And The Words We Couldn't Spe...

By unboundprincess

261 110 0

Reese always felt different. She thought she'd never be able to be normal. Then, she met Mikey Way. He took h... More



5 2 0
By unboundprincess

After the last show, the guys had a week off. The Fall Out Boy guys went back to Chicago, and The Panic guys went back to Nevada. The My Chem guys took me with them when they went back to New Jersey. As it had been for the last several days, I stayed with Mikey and Gerard. It made me smile, knowing that when they weren't touring, they were staying at home with their mom.

"Okay, now, my mom is going to freak because I'm actually dating someone, so I'm going to apologize now for anything that happens in the next 160 hours..."Mikey said, smiling at me. I nodded nervously, unsure of what exactly he meant. It only took me about two minutes, however, to understand what he meant. We got up to the door, and Gerard knocked. There was a scurrying sound from inside, and a few clinks and clanks before the door opened. A small woman with graying brown hair stood before us. Her eyes widened and she all-but attacked them. I stood back several feet as they reconnected.

"Gerry, you look so different! Did you grow your hair out? Mike, oh, Mike, you look so grown up... Are those new glasses?" She said, continuing to fuss over how they had changed. Finally, Mikey cleared his throat, causing her to close her mouth for the first time since she'd opened the door.

"Mom, I have someone I would like you to meet..."He said, grabbing my hand. "Mom, this is Reese. She's my girlfriend..."I stared at her for a moment before sticking my hand out. She ignored my hand and pulled me into a hug. Gerard snickered and I tried to breathe from her tight grip. Mikey place a firm hand on her shoulder and she released me. I stepped back quickly but subtly, and regained my balance and breath.

"Mikey's never really had a girlfriend that was special enough to have her meet me..."She remarked. Her deep brown eyes shined with a pride and a love that I hadn't ever seen. I smiled at her and Mikey rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah, well, I am going to go put our stuff up..."He said smoothly, ducking behind her into the house. Gerard and I followed her inside. They both took off their shoes at the door, so I did too. She insisted I follow her into the dining room for tea. Gerard just laughed to himself and left to go put his stuff away. She sat me down and poured me a cup of tea. After she had poured her own and sat in front of me, she smiled.

"So, however did you meet my Michael?" She inquired. Her eyes held a certain curiosity that was covered with sheer happiness. I was sure she had missed her boys. I thought for a minute, and as I thought about answering her, I couldn't seem to form the words. I sighed and grabbed my pad of paper. I thought I'd been getting better at speaking, but I really only knew how to speak certain words.

Well, it's a very long story... But, my stepfather left me at a park, and then, before a show, Mikey happened to come along and find me. He offered me a ticket, and then, afterwards, we met up and chatted. After he found out what'd happened, he asked if I'd like to go with them. I agreed, and we just got closer and eventually, we realized we both really, really cared for each other. So, that's what happened.

As she read it, she smiled. Then, she got a troubled look on her face. I raised a brow and she shook her head. We sat there awkwardly until we heard footsteps, followed by a loud series of thuds. Mikey jumped up off the floor and smoothed his hair. He walked into the kitchen as if nothing happened.

"Mike, did you fall down those stairs already?" His mom asked, laughing quietly to herself. He just laughed, nodding slowly. I shook my head, wondering how often that happened. "Well, maybe she'd like to go change clothes or something?" He looked at me and I shrugged, which I guess he took as a yes. He led me up the stairs to his room. He showed me where the bathroom was and where he put my clothes before leaving to give me some privacy. I looked around his room. The walls were covered in random drawings that I'm guessing Gerard must've drawn, seeing as how they were all signed by G.A.W. I noted the bookshelf that was crammed full of books. There were papers on a desk, but other than that, it was perfectly clean. I went and changed clothes and washed up before quietly heading back downstairs.

"Michael, I just don't understand why you can't ever have a normal girlfriend. Is that so hard to do?" She asked quietly. I stopped walking upon hearing that statement.

"Well, Mother, maybe I don't want a normal girlfriend!" He argued just as quietly. She sighed.

"Well, I don't care what you say. She's going to cause you a lot of trouble."

"You don't know her like I do. Don't judge her. She has been through hell, and I'm not letting her go back. Mom, I don't care if I have your permission or not... But, she's the one..."I felt my beat faster.

"And just how are you so damn sure?"

"Well, for starters, she's beautiful and funny and smart. She listens and actually cares. She makes my heart beat retardedly, and I get butterflies like crazy when I'm with her. She makes me smile when I'm sad and she makes me laugh when I cry. Mom, no one has ever made me feel like that... I really just want your support on this... I wish you would trust my judgments..."

"How can I do that when I've seen you get hurt so many times? All of those girls who you were in love with that dated you because they wanted to get to Gerard. Mikey, you just don't understand how that makes me feel as a mother. I love you, and I always will. But weird girls just cause problems for you... You know that."

"You know what, Mother? Maybe I don't care. I love her, okay? Is that what you needed me to say? I really and truly love her. I'm not in love with her. I love her. Okay? I do with all my heart..."

"Oh, Michael... I wish you'd just think this over..."She said before what sounded like gathering the dishes.

"What are you doing?" A voice said from behind me.

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