Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

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These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Dealing with a lot of stuff
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
Better man
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
Firehouse is my family
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
I have something to tell you
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again

Just the two of us

785 7 0
By myersa81

Stella's POV: right now I am at home after shift it still feels weird to be here without Kelly. I hope this ofi work doesn't last much longer I miss seeing him as much as I did. I am watching tv when my phone starts to ring and I don't know the number but I decide to answer it anyways
S= hello
K= hey babe it's me
S= hey why are you calling on a different number
K= well my phone died for one and for the second part are you sitting down
S= I am kelly you are freaking me out
K= well to start off the cops called me and Seager  back to this building we were at earlier to catch a arsonist and they wanted to make sure they don't mess up the evidence aka make sure they are doing their jobs right
S= of course they do
K= anyways I went to the basement to look what was still down there and then all of  sudden I heard some walk behind me and it turns out it's the arsonist and he had a flare in his hand I told him to put it down and he didn't and so I decide to try and get the flare away form him and we got in a fight and the flare got out of his hand and it started a fire
S= oh my god kelly were you guys trapped
K= yes we were  because the fire got to the stairs but luckily Seager came to the rescue and use A fire  extinguisher to help clear the stairs so we can come up. So I am outside safe the ambo checked me out and I  am good
S= where are you send me your location
K= I am fine don't worry
S= kelly send me your location
K= okay I will Stella ( Stella hangs up)

Once I hang up with Kelly I grab my shoes and put them on by time I got my socks and shoes on I get the text of Kelly's location and once I get the location I hurry up and run to my car and head to his location I know he said he is good but I want to make sure he is okay for my self. Once I arrive I notice  a lot of people standing around it took me a minute but I found Kelly and of course the OFI lady is standing a little too close to him so I go over to him 

WS= all right well I still Believe in you ( see Stella walling toward them) hey you've got company  ( Kelly pulls her into the hug and kiss her cheek)
S= scared the hell out of me
WS= i'll give you to some space
( Kelly and Stella Kiss )

Once he tells me that the ambulance told him he can go home we head home. The next morning I call the chief and tell him I will e coming in late and he is fine with it. Somehow before I head into work I get a lot of text asking me questions about how kelly is doing somehow they found out that kelly was trapped for a minute I don't answer their text and wait to get to work before I ask anyone's questions 

CB=Kay listen up I know you all have questions about Lieutenant severide but at this moment I do not have any answers ... so let's just focus on the shift ahead of us shall we okay only one announcement today this morning I received a phone call from headquarters and they are revaluation  deployment data  as a result they have decide in their infinite wisdom make a slight adjustment to our operational boundaries
H= uh-oh
CB= starting today there will be a several  block overlap with the fine men and women of firehouse 20
H= ah
BG= damn
M= The official fire house of the sun times
H= A bunch of glory hogs every one of em'
CB= your opinion is duly noted ( see Stella walking in) ah Kidd
S= hey
CB= severide's status
S= uh-he minor smoke inhalation no serious wounds he was cleared for duty ( see everyone is looking at her to see what duty she is talking about) uh back to OFI that is
CB= appreciate the update uh that's all for  now  you all are dismissed

Kelly's pov: after I found the dude in the basement  and we finally got out I called Stella because I know if I don't call her she would have been mad once she came  and I was checked out we went home. The next morning she went to work a little late because she wanted to make sure I was good once she left I got myself ready and headed to work myself. Once I arrive at work Seager told me that van- meter wants to see me in his office
VM= I'll hand it to you have the flare for the heroic you went well above the call of duty to apprehend a professional arsonist while freeing an innocent man
K= just doing what I was assigned to do
VM= in the process you broke let's see one...two., I'll round it up and say a thousand standing orders maxed out your overtime for the year nearly got yourself killed to close a case that was already closed
K= Captain
VM= severide you are one of the most gifted investigators I've ever met and your fired
K= sir I... am
VM= at least that's what I plan to tell the commissioner when I speak to him  this afternoon I'll asked you be transferred back to squad 3 with all possible hasle that ought to be resolve any obligations you have to the man
K= I appreciate that
VM= not as much as I do thanks again now go back to 51 and do what you do best
  ( leaves his office )
WS= so what's the up-shot
K= getting transferred back to 51
WS= well you got your reprieve can't  say I won't miss the help
K= well as long as you're here OFI is in good hands
WS= thanks kelly that means a lot
K= I'll see you around
WS= hey you know don't be a stranger just because you're back on squad doesn't mean I won't need Help from time to time in beside you'll miss us  and you also strike me as a guy who has a hard time being tied down to one thing
K= You've got my number

