The Mitchell Boys

FightingAndSurviving รกltal

445K 16.5K 4.6K

๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐. ๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ ... Tรถbb

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 36

6K 263 16
FightingAndSurviving รกltal

We waved goodbye to Kim, Teresita, and Wes then headed out. I made sure to do research on the place and there is a bus stop right by the cafe. That stop lead to another that lead right by the Mitchells neighborhood. So, I would just walk home then. I'm not sure if Addy was going to stay or drop me off, so I brought bus money.

"Girl we made it! Holy shit!" She screamed in her car. I smiled and laughed with her, "I'm so ready to get shit faced." My smile dimmed at her statement remembering I can't. "How bout you?" I put my smile back on and laughed, "Hell yes i am!"

She blasted music on her radio and we sang along to them. When i say sang i mean shouted till our vocal cords strained. "Oh my gosh, I totally forgot you don't know!" She yelled at a stop light and looked at me. I grabbed her chin and made her face the road again because the lights changed.

"Oh, sorry." I couldn't hear what she said so I turned down the volume. "Okay, what did you forget to tell me?" I asked her. "So you know how in the movies the cheerleaders are like the most popular and worshiped right?" It seemed like a rhetorical question so I didn't answer.

"Well that's kinda like the dance team here, because some of the most popular and richest girls are on the team we're on a high pedestal at school. So, when the team is decided there's usually this big ass party at this 16 and up bar downtown. We'll rent the whole place out, get bands, drinks, the whole shabang. It's fucking awesome." She told me excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat thinking about it.

"Fun!" I answered trying to match a fraction of her enthusiasm. The word party forming a lump in my throat, bringing back memories i try to rid myself of. Parties are going to try to drag out the me that I'm trying so badly to hide in this shell of a body.

"Yo, did you hear anything I just said?" I snapped back into reality and laughed. "Yeah, totally, continue I'm just thinking." She nodded and went on in the middle of a story about the party. I could honestly say i have no idea what was going on.

I zoned out again and waited till she was done. "It was insane! Turn here right?" I hummed in confirmation. "So, any stories about the Mitchell boys at these parties?" I tried to ask nonchalantly and disinterested.

Why was I asking about those assholes anyways? It's not like I care at all, I'm just looking for dirt on them. Addy gave me a look but I just crossed my arms and leaned back in the seat. "Why are you interested? Did you already fall into their clutches?"

I made a noise of disgust at and gawked at her. "Never, they all are assholes and deserve a good ass whooping." I leaned back into the seat and spoke quieter. "I'm just curious because they seem to be the most popular at school. Just wondering if there's a reason? Like what's so special about them?"

"Well you seem to know them pretty well already." She gave me a sly look and my face dropped. "What do you mean?" I asked skeptically as she changed into the right lane. "We'll you just said and I quote, "they're all assholes and deserve a good ass whooping." She wiggled her eyebrows at me as I blew out a breath of air.

"I don't know them," which was the truth i guess, "But anyone can tell that they're spoiled rich assholes at first glance. And i have some classes with them." Like all my classes but we can ignore that. "They are pretentious assholes. I want to know why they're so fucking popular?"

Addy nodded her head, "I guess I would know what you mean if I just transferred into our school last minute and have no idea about all the 'rich' politics."

I started to nibble on my bottom lip listening, waiting for any explanation at all. "I guess it all started middle school but i didn't know them then so i'm not going to do he said she said." I nodded, respecting her decision.

"Well freshman year is where it really started. They all were officially Michell's so they had all the power and fortune that came with the name." I tucked that information into the back of my head.

"You might not know but the Mitchells are multibillionaires. Mr. Mitchell owns so many companies and organizations that i don't have enough fingers to count them." My eyebrows rose in shock and bile rose in my throat. I'm living in a mansion with a multibillionaire and his asshole sons.

"You okay?" Addy asked. I nodded and smiled, "Continue." She nodded and started again. "So before anyone even knew that they were mitchells they were adored by all the upper grade girls because of how good looking they were.They weren't starving for attention or anything.

"But when it went around that they were the mitchell boys that rose ten fold. The were already going up the food chain. But at this time they were really rough around the edges and been through a ton of shit apparently. So they were doing some really awful shit to be honest. But this is based on what i heard and some on what i've seen."

She bit her lip and took a sip of water. "Like there's a school that we don't get along at all with. They're our rivals and enemies and we get into it a lot. North Ridge. Remember at this time there was a lot of shit wrong with them. I'm not sure if there still is after the incident last year or if they're just hiding it." She seemed to go into a daze but snapped back too.

"Where was i again?" She asked, "You were talking about North Ridge." She clicked her tongue in her mouth, "Oh yeah, well there was a big ass party freshman year and everyone from our school was there. We were all getting into it and getting pretty fucking drunk and fucked up when people started going missing."

