Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

139K 2.8K 4.2K

The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
How About Another Round of Hide and Seek
An Interesting Visit
Purple Dress
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Faded Illusion
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Curiosity (SS part 4)
Found (SS part 5)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

Welp....(SS part6)

1.3K 31 19
By PennNamedQuill

I wrote this chapter, deleted and wrote it again, and I still feel like it is missing things. So after my 5th time trying, I decided to post the chapter before my brain did a "Select all" then "Delete" of all my prepared ideas.


*Last  Chapter.....*

A gun shot rang out clear, and loud as a bell. A really loud bell.

/////////// A few minutes earlier/////////////

//////////// Medic's point of view ///////////

I stormed down the hallways, hunting. I checked every room and corner. Where is that fucking bastard? When I find him— not even respawn will be able to fix what I do! In my haste I ended up turning a corner and bumping into my counter.

"Where are you going?" he asked. His tone gave away nothing.

I don't have patience for this. "Move out of my way."

"Is the girl okay?"

"She's fine."

"Then why are you angry?"

"The engineer, he did it."

I searched his face for a reaction, but he still gave nothing away. He turns around, "Follow me."

*End Flashback*

////////////// That explains the gunshot, doesn't it //////////////




No. It doesn't.

/////////////// Here's what actually happened. For drama purposes./////////////////

Author's POV: Warning this ish is one of the more violent parts....

The two doctors made their way to blue engineer's workshop. Medic was storming his way down the hallways, while Blue Medic was keeping pace with him. When they got there they found the workshop locked.

"Bastard! Let me in!" Medic shouted at the door. Though no sane person would let him in if he sounded like that.

"Fuck off!" Blue engineer yelled back.

Well ... crap. Now Medic was definitely going to kill him at least fifteen more times over than he was before.

Medic punched the door, rattling the hinges and leaving a shallow dent in the door.

"You waste too much time. Think rationally," The still calm blue Medic says to his counterpart. "Stand back." He then shoots the lock and kicks in the door.

"What the hell?! Have you lost your-" Blue Engineer's exclamation was cut off by Medic's hands giving his neck a hug.

Oh, wait. He's choking him. Fun fact about Medic: When he's pissed he is really strong, terrifyingly strong, hell hath no fury that can match Medic's scorn. Medic did not look like he was planning on stopping till respawn took the engineer's corpse. Blue Engineer realized that and started looking for escape. He looked to the door and saw his teammate at the door. He gave the Blue doctor an angry gaze. Blue Medic stared back at the engineer. A small, almost unnoticeable smile graced his face, as the doctor closed and leaned against the door.

The Engineer remembered his tool belt and in a last ditch effort grabbed his wrench. He used the last of his quickly fading strength to smack Medic across the face with it. It worked and the Medic dropped him to the floor to hold his own face.

Blue Engie coughed as he gulped in air, "You mind telling me what's going on in that hydrogen-high brain of yours?!"

Medic quipped back, "After you tell me what gave you the audacity to hurt (Y/n)."

"So the little brat told on me," Blue Engie bitterly chuckled.

"You think this is humoress!" Medic was wondering to himself why he hadn't killed him yet.

"Now calm down, doc. I just got a little angry. The brat was sneaking around in my workshop, so I decided to give her a little scare."

"She came to me with bruises."

"They'll fade away. She's just being the baby that she is." Blue Engineer had gotten up and walked over to the window of his work shop.

"You have no remorse at all, do you?"

"She came into my workshop without permission, so I threw her out of my workshop. I would have done the same to anybody else," Blue engineer said flatly. He turned back to the doctors and leaned against the workbench. "No exceptions from me."

Medic was silent for a moment. Trying to study the blue version of his teammate. Medic was incredulous over how calm the Blue Engineer was. He expected the inventor to be begging for forgiveness, or vowing death threats, or trying to pathetically explain his way out. Instead he was calm.