I leave ofi and head home once I am home I decide to clean up the place while I wait on the call form  Grissom that  I can go back to 51 for sure. He finally Calls me and tells me that I can go back to 51. Once I got off the phone with him I called Boden and told him the great news about how I will be returning to 51 next shift once I got off the phone with him I decide to call Stella so I can share the news with her 

S= hey you how are you today
K= I am good
S= that's good you aren't chasing any crazy arsonist today
K= no I am not I am actually at home
S= you are what for
K= well that brings me to the reason I am calling you I have some good news
S= you do what is it
K= well Grissom is letting me come back to firehouse 51  the next shift 
S= wow I am so happy I can't wait to see you at work again 
K= same here 
S= did you cal the chief already
K= yes I did I called him already he is happy to have me back already So how was how work been going today
S= it's been okay
K= that's good well I will see you when you get off work soon then
S= actually I have to go straight to Molly's after shift so I won't be home until late
K= so I will either see you when you come home later or in the morning 
S= all right bye babe
K= have fun babe   

Once I hang up with her I go and grab my clothes for work tomorrow and put them in my bag and then I go and grab something to eat

Stella's POV:  I just got off the phone with kelly and he told me that he gets to come back to work next shift which I am happy to have him back at work. I have notice the tension between Emily and Brett all shift and it seems like Emily is acting a little off I wonder why. I am at Molly's and I see that Brett is sitting alone at a table so I decide to bring her another beer to see if she could tell me what's going on 

S= hey lady whatcha doing all alone
SB= I wanted to hang and now that I am here feeling antisocial I guess
S= is this about foster
SB= did you notice that too
S= well I noticed that she's riled up about something that's all
SB= hey out of the blue she starts challenging my authority as a PIC gonna on about her med school experience I mean It's really insulting I mean I'm try to be accommodating but I have a limit
S= well can you tell her that directly
SB=( see foster enter Molly's) I gotta go I'm not up for this tonight ( walks away)
EF= um I'm sorry did I interpret something

I let them deal with them on their own I hope they can figure it out by next shift so I don't have to get into the middle of their drama. A couple hours later me and Herman close Molly's up and I head to Kelly's once I get there I notice kelly isn't in the living room so he must of gone to bed so I quietly go to his room and see he is asleep so I hurry up and change into my pjs and I try my best to sneak into next to him without waking him up but I failed 

K= oh hey
S= hey sorry to wake you up
K= it's okay so how was Molly's tonight
S= it was okay I tell you what went down at Molly's in the morning
K= all right good night ( kiss her temple)
S= good night

The next morning Kelly gets up before me like always but when I get up I jump into the shower before work once I am dress I start telling him what went down at Molly's last night between Brett and foster '

S= it was ugly like reality show ugly and the once it was over Brett stormed out it kind of killed the vibe at Molly's for the rest of the night
K= well I'm sure they'll figure it out
S= oh my sweet beautiful emotional stunted man ( both laugh and then kiss and then Kelly's phone buzz and Stella notice) you got a text what is the thanks for
K= Seager had a couple questions some cases we didn't have time to close out
S= so this Seager is kind of sticking around for a bit
K= maybe if she needs help ( kelly notice Stella's face) it's just work I swear
S= totally I get it

