Start Again | Choni

By jade_sk15

53.8K 1.4K 501

|CHONI| Cheryl Blossom is a shy girl with a troubled past, who returns to Riverdale after years of being hidd... More

i'm not cheryl with all the extra baggage. i'm just cheryl.
you're not hopeless, you're not stupid, you're amazing
i didn't get to say goodbye
good girls are blonde, bad girls are brunette, and the devils are redheads
like a whole new person
get your sapphic serpent hands off my body
it's time for a little chaos
you're so beautiful and you don't even know it
please don't leave
i didn't have to pretend anymore
dead girl walking
i'm going to fight you with everything i have
you can't keep me here
family is so much more than just blood
make a choice
i'm coming for you, toni
driving me crazy
we're going to win
take care
i got you
fury of fire
the war has only just begun
time to go to war
i'll kill you
you can go and burn in hell
queen and queen

what did i ever do to her?

1.3K 40 14
By jade_sk15

Cheryl's POV

I thought about school all night. I didn't want to go back, not when Veronica was out. So far, I'd managed to avoid her by basically just staying in my room for the rest of the weekend. Hiram had been in and out of the apartment, I know what his footsteps sound like, but I didn't know where he went all day. Hermione spent a lot of time in my room, just sitting with me and smiling, talking about anything. It was Sunday night, and she was brushing herself folding my tops into a neat pile. "Hermione, is everything okay?" I asked and I noticed her eyes were glassy. "Cheryl, I..."

Before she could respond, the door burst open and in walked Hiram, with Veronica right behind. "Mi amor, could you give us a moment? I'll join you in my study in a minute." He said softly but firmly. She looked at me carefully before leaving silently. I swear I heard her sob just outside the door but then she walked away and I stared at Hiram. "What do you want?" I scowled. He didn't respond, he just moved so he was sitting at the end of the bed, not breaking eye contact. "Cheryl, I don't want us to be enemies. But, just remember, you live here for free, you eat the food off our table, wear clothes so graciously given to you by my weak-willed wife, so watch your manners." His voice was sickly sweet, it was sharp, filled with daggers as he spoke. "Get to the point, Hiram." He frowned, if possible, even more, and stood up. "You're going to drop all charges against Veronica and Nick, you're going to school tomorrow, nothing happened, and you're not going to see that Southside Scum anymore." "And what if I don't?" I asked. "In return, I won't throw you out of my house. And your precious Serpent will be fine. I'll know if you don't, Veronica will be keeping a close eye on you from now on. You've joined our family, which means you live by our rules. Understand?" He waited for me to respond so I nodded slowly and he smirked. "Excellent. Goodnight, Miss Blossom." He said professionally and turned to leave. "Oh, and one more thing, don't tell Hermione any of this, it won't do her any good to worry. Sleep tight."

Veronica just stared, not moving. She was starting to creep me out. "What are you doing?" I broke the silence as she stood blocking the door. "Toni doesn't want you." She said coldly. "Toni told me she doesn't love you. She felt sorry for you, that's all. Why would she want someone as weak and ugly and broken as you?" She sneered, taking a step towards me. I felt her harsh breath on my face. "So you don't see her again, you don't so much as acknowledge her presence. As far as you're concerned, she doesn't exist, she's just some lonely Southsider trying to cause trouble. Got it." I nodded, my bottom lip trembling, and she turned and left, slamming my door shut.

As soon as she was gone, I broke down, hugging my pillow as I drenched it with tears. Even if Veronica was lying, what if just a little bit was true? I knew I was weak, I was ugly, and definitely broken... but I thought Toni wanted me? I wanted her, I wanted her so much. That just made Veronica's words hurt even more. I couldn't face going to school again, not with Toni everywhere I turn. And then I remembered out music project, how was I supposed to complete that if I couldn't see her?

I proposed the question to Hiram over breakfast in the morning. "Oh, you won't have to worry about that Cheryl. I've sorted everything out with Principal Weatherbee. Your timetable has been altered, some classes changed, and he's agreed to average out your scores for the year so you don't need to attend any classes if you don't want to. You just have to walk through the doors in the morning, and leave in the afternoon. What you do in between is entirely up to you." He smiled and passed me the bread basket. "Roll?"

I was hurt by his actions, he was taking control of my life, my classes, who I see? Isn't it enough to make me forget about the assault the other night? I stood up without responding and headed back to my room, ignoring the calls from Hermione. I rifled through my things, looking for my phone. I swear I left it on my bedside table. Never mind, I just needed to get out of the house, but I had no one to talk to, nowhere to go. Once again, I was truly alone.


Veronica strolled through the double doors, brushing back her curls, in her Vixens uniform, her top showing off her toned abs, her skirt exaggerating her long legs. She grabbed Archie as she passed him and he stumbled behind her into the student lounge. Walking past, I saw her stick her tongue down his throat and I saw Toni out of the corner of my eye... but I couldn't do it. I couldn't see her, not if I wanted to protect her. I had to keep her safe.

Instead, I went to see Weatherbee. He handed me my new timetable with a concerned look. "Are you sure you want to swap to Economics, Business Management and Advanced Calculus?" I bit my lip to stop myself from saying no and just nodded. He sighed and gave me the stack of papers I needed to catch up on. "Library is empty in the mornings if you want a place to work." He said before showing me out.

I worked hard all morning, trying to ignore the sick feeling developing in my stomach. I prayed that Toni wouldn't go looking for me, as far as I knew, she never ever went to the library. Music was pulsing through my ears, and I didn't notice the person approaching until they sat in front of me. "So this is where you've been hiding." I looked up, snapping my book shut instinctively. "V-Veronica, what do you w-want?" God, I was a nervous wreck again. "Just checking you got the message." She grinned and sat down opposite so I couldn't look away. "And just so you know, Toni's done with you, so you can stop feeling sorry for yourself, you pathetic little crybaby."

Her words cut right through me like a sharp blade and I felt like I was being torn in two. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to run away from all of this, I wish I died in that fire with my parents so I didn't have to live like this. Veronica strode off and I allowed the tears to flow down my cheeks into the paper. Why was she controlling my life like this? What did I ever do to her?

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