"It was really weird and scary, turned out people from North Ridge came and were drugging people." My eyes widened in horror at that. "Then they stepped in. North Ridge had knives and weapons but they still fought them. It was hella scary and gruesome. So not only did they have lackies wanting money and to be in their favor but fear and respect. Some were feared more, example Ash because we will beat up anyone that even looks at him the wrong way. Some were more respected like Brian the first king of the school."

She took a hand off the wheel and pointed at me as she parked at the cafe, "Don't let that deed cloud your vision, they were still fucked up. They became the kings because they have power and fear. They could end anyone at the school in one word. A new girl on there arms everyday, they're bad news and I'd recommend staying out of their way. Graduation is right around the corner, don't step on a grenade when you see it. Walk around when you have the chance.

I smiled at her words of wisdom and took my stuff out of the back seat. "Do you want me to stay?" She stuck her head out the open window to ask. I smiled and waved her off, "You have a life, you can go." She looked around nervously, "This place is hella sketchy, are you sure about this? I can take you home now if you want?" I smiled again and shook my head.

"It's fine. Truely. You forget that I was raised in places like this. Be safe on your way home." She looked around nervously again and bit her cheek. "Do you have a ride home." I nodded again and started to walk to the cafe.

"Be safe on your ride home!" I shouted out to her. "I should be saying that to you!" She yelled at me because I walked too far away. I turned and gave her a thumbs up, then walked into the cafe.

I walked to the glass door and there was paper and duct tape covering a hole in the glass door. I grabbed the knob ignoring the crunch under my shoes and walked inside. The bell chimed when it was open all the way.

A head of a different woman then last time popped up from behind the counter. She had an angled bob of black hair and light purple highlights in it. She had a sickly thin face and what seemed frame. Piercings on her lip, nose, eyebrows, and ears. She even had a bridge and septum, she had makeup caked on her face and a shit ton of black eyeliner. She had sleeve tattoos and someone her neck from what I could tell.

"We're closed if you can't read the door. And Jimmy! Why the hell didn't you lock it!" She yelled at someone in the back. There was no answer and she just sighed in annoyance.

"Um, I'm actually here for a job interview. I got an email saying it would be today around this time." Recognition. "Ohhhh, you're Chris! I thought you would be a boy based on the name. Sorry. Yeah, i'll go get the manager. Oh wait, I am the manager. Hello, I'm Brianna." She started laughing then walked to a table. She pulled a stool off the top of it and sat down. Then signalled for me to do the same. I set my crap down and did just that.

"Okay, let me see your papers." I pulled them out and handed them to her. She skimmed them then threw them on the table, "You can't work here." I stared at her in shock, "What! Why?" I raised my voice to show my shock. I was a perfect candidate for this place.

"Because you live in WestBrooke." She spat in disgust. I looked at her like she's insane. "So?" Now she looked at me like I was dumb."We don't hire people who rely on their daddies money for everything. Bet you never lifted a finger or held a stable job in your life." Now it was my turn to be pissed.

"Well maybe if you read the fucking paper you would read that I moved here from Colton, yeah that town where all the poor druggy criminals live. That I'm living with my fucking aunt and her boyfriend. Or that I've been working since I was fourteen." I snapped, not even caring if I get the job or not.

I was surprised when she laughed and smiled. "Okay you're hired." She said with a smile. I just stared at her again in shock, "Wait, what?" She leaned back in her seat. "I read the paper and I can tell you're fully qualified for the job. But we are right next to a bar and I needed to make sure you had backbone."

I smiled slightly, "Okay, cool." I leaned back into the seat too. "This is part time so we need to make the days and schedule because we have and had a few people already want or wanting a job." I nodded and thought about it.

The bus comes at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and if needed 10:30 at night. So i can go from dance to here then their house. Dance would end at four thirty for practices but for games and shows, that's a whole different ball park.

"I don't get my official after school schedule till tomorrow. Right now work five to whenever i guess. But I'd need my guardians permission for the ending time." She nodded. "I guess for right now you can work five to eight thirty or nine thirty. I don't know yet. Because we close at 9 thirty, then how about the weekends. By the way, this is just an idea or rough draft until you get your schedule and we can make an official plan."

I beamed excitedly, "Because you're here might as well help out. Get a feel for everything and i'll teach you the menu. You've worked in several cafes before so you should be fine." I nodded and went to the back.

We washed our hands and she showed me what everything was and where it was. I already knew all the ingredients so I just needed to instructions. She showed me that they were tapped to the wall and counter.

She gave me a broom and instructed me to sweep up all the glass at the door because jim disappeared somewhere. "What happened to this door anyways?" I questioned while picking a huge piece of glass on the floor.