"What no response? No threat? No babble about you are going enjoy killing m—" Engineer was cut off by the sound of glass breaking behind him and a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" He screamed. Medic jumped at the sudden action. The doctors saw a zombie biting into his neck. It was zombie Soldier. The Blue engineer tried to run forward in panic but the zombie grabbed his shoulders and continued to feast.

A gun shot rang out clear, and loud as a bell. A really loud bell.

The blue Medic had drawn his syringe gun and shot the Blue engineer through the neck from where he stood. The syringe skewered the engineer and zombie soldier to together. The Engineer's fell forward, dead, bringing the zombie through the window with him.

The zombie wasn't dead though. Red Soldier pulled himself off of syringe that was protruding from the engineer's neck and began to get up, despite the grey and red-brown blood substance leaking profusely from his neck. Medic, who finally shook himself from his shock drew his bone saw and quickly sawed the zombie soldier in half. Soldiers remains landed back on the engineer again. Engineers skin was getting pale abnormally quick and a light green and blue tint was beginning to set in.

Blue Medic stated the obvious, "We need to leave."

Both the doctor fled the scene, rushing toward the lab.

*Present time in (Y/n) Point of view*

The zombies ran towards the door. Demo quickly shut the door and locked it. "Run!!!" He yelled at us. We all took off down the hall. Guard ran ahead and pressed a button on the wall. An alarm started and the hallway lights were replaced by blue emergency lights.

I heard what sounded like metal doors closing around us. We stopped in the common room. Most of Blue team was coming in too. Except for...

"Where are the Medics?" Blue Spy asked urgently.

"My Medic was in the lab last time I saw him," I quickly recalled.

There were gunshots coming from one of the hallways.

"Scouts, take the girls out of the building. There is a hatch leading to the roof. Figure it out from there," Spy pointed to one of the hallways that apparently lead to the roof. He also handed a backpack to Blue Scout, before addressing everyone else. "The rest of you we're finding the doctor and covering their escape. Move!"

"Common!" Guard led us to our escape. Running down the hallways of blue base, the sounds of the chaotic fighting happening nearby, the flashing blue lights, and the fear fueled adrenaline made the dull pounding in my head come back. I heard a crash coming from around the corner. I found myself lingering for a moment, unwisely curious.

That curiosity became regret when I saw the hulking terror that was zombie Heavy standing at the other end of the hallway. He saw us too and began to charge down the hallway.

"Runt! Come on!" Guard unknowingly grabs me by injured arm and yanks me along. Guard carried me, dashing away from Heavy. Guard was so fast that Heavy was left in the dust or at least considerably behind.

Guard to me to a door leading to a stairway. When he opened the door I saw the girls and Scout waiting inside for us. The pain in arm got to be too much and I found myself struggling away from Guard.

"What are you—" He cut himself off when he noticed me holding my arm.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Dessie asked.

"Kid, what happened?!" Scout was starting to move toward (Y/n) to check on his friend.

"Nothing — I'll tell you later. This isn't the time!" And as if to prove her point, Zombie Heavy began to bash his fist against the door and wall, trying to get in. Everybody resumed their escape to the roof, (Y/n)'s problem pushed to the side, but not forgotten.

When they reached the roof Guard locked the door behind him. "Watch the door, " He told Scout. Scout guarded the door while Guard scouted the perimeter.

"It looks like all the zombies are inside the building. I don't see none of em' out here," Guard explained. He opened Spy's backpack and pulled out what looked like a grappling hook. He shot the device somewhere into the distance. Once he knew it was secure, he dug through the backpack again.

We heard the door getting beaten up. Heavy was here.

Guard finished fashioning a makeshift zipline by tying the rope to a sturdy looking satellite dish. He tore apart the backpack and handed me, Ella, Dessie, and Cartri pieces. Guard started explaining while Scout shot at Heavy, "Put the backpack around the rope, hold on tight, don't let go until you think you can touch the ground again, Got it?" He yelled through the gunshots. "You first squid."

