The Bright Slytherin (Harry P...

By LightWolf46

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I got Accepted into Hogwarts, but, I didn't know, that I was gonna be stuck in Slytherin, with the person I h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 69

49 3 2
By LightWolf46

Ashley's POV

I lean back against the wall as I breath a sigh of what the fuck, of course I fall through the wall and I land on splinters and wood.

"FUCK!" I yell pissed. "That fucking, like really fucking hurts man! Fuckity fuckity!" I yell jumping up immediately, splinters in my sweater and on my exposed back and arms. "FUCKING SHIT!" I yell as I dance around, in pain, chanting the word Shit, and then fuck when I fall forward into the splinters. "SHIIIIIITTTT!"

"Oh my god!" Harry yells shocked.

He grabs my arm and pulls me off the splinters and my eyes sting from the pain.

"Are you ok?" Harry asks me in surprised.

"My life is on fucked up mess of pain and only pain." I say and Harry nods.

He helps me get the splinters out while my eyes water.

Afterwards Harry breaths a sigh of relief while I put my forehead on my Mahogany table.

"So what happened with Andrew?" Harry asks me.

"I quit with that. Its too much emotional effort and embarrassment. I hate that situation." I mutter and Harry nods.

He pulls me into a hug. "Ashley, just focus on loving yourself, first." Harry says to me.

I hug Harry around the neck. "Alright." I whisper.

Harry hugs me tighter and after a bit, we head to Andromeda's and I sit with Teddy by myself for a bit, just watching him play.

I end up sleeping on the couch with Teddy on my chest.

The next day

I wake up on my bed in my manor, surrounded by Aurors who stand around my bed.

I groan in annoyance and I pull my blanket over my head. "Go away!" I yell tiredly.

"Ashley Black your under arrest." An Auror says to me.

"Why does this always happen to me? What the fuck? I just want an actual restful sleep." I say as I bury myself farther under the blankets.

"I suggest you come quietly." Another Auror says to me.

20 minutes later

"I hate this fucking system." I mutter as my arms are restrained tightly behind my back.

They take me to the Ministry and I glare at them as well pass Harry and Ron.

"Ashley what did you do?" Ron asks me.

I look at him. "I have no fucking clue, but I'll get out of it. I always manage to do." I say and Harry looks concerned.

"Underage drinking, illegal use of Necromancy, aparating in and out of the regions without permission, threatening arrest to a death eater even though you have no power to do so, illegally harassing muggles." The auror who has my wrists, says to me.

I stare at the ground thinking.

"DO YOU NOT REMEMBER DOING ANY OF THIS?" Another Auror yells shocked.

My gaze looks over to him in a steel glare, making him tense up in fear. "Your annoying." I say in a cold tone.

The drinking and threats, and aparates are recent, Necromancy was in the fifth year, and harassments.

"When have I harassed muggles? Magic wise? Pretty sure that would have had me immediately expelled and put in Azkaban? I never used magic against the Dursleys, or Melissa, or Jacob, Warren and Howler. I never harassed Hermione's parents, they were nice to me." I say to myself.

"Ashley, your actually thinking about this?" Harry asks me surprised.

I look up at him. "Well I do plan on getting these restrains off me, they're uncomfortable." I say and I get pushed forward, everything goes silent.

"Your dead." Harry says to the guy who pushed me.

I take a deep breath in and I release it slowly, I stand up straight and I stare forward for a moment, before I jump up and round house kick the guy in the head, landing on my feet again while he falls to the ground.

"Ashley they could use that against you." Ron warns nervously.

"I never throw the first punch, push or kick, he started it. If he or anyone wants to tattle on me, then they can take it up with me personally. I'm not dealing with petty bullshit." I say as I glare coldly at the guy on the ground.

He stares up at me in terror.

I hmpf and I turn around and I started walking.

"Holy shit." Ron whispers.

"Your just like your mother." The Auror who pushed me, grunts out.

