me that?!

He clears his throat,"I guesse since i'm the captain and all I need to act official. Courtney can you show her room?"

"Yes captain!" She says in a sarcastic tone of voice. She even does a fake solute.

She grabs my arm pulling me through the crowd of people. I try to say hi and sorry to all of them but she is to fast. Also, I just stopped caring after a while.

She leads me to a door on the floor. almost like a cellar door. I'm a little afraid now. When she opens it there is a staircase. She drags me down the black stairs. They lead to a hallway with about a dozen doors.

We stop at a door that says b-17.

"Were here," Courtney says.

I look at her than open the door. The room was big but at the same time cozy. There was a desk on one side of the wall with a wooden wardrobe right beside it. Then there was a bed on the opposite side of the wall. It had a velvet red bed spread with white pillows. Next to bed on both sides was a night stand. On the left there was a lamp. On the wall their was was a giant window. you could see the water bellow. It it so beautiful.

"Open the wardrobe,"Courtney says.

I completely forgot that she was standing there which is sad since my main goal was to find her. I did what she said and opens the wardrobe. inside there was most of my clothes inside and some new ones.

"How did you...."

"I had Erick take them here every morning he came here. Also I stuffed a bunch of crap into a bag before we left for school."

"Courtney I.. Wait! Did you know this was going to happen?!"

"No. In just being cautious." she starts. She gets down on the floor and pulls out a bag from under the bed. She starts to pull a bunch of things out of it,"that's not it."

First she takes out my box of my snow globes. Then she takes out my dolphin picture that I had hanging on my wall ever since I could remember. The next thing surprises me. She takes out a bunch of jewelry.

" It was our mothers. Well are fake mother. Since you were with Steph I assume you know."

"Yeah...but how.." Courtney cuts me off.

"I had Erick snatch these things when you left. With a little help from Layla."

My eyes get wide," is she okay? Is she here?"

Courtney shakes her head no." She wanted to stay behind but she is ok." She says,"Layla has Ally abs the new baby to worry about. Also, her husband is still away."

I lay down on the bed. There is a clock right next to my bed. It's about 10 a'clock.

"We are having dinner at four. If you want I'll send someone to come get you."

"That sounds great."

Just like that she left without saying another word.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. soaking in everything. All of these thoughts race through my mind until I close my eyes and I finally fall into a deep sleep.

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