Ella was hesitant, but the sounds of monster on the other side of the door, urged her forward. She got on the zipline and with yelp she pushed herself forward. She zipped off into the distance. Dessie want next, then Cartri. When it was my turn, I heard the door finally bust down and Scout's shooting increased. I quickly got myself ready to go down. I heard Scout cry out—

"Scout!" I tried to turn back to look at my friend.

"Go, Runt!" Guard pushed me forward and I was sent down the zipline. The sudden action made me grip my backpack piece tight enough to not fall off, but I kept trying to look back to see what happened to my broth— friend. I was getting further and further away from blue base. The sounds of battle fading away, leaving me with the pounding sound in my ears and the pounding feeling in my head. I was so consumed in my worried thoughts that I didn't notice that the line was running out. I tumbled across the ground on impact. When I rolled to a stop I grasped my arm in pain. I just can't get a break tonight!

"(Y/n)!" I heard Ella yell. She ran up to me and helped me up.

I finally took in my surroundings and noticed we were at a barn. The barn where I found the tractor. Ella took me inside, where Cartri and Dessie were hiding. It was pitch black inside the barn and the silence made it more erie then when I first came here.

I felt around for a light switch. I found one but it didn't work. Great. I instead found a lantern and all I needed was something to light it with.

"Here," Cartri said. She pulled a lighter out of her pocket. I looked at her questioningly.

"It was for my costume," Cartri says.

"Really?!" Dessie sounded exasperated, "Vampires don't have a special weakness for fire."

"I am not a vampire hunter. I am a vampire hunter hunter vampire."

"Hunters aren't afraid of fire," Dessie argues.

"Actually, I have found that most things are allergic to burning. It causes burns and in most cases death upon contact when heavily applied. Fire is the weakness of many things."

I ignored them and lit the lantern. The orange dancing light flooded the barn, making its cold, dark atmosphere warm and comforting. I sat down in front of the lantern and watched it. Ella came and sat down with me. I thought about everything that happened tonight, again. How did something that started out so fun, end with a situation like this? Half of my friends— no —my family, my new family, were turned into flesh-eating, violent monsters! The family I have left are still fighting and I don't know if they are okay. The Blue team got dragged into this too! Wait! Blue! Blu Engineers blueprints! I may not have my backpack, or my idea book, or anything really. But I knew that I was going to save them somehow. I know I can.

I think I have a plan.

I heard a small thud from outside. Scout? I got up quickly got up, startling Ella. I opened the barn door—

My heart stopped.

The rope was on the ground.

That means it must of been cut.

I looked around. I left the barn and searched for them. Scout? Guard?

"Scout," I called out, "Guard?"

I called again.

"Scout? Guard?"

Why did this happen?

End of Chapter....

🌈 Author Insecurities time 🌈 you see why I think its trash? This has got to be one of my shorter chapters! I thought I would finish the Spooky Sleepover saga by now but every attempt I tried at merging every thing into a single chapter sounded lazy and stupid. Also.....

Blue engie is such a jerk!

I know that I am the one that wrote him that way but I still can't get over his actions. I feel like nothing I write in later chapters will ever redeem him.

But will I rewrite his, this is just how my brain thinks he would act om contrast to Red Engineer. It also gave me the excuse to do the 'Jerk-gets-killed-off-in-a-zombie-movie' trope (Cinemasins adds 50 sins).

Writing this saga has made me realize that I haven't done a lot of bonding between the Kid and other Blue Mercs and a couple of Red Mercs too. I should fix that when this is done. 

What Mercs should I have more Chapters on?  

I will  do a couple of chapters covering these before I start the special. That is something that I will promise. I just don't know who to cover first.

Would you like to learn more about how the red and blue personalities are different? I ask this honestly because I thought it would be an interesting element to add to the story and that it was better than 'Copy and Paste merc personality here' over and over again. For blue Pyro and Demo I used the persona that Piemations created for them for reference and homage to the original "Meet the" series that he did.

I feel like there also needs to be more Kid development and I think I will add more of that during the School Play special.

Would you all mind if I did a Poll? Would you actually respond to it?

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