I stop for a moment, and I turn around slowly, I meet his eyes and I tch. "I'm a Black, not a Hofstetter, that woman is a traitor to my family and my Father. As far as I'm concerned, she's not the one who raised me. Narcissa did a better job and I only saw her once a week." I say coldly and I head to the court room.

The restraints get taken off me and the Minister looks at me.

We go through the whole damn process and I get let off because I do have my own privlages.

I leave the court room, rubbing my wrists, pissed off.

"Ashley!" Hermione says shocked as she joins my side at once.

I glare at the ground. "Not right now 'Mione. I need some time to cool off. Today has been bad from the start." I say and she looks at me surprised.

"Ashley, what happened?" Hermione asks me worried.

I just shake my head and I aparate to my Manor.

I get changed into a black t-shirt and black gym pants and I put on a pair of tennis shoes.

I head to the basement, its decked out with training equipment that my brothers got, to control their anger.

I just beat up a punching bag for hours, until I'm sweating so much I can barely see, my arms are tired, and the punching bag is losing stuffing.

"You ok?" Reg asks as I rewind time on the punching bag.

I stare at the punching bag, breathing heavily. "The Ministries dogs tend to piss me off easily." I say and Reg looks at me surprised. "Event after event after event, fucking ministry dogs have to fucking piss me off in the middle of the ministry lobby after arresting me for no good fucking reasons." I say as I punch the punching bag with every word.

"I take that as a no." Reg says to me.

I stare hard at the punching bag as I breath heavily. "It all started with pushing me, I kicked back, Aurors get terrified of me easily, but the fucking audacity to tell me, I am just like my mother, thats when I just about kill someone, until I remember that my Mother murdered people, and I have to restrain my pissed off rage in front of the minister in the court." I say and I punch the punching bag away again. "I'm nothing like that cold hearted, abusive, unfeeling, murderer of a failed Mother." I mutter and I punched the punching bag as it comes back at me again.

"Ashley, just how bad did Caroline get?" Reg whispers.

I stop the punching bag and I turn to look at him. "She sent me and my brothers and sister to boarding schools once we were old enough. During the summers she'd pull me away into a room, abuse the fuck out of me with dark magic and seal away my memories of it. I'd wake up fater feeling like I died, every time and I never knew why, that bitch after I got into Hogwarts, she left for good, she disappeared, got captured and sent to Azkaban, got out with Bellatrix, hunted me down, and during my capture, she told me everything, everything she did to me when I was a kid, she did it with this sick, twisted smile, as if she enjoyed watching me glare at her as my childhood fell apart, she unsealed the memories and everything made sense." I say as I stare at the wall.

I turn around and I deliver one final punch to the punching bag and it flies off the chain and hits the wall.

"Ashley," Reg trails off shocked.

I just head up the stairs and I go shower in my bathroom.

I change into a maroon sweater with the letter A on the front, Molly gave it to me recently, I then put on a pair of black ripped jeans and my combat boots.

I look at myself for a moment and I shake my head.

I go to a diner and I sit down in a booth, looking at the menu.

I barely have any appetite, but I have to eat and I don't want to cook.

"Hello Miss." The waitress says as she catches my attention.

I look up at her, and holy fuck is she adorable. She has mouse brown hair done in two dutch braids, hazel eyes and of course her Waitress Uniform.

"What would you like to drink?" The waitress asks with a smile.

I stare at her for a long time.

"Uh, Miss?" She asks nervously and that snaps me out of staring.

"Sorry, sorry, uh," I clear my throat looking at the beverages. "Water please." I say to her as I keep my eyes away from her.

"Coming right up." She says to me with a grin and she leaves.

I stare at her as she walks away, well, more like I look at her ass.

Fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, how is she that cute? What's wrong with me? I like guys, right? But she's cute, but guys are hot, but she looks cute. What the fuuuuuccckkkk?