I think kelly just thinks this thing with Seager is just about work but I have a feeling it more than work for her which is making me mad she should know that he has a girlfriend. I get change for work and see if Kelly wants carpool to work for the first time in a few weeks 

S= hey we taking the same car today or different
K= you go ahead I have to do something before I get to work this morning
S= all right see you at work
K= all right see you there

About 30 Minutes later I am on the apparatus floor with Brett talking to her when Kelly walks in and the squad guys notice him 

CZ= oh there he is return of the king
CP= hey
S= ayo
TF= I'm sorry do I know you
K= ( laughs) all right cut it out all, all right just for that let's start the day by setting up a Denver drill I wanna see how sloppy y'all got while I've been gone

As Kelly and the squad guys walk away I walk into the firehouse and Brett follows me 

you okay
S= yeah of course why
SB= you've got your angst with severide face on I haven't seen that in a while
S= all right last year when all the business with Tyler happened I gave kelly a really hard time about being jealous and now I'm getting a really bad hit... form this OFI partner of his and I'm kind of in a corner because I can't do the same thing right. ( before Brett could answer she see that foster is walking toward them and Stella notice that foster turns around right away) no,no,no,no,no both of you with me come on ( walked into the laundry room) you there , I really don't want to be getting in the middle of your drama but I have to say my piece there are three woman on this shift we need each other we can't be doing this so I am asking for a minute set aside your own stuff and just hear each other out because 51 needs you I need you truce

General pov; before anyone can say something the bells go off calling truck, squad , engine and ambulance to a structure fire. On the way to the fire firehouse 20 jumped on the radio wanted to take the fire and main let them take it and told everyone they else to return to quarters so they stop at the light and as they were stop Matt notice a truck they saw at a call from last shift that cause the accident and they guy ended up driving away fast so the whole firehouse turn into chasing after him about 5 minutes later they trapped him and the cops and Got him arrested.

Stella's POV;   After the fun chase we were in we had a pretty quiet rest of the shift. Emily and Brett finally make up with each other so that's good . Right now I am at Molly's hanging out with Kelly when I see Seager walking toward us I thinking why won't this girl go away like he left OFI you can slice your own cases without him 

S= I'll be right back ( I leave them alone)
K= hey
WS= hey ( laughs) heard about your dukes of hazard act yesterday think I might get why you miss being on the front line
K= yeah it's not all fun and car chases every once and a while we fight fires
WS= look I know it's not quite as exciting as all that but I pulled another case I think would be right up your alley distillery out near the port of Chicago they're claiming industrial espionage you know headquarters detailed some extra staff to OFI to help lighten the load but frankly they don't have your eyes thought maybe you and I could grab lunch tomorrow? Just to talk it through
K= listen I appreciate you keeping me in mind but I need to put my focus back where it belongs squad 3, house 51 sort of keeping myself tied down to one thing
WS= heat you loud and clear lieutenant take care of your self be safe
K= you too ( she leaves)
S= ( laughs) Herman would probably let me sneak out early if you want just the two of us
K= I'd love that ( they kiss)

Kelly's pov: once Seager texted me and Stella notice the text I could tell Stella was bother by her texting me but I make sure she knows it's just work because to me it is at first that's what I though she did too but then when she came to Molly's tonight she acted more flirty and I notice it for sure this time and I can tell it bugged Stella so I decide to tell her Nicely to back up so I can focus on work and my relationship with Stella and she hear me and left us alone. We go home and enjoy our time alone together

Authors note: sorry that this chapter took me this long to post also I hate that episode 11 didn't have any stellaride content in it. I can't wait until the next episode because it sounds like a big stellaride episode. My opinion on 8x12 is that Seager is lucky Stella didn't slap her or punch  her I wish all the stellaride content was longer  that whole fight between Brett and foster wasn't called for. I hope you like my chapter please let me know what you think of the episode and how I wrote it. 

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