And The Words We Couldn't Spe...

By unboundprincess

261 110 0

Reese always felt different. She thought she'd never be able to be normal. Then, she met Mikey Way. He took h... More



6 2 0
By unboundprincess

"Alright, well, I think the guys are done, "The blonde guy said after a little while. I looked at him and he smiled. He told me to follow him because he would take me to see the guys. I followed him quickly. Soon, Pete and the guy with red hair followed us. We met up with a guy with a black afro that resembled Ray's.

"Hey, who is this?" The new guy asked. I rolled my eyes and the blonde guy explained that they were taking back to the My Chem guys. The guy with red hair scoffed and I turned to glare at him.

"Well, can she not talk?" The new guy asked. The blonde guy just shrugged and held a door open for me. He led me down a dark hallway and knocked on a door. Gerard opened it and we all walked in. Mikey ran to me and picked me up, hugging me tightly.

"What happened? Are you okay? How'd you find us?" He asked quickly. I walked over and poked Pete and then pointed at the blonde guy. "Trick, thank you, "he said gratefully. "I was worried someone had stolen her!" I pulled out the pad of paper.

I told you I wasn't a fan, you dumbass. I showed Pete. He laughed and put his hands up.

"You're right, "he admitted. "You did tell me." Mikey just looked at me and shook his head.

"Well, we're all glad you're okay, "Gerard said, putting an arm around me. I hugged him and he smiled.

"Wow, she kind of looks like she could be your daughter, dude, "Pete said, laughing. Gerard looked at me and smiled.

"She does, doesn't she?" He said, moving the hair from in front of my face. I stared into his brown eyes and smiled.

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt the reunion, "Phil said, coming into the room. "But we have got to get you guys on stage. Pete and Patrick, are you guys ready?" The blonde guy and Pete nodded. "Andy and Joe, are you ready?" The red head and the guy with the afro nodded. They all left with Phil, and Mikey looked at me.

"Are you okay? Pete didn't try anything, did he?" He asked, searching my eyes. I shook my head, and he pulled me into a hug. I felt almost smothered, but I was so glad to see them that I didn't even care. Bob entered the room. Mikey made a low sound that almost sounded like a growl. My eyes widened when Bob fled the room. "I'm sorry we left you. I told Bob to make sure he got you up, but he didn't... But, are you sure you're okay?" I nodded, laughing at Bob, now that I understood why he fled.

"Wow, "Ray said suddenly. "Something just occurred to me. We are all attached to her! It's like she fit right in with us. It hasn't even been a week and it's like she's known us our entire lives!" I thought for a minute and nodded.

"It's like it was fate for us to find her, "Frank said. I raised a brow and wrote something down.

I think that is the deepest thing I've heard him say. I showed Mikey who just laughed.

"What did it say?" Frankie asked excitedly. I put it in my bag, and he pouted. "Fine, if you don't love me..."I rolled my eyes and walked over and sat in his lap. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He sighed and hugged me back. "Fine, I guess I forgive you..."

"Well, after they get off set, I think we should tell Trick to watch her. He's most responsible in that group, "Ray announced. "We can't leave her by herself. Plus, she'll get bored just sitting back here." Mikey thought for a minute before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I guess that'd be okay. If it's okay with her, that is, "he said, checking with me. I nodded and he smiled. "Yeah, that'll be fine."

We all sat around and discussed the game plan for the rest of the week. I really wouldn't have even had a say in anything, except for the fact Mikey kept checking to make sure I was okay with it. I nodded, because I didn't think I should have a say in it anyways. They took me in and I had no right to complain about anything they did. After a while, Phil came back and told them that they had to go on soon. Mikey took me over to Patrick.

"Dude, will you hang out with her? I think she should get a chance to experience more than just back here, "Mikey explained. Patrick smiled.

"Of course, "he said. "Is she allergic to anything?" Mikey shook his head.

"And, go ahead and get her some band stuff, "Mikey said, smiling at me. I smiled back and soon, he left after the others.

"So, I'm Patrick, in case you didn't know that, "he said, sticking his hand out. I nodded, shaking his hand. "So, I'm really sorry for not believing you. You would not believe some of the crazy things we've heard." I laughed. "Well, let's go experience something outside of this room, "he said, winking at me. He took my hand and led me back outside into the crowds. He pulled his hood over his head and put and arm around my waist. "Okay, what do you want to do first?" I just shrugged. He smiled and took me up to a booth. "Are you hungry?" I nodded slowly. "Okay, great, "he said smiling.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The vender asked. Patrick looked at me.

"What would you like? Pick anything, "he said, smiling. I looked at the menu. I had decided that the coconut banana milkshake sounded interesting, so I pointed to it. He smiled. "Those are my favorite. Two coconut banana milkshakes, please, "he ordered. The vender nodded and Patrick pulled out his wallet and put the money down.

"Here you go, two coconut banana milkshakes, "the vender said, handing them to Patrick. "Have a nice night, and enjoy the show!" We walked away and he handed one of the cups to me.

"These things are amazing. I swear, I'm like addicted to them, "he said laughing. I took a drink and instantly regretted it. I put my hand on my head and he laughed. "It's too cold to drink so much at once, "he said, putting his arm around me again. I nodded and took a smaller sip. It actually was really good. "Alright, so, what should we do now?" I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. He smiled as he led me to a crowd of people.

"Hey, Ross, "he called out. A short guy spun around and acknowledged Patrick with a nod. Then, it dawned on me. He was about to introduce me to more strangers.

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