"Some angry dude came when we were closing. He thought we were the bar and already drunk off his mind. Punched a fucking hole through the door and shattered the glass, and fucked up his hand." she shook her head, "He must be paying in the hospital because we called an ambulance. Ha, the money he'll be paying for that!"

I chuckled as I grabbed the extra large pieces and put them into the tray. I winced as I felt a piece of the glass cut my palm and some fingers. I had to pick up some pieces by hand because they were in areas too small to sweep up.

This continued a little longer where i would try to be careful but still cut myself. When Brianna saw that there was blood on my hands and pieces of glass she freaked. "What the fuck? Go into the bathroom and wash that shit off. I'll get some bandaids." Then she walked off grumbling about some stupid red head.

I blew out a breath and went into the small hallway she pointed to. There were two bathrooms and each had the sign for either gender. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

The place was messy but not the worst I've seen. The toilet and sink were clean, or as clean as they possibly could be. But thee walls and mirrors were a different story. Covered in graffiti, gang signs, and weird shit. The mirror was scratched and fucked up.

They had the cheap school soap pushed and paper towels. I put the water on and put my hands under and watched it change color. First a dark red than pink. The water would continue to be pink because my hands continued to bleed.

I didn't notice or care if it stung. Having a high pain tolerance and being used to it already. There was a knock on the door and Brianna yelled through it, "I have the bandaids!" I shouted back, "Okay! Coming!" I grabbed a paper towel and tried my hands even though it hurts.

I cursed and opened the door with my right hand which only had a few cuts compared to my left. "Here." she gave me a cheap dollar tree plastic pencil case then walked off. "Thanks." I called out sarcastically. She just gave me the birdy.

That's another reason I can never have a job in the suburbs. I'm not proper nor disciplined enough for that shit. I like jobs where the owner curses and the works feel more like a family then partners.

I opened the box to find a shit ton of 99 cent store bandaids that only stick for five minutes before falling off. I sighed and wrapped them around my wounds and stuck two on my left palm with the big ass cut.

I threw away the wrappers and closed the box. Walking out i held it up as a question. "The closet in the employees room. In the second hallway over there." She pointed to the door behind the cafe counter.

I walked in and set it down on a table not knowing which closet to put it in. "I'm going to wash the counter area. You clean the area and wash the tables. It's going to be a long week for you." I rolled my eyes and took the rag she held up for me.

I was there for another hour just cleaning and learning about the place. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 7:20. "You can go now if you want. There's nothing else for you to do. I'll be leaving soon too." I nodded and grabbed my bags and tried to stick my bandaids on my fingers because they kept becoming undone.

"I expect you here at the same time tomorrow!" she shouted out to me. "You will." I shouted back, "Also where's the bus stop?" I asked. "Go straight to the side walk then turn right. Walk to the brick walls and you'll see it, stay away from the bar there!" She shouted the lasted past as I opened the door. "Thanks!"

Then I left and followed her instructions she gave. I instantly knew where the bar was when I passed it. The smell of alcohol and male desperation was pungent in the air. There were people loitering outside and music and lights streaming through the tinted windows.

It brought back unwanted memories and a thirst in the back of my throat. So I walked past it quickly, trying to avoid attention. I made it to the brick wall and saw the bus stop, I sighed in relief and sat down on the metal bench.

I didn't wait long because the bus came pretty fast. I put in my money at the dispenser and got my ticket. I'm going to need to invest in a bus pass if I'm going to work here.

I made sure to watch carefully outside so I knew when to get off. I pulled the thing to signal i needed off a long ass time later. Because the Cafe was really far away from the Mitchell's house. Which i'm okay with.

I looked at the bus clock and it reads 7:50. He stopped at the stop and i got out. Then he continued going straight down the road. I turned the corner and walked to the bus stop in front of McDonalds. I sat down and chilled for a bit, and once again the bus came pretty fast.

I got on and rode all the way to the sidewalk that leads to the park Addy drops me off at. I pulled the thin, got off, and started walking to the security area. "Hi Daniel." I said cherpily to the security guard.

"Hello Chris." He replied with a lack of energy. "ID, or password." I rolled my eyes, "We've been doing this for a week now. I thought we were closer than that." He gave me a look and I sighed. I grabbed the ID Alyssa gave me for the house.

He passed it back and unlocked the gate. "Have a good day Michael." He shook his head, "My name is Jose!" I laughed. I loved messing with people.

I walked down the houses until i found the bigges one on the corner that lead to their own patch of fucking land. I put the password on their second gate and waltzed in feeling on cloud nine.

I went to the front door and pulled out the key Alyssa gave me. Thank god she's on top of everything. I walked inside into the little opening that lead to two hallways and the living room.

Sighing I walking in to see everyone on the couch watching a movie. They all looked at me and paused the movie. Shit.

Olvasรกs folytatรกsa

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