You are straight, you are straight, you are straight, you are straight, you are straight. She's a mouse. She's a cute, mouse. She's a mouse! Guys are wolves, I like wolves, I love wolves. But she's a cute mouse. Oh my god.

I put my head in my arms, the internal struggle real, because I want to get to know her, but at the same time, what is happening with my feelings?

I put my hands over my head, trying to convince myself that guys are better.

"Here you go Miss." The girl says as she places my water in front of me.

I look up at her. "T-Thanks." I squeak out and she giggles.


My face starts to burn and I avert my eyes very quickly.

"So, what would you like to order, Miss?" The waitress asks me.

I look at the menu and I point to the steak and mashed potatoes meal.

"Are you ok Miss?" The Waitress asks me.

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm questioning my sexuality right now." I breath out.

She giggles. "Well you want the steak and mashed potato meal right?" She asks me and I nod. "Alright, I'll be right back Miss." She says to me with smile and she leaves.

What's wrong with me?

After about 10 minutes, the waitress places my food in front of me and gives me a smile as she leaves.

I stare at her, my face burning.

I start to eat and I find I'm hungrier than I originally thought.

"Miss are you getting enough to eat?" The waitress asks as she comes back after a few minutes to see I've stopped eating my food once its half gone.

I look at her as she sits in front of me in the booth.

"Come on, eat some more, you look like you need it." She says to me with a smile.

I stare at her and I continue eating.

"What's your name Miss?" The waitress asks me with a smile.

I swallow some mashed potatoes. "Ashley." I say nervously.

"My name is Selena, your adorable Miss Black." She says as she gets up and I stare at her shock. "Well I hope you enjoy your meal Miss Black." She says to me with a smile and she goes to the kitchen.

I finish eating and I leave the amount I owe along with tips and I leave, fast.

My face burns as I leave, thinking about her.

I aparate into Harry's house, startling him off his chair.

"Ashley? You look scared, what happened?" Harry asks me.

I stare at him. "I don't know what I like anymore." I say and Harry looks worried by that.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks me.

"Well I went to go get dinner at a diner I haven't been too in a while. Well there was a girl." I say and Harry nods.

"A girl?" Harry asks me.

I nod rapidly. "A girl. She's really cute, like reallllllly cute, so I sat in my booth for 20 minutes, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with me since conflicting feelings." I say and Harry nods.

"Just take your time Ashley." Harry says to me.

I look at him. "I sat in that booth trying to convince myself I'm straight. Like she was cute, and nice, and cute, and her ass." I say as I stare at him.

Harry nods. "Ashley, just say it." Harry says to me.

I pretty much fumble with my words.

"Take your time." Harry says to me.

"GIRLS!" I yell very abruptly.

Harry chuckles. "Your Gay?" Harry asks me.

"I don't know!" I say, frustrated with myself. "What the fuck is happening?" I ask him.

Harry looks at me amused. "Your Sirius's daughter." Harry says to me.

"Holy shit your right." I say to him.

"Let's go tell Ron." Harry says to me.

"NOOOO! I need you to see this girl first." I say to him.

"Ashley." Harry says amused.

"She made me eat with a few words." I say to Harry and he nods.

"Let's go see the wonder woman." Harry says to me and I nod.

I aparate us outside the diner and we go inside.

We sit down and the whole ordeal goes over again.

Selena walks over to us. "Miss Black? Your back already?" She asks surprised.

I just stare at her and Harry chuckles amused. "I'm her brother." Harry says to her.

"Hello Mr. Potter." Selena says to him with a smile.

I can't stop staring at her, she's cute and pretty and nice and she knows who I am.

She knows who I am. Why?

"Well what would you two like to drink?" Selena asks us.

"Water." I say quickly and she giggles, making my face burn, Harry chuckles.

"I'll have the same." Harry says to her and she nods and leaves.

I stare at her ass as she walks to the kitchen.

"Your a disaster." Harry says to me